dw=> select t2.product_category, t2.product_name, sum(nq), sum(order_amount)
dw-> from v_sales_order_fact t1, product_dim t2
dw-> where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
dw-> group by rollup (t2.product_category, t2.product_name)
dw-> order by t2.product_category, t2.product_name;
product_category | product_name | sum | sum
monitor | flat panel | | 49666.00
monitor | lcd panel | 11 | 3087.00
monitor | | 11 | 52753.00
peripheral | keyboard | 38 | 67387.00
peripheral | | 38 | 67387.00
storage | floppy drive | 52 | 348655.00
storage | hard disk drive | 80 | 375481.00
storage | | 132 | 724136.00
| | 181 | 844276.00
(9 rows)
dw=> select t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city, sum(nq), sum(order_amount)
dw-> from v_sales_order_fact t1, product_dim t2, zip_code_dim t3
dw-> where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
dw-> and t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk
dw-> group by rollup (t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city)
dw-> order by t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city;
product_category | product_name | state | city | sum | sum
monitor | flat panel | oh | cleveland | | 7431.00
monitor | flat panel | oh | | | 7431.00
monitor | flat panel | pa | mechanicsburg | | 10630.00
monitor | flat panel | pa | pittsburgh | | 31605.00
monitor | flat panel | pa | | | 42235.00
monitor | flat panel | | | | 49666.00
monitor | lcd panel | pa | pittsburgh | 11 | 3087.00
monitor | lcd panel | pa | | 11 | 3087.00
monitor | lcd panel | | | 11 | 3087.00
monitor | | | | 11 | 52753.00
peripheral | keyboard | oh | cleveland | 38 | 10875.00
peripheral | keyboard | oh | | 38 | 10875.00
peripheral | keyboard | pa | mechanicsburg | | 29629.00
peripheral | keyboard | pa | pittsburgh | | 26883.00
peripheral | keyboard | pa | | | 56512.00
peripheral | keyboard | | | 38 | 67387.00
peripheral | | | | 38 | 67387.00
storage | floppy drive | oh | cleveland | | 8229.00
storage | floppy drive | oh | | | 8229.00
storage | floppy drive | pa | mechanicsburg | | 140410.00
storage | floppy drive | pa | pittsburgh | 52 | 200016.00
storage | floppy drive | pa | | 52 | 340426.00
storage | floppy drive | | | 52 | 348655.00
storage | hard disk drive | oh | cleveland | | 8646.00
storage | hard disk drive | oh | | | 8646.00
storage | hard disk drive | pa | mechanicsburg | 80 | 194444.00
storage | hard disk drive | pa | pittsburgh | | 172391.00
storage | hard disk drive | pa | | 80 | 366835.00
storage | hard disk drive | | | 80 | 375481.00
storage | | | | 132 | 724136.00
| | | | 181 | 844276.00
(31 rows)
dw=> select t2.product_category,
dw-> t1.year_month,
dw-> sum(quantity1) quantity_cur,
dw-> sum(quantity2) quantity_pre,
dw-> round((sum(quantity1) - sum(quantity2)) / sum(quantity2),2) pct_quantity,
dw-> sum(amount1) amount_cur,
dw-> sum(amount2) amount_pre,
dw-> round((sum(amount1) - sum(amount2)) / sum(amount2),2) pct_amount
dw-> from (select t1.product_sk,
dw(> t1.year_month,
dw(> t1.month_order_quantity quantity1,
dw(> t2.month_order_quantity quantity2,
dw(> t1.month_order_amount amount1,
dw(> t2.month_order_amount amount2
dw(> from v_month_end_sales_order_fact t1
dw(> join v_month_end_sales_order_fact t2
dw(> on t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
dw(> and t1.year_month/100 = t2.year_month/100 + 1
dw(> and t1.year_month - t1.year_month/100*100 = t2.year_month - t2.year_month/100*100) t1,
dw-> product_dim t2
dw-> where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
dw-> group by t2.product_category, t1.year_month
dw-> order by t2.product_category, t1.year_month;
product_category | year_month | quantity_cur | quantity_pre | pct_quantity | amount_cur | amount_pre | pct_amount
storage | 201705 | 943 | | | 142814.00 | 110172.00 | 0.30
storage | 201706 | 110 | | | 9132.00 | 116418.00 | -0.92
(2 rows)
dw=> select t2.state,
dw-> t2.city,
dw-> count(distinct customer_sk) sum_customer_num,
dw-> sum(order_amount) sum_order_amount
dw-> from v_sales_order_fact t1, zip_code_dim t2
dw-> where t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t2.zip_code_sk
dw-> group by rollup (t2.state, t2.city)
dw-> order by t2.state, t2.city;
state | city | sum_customer_num | sum_order_amount
oh | cleveland | 4 | 35181.00
oh | | 4 | 35181.00
pa | mechanicsburg | 8 | 375113.00
pa | pittsburgh | 12 | 433982.00
pa | | 20 | 809095.00
| | 24 | 844276.00
(6 rows)
dw=> select sum_total, sum_late, round(cast(sum_late as numeric)/sum_total,4) late_pct
dw-> from (select sum(case when status_date_sk < entry_date_sk then 1
dw(> else 0
dw(> end) sum_late,
dw(> count(*) sum_total
dw(> from sales_order_fact) t;
sum_total | sum_late | late_pct
