PCC = Packet Core Controller
PCG = Packet Core Gateway
PRA =Product is release with limited
CRE = Cloud Routing Engine
PDU = Product Development Unit
XFT = Cross Functional Team
PVC =Persistent Volume Claim (持久卷申请)
PV =Persistent Volume (持久卷)
3DES = Triple Data Encryption Standard 3G = Third Generation
3GPP = 3rd Generation Partnership Project. A collaboration between groups of telecommunications associations, to make a globally applicable third generation (3G) mobile phone system specification within the scope of the International Mobile Telecommunications-2000 project of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
AAA = Authentication, Authorization and Accounting. A name given to the network element providing authentication, authorization, and accounting functionality. It is usually RADIUS-based.AA-Answer.
AAL5 = ATM Adaptation Layer 5
AAR = AA-Request
AC-A = Approved Correction Assembly
ACG = Access Control Group
ACR = Access Control Rule
ADP = Application Delivery Package. Application part of the Node Delivery Package. An archive of files that includes a description of a modification structure tree, information about the load units that contain code for the application blocks (for various capsule types) and the load units themselves.
AF = Application Function. An element offering applications that use IP-bearer resources. The AF can through communication with the CRF transfer dynamic charging rules-related service information. The P-CSCF in the IM CN is an example of an AF. Assured Forwarding
AH = Authentication Header. The IP AH seeks to provide security by adding authentication information to an IP datagram.AH/ESP Authentication Header/Encapsulated Security Payload
AIS = Alarm Indication Signal
ALEX = Active Library Explorer
AMI = Alternate Mark Inversion
AMPS = Advanced Mobile Phone Service
AP = Action Point
API = Application Programming Interface. The interface towards the functions and services offered.
APN = Access Point Name. Logical name of the point of entry to external packet data networks.
APN Mgr = APN management. Process on GGSN-C PICARP = Address Resolution Protocol. A TCP/IP protocol that dynamically binds a Network-Layer IP address to a Data-Link-Layer physical hardware address, for instance, Ethernet address. TCP/IP uses the ARP and the RARP to initialize the use of Internet addressing on an Ethernet or other network that uses its own Media Access Control (MAC). ARP allows a host to communicate with other hosts when only the Internet address of its neighbours is known. Before using IP, the host sends a broadcast ARP request containing the Internet address of the desired destination system.
ARS = Application Requirements Specification. The ARS is developed and maintained by the product management team or group. It serves as a basis for all requirements work.
AS = Assignment SpecificationAutonomous System Application Server
ASA = Abort-Session-Answer
ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange ASE = Autonomous System External
ASIC = Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASN.1 = Abstract Syntax Notation One
ASP = Application Service Provider
ASR = Abort-Session-Request
ATM = Asynchronous Transfer Mode. A packet switched technology that breaks up the data into 53-byte cells (48 byte payload).
AUC = Authentication Center. Provides triplets and quintuples to the authentication and encryption process used in the cellular network.
AVP = Attribute Value Pair
B8ZS = Binary Eight Zero Substitution
BA = Behavior Aggregate. All the IP-packets crossing a link and requiring the same Differentiated Services behavior.
BC = Board Controller
BCC = Blind Carbon Copy
BCCH = Broadcast Control Channel
BDP = Boot Delivery Package. The BDP provides support for development of applications. It contains UNIX scripts for installation and configuration of software for the node, as well as development tools.
BE = Back End. The BE of the SS7 stack consists of the SS7 layers MTP-L3, SCCP and TCAP, as well as a back end interface.
Be = Excess Burst Size. Be is related to Bc
BEC = Basic Error Recovery
BECN = Backward Explicit Congestion Notification
BER = Bit Error Rate. The number of erroneous bits sent over a channel.
BERT = Bit Error Rate Test. A test run on a T3 interface to determine whether it is operating properly or not…
BFD = Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
BG = Border Gateway
BGP = Border Gateway Protocol. Border Gateway Protocol is a routing protocol.
BM-MC = Broadcast Multicast-Service Centre The BM-SC forms an integral part of the 3GPP MBMS architecture. Positioned between the GGSN and the Public Data Network (where the content is stored), the BM-SC is responsible for areas such as group membership, content collection, QoS management, announcement of multicast/broadcast sessions and security.
BNSI = Basic Network Surveillance Interface
BS = Billing SystemBSC = Base Station Controller. A Global System for Mobile Communication network node. The BSC establishes, supervises and releases channels for a Base Transceiver Station (BTS). It also takes care of handovers between BTSs. One BSC is connected to several BTSs.
BSN = Backward Sequence Number
BSS = Base Station Subsystem. In a Global System for Mobile Communication network, the BSS consists of the Base Station Controllers and the Radio Base Station.
BSSAP+ = Base Station System Application Part Plus
BSSGP = BSS GPRS Protocol. Network layer protocol between BSS and SGSN.
BT = Basic Test
BTS = Base Transceiver Station
BVC = BSSGP Virtual Connection
BVCI = BSSGP Virtual Connection Identifier
C-PIC = GGSN-C Physical Interface Card
CAMEL = Customized Applications for Mobile Network Enhanced Logic
CAS = Customer Administration System
CB = Carrier Board
CBA = ChangeBack Acknowledgment message
CBD = ChangeBack Declaration message
CBL = Control BlockedCC = Connection Confirm. A SCOC message.Charging Characteristics Credit Control
CCA = Credit Control Answer (respons to a CCR)
CCC = Circuit Cross-Connect. Transparent connection of two L2-circuits at different edges of the network. Because no L3-lookup is done, CCC supports transmission of any L3- protocols in the packet payload. CCC consists of a static mapping of incoming to outgoing logical ports, Virtual Circuits, or Data Link Connection Identifiers.
CCR = Credit Control Request
CCS = Credit Control Server
CD = Collision Detection
CDE = Common Desktop Environment
CDF = Charging Data Function
CDM = Code Division Multiple access
CDR = Charging Data Record. A formatted collection of information about a chargeable event (for instance, time of call setup, duration of the call, amount of data transferred, and so on) for use in billing and accounting.
