Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Web
Public Delegate Sub BaiduAlbumEventHandler(ByVal msg As String) '事件委托
Public Class baiduAlbum
''' 声明事件
Public Event UpPicsComplete As BaiduAlbumEventHandler
Public Event UpPicsProcess As BaiduAlbumEventHandler
Public Event DownPicsComplete As baiduAlbumEventHandler
Public Event DownPicProcess As BaiduAlbumEventHandler
Public Event DeletePicsComplete As BaiduAlbumEventHandler
Public Event DeletePicProcess As BaiduAlbumEventHandler
Dim _username As String
Dim _password As String
Dim _userDomain As String
Dim _userHeadPic As String
Dim _albumUsedSpace As Double
Dim _albumCount As Integer
Dim _pictureCount As Integer
Dim _albumID As ArrayList
Dim _albumName As ArrayList
Dim _albumDesc As ArrayList
Dim _albumPower As ArrayList
Dim _albumURL As ArrayList
Dim _albumPicCount As ArrayList
Dim _pictureID() As ArrayList
Dim _pictureDesc() As ArrayList
Dim _pictureURL() As ArrayList
Dim _pictureSize() As ArrayList
Dim Encode As System.Text.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("GB2312") '编码方式
Dim commandURL As String '操作命令地址
Dim Http As HttpProc '实现http协议的类
Dim r As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex '正则表达式
Dim m As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match
''' 登录
Function Login(ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String) As Boolean
_username = username
Dim postData, LoginURL As String
LoginURL = "" '登陆地址
postData = "username=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(username, Encode) + "&password=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(password, Encode) '请求数据
Http = New HttpProc(LoginURL, postData)
Dim RespHtml As String
RespHtml = Http.Proc(True)
If Http.strErr <> "" Then
Http.strErr = ""
ElseIf Len(RespHtml) < 200 Then
_userDomain = GetDomain(_username) '获取用户域名
If _userDomain <> "" Then
Http.cookiePost = Http.cookieGet
commandURL = "" + _userDomain + "/commit"
Return True
End If
ElseIf InStr(RespHtml, "不存在<") > 0 Then
ElseIf InStr(RespHtml, ">登录密码错误") > 0 Then
End If
Return False
End Function
''' 创建相册
Function CreateNewAlbum(ByVal albumName As String, Optional ByVal albumDesc As String = "", Optional ByVal albumPower As String = "0") As Boolean
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = "cm=1&ct=3&spAlbumName=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName, Encode) + "&spAlbumDescri=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumDesc, Encode) + "&spAlbumPower=" + albumPower
Http.strUrl = commandURL
respHtml = Http.Proc
m = r.Match(respHtml, "writestr/(.+成功")
If m.Success Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' 修改相册
Function ModifyAlbum(ByVal oldAlbumIndex As Integer, ByVal newAlbumName As String, Optional ByVal newAlbumDesc As String = "", Optional ByVal newAlbumPower As String = "0") As Boolean
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = "cm=2&ct=3&spAlbumName_o=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(oldAlbumIndex), Encode) + "&spAlbumName=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(newAlbumName, Encode) + "&spAlbumDescri=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(newAlbumDesc, Encode) + "&spAlbumPower=" + newAlbumPower
Http.strUrl = commandURL
respHtml = Http.Proc
m = r.Match(respHtml, "writestr/(.+成功")
If m.Success Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' 删除相册
Function DeleteAlbum(ByVal AlbumIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = "spAlbumName_o=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(AlbumIndex), Encode) + "&spAlbumID_o=" + albumID(AlbumIndex) + "&ct=3&cm=4&del=1"
