
  • Bag of Freebies for Training Object Detection Neural Networks

Learning Data Augmentation Strategies for Object Detection


  • 比较有效的数据增强方法
  • Rotate rotates the whole image and the bounding boxes
  • Equalize flattens the histogram of the pixel values
  • BBox Only TranslateY translates only the objects in bounding boxes vertically, up or down with equal probability
  • learned data augmentation policy is effective across all data sizes considered, with a larger improvement when the training set is small. We also observe that the improvement due to a learned data augmentation policy is larger on harder tasks of detecting smaller objects and detecting with more precision.
  • We carried out several experiments with Input Mixup, Manifold Mixup
    and Dropblock. For all methods we found that they either did not help nor hurt model performance
  • 和其他一些正则化方法一起使用,无效,学习的数据增强方法,有一定的正则化作用
  • This is an interesting result as the proposed method independently
    outperforms these regularization methods, yet apparently these regularization methods are not needed when applying a learned data augmentation policy.
  • 不止是学习到的数据增强策略的作用,还有增加 anchors,增大图片尺寸

'cannot load library \‘libvips.so.42\’: libvips.so.42: cannot open shared object file: No such file—# import pyvips vip的原因,注释有关 pyvips 代码