CDVT = Cell Delay Variation Tolerance
CE = Customer Edge
CEA = Capability-Exchange-Answers cepId = Connection end point Identifier
CER = Capability-Exchange-Request cFPC = Compact Flexible PIC Concentrator
CGF = Charging Gateway Functionality. Collects charging records from SGSNs and GGSNs.
CGI = Cell Global Identity
CgPA = Calling Party Address
CHAP = Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol. Used to periodically verify the identity of the peer using a three-way handshake.
CI = Cell Identity
CIDR = Classless InterDomain Routing. Method of specifying Internet addresses in which you explicitly specify the bits of the address to represent the network address, instead of determining this information from the first octet of the address.
CIR = Committed Information Rate. Committed average bit rate over a defined period of time
CL = Congestion Level
CLD = Current Limiting Device
CLI = Command Line Interface
CLLM = Consolidated Link Layer Management
CLP = Cell Loss Priority
CM = Control ModuleChange Management
CN-OSS = Core Network Operations and Support System
COA = ChangeOver Acknowledgment Message
CoA = Change of Authorization. An update request triggered by RADIUS which includes new ACGs.
COO = Changeover Order
CORBA = Common Object Request Broker Architecture. A specification controlled by the Object Management Group which standardizes transparent distribution of and access to applications (objects) in a heterogeneous distributed environment.
CoS = Class of Service
CP = Correction PackageCheck Point
cPCI = Compact PCI
CPCS = Common Part Convergence Sublayer
CPE = Customer Premises Equipment. Telephone or other service provider equipment located at a customer site.
CPG = Converged Packet Gateway
CPI = Common Part Indicator: Applicable for ATM. Customer Product Information: CPI provides the customer with the information necessary to operate and maintain the product.
CPU = Central Processing Unit. Encapsulates in a computer or board the main processing power in the device
CR = Connection Request. A SCOC message.Change Report
CRC = Cyclic Redundancy Check. A number derived from a set of data that will be transmitted. By recalculating the CRC at the remote end and comparing it to the value originally transmitted, the receiving node can detect some types of transmission errors
CREF = Connection Refused. A SCOC message.
CRF = Charging Rule Function
CS = Circuit Switched: Circuit switching is way of communicating which requires the establishment of a dedicated path before data transfer can take place. The Public Switched Telephone Network is based on circuit switching. Class Selector: In DiffServ
CSU = Channel Service UnitCT = Component Type (TTCN-3)
DAS = Diameter Application System
DBP = Diameter Base Protocol
DC = Direct Current
DCC = Diameter Credit Control
DCCA = Diameter Credit Control Applicationdcd = The name of the JUNOS software interface process
DCE = Data Communication Equipment. DCE is the counterpart of DTE. The DTE/DCE parameter indicates whether the GSN should act as a terminal, or emulate the network side from a Frame Relay point of view. Data Circuit-terminating Equipment. RS-232-C device typically used for a modem or printer, or a network access and packet switching node.
DCU = Destination Class UsageDynamic Configuration Update
DD = Database Description
DE = Discard Eligibility
DES = Data Encryption Standard
DES-CBC = Data Encryption Standard - Cipher Block Chaining Mode
DF = Default Forwarding.Dont Fragment
DHCP = Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DiffServ = Differentiated Services
DL = Down Link (the direction from the network towards the MS)
DLCI = Data Link Connection Identifier. The link local identity of a Frame Relay PVC.
DMA = Direct Memory Access
DNS = Domain Name System. A data query service used on Internet for translating between host names and Internet addresses.
DoS = Denial of Service
DP = Development Project
DPI = Deep Packet Inspection
DR = Designated Router
DRAM = Dynamic Random Access Memory
DS = Device Selection
DSCP = Differentiated Services Code Point
DSU = Data Service Unit
DT = Design Test
DTD = Document Type Definition
DTE = Data Terminal Equipment. DTE is the counterpart of the DCE. In computer data transmission, DTE is the RS232C interface that a computer uses to exchange data with a modem or other serial device. For Frame Relay, the DTE/DCE parameter indicates whether the GSN should act as a terminal, or emulate the network side.
DVMRP = Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol
E1 = E1 and T1 interfaces supports a channelized configuration. The channelized E1 configuration divides a frame into thirty-one 64 kbps user channels and one channel for synchronization and operation and maintenance. The channelized T1 configuration divides a frame into twenty-four 56 or 64 kbps user channels and one 8 kbps channel for synchronization.eG-CDR = Enhanced G-CDR. Used for Flow Based Charging (FBC) enhanced PDP context charging data.
E-FPC = Enhanced Flexible PIC Concentrator
EBGP = External Border Gateway Protocol
EBM = Event Based Monitoring
EC = Emergency Correction
ECA = Emergency Changeover Acknowledge message
ECF = Emergency Correction Flash
ECO = Emergency Changeover Order
ECP = Emergency Correction Package
EDGE = Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution
EDP = Event Detection Point
EEPROM = Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EF = Expedited Forwarding
eG-CDR = Enhanced G-CDR
EGP = Exterior Gateway Protocol
EIR = Equipment Identity Register
EMC = Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMM = Ericsson Multi Mediation
EOC = End of Content
EQMA = Equipment Management Agent
ES PIC = Encryption Service Physical Interface Card. IPsec service PIC. Max 1000 tunnels per PIC. Max 800 Mbps of encrypted data unidirectional.
