template<int p, int l>
using BlockSolverPL = BlockSolver< BlockSolverTraits >;
template <int _PoseDim, int _LandmarkDim>
struct BlockSolverTraits
static const int PoseDim = _PoseDim;
static const int LandmarkDim = _LandmarkDim;
typedef Eigen::Matrix PoseMatrixType;
typedef Eigen::Matrix LandmarkMatrixType;
typedef Eigen::Matrix PoseLandmarkMatrixType;
typedef Eigen::Matrix1, Eigen::ColMajor> PoseVectorType;
typedef Eigen::Matrix1, Eigen::ColMajor> LandmarkVectorType;
typedef SparseBlockMatrix PoseHessianType;
typedef SparseBlockMatrix LandmarkHessianType;
typedef SparseBlockMatrix PoseLandmarkHessianType;
typedef LinearSolver LinearSolverType;
* \brief traits to summarize the properties of the dynamic size optimization problem
template <>
struct BlockSolverTraits
static const int PoseDim = Eigen::Dynamic;
static const int LandmarkDim = Eigen::Dynamic;
typedef MatrixX PoseMatrixType;
typedef MatrixX LandmarkMatrixType;
typedef MatrixX PoseLandmarkMatrixType;
typedef VectorX PoseVectorType;
typedef VectorX LandmarkVectorType;
typedef SparseBlockMatrix PoseHessianType;
typedef SparseBlockMatrix LandmarkHessianType;
typedef SparseBlockMatrix PoseLandmarkHessianType;
typedef LinearSolver LinearSolverType;
template <typename Traits>
class BlockSolver: public BlockSolverBase
static const int PoseDim = Traits::PoseDim;
static const int LandmarkDim = Traits::LandmarkDim;
typedef typename Traits::PoseMatrixType PoseMatrixType;
typedef typename Traits::LandmarkMatrixType LandmarkMatrixType;
typedef typename Traits::PoseLandmarkMatrixType PoseLandmarkMatrixType;
typedef typename Traits::PoseVectorType PoseVectorType;
typedef typename Traits::LandmarkVectorType LandmarkVectorType;
typedef typename Traits::PoseHessianType PoseHessianType;
typedef typename Traits::LandmarkHessianType LandmarkHessianType;
typedef typename Traits::PoseLandmarkHessianType PoseLandmarkHessianType;
typedef typename Traits::LinearSolverType LinearSolverType;
* allocate a block solver ontop of the underlying linear solver.
* NOTE: The BlockSolver assumes exclusive access to the linear solver and will therefore free the pointer
* in its destructor.
BlockSolver(std::unique_ptr linearSolver);
virtual bool init(SparseOptimizer* optmizer, bool online = false);
virtual bool buildStructure(bool zeroBlocks = false);
virtual bool updateStructure(const std::vector & vset, const HyperGraph::EdgeSet& edges);
virtual bool buildSystem();
virtual bool solve();
virtual bool computeMarginals(SparseBlockMatrix& spinv, const std::vector<std::pair<int, int> >& blockIndices);
virtual bool setLambda(number_t lambda, bool backup = false);
virtual void restoreDiagonal();
virtual bool supportsSchur() {return true;}
virtual bool schur() { return _doSchur;}
virtual void setSchur(bool s) { _doSchur = s;}
LinearSolver& linearSolver() const { return *_linearSolver;}
virtual void setWriteDebug(bool writeDebug);
virtual bool writeDebug() const {return _linearSolver->writeDebug();}
virtual bool saveHessian(const std::string& fileName) const;
virtual void multiplyHessian(number_t* dest, const number_t* src) const { _Hpp->multiplySymmetricUpperTriangle(dest, src);}