Http.strUrl = commandURL
respHtml = Http.Proc
m = r.Match(respHtml, "writestr/(.+成功")
If m.Success Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' 移动相册
Function MoveAlbum(ByVal fromAlbumIndex As Integer, ByVal toAlbumIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = "spAlbumName_o=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(fromAlbumIndex), Encode) + "&spAlbumID_o=" + albumID(fromAlbumIndex) + "&spAlbumName=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(toAlbumIndex), Encode) + "&spAlbumID=" + albumID(toAlbumIndex) + "&ct=3&cm=3&del=0"
Http.strUrl = commandURL
respHtml = Http.Proc
m = r.Match(respHtml, "writestr/(.+成功")
If m.Success Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Function DownloadPictures(ByVal downPicList As ArrayList, ByVal savePath As String)
Dim downList As New ArrayList
Dim down As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim process As Integer
Do While downList.Count > 0
down.DownloadFile(downList(0), savePath + Path.GetFileName(downList(0)))
process += 1
RaiseEvent DownPicProcess(process)
Catch ex As Exception
'Exit Function
End Try
downList = Nothing
down = Nothing
RaiseEvent DownPicsComplete("sucess")
End Function
Function uploadPicture(ByVal upPictureList As ArrayList, ByVal albumIndex As Integer)
Dim i, k, process As Integer
Dim upPicList As New ArrayList
Do While upPicList.Count > 0
If upPicList.Count >= 3 Then
k = 3
k = upPicList.Count
End If
Dim form As New ArrayList '要上传的表单集合
form.Add(New EntityFormValue("BrowserType", "1"))
form.Add(New EntityFormValue("spAlbumName", albumName(albumIndex)))
For i = 0 To k - 1
form.Add(New EntityFormValue("spPhotoText", System.IO.Path.GetFileName(upPicList(i))))
form.Add(New EntityFormFile("spPhotofile", upPicList(i)))
Http.strUrl = "" + _userDomain + "/upload"
Dim respHtml As String = Http.PostMultipartForm(form) '上传并返回结果
If Http.strErr <> "" Then
Http.strErr = ""
Exit Function
End If
Dim str As String = respHtml
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=haidai/()/d,/d(,)/d") '用正则表达式处理返回结果
If Not m.Success Then
respHtml = Replace(m.Value, ",", "")
End If
Dim sucessList As New ArrayList
For i = 0 To k - 1
If Mid(respHtml, i + 1, 1) = "0" Then '成功
process += 1
RaiseEvent UpPicsProcess(process) '上传进度
sucessList.Add(upPicList(i)) '记录上传成功文件
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200) '暂停0.2秒
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(400) '暂停0.4秒
End If
For i = 0 To sucessList.Count - 1
For k = 0 To upPicList.Count - 1
If sucessList(i) = upPicList(k) Then
Exit For
End If
sucessList = Nothing
form = Nothing
System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(800) '暂停0.8秒
RaiseEvent UpPicsComplete("sucess")
End Function
Function modifyPic(ByVal albumIndex As Integer, ByVal picIndex As Integer, ByVal picDesc As String) As Boolean
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = "cm=2&ct=4&spPhotoID=" & pictureID(albumIndex, picIndex) & "&spPhotoName=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(picDesc, Encode) & "&spAlbumName_o=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(albumIndex), Encode) & "&spAlbumName=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(albumIndex), Encode)
Http.strUrl = commandURL
respHtml = Http.Proc
m = r.Match(respHtml, "writestr/(.+成功")
If m.Success Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Function DeletePic(ByVal albumIndex As Integer, ByVal picIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = "cm=3&ct=4&spPhotoID=" & pictureID(albumIndex, picIndex) & "&spAlbumName_o=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(albumIndex), Encode)