ESD = Electrostatic Discharge
ESF = Extended Super Frame
ESI = End System Identifier
ESP = Encapsulating Security Payload
ETSI = European Telecommunication Standard Institute
EUS = External Update Server
EVR = Ericsson Virtual Router
FAC = Final Assembly Code
FBC = Flow Based Charging
FCI = Furnish Charging Information
FE = Fast EthernetFront End
FEB = Forwarding Engine Board
FIB = Forwarding Information Base
FM = Fault ManagementFOA = First Official Application
FPC = Flexible PIC Concentrator. Houses Physical Interface Cards (PICs) and connect them to the rest of the Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE). Full duplex, 3.2-Gbps channel between each FPC and PFE. There is up to four FPCs in a GGSN chassis, and each FPC supports up to four PICs. The FPC contains shared memory for storing data packets received, and the System and Switch Board manages this memory with its Distributed Buffer Manager ASIC. FPC houses the I/O Manager ASIC, which performs queue management and Class of Service functions.
FPGA = Field Programmable Gate Array
FQDN = Fully Qualified Domain Name
FRU = Field-Replaceable Unit
FSC = Field Support Center
FT = Functional Test
FTP = File Transfer Protocol. A client-server protocol which allows a user on one computer to transfer files to and from another computer over a TCP/IP network.FUI = Final Unit Indication
G-CDR = GGSN Generated-CDR. Used for Packet Data Protocol (PDP) context charging data.Ga = An interface from GGSN to Charging Gateway Functionality using GTP’
GBS = GSN Backup System
GCCP = Node-internal protocol for communication between GGSN-C PICs.
GE = Gigabit Ethernet
GEA = GPRS Encryption Algorithm
GGSN = Gateway GPRS Support Node. Provides interworking with external packet-switched networks, and is connected to SGSNs through an IP-based backbone.
GGSN-C = Software application handling control plane traffic. Running on P-GGSN-C or P-GGSN2 PIC.
GGSN-I = Inspection PIC. Handles IP-flow service-classification. Required for Flexible Bearer Charging and prepaid.
GGSN-T = Software application controlling L2TP traffic. Running on P-GGSN2 PIC.
GGSN-U = Software application handling user plane traffic. Running on P-GGSN-U PIC.
GGSN-U/I = Software application handling user plane traffic and packet inspection. Running on P-GGSN2 PIC.
GIC = General Interface Card
GIS = GSN Installation and Support
GMM = GPRS Mobility Management
GMM/SM = GPRS Mobility Management and Session Management
GMSC = Gateway MSC
GPRS-CSI = GPRS CAMEL Subscription Information
GRE = Generic Routing Encapsulation
GRES = Graceful Routing Engine Switchover
GRX = GPRS Roaming Exchange
GPRS = General Packet Radio Service. GPRS has been standardized within ETSI and was the first valid standard for packet data communications in GSM type radio networks. 3GPP today maintain also the 2G GPRS standards.GSM = Global System for Mobile communication(Original meaning of GSM: Groupe Special Mobile)GSM MS = GSM Mobile Station
GSN = GPRS Support Node. GGSN, SGSN and CGSN. Also referred to as the packet switching node.
GSU = Granted Service Unit
GTP = GPRS Tunneling Protocol
GTP’ = GPRS Tunneling Protocol Prime
GTPC = GPRS Tunneling Protocol Core. GTP for GPRS Core Network
GTP-C = GPRS Tunneling Protocol - Control plane GTP-U = GPRS Tunneling Protocol - User planegtpcd = GTP-C process on GGSN-C GTU = GPRS Tunneling User Plane device type
GUCP = Node-internal protocol for communication between GGSN-C and GGSN-U PICs.InterfacesGa = This is the interface between GGSN and the CGF (billing gateway). Charging data records (G-CDR) are transported out of GGSN in bulk. By using both or one of FTP transport protocol or by the use of GTP’ transporting CDRs directly as generated in a GTP similar protocol. The Ga interface is collocated on a VPN with O&M and Li traffic.Gb = Interface between SGSN and BSS in the GSM network.Gd = Interface between an SGSN and an SMS-GMSC, and between an SGSN and a SMS-IWMSC.
Gi = The Gi interface is the reference point between the GSM/W-CDMA packet data core network and external data networks, either Intranets or the Internet. From the external IP network’s point of view the GGSN is seen as a normal IP router. The GGSN is the first point of PDN interconnection with a GSM/W-CDMA PLMN supporting GPRS. Both IPv4 and IPv6 is supported on the Gi interface. An extended set of IETF standardised routing protocols are available in GGSN. Traffic on the Gi interface may also be subject to specified stateless filters and policers.
Gmb = The Gmb interface is based on the Diameter Base Protocol (DBP) and connects the GGSN to the Broadcast Multicast-Service Centre (BM-SC). The Multicast Broadcast Multimedia Service (MBMS) support this interface and is used to set up connections for broadcast session towards SGSN nodes in the Gn network. The Gmb is a Diameter based protocol defined by 3GPP. MBMS also utilizes Gi as downlink tunnel endpoint for the BMSC to forward service channel traffic.
Gn = The Gn interface is used for control signalling (for mobility and session management) between SGSN and GGSN, as well as for tunnelling of end user data payload within the backbone network (between the SGSN and the GGSN. The Gn IP address made known via DNS search for SGSN is the GGSN-NC Gn/Gp IP address. Further communication on Gn/Gp is made directly to GGSN-SC and GGSN-U PICs on specific IP addresses per PIC. The Gn/Gp interface is expected to use a separate VPN.
Gom = Interface between the O&M equipment and the SGSN, making it possible for an operator to communicate with the SGSN.
Gp = When SGSN and GGSN are in different PLMNs, they are interconnected via the Gp interface. The Gp interface provides the functionality of the Gn interface, plus security functionality required for inter-PLMN communication. The security functionality is based on mutual agreements between operators.
Gr = Interface between an SGSN and a HLR. Also referred to as an interface to the SS7 network.
Gs = Interface between an SGSN and a Mobile Service Switching Center/Visitor Location Register.
Gx = The Gx interface connects the GGSN to the PCRF. The Gx interface is based on 3GPP Release 6 functionality for Flow Based Charging (Gx). Ericsson Gx+ includes proprietary protocol extensions. Gx is implemented on the Diameter base protocol (RFC 3588). This is part of the SACC functionality and is used to retrieve authorization and policy control information.