void resize(int* blockPoseIndices, int numPoseBlocks,
int* blockLandmarkIndices, int numLandmarkBlocks, int totalDim);
void deallocate();
std::unique_ptr> _Hpp;
std::unique_ptr> _Hll;
std::unique_ptr> _Hpl;
std::unique_ptr> _Hschur;
std::unique_ptr> _DInvSchur;
std::unique_ptr> _HplCCS;
std::unique_ptr> _HschurTransposedCCS;
std::unique_ptr _linearSolver;
std::vector > _diagonalBackupPose;
std::vector > _diagonalBackupLandmark;
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
std::vector _coefficientsMutex;
# endif
bool _doSchur;
std::unique_ptr> _coefficients;
std::unique_ptr> _bschur;
int _numPoses, _numLandmarks;
int _sizePoses, _sizeLandmarks;
那么有了以上的信息,整个BlockSolver_P_L的作用也就比较清楚了,还是那句老话:P表示的是Pose的维度(注意一定是流形manifold下的最小表示),L表示Landmark的维度(这里就不涉及流行什么事儿了)。这里思考一个问题,假如说在某个应用下,我们的P和L在程序开始并不能确定(例如程序中既有映射关系的边,同时还有位姿图之间的边,这时候的 Hpp H p p 矩阵将不是那么的稀疏),那么此时这个块状求解器如何定义呢?其实也比较简单,g2o已经帮我们定义了一个不定的BlockSolverTraits,所有的参数都在中间过程中被确定,那么为什么g2o还帮助我们定义了一些常用的类型呢?一种可能是出于节约初始化时间的角度出发的,但是个人估计不是很靠谱,毕竟C++申请出一块内存应该还是很快的,没有必要为了这点儿时间纠结;那么另一种也许就是作者想把常用的类型定义出来而已吧~
1. 把所有的顶点(Vertex)插入到vset的集合中(妈妈在也不用担心我插入了相同的定点)
2. 遍历vset集合,取出每个顶点的边(这里每个边都有一个level的概念,默认情况下,g2o只处理level=0的边,在orbslam中,如果确定某个边的重投影误差过大,则把level设置为1,也就是舍弃这个边对于整个优化的影响),并判断边所连接的顶点是否都是有效的(在vset中),如果是,则认为这是一个有效的边和顶点,并分别加入到_activeEdges和_activeVertices中(妈妈在也不用担心边少顶点或者图中没有边的顶点了)
3. 对上述的_activeEdges和_activeVertices按照ID号进行排序,其中Vertex的ID号是自己设置的,而Edge的ID号是g2o内部有个变量进行赋值的
4. 对于上述的_activeVertices,剔除掉固定点(fixed)之后,把所有的顶点按照**不被**margin在前,被margin在后的顺序排成vector类型,变量为_ivMap,这个变量很重要,基本上后面的所有程序都是用这个变量进行遍历的
bool SparseOptimizer::initializeOptimization(HyperGraph::VertexSet& vset, int level){
if (edges().size() == 0) {
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Attempt to initialize an empty graph" << endl;
return false;
bool workspaceAllocated = _jacobianWorkspace.allocate(); (void) workspaceAllocated;
assert(workspaceAllocated && "Error while allocating memory for the Jacobians");
set auxEdgeSet; // temporary structure to avoid duplicates
for (HyperGraph::VertexSet::iterator it=vset.begin(); it!=vset.end(); ++it){
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v= (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) *it;
const OptimizableGraph::EdgeSet& vEdges=v->edges();
// count if there are edges in that level. If not remove from the pool
int levelEdges=0;
for (OptimizableGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator it=vEdges.begin(); it!=vEdges.end(); ++it){
OptimizableGraph::Edge* e=reinterpret_cast(*it);
if (level < 0 || e->level() == level) {
bool allVerticesOK = true;
for (vector ::const_iterator vit = e->vertices().begin(); vit != e->vertices().end(); ++vit) {
if (vset.find(*vit) == vset.end()) {
allVerticesOK = false;
if (allVerticesOK && !e->allVerticesFixed()) {
if (levelEdges){
// test for NANs in the current estimate if we are debugging
# ifndef NDEBUG
int estimateDim = v->estimateDimension();
if (estimateDim > 0) {
VectorX estimateData(estimateDim);
if (v->getEstimateData(estimateData.data()) == true) {
int k;
bool hasNan = arrayHasNaN(estimateData.data(), estimateDim, &k);