Http.strUrl = commandURL
respHtml = Http.Proc
m = r.Match(respHtml, "writestr/(.+成功")
If m.Success Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
''' 批量删除图片
Sub DeletePictures(ByVal albumIndex As Integer, ByVal delPicList As ArrayList)
Dim delList As New ArrayList
Dim process As Integer
Do While delList.Count > 0
If Me.DeletePic(albumIndex, delList(0)) Then
process += 1
RaiseEvent DeletePicProcess(process) '删除进度
End If
delList = Nothing
RaiseEvent DeletePicsComplete("complete")
End Sub
Function MovePic(ByVal picIndex As Integer, ByVal fromAlbumIndex As Integer, ByVal toAlbumIndex As Integer) As Boolean
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = "cm=2&ct=4&spPhotoID=" & pictureID(fromAlbumIndex, picIndex) & "&spPhotoName=&spAlbumName_o=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(fromAlbumIndex), Encode) & "&spAlbumName=" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(albumName(toAlbumIndex), Encode)
Http.strUrl = commandURL
respHtml = Http.Proc
m = r.Match(respHtml, "writestr/(.+成功")
If m.Success Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function
Function GetAlbum() As Boolean
_albumID = New ArrayList
_albumURL = New ArrayList
_albumName = New ArrayList
_albumDesc = New ArrayList
_albumPower = New ArrayList
_albumPicCount = New ArrayList
_userHeadPic = GetUserHeadPic() '获取头像地址
If GetAlbumsInfo("" + _userDomain + "/album") Then '获取目录信息
Dim i As Integer
For i = 0 To _albumCount - 1 '获取每个相册信息
If Not GetAlbumInfo(i) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
Return False
End If
End Function
Private Function GetUserHeadPic() As String
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = ""
Http.strUrl = "" + _userDomain + "/profile"
respHtml = Http.Proc
If Http.strErr <> "" Then
Http.strErr = ""
Return ""
End If
m = r.Match(respHtml, "{3}")
Return m.Value
End Function
Private Function GetAlbumsInfo(ByVal albumURL As String) As Boolean
_pictureCount = 0
Dim respHtml As String
Http.strPostdata = ""
Http.strUrl = albumURL
respHtml = Http.Proc
If respHtml = "" Then
Return False
End If
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=purl:"")[^""]+")
Do While m.Success
_albumURL.Add("" + m.Value) '相册url
m = m.NextMatch
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=pname:"")[^""]*")
Do While m.Success
_albumName.Add(System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(m.Value)) '相册名字
m = m.NextMatch
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=pnum:"")[^""]+")
Do While m.Success
_albumPicCount.Add(CInt(m.Value)) '相册中图片数
_pictureCount += CInt(m.Value) '图片总数
m = m.NextMatch
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=document/.getElementById/(""jdt""/)/.width=)/d+/.?/d*")
If m.Success Then _albumUsedSpace = CDbl(m.Value) '获取相册已用空间
_albumCount = _albumName.Count '相册数目
ReDim _pictureID(_albumCount - 1)
ReDim _pictureDesc(_albumCount - 1)
ReDim _pictureSize(_albumCount - 1)
ReDim _pictureURL(_albumCount - 1)
'''' 以下获取相册ID
m = r.Match(respHtml, "/modify/albumdel//w+")
If Not m.Success Then '如果仅有‘默认相册’
Return True
End If
Http.strUrl = "" + _userDomain + m.Value
respHtml = Http.Proc
If respHtml = "" Then
Return False
End If
Dim str As String = r.Split(respHtml, "
m = r.Match(str, "(?<=
Do While m.Success
_albumID.Add(m.Value) '相册ID
m = m.NextMatch
Return True
End Function
Private Function GetAlbumInfo(ByVal albumIndex) As Boolean
Dim pageIndex As Integer '分页索引
Dim pageCount As Integer '共有多少页
Dim respHtml, htmlCode As String
Http.strPostdata = ""
pageCount = _albumPicCount(albumIndex) / 20 - CInt(_albumPicCount(albumIndex) Mod 20 > 0)
If pageCount = 0 Then pageCount = 1