Gy = The Gy interface connects the GGSN to an OCS. The connection to the OCS may be mediated by an Online Mediation system. The Ericsson Gy+ interface is an extension of the 3GPP Gy interface, which is a subset of the 3GPP Ro interface. The Gy interface allows online credit control for service data flow based charging. Gy is implemented on the Diameter Base Protocol (RFC 3588). The SACC functionality use the existing functionalities and mechanisms, based on RFC 4006
Gz = The Gz reference point resides between the PCEF and the OFCS. The Gz reference point enables transport of service data flow based offline charging information.
GUI = Graphical User Interface
HA-NFS = Highly Available-Network File System HDB3 = High Density Bipolar, 3rd order
HC = Host Controller
HDLC = High Level Data Link Control. A communication protocol.
HLR = Home Location Register. This register contains all information concerning an operator’s subscribers and services.
HMAC = Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication
HMAC-MD5 = Keyed-Hashing for Message Authentication - Message Digest algorithm No 5
HO = Handover. The transfer of a user’s connection from one radio channel to another, the same or different cell.
HPLMN = Home Public Land Mobile Network
HSCSD = High Speed Circuit Switched Data
HSDPA = High Speed Downlink Packet Access
HSN = Hardware Selection Number
HSPA+ = High-Speed Packet Access Plus
HSUPA = High Speed Packet Uplink Access
HTML = Hypertext Markup Language
HTTP = Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The client-server TCP/IP protocol used on the World Wide Web for the exchange of HTML documents.
HW = Hardware
HWD = Hardware Driver
I-PIC = GGSN-I Physical Interface Card I/F = Interface IA5 = International Alphabet
IANA = Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
IBGP = Internal Border Gateway Protocol IC = Integrated Circuit
ICMP = Internet Control Message Protocol ID = Identifier IEC = International Electrotechnical Commission
IETF = The Internet Engineering Task Force. IETF develops and promotes Internet standards, dealing in particular with standards of the TCP/IP and Internet protocol suite.IGMP = Internet Group Management Protoco
lIGP = Interior Gateway Protocol. A routing protocol used inside an Autonomous System.
IKE = Internet Key Exchange ILMI = Interim Local Management Interface
IM = Instant Messaging IM CN = IP Multimedia Core Network
IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity
IMS = IP Multimedia Subsystem
IMSI = International Mobile Subscriber Identity. The GSM and WCDMA network operator allocates an IMSI to each subscription and is the key to subscriber information in the Home Location Register. Used to identify subscribers over the radio path and for signaling in the Public Land Mobile Network.IO = Input-Output
IOR = Interoperable Object ReferenceIP = Implementation Proposal: A design document. Internet Protocol: A network layer protocol responsible for addressing and sending among others TCP packets over the network.
IPC = Communication module on GGSN PICs for GCCP and GUCP.
IP-CAN = IP-Connectivity Access Network
IPCP = IP Control Protocol
IPsec = Internet Protocol Security
IPv4 = Internet Protocol version 4
IPv6 = Internet Protocol version 6
ISP = Internet Service Provider: A company which provides other companies or individuals with access to and presence on the Internet. In-Service Performance
IS-IS = Intermediate System to Intermediate System. Link-state, interior gateway routing protocol for IP networks that also uses the Shortest-Path First (SPF) algorithm to determine routes.ISAKMP Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO International Organization for Standardization
ISP Internet Service Provider In-Service Performance
IT = Inactivity Test
ITU = International Telecommunication Union
ITU-T = International Telecommunication Union-Telecommunication Standardization SectorIu = Interface between the SGSN and the WCDMA radio network.
Iu-C = Iu Control-plane. Transporting control traffic between the SGSN and radio network. Also referred to as an interface to an SS7 network.
Iu-U = Iu User-plane. The Iu-U plane transports payload traffic between the SGSN and the WCDMA radio network.
Iub = nterface between the Radio Network Controller and the Radio Base Station. Iur = Interface between two Radio Network Controllers.
IWMSC = Interworking Mobile services Switching Center
jbase = GGSN additions to the operating system. jboot = GGSN bootstrap routines. jbundle = Bundle of all GGSN software packages.
jcrypto = GGSN security software.
jdocs = GGSN documentation for the software. jggsn = GGSN software related to the GGSN functionality.
jinstall = Bundle of software packages similar to jbundle.
jkernel = GGSN operating system package.
jpfe = GGSN software that runs on the Packet Forwarding Engine (PFE).
JPI = Java Plug-In
JRE = Java Runtime Environment
jroute = GGSN software that runs on the Routing Engine (RE).
JunOS = Operativsystem för GGSN
kbps = kilobits per second. kbps concerning bandwidth, 1000 bits per second.
kPDP = kilo PDP contexts. Capacity level
KPI = Key Point Index, used to measure success in the workplace.
kpps = kilo packets per second
L1 = Layer 1. OSI physical layer.
L2 = Layer 2. OSI data link layer.
L2TP = Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
L3 = Layer 3. OSI network layer.
LA = Location Area
LAC = Location Area Code L2TP Access Concentrator LAI = Location Area Identity LAN = Local Area Network. A data communications network which is geographically limited (typically inside a building).LCP = Link Control Protocol LDP = Label Distribution Protocol. Used for distribution of labels inside a Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) domain.LED = Light Emitting Diode LER = Label Edge Router LFD = Last Functional DeliveryLFU = Link Forced Uninhibit LI = Lawful Interception LI-IMS = Lawful Intercept - Interception Management System LIA = Link Inhibit Acknowledgement LID = Link Inhibit Denied LIN = Link Inhibit LL = Logical Link Control. Defines the logical link control layer protocol to be used for packet data transfer between the mobile station and a serving GPRS support node.LLC = Logical Link Control
LLF = Link Layer Forwarding
LLT = Link Local inhibit TestLLV = Latest Local Version
LLVint = LLV Integration (branch)LMI = Local Management Interface LNS = Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol Network Server LPO = Local Processor Outage
LPT = Local Policy Table
LRT = Link Remote inhibit Test
LS = Link Set LSA = Link Status Advertisement
LSB = Least Significant Bit LSP = Link State PDU.