if (hasNan)
cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Vertex " << v->id() << " contains a nan entry at index " << k << endl;
# endif
for (set ::iterator it = auxEdgeSet.begin(); it != auxEdgeSet.end(); ++it)
bool indexMappingStatus = buildIndexMapping(_activeVertices);
return indexMappingStatus;
template Traits>
bool BlockSolver<Traits>::buildStructure(bool zeroBlocks)
size_t sparseDim = 0;
int* blockPoseIndices = new int[_optimizer->indexMapping().size()];
int* blockLandmarkIndices = new int[_optimizer->indexMapping().size()];
for (size_t i = 0; i < _optimizer->indexMapping().size(); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = _optimizer->indexMapping()[i];
int dim = v->dimension();
if (! v->marginalized()){
} else {
sparseDim += dim;
resize(blockPoseIndices, _numPoses, blockLandmarkIndices, _numLandmarks, sparseDim);
delete[] blockLandmarkIndices;
delete[] blockPoseIndices;
// allocate the diagonal on Hpp and Hll
int poseIdx = 0;
int landmarkIdx = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < _optimizer->indexMapping().size(); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = _optimizer->indexMapping()[i];
if (! v->marginalized()){
//assert(poseIdx == v->hessianIndex());
PoseMatrixType* m = _Hpp->block(poseIdx, poseIdx, true);
if (zeroBlocks)
} else {
LandmarkMatrixType* m = _Hll->block(landmarkIdx, landmarkIdx, true);
if (zeroBlocks)
assert(poseIdx == _numPoses && landmarkIdx == _numLandmarks);
// temporary structures for building the pattern of the Schur complement
SparseBlockMatrixHashMap<PoseMatrixType>* schurMatrixLookup = 0;
if (_doSchur) {
schurMatrixLookup = new SparseBlockMatrixHashMap<PoseMatrixType>(_Hschur->rowBlockIndices(), _Hschur->colBlockIndices());
// here we assume that the landmark indices start after the pose ones
// create the structure in Hpp, Hll and in Hpl
for (SparseOptimizer::EdgeContainer::const_iterator it=_optimizer->activeEdges().begin(); it!=_optimizer->activeEdges().end(); ++it){
OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = *it;
for (size_t viIdx = 0; viIdx < e->vertices().size(); ++viIdx) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v1 = (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) e->vertex(viIdx);
int ind1 = v1->hessianIndex();
if (ind1 == -1)
int indexV1Bak = ind1;
for (size_t vjIdx = viIdx + 1; vjIdx < e->vertices().size(); ++vjIdx) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v2 = (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) e->vertex(vjIdx);
int ind2 = v2->hessianIndex();
if (ind2 == -1)
ind1 = indexV1Bak;
bool transposedBlock = ind1 > ind2;
if (transposedBlock){ // make sure, we allocate the upper triangle block
std::swap(ind1, ind2);
if (! v1->marginalized() && !v2->marginalized()){
PoseMatrixType* m = _Hpp->block(ind1, ind2, true);
if (zeroBlocks)
e->mapHessianMemory(m->data(), viIdx, vjIdx, transposedBlock);
if (_Hschur) {// assume this is only needed in case we solve with the schur complement
schurMatrixLookup->addBlock(ind1, ind2);
} else if (v1->marginalized() && v2->marginalized()){
// RAINER hmm.... should we ever reach this here????