For pageIndex = 0 To pageCount - 1
Http.strUrl = _albumURL(albumIndex) + "/index/" + CStr(pageIndex)
htmlCode = Http.Proc
If htmlCode = "" Then
Return False
End If
respHtml += htmlCode
_pictureURL(albumIndex) = New ArrayList
_pictureSize(albumIndex) = New ArrayList
_pictureDesc(albumIndex) = New ArrayList
_pictureID(albumIndex) = New ArrayList
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=简介:)[^<]*")
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=pid:"")[^""]+")
Do While m.Success
_pictureID(albumIndex).Add(m.Value) '图片ID
m = m.NextMatch
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=pname:"")[^""]*")
Do While m.Success
_pictureDesc(albumIndex).Add(System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(m.Value)) '图片描述
m = m.NextMatch
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=psrc:"")[^""]+")
Do While m.Success
_pictureURL(albumIndex).Add(m.Value) '图片url
m = m.NextMatch
m = r.Match(respHtml, "(?<=psize:"")[^""]+")
Do While m.Success
_pictureSize(albumIndex).Add(m.Value) '图片大小
m = m.NextMatch
Return True
End Function
''' 获取用户名
ReadOnly Property username() As String
Return _username
End Get
End Property
''' 获取用户密码
ReadOnly Property password() As String
Return _password
End Get
End Property
''' 获取用户域名
ReadOnly Property userDomain() As String
Return _userDomain
End Get
End Property
ReadOnly Property userHeadPic()
Return _userHeadPic
End Get
End Property
''' 相册已用空间
ReadOnly Property albumUsedSpace() As Double
Return _albumUsedSpace
End Get
End Property
''' 相册个数
ReadOnly Property albumCount() As Integer
Return _albumCount
End Get
End Property
''' 图片总数
ReadOnly Property pictureCount() As Integer
Return _pictureCount
End Get
End Property
''' 获取某个相册ID
ReadOnly Property albumID(ByVal albumIndex As Integer) As String
Return _albumID(albumIndex)
End Get
End Property
''' 获取某个相册名称
ReadOnly Property albumName(ByVal albumIndex As Integer) As String
Return _albumName(albumIndex)
End Get
End Property
''' 获取某个相册的描述
ReadOnly Property albumDesc(ByVal albumIndex As Integer) As String
Return _albumDesc(albumIndex)
End Get
End Property
''' 获取某个相册的图片数
ReadOnly Property AlbumPicCount(ByVal albumIndex As Integer) As Integer
Return _albumPicCount(albumIndex)
End Get
End Property
''' 图片ID
ReadOnly Property pictureID(ByVal albumIndex As Integer, ByVal pictureIndex As Integer) As String
Return _pictureID(albumIndex)(pictureIndex)
End Get
End Property
''' 图片名称
ReadOnly Property pictureDesc(ByVal albumIndex As Integer, ByVal pictureIndex As Integer) As String
Return _pictureDesc(albumIndex)(pictureIndex)
End Get
End Property
''' 图片大小
ReadOnly Property pictureSize(ByVal albumIndex As Integer, ByVal pictureIndex As Integer) As String
Return _pictureSize(albumIndex)(pictureIndex)
End Get
End Property
''' 图片地址
ReadOnly Property pictureURL(ByVal albumIndex As Integer, ByVal pictureIndex As Integer, Optional ByVal bigPic As Boolean = False) As String
If bigPic Then
Return Replace(_pictureURL(albumIndex)(pictureIndex), "/abpic/", "/pic/") '大图
Return _pictureURL(albumIndex)(pictureIndex) '小图
End If
End Get
End Property
Private Function GetDomain(ByVal UserName As String) As String
Http.strPostdata = ""
Http.strUrl = "" + UserName
Dim respHtml As String = Http.Proc
If Http.strErr <> "" Then
Http.strErr = ""
Exit Function
End If
Dim arr() As String = Split(respHtml, "/")
Return arr(1)
End Function
'Private Function GetUserName(ByVal username As String) As String
' Dim arr() As String = Split(GetHTML("" + username + "/profile"), "" + username + """>")
' arr = Split(arr(0), "title=""")
' If UBound(arr) > 0 Then Return Trim(Replace(arr(1), "的空间", ""))
'End Function
End Class