Link State Protocol Data Unit. Packets that contain information about the state of adjacencies to neighboring systems.
LSP = Label Switched Path. Sequence of routers that cooperatively perform Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) operations for a packet stream. The first router in a Label Switched Path (LSP) is called the ingress router, and the last router in the path is called the egress router. An LSP is a point-to-point, half-duplex connection from the ingress to the egress router. LSPs can be established across the provider’s network using either Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) or Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP).Link State PDULSR = Label Switching RouterLSV = Latest System VersionLUA = Link Uninhibit Acknowledgement LUN = Link Uninhibit
MAC = Media Access Control. A data communication protocol sublayer, part of the seven-layer OSI model data link layer (layer 2). It provides addressing and channel access control mechanisms that makes it possible for several terminals or network nodes to communicate within a multipoint network, for example, a Local Area Network (LAN). The MAC layer provides a physical address, this is a unique serial number assigned to each network adapter, making it possible to deliver data packets to a destination within a subnetwork, that is, a physical network without routers, for example an Ethernet network. Furthermore, MAC is a sublayer of radio interface layer 2 providing unacknowledged data transfer service on logical channels and access to transport channels.
MAP = Mobile Application Part. Application layer protocol of SS7.
MBL = Management Blocked
MBMS = Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Service
Mbone = Internet Multicast backbone. An interconnected set of subnetworks and routers that support the delivery of IP multicast traffic. The Mbone is a virtual network that is layered on top of sections of the physical Internet.
Mbps = Megabits per second. 1.000.000 bits per second.
MBR = Maximum Bit Rate MBS = Maximum Burst Size
MC = Main Controller
MCC = Mobile Country Code
MD5 = Message Digest algorithm No 5
MDR = Multi-Dimensional Rating Engine
MDRR = Modified Deficit Round Robin. A method for selecting queues to be serviced.
MED = Multi-Exit Discriminator
MFE = Multiprotocol over Frame relay Encapsulation. RFC 1490MG = Media Gateway
MGT = Mobile Global Title
MHS = Modification Handling System
MIB = Management Information Base
MIP = Mobile IP
MM = Mobility Management. A relation between the MS or UE and the Radio Access Network that is used to set-up, maintain and release the various physical channels.
MMF = Multi-mode Fiberoptic cable. A large-core (50 to 100 microns) fiberoptic cable.
MMI = Man-Machine Interface
MMS = Multimedia Messaging Service
MMSC = Multimedia Messaging Service Center
MNC = Mobile Network Code
MO = Managed ObjectMPG = Mobile Packet GatewayMPLS = Multi-Protocol Label Switching. Mechanism for engineering network traffic patterns. Functions by assigning short labels to network packets. The labels describes how to forward the network packets through the network. MPLS is also called label switching.
MRU = Maximum Receive Unit
MS = Mobile Station. An entity capable of accessing GSM or WCDMA services through a radio interface.Mile StoneMSB = Most Significant Bit
MSC = Mobile services Switching Center. Provides connections from GSM or WCDMA to other networks (normal telephone networks, ISDN and so on).
MSCC = Multiple-Services-Credit-Control MSDP = Multicast Source Discovery Protocol
MSIN = Mobile Service Identification Number
MSISDN = Mobile Subscriber ISDN Number
MSU = Message Signal Unit
MTC = Main Test CaseMT-SM = Mobile Terminating Short Message
MTBF = Mean Time Between Failure
MTTR = Mean Time To Repair
MTU = Maximum Transmission Unit
N-PDU = Network Packet Data Units NA = Nature of Address NAI = Network Access IdentifierNAS = Network Access ServerNAT = Network address translationNC = Node ControllerNCP = Network Control Protocol NDP = Node Delivery Package. An archive of files that contains all the software needed to operate a node.
NE = Network Element
NEBS = Network Equipment-Building System. NEBS describes the environment of a typical Regional Bell Operating Company (RBOC) Central Office (CO). This description includes spatial and environmental criteria. Typical equipment line-ups are described including the environment they are exposed to.NFS = Network File System
NI = Network Indicator. The NI is a variable used for discrimination of messages between functionally different networks.Network Integration. A test department. NI-testing is taraditionally done after function test and system test and work closely with network verification(NV).
NIR = Network Impact Report
NIV = Network Integration & Verification. a commonly used abbreviation for both Network Integration (NI) and Network Verification (NV).
NLS = Node Level Switch
NMC = Network Management Center
NMM = Network Management Module
NMN = National Mobile Number
NMS = Network Management System
NNI = Network Node Interface
NOC = Network Operations Center
NP = Numbering Plan
NPI = Numbering Plan Identifier
NRT = Non-Real Time
NS = Network Service. Layer 2 is called the Network Service layer. This layer is further divided into a upper layer called the Network Service Control and a lower layer called the Sub-Network Service. Number Series
NS-VC = Network Service Virtual Connection
NSAP = Network Service Access Point
NSAPI = Network Service Access Point Identifier
NSE = Network Service Entity
NSEI = Network Service Entity Identifier
NSVCI = Network Service Virtual Connection Identifier
NTP = Network Time Protocol. A de facto standard for synchronizing time across networks.
NUP = ode Upgrade Package
NV = Network Verification
O&M = Operation and Maintenance
OBP = Open Boot Prom
OCS = Online Charging System
OGOF = Original Group of Four OID = Object ID
OLP = Overload Protection OMA = Open Mobile Alliance
OMAP = Operation Maintenance Application Part
OMG = Object Management Group
OMS = Operation & Maintenance Subsystem. Part of GSN.