LandmarkMatrixType* m = _Hll->block(ind1-_numPoses, ind2-_numPoses, true);
if (zeroBlocks)
e->mapHessianMemory(m->data(), viIdx, vjIdx, false);
} else {
if (v1->marginalized()){
PoseLandmarkMatrixType* m = _Hpl->block(v2->hessianIndex(),v1->hessianIndex()-_numPoses, true);
if (zeroBlocks)
e->mapHessianMemory(m->data(), viIdx, vjIdx, true); // transpose the block before writing to it
} else {
PoseLandmarkMatrixType* m = _Hpl->block(v1->hessianIndex(),v2->hessianIndex()-_numPoses, true);
if (zeroBlocks)
e->mapHessianMemory(m->data(), viIdx, vjIdx, false); // directly the block
if (! _doSchur) {
delete schurMatrixLookup;
return true;
for (OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v : _optimizer->indexMapping()) {
if (v->marginalized()){
const HyperGraph::EdgeSet& vedges=v->edges();
for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator it1=vedges.begin(); it1!=vedges.end(); ++it1){
for (size_t i=0; i<(*it1)->vertices().size(); ++i)
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v1= (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) (*it1)->vertex(i);
if (v1->hessianIndex()==-1 || v1==v)
for (HyperGraph::EdgeSet::const_iterator it2=vedges.begin(); it2!=vedges.end(); ++it2){
for (size_t j=0; j<(*it2)->vertices().size(); ++j)
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v2= (OptimizableGraph::Vertex*) (*it2)->vertex(j);
if (v2->hessianIndex()==-1 || v2==v)
int i1=v1->hessianIndex();
int i2=v2->hessianIndex();
if (i1<=i2) {
schurMatrixLookup->addBlock(i1, i2);
delete schurMatrixLookup;
return true;
template <typename Traits>
bool BlockSolver::buildSystem()
// clear b vector
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) if (_optimizer->indexMapping().size() > 1000)
# endif
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->indexMapping().size()); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=_optimizer->indexMapping()[i];
if (_doSchur) {
// resetting the terms for the pairwise constraints
// built up the current system by storing the Hessian blocks in the edges and vertices
# ifndef G2O_OPENMP
// no threading, we do not need to copy the workspace
JacobianWorkspace& jacobianWorkspace = _optimizer->jacobianWorkspace();
# else
// if running with threads need to produce copies of the workspace for each thread
JacobianWorkspace jacobianWorkspace = _optimizer->jacobianWorkspace();
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) firstprivate(jacobianWorkspace) if (_optimizer->activeEdges().size() > 100)
# endif
for (int k = 0; k < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->activeEdges().size()); ++k) {
OptimizableGraph::Edge* e = _optimizer->activeEdges()[k];
e->linearizeOplus(jacobianWorkspace); // jacobian of the nodes' oplus (manifold)
# ifndef NDEBUG
for (size_t i = 0; i < e->vertices().size(); ++i) {
const OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v = static_cast<const OptimizableGraph::Vertex*>(e->vertex(i));
if (! v->fixed()) {
bool hasANan = arrayHasNaN(jacobianWorkspace.workspaceForVertex(i), e->dimension() * v->dimension());
if (hasANan) {
std::cerr << "buildSystem(): NaN within Jacobian for edge " << e << " for vertex " << i << std::endl;
# endif
// flush the current system in a sparse block matrix
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) if (_optimizer->indexMapping().size() > 1000)
# endif
for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(_optimizer->indexMapping().size()); ++i) {
OptimizableGraph::Vertex* v=_optimizer->indexMapping()[i];
int iBase = v->colInHessian();
if (v->marginalized())
return 0;
template <typename Traits>
bool BlockSolver::solve(){
//cerr << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << endl;
if (! _doSchur){
number_t t=get_monotonic_time();
bool ok = _linearSolver->solve(*_Hpp, _x, _b);
G2OBatchStatistics* globalStats = G2OBatchStatistics::globalStats();
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeLinearSolver = get_monotonic_time() - t;
globalStats->hessianDimension = globalStats->hessianPoseDimension = _Hpp->cols();
return ok;
// schur thing
// backup the coefficient matrix
number_t t=get_monotonic_time();