151 | 2 | 0.0132
(1 row)
dw=> select round(avg(sum_order_amount),2) avg_amount,
dw-> round(sum(sum_order_amount)/count(customer_sk),2) avg_amount1,
dw-> percentile_cont(0.5) within group (order by sum_order_amount) median_amount,
dw-> median(sum_order_amount) median_amount1
dw-> from (select customer_sk,sum(order_amount) sum_order_amount
dw(> from v_sales_order_fact
dw(> group by customer_sk) t1;
avg_amount | avg_amount1 | median_amount | median_amount1
35178.17 | 35178.17 | 14277 | 14277
(1 row)
dw=> select percentile_cont(0.25) within group (order by sum_order_amount desc) max_amount_25,
dw-> percentile_cont(0.50) within group (order by sum_order_amount desc) max_amount_50,
dw-> percentile_cont(0.75) within group (order by sum_order_amount desc) max_amount_75
dw-> from (select customer_sk,sum(order_amount) sum_order_amount
dw(> from v_sales_order_fact
dw(> group by customer_sk) t1;
max_amount_25 | max_amount_50 | max_amount_75
50536.5 | 14277 | 8342.25
(1 row)
dw=> select year1,
dw-> bn,
dw-> c_count,
dw-> sum_band,
dw-> sum_total,
dw-> round(sum_band/sum_total,4) band_pct
dw-> from (select count(a.customer_sk) c_count,
dw(> sum(annual_order_amount) sum_band,
dw(> a.year year1,
dw(> band_name bn
dw(> from annual_customer_segment_fact a,
dw(> annual_order_segment_dim b,
dw(> annual_sales_order_fact d
dw(> where a.segment_sk = b.segment_sk
dw(> and a.customer_sk = d.customer_sk
dw(> and a.year = d.year
dw(> and b.segment_name = 'grid'
dw(> group by a.year, bn) t1,
dw-> (select sum(annual_order_amount) sum_total
dw(> from annual_sales_order_fact) t2
dw-> order by year1, bn;
year1 | bn | c_count | sum_band | sum_total | band_pct
2016 | high | 6 | 572190.00 | 572190.00 | 1.0000
(1 row)
dw=> select case when t1.rn =1 then t1.city end city,
dw-> t2.product_name,
dw-> t1.sum_order_amount,
dw-> t1.rn
dw-> from (select city,
dw(> product_sk,
dw(> sum_order_amount,
dw(> row_number() over (partition by city order by sum_order_amount desc) rn
dw(> from (select t2.state||':'||t2.city city,
dw(> product_sk,
dw(> sum(order_amount) sum_order_amount
dw(> from v_sales_order_fact t1, zip_code_dim t2
dw(> where t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t2.zip_code_sk
dw(> group by t2.state||':'||t2.city, product_sk) t) t1
dw-> inner join product_dim t2 on t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
dw-> where t1.rn <= 3
dw-> order by t1.city, t1.rn;
city | product_name | sum_order_amount | rn
oh:cleveland | keyboard | 10875.00 | 1
| hard disk drive | 8646.00 | 2
| floppy drive | 8229.00 | 3
pa:mechanicsburg | hard disk drive | 194444.00 | 1
| floppy drive | 140410.00 | 2
| keyboard | 29629.00 | 3
pa:pittsburgh | floppy drive | 200016.00 | 1
| hard disk drive | 172391.00 | 2
| flat panel | 31605.00 | 3
(9 rows)
dw=> select product_name,
dw-> sum_order_amount,
dw-> percent_rank() over (order by sum_order_amount desc) rank
dw-> from (select product_sk,sum(order_amount) sum_order_amount
dw(> from v_sales_order_fact
dw(> group by product_sk) t1, product_dim t2
dw-> where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
dw-> order by rank;
product_name | sum_order_amount | rank
hard disk drive | 375481.00 | 0
floppy drive | 348655.00 | 0.25
keyboard | 67387.00 | 0.5
flat panel | 49666.00 | 0.75
lcd panel | 3087.00 | 1
(5 rows)
select t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city, sum(nq) sq, sum(order_amount) sa
from v_sales_order_fact t1, product_dim t2, zip_code_dim t3
where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
and t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk
group by t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city
order by t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city;
select t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city, sum(nq) sq, sum(order_amount) sa
from v_sales_order_fact t1, product_dim t2, zip_code_dim t3
where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
and t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk
and t1.year_month/100 = ${year}
group by t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city
order by t2.product_category, t2.product_name, t3.state, t3.city;
select ${checkbox:fields=t2.product_category, t2.product_category|t2.product_name},t3.state, t3.city, sum(nq) sq, sum(order_amount) sa
from v_sales_order_fact t1, product_dim t2, zip_code_dim t3
where t1.product_sk = t2.product_sk
and t1.customer_zip_code_sk = t3.zip_code_sk
and t1.year_month/100 = ${year}
group by ${checkbox:fields=t2.product_category, t2.product_category|t2.product_name}, t3.state, t3.city
order by ${checkbox:fields=t2.product_category, t2.product_category|t2.product_name}, t3.state, t3.city;