OPI = Operational Instruction
ORB = Object Request Broker
OS = Operating System
OSI = Open System Interconnection
OSPF = Open Shortest Path First. A routing protocol. A link state Interior Gateway Protocol.
OSS = Operational Support System. Provides support for GPRS parameter setting and alarm surveillance of the GSNs.
OTP = Open Telecom Platform
P-CSCF = Proxy Call Session Control Function
P-GGSN-C = First-generation Physical Interface Card (PIC) running the GGSN-C application.
P-GGSN-U = First-generation Physical Interface Card (PIC) running the GGSN-U application.
P-GGSN2 = Second-generation Physical Interface Card (PIC) capable of running the GGSN-C, GGSN-U/I, and GGSN-T applications. P-router = Provider router. Router in the service provider’s network that does not attach to a Customer Edge (CE) device.
P-TMSI = Packet Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity
PAP = Password Authentication Protocol. Provides a simple method for the peer to establish its identity using a two-way handshake. This is done only upon initial link establishment.
PBA = Printed Board Assembly
PCC = Policy and Charging Control
PCI = Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCM = Pulse Code Modulation. A digital scheme for transmitting analog data.
PCMCIA = Personal Computer Memory Card International Association . Physical media also known as PC card.
PCC = Policy and Charging Control
PCO = Protocol Configuration Option
PCR = Peak Cell Rate. The maximum number of cells that can be transmitted in an Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Virtual Circuit.
PCRF = Policy and Charging Rules Function (Gx-server)
PCU = Packet Control Unit. Responsible for the GPRS packet data radio resource management in BSS.
PDF = Policy Decision Function Portable Document Format
PDN = packet-switched networks
PDP = Packet Data Protocol. Any protocol which transmits data as discrete units known as packets. PDP context = Packet Data Protocol context. A context in the user equipment, SGSN, and GGSN, containing parameters associated with a packet data flow.
PDU = Protocol Data Unit. A unit of information, comprised of data and control information, which is passed between layers in a protocol stack by encapsulating and transmitting it within a packet, frame, or cell. Product Development Unit (ex. Packet Core) Power Distribution Unit Packet Data Unit
PFE = Packet Forwarding Engine. Packet Forwarding Engine. Based on the Internet_Processor_II ASIC. Provides Layer 2 and Layer 3 packet switching, route lookups, and packet forwarding. Houses the two System and Switch Boards (SSBs) and up to four Flexible PIC Concentrators (FPCs).
PHB = Per Hop Behavior. Service type determined by Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) in Differentiated Services (DiffServ).
PIC = Physical Interface Cards
PID = Packet Identification
PIM = Protocol-Independent Multicast
PISC = Packet Inspection and Service Classification. A service that checks what kind of data is tarnsfered to/from a user in order to charge accordingly.
PLMN = Public Land Mobile Network. A telecommunications network providing mobile cellular services.
PLP = Packet Loss Priority bit. Identifies packets that have experienced congestion or are from a transmission that has exceeded a service provider’s customer service license agreement. This bit can be used as part of a router’s congestion control mechanism, and is set by the interface or by a filter.
PM = Processing Module
PMC = Peripheral Component Interconnect Mezzanine Card
PoC = Push to Talk Over Cellular
POP = Point of Presence
POP3 = Post Office Protocol version 3
PPP = Point-to-Point Protocol. Protocol for remote access includes functions for user authentication and IP address allocation.PPS = Prepaid System
PRI = Product Revision InformationPrimary SC = The active SC (Session Cotroller) in an SC pair when SR (Session Resillience) is activatedPRS = Policy Rating Server PS = Packet-Switched PSDN = Packet Switching Data Network PSTN = Public Switched Telephone NetworkPTB = Pre Test of Build (test)PTC = Parallel Test Case
PTM = Point-To-Multipoint
PTP = Point-To-Point. A value of the service attribute communication configuration, which denotes that the communication involves only two network terminations.
PTP BVC = Point-To-Point BSSGP Virtual Connection
PVC = Permanent Virtual Circuit
QBAU = Quality of Service Based on Accumulated Usage
QHT = Quota Holding Time
QoS = Quality of Service. Functions that enable the SGSN to treat IP packets with respect to their traffic class or, in periods or areas of congestion, their service group.
RA = Routing Area. A geographical area served by an SGSN. One SGSN can serve several RAs.RAA = Re-Authorization Answer (respons på en RAR)RAB = Radio Access Bearer RAC = Routing Area CodeRADIUS = Remote Authentication Dial-In User ServiceRAI = Routing Area Identity
RAM = Random Access Memory
RAN = Radio Access Network
RANAP = Radio Access Network Application Part
RAND = Random number
RAR = Re-Authorization Request . A message sent from an OCS to the GGSN.
RAT = Radio Access Technology
RAU = Routing Area Update
RBS = Radio Base Station
RD = Route Distinguisher
RDI = Remote Defect Indication
RE = Routing Engine. The GGSN has two Routing Engines (REs), where one is passive for redundancy. The RE runs JUNOS Internet software, is based on the M20 router, and an Intel-based Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI) platform. The RE maintains routing tables, controls routing protocols, and handles Operation and Maintenance (O&M).
RED = Random Early Detection
RES = Response
REXEC = Remote Execution
RFC = Request For Comments
RG = Rating Group
RIP = Routing Information Protocol. A distance vector routing protocol.RIP II = RIP version 2
RL = Restriction Level RLC = Release Complete message. A SCOC message. RLSD = Released message. A SCOC message.
RM = Routing Module
RNC = Radio Network Controller. This equipment in the Radio Network Subsystem is in charge of controlling the use and the integrity of the radio resources.
RNS = Radio Network Subsystem
RPC = Remote Procedure Call
RR = Resource Record
RS = Signaling Route Set. Also called Route Set.