// _Hschur = _Hpp, but keeping the pattern of _Hschur
memset(_coefficients.get(), 0, _sizePoses*sizeof(number_t));
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
# pragma omp parallel for default (shared) schedule(dynamic, 10)
# endif
for (int landmarkIndex = 0; landmarkIndex < static_cast<int>(_Hll->blockCols().size()); ++landmarkIndex) {
const typename SparseBlockMatrix::IntBlockMap& marginalizeColumn = _Hll->blockCols()[landmarkIndex];
assert(marginalizeColumn.size() == 1 && "more than one block in _Hll column");
// calculate inverse block for the landmark
const LandmarkMatrixType * D = marginalizeColumn.begin()->second;
assert (D && D->rows()==D->cols() && "Error in landmark matrix");
LandmarkMatrixType& Dinv = _DInvSchur->diagonal()[landmarkIndex];
Dinv = D->inverse();
LandmarkVectorType db(D->rows());
for (int j=0; jrows(); ++j) {
db[j]=_b[_Hll->rowBaseOfBlock(landmarkIndex) + _sizePoses + j];
assert((size_t)landmarkIndex < _HplCCS->blockCols().size() && "Index out of bounds");
const typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS::SparseColumn& landmarkColumn = _HplCCS->blockCols()[landmarkIndex];
for (typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS::SparseColumn::const_iterator it_outer = landmarkColumn.begin();
it_outer != landmarkColumn.end(); ++it_outer) {
int i1 = it_outer->row;
const PoseLandmarkMatrixType* Bi = it_outer->block;
PoseLandmarkMatrixType BDinv = (*Bi)*(Dinv);
assert(_HplCCS->rowBaseOfBlock(i1) < _sizePoses && "Index out of bounds");
typename PoseVectorType::MapType Bb(&_coefficients[_HplCCS->rowBaseOfBlock(i1)], Bi->rows());
# ifdef G2O_OPENMP
ScopedOpenMPMutex mutexLock(&_coefficientsMutex[i1]);
# endif
Bb.noalias() += (*Bi)*db;
assert(i1 >= 0 && i1 < static_cast<int>(_HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols().size()) && "Index out of bounds");
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS::SparseColumn::iterator targetColumnIt = _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].begin();
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS::RowBlock aux(i1, 0);
typename SparseBlockMatrixCCS::SparseColumn::const_iterator it_inner = lower_bound(landmarkColumn.begin(), landmarkColumn.end(), aux);
for (; it_inner != landmarkColumn.end(); ++it_inner) {
int i2 = it_inner->row;
const PoseLandmarkMatrixType* Bj = it_inner->block;
while (targetColumnIt->row < i2 /*&& targetColumnIt != _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].end()*/)
assert(targetColumnIt != _HschurTransposedCCS->blockCols()[i1].end() && targetColumnIt->row == i2 && "invalid iterator, something wrong with the matrix structure");
PoseMatrixType* Hi1i2 = targetColumnIt->block;//_Hschur->block(i1,i2);
(*Hi1i2).noalias() -= BDinv*Bj->transpose();
//cerr << "Solve [marginalize] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
// _bschur = _b for calling solver, and not touching _b
memcpy(_bschur.get(), _b, _sizePoses * sizeof(number_t));
for (int i=0; i<_sizePoses; ++i){
G2OBatchStatistics* globalStats = G2OBatchStatistics::globalStats();
if (globalStats){
globalStats->timeSchurComplement = get_monotonic_time() - t;
bool solvedPoses = _linearSolver->solve(*_Hschur, _x, _bschur.get());
if (globalStats) {
globalStats->timeLinearSolver = get_monotonic_time() - t;
globalStats->hessianPoseDimension = _Hpp->cols();
globalStats->hessianLandmarkDimension = _Hll->cols();
globalStats->hessianDimension = globalStats->hessianPoseDimension + globalStats->hessianLandmarkDimension;
//cerr << "Solve [decompose and solve] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
if (! solvedPoses)
return false;
// _x contains the solution for the poses, now applying it to the landmarks to get the new part of the
// solution;
number_t* xp = _x;
number_t* cp = _coefficients.get();
number_t* xl=_x+_sizePoses;
number_t* cl=_coefficients.get() + _sizePoses;
number_t* bl=_b+_sizePoses;
// cp = -xp
for (int i=0; i<_sizePoses; ++i)
// cl = bl
// cl = bl - Bt * xp
//Bt->multiply(cl, cp);
_HplCCS->rightMultiply(cl, cp);
// xl = Dinv * cl
memset(xl,0, _sizeLandmarks*sizeof(number_t));
//cerr << "Solve [landmark delta] = " << get_monotonic_time()-t << endl;
return true;