RSH = Remote Shell RSL = Restriction Sublevel
RSR = Signaling Route Set test Restricted
RST = Signaling Route Set Test message
RSVP = Resource Reservation Protocol. Used in Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) or Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Virtual Private Networks to assign bandwidth to a Link State PDU (LSP) or to select an explicit path for the LSP.
RSVP-based LSPs support specific Quality of Service (QoS) or traffic engineering objectives.
RT = Real Time
RTB = Retransmit Buffer
RTC = Real-Time Charging. Real-Time Charging in GGSN. Also known as online credit control and online charging.
RTCP = Real Time Control Protocol
RTP = Real Time Protocol
RTSP = Real Time Streaming Protocol
RVI = Racom Via Internet. Racom is a producer of radio modems and GPRS products.
RX = Receiver
S-CDR = Serving GPRS Support Node - Charging Data Record S-SMO-CDR = SGSN-delivered Short message Mobile Originated Charging Data Record
S-SMT-CDR = SGSN-delivered Short message Mobile Terminated Charging Data Record
SA = Security Association. A description of a secure connection.
SAAL = Signaling Asynchronous Transfer Mode Adaptation Layer
SAC = Service Area CodeSACC = Service Aware Charging and Control
SAD = System ArchitectureSource Address
SAP = Service Access Point. In the reference model for Open System Interconnection, the points through which services are offered to an adjacent higher layer.
SAR = Segmentation and Reassembly
SBLP = Service Based Local Policy SBCC = Service Based Charging and Control. Older name for Service Aware Charging and Control (SACC)
SC = Software Configuration: A directory containing executable files for distributed processing environment, Node Control Logic Configuration Files as well as a number of applications in a format that can be used by NDP to start running their instances on the node. Service Class: A traffic category associated to some end user data service. Example: WAP premium browsing, streaming, MMS traffic, and so on.Software Configuration: A directory containing executable files for distributed processing environment, Node Control Logic Configuration Files as well as a number of applications in a format that can be used by NDP to start running their instances on the node. Session Controller: Handles Packet Data Protocol (PDP) Context setup and control. Supervises GGSN-U. Proxy for Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) authentication of Mobile Station (MS).
SCAP = Service Charging Application Protocol
SCF = Service Control Function
SCMG = SCCP Management
SCR = Sustainable Cell Rate
SCU = Source Class Usage SDF-ID = Service Data Flow Identifier. The SDF-ID is an identification number assigned to the service. The SDF-ID is provided by the packet inspection and service classification (PISC) feature.SDH = Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
SDK = Software development KitSDL = Signaling Data Link
SDP = Session Description Protocol
SDRAM = Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory
SDU = Service Data Unit. In the reference model for Open System Interconnection, an amount of information whose identity is preserved when transferred between peer (N+1)-layer entities and which is not interpreted by the supporting (N)-layer entities.
SF = Service Filter
SFP = Small Form-factor Pluggable Transceiver
SFTP = Secure File Transfer ProtocolSG = Signaling Gateway
SGSN = Serving GPRS Support Node. Forwards payload to and from the mobile station. Keeps track of the location of the individual mobile stations and performs security functions and access control.
SGSN (G) = Serving GPRS Support Node for GSM
SGSN (W) = Serving GPRS Support Node for WCDMA
SGw = Signaling Gateway
SHA-1 = Secure Hash Algorithm No 1
SI = Service Indicator. The service indicator is used by traffic handling functions to perform message distribution.Service Identifier
SIM = Subscriber Identity Module
SIMM = Single IMSI Multiple MSISDN. The same IMSI can be used with different MSISDNs in different PDP contexts. However, the PDP contexts cannot exist simultaneously. This means that a subscriber can have several numbers connected to the same SIM card.
SIO = Service Information Octet
SIP = Session Initiation Protocol
SL = Signaling Link. The direct links to the adjacent
SP ought to be grouped into a signaling link set. A link set contains one type of links, that is, either narrowband signaling links or broadband signaling links.
SLC = Signaling Link Code
SLS = Signaling Link Selector
SLTA = Signaling Link Test Acknowledgment
SLTM = Signaling Link Test Message SM = Session Management. Responsible for establishment, maintenance and release of end user Packet Data Protocol contexts. This includes interworking with servers for IP address allocation, authentication and authorization. The functionality also includes establishment and release of Radio Access Bearers for end-user IP data transport.
SM-SC = Short Message Service Center
SMF = Single-Mode Fiber
SMS = Short Message Service. Transfers messages between a GSM or WCDMA Public Land Mobile Network Mobile Station and a Short Message Entity through a Service Center.
SMS-CSI = SMS CAMEL Subscription Information
SMS-GMSC = Short Message Service Gateway Mobile services Switching Center
SMS-IWMSC = Short Message Service Interworking Mobile services Switching Center
SMTP = Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNAP = SubNetwork Attachment Point
SNDCP = Subnetwork Dependent Convergence Protocol. Session layer protocol between a mobile station and SGSN (G).
SNMP = Simple Network Management Protocol
SNR = Serial Number SNTP = Simple Network Time Protocol
SOG = Service Order Gateway
SONET = Synchronous Optical Networks
SP = Signaling Point. A signaling point is a network entity, which has SS7 functions (at least up to MTPL3) implemented for switching or processing of signaling messages.
Spare PIC = A PIC not currently in use, but preloaded as a C, U, or T-PIC. Used to replace a failed PIC.
SPF = Shortest Path First. An algorithm to decide the shortest routing path between two points.SPI = Security Parameter Index
SRA = Signaling Route test Acknowledgement
SRAP = Service Rating Application Protocol
SRES = Signed Response
SRNS = Serving Radio Network Subsystem
SRT = Signaling Route Test Static Rating and Authorization Table
SS = Subsystem
SSA = Subsystem Allowed
SSB = System and Switch Board. GGSN has two System and Switch Boards (SSBs), where one is passive for redundancy. The SSB performs route lookup, filtering, sampling, and provides switching to the destination Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC). Hosts both the Internet Processor II ASIC and the Distributed Buffer Manager ASICs. The SSB makes forwarding decisions, distributes data cells throughout memory, processes exception and control packets, monitors system components, and controls FPC resets.
SSCF = Service Specific Coordination Function
SSCF-NNI = Service Specific Coordination Function - Network Node Interface
SSCOP = Service Specific Connection-Oriented Protocol
SSF = Subservice Field
SSH = Secure Shell
SSL = Secure Sockets Layer
SSM = Source-Specific Multicast
SSN = Subsystem Number
SSP = Subsystem Prohibited
SST = Subsystem Status Test
ST = System Test
STA = Session-Termination-Answer
STM = Synchronous Transfer Mode
STR = Session-Termination-Request
SUERM = Signal Unit Error Rate Monitor
SuperCP = Super Correction Package. A container of at least one Correction Package. It is used to distribute and make use of error corrections without having to deliver a complete new NDP and/or OS.
SURP = Subscriber Update Request Protocol
SUT = System Under Test. The system tested by FT, ST, NI or NV. For example GGSN.
SVC = Switched Virtual Circuit
SVN = Software Version Number
SW = Software
T-PDU = Transfer Protocol Data Unit
T1 = E1 and T1 interfaces supports a channelized configuration. The channelized E1 configuration divides a frame into thirty-one 64 kbps user channels and one channel for synchronization and operation and maintenance. The channelized T1 configuration divides a frame into twenty-four 56 or 64 kbps user channels and one 8 kbps channel for synchronization.
TAC = Type Approval Code
TACACS+ = Terminal Access Controller Access Control System Plus. Authentication method for validating users who attempt to access GGSN using Telnet.
TB = Transmit Buffer
TCA = Traffic Conditioning Agreement
TCP/IP = Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TCS = Traffic Conditioning Specification
TDP = Trigger Detection Point
TCP = Transmission Control Protocol. A protocol used together with IP to provide a secure transmission of data.
TEID = Tunnel Endpoint Identifier
Telnet = Telecommunications Network. Telnet is the Internet standard protocol for remote terminal connection service.
TFA = Transfer Allowed
TFC = Transfer Controlled
TFP = Transfer Prohibited
TFR = Transfer Restricted TFT = Traffic Flow Template
TFTP = Trivial File Transfer Protocol TIA/EIA = Telecommunications Industry Association / Electronics Industry Association. An electronics trade association of companies interested in making and selling equipment.
TID = Transaction IdentityTunnel Identifier
TLLI = Temporary Logical Link Identity. Identifier of the logical link between a mobile station and SGSN.
TMGI = Temporary Mobile Group Identity
TOD = Time Of Day ToS = Type of Service
TR = Trouble Report
TRA = Transfer Restart Allowed
TRW = Traffic Restart Waiting
TT = Translation Type TTC = Telecommunication Technology Committee
TTG = Tunnel Termination Gateway
TTL = Time-To-Live. A field in the IP header which indicates how long this packet should be allowed to survive before being discarded. It is primarily used as a hop count.
TTR = Transmission Trailer. A flag indicating segmentation in WTP headers.
TG = Toll Gate
TR = Trouble Reports Test Record
TX = Transmitter
U-PIC = GGSN-U Physical Interface Card UTF-8 = 8-bit Unicode Transformation Format. A variable-length character encoding for Unicode.
UBR = Unspecified Bit Rate
UBS = User-name Based APN Selection
UC = User Category
UCM = Unified Change Management. The object-oriented realization of ClearCase, a set of software tools typically supporting the process area software configuration management.
UDP = User Datagram Protocol, a simple transport protocol used in the Internet
UDT = Unit Data
UDTS = UnitData
ServiceUL = Uplink (the direction from the MS towards the network)
UMTS = Universal Mobile Telecommunications System. The telecommunications system, incorporating mobile cellular and other functionality, that is the subject of standards produced by 3GPP.
UNI = User-Network Interface
UPU = User Part Unavailable
URI = Uniform Resource Identifier
URL = Uniform Resource Locator
URT = User Rating Table
USB = Universal Serial Bus
UTC = Coordinated Universal Time
UTF-8 = 8-bit Unicode Transformation Format
Uu = The radio interface between WCDMA RAN and the user equipment.
VBR = Variable Bit Rate
VC = Virtual Circuit
VC Metric = Virtual Circuit Metric. Gives the priority of the link. The higher VC Metric value, the higher link priority.
VCI = Virtual Circuit IdentifierVirtual Channel Identifier
VLAN = Virtual Local Area Network
VLR = Visitor Location Register. Contains information of all the roaming subscribers currently in MSC area.
VoIP = Voice over IP
VP = Virtual Path
VPAA = Visited Public Land Mobile Network Address Allowed
VPI = Virtual Path Identifier
VPLMN = Visitor Public Land Mobile Network. The network where mobile is currently located.
VPN = Virtual Private Network
VRF = Virtual Private Network Routing and Forwarding
VSA = Vendor-Specific Attribute
WAN = Wide Area Network. A network, usually constructed with serial lines, which covers a large geographic area.
WAP = Wireless Application Protocol
WCDMA = Wideband Code Division Multiple Access. A high-speed third-generation mobile wireless technology with the capacity to offer higher data speeds than CDMA.
WCDMA can reach speeds of up to 2 Mbps for voice, video, data and image transmission.
WINS = Windows Internet Naming Service
WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network
WRR = Weighted Round Robin
WSP = Wireless Session Protocol
WTP = Wireless Transaction Protocol
WWW = World Wide Web
XFT = Cross Functional Team
XUDT = Extended Unit Data
PCC = Packet Core Controller
PCG = Packet Core Gateway
PRA =Product is release with limited
CRE = Cloud Routing Engine
PDU = Product Development Unit
XFT = Cross Functional Team
Flannel 网络=Flannel通过给每台宿主机分配一个子网的方式为容器提供虚拟网络 faannel 音译(法兰绒)
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