int backtrace(void **buffer, int size);
char **backtrace_symbols(void *const *buffer, int size);
void backtrace_symbols_fd(void *const *buffer, int size, int fd);
man 帮助:
backtrace() returns a backtrace for the calling program, in the array pointed to by buffer. A backtrace is the series of currently active function calls for the program. Each item in the array pointed to by buffer is of type void *, and is the return address from the corresponding stack frame. The size argument specifies the maximum number of addresses that can be stored in buffer. If the backtrace is larger than size, then the addresses corresponding to the size most recent function calls are returned; to obtain the complete backtrace, make sure that buffer and size are large enough. Given the set of addresses returned by backtrace() in buffer, backtrace_symbols() translates the addresses into an array of strings that describe the addresses symbolically. The size argument specifies the number of addresses in buffer. The symbolic representation of each address consists of the function name (if this can be determined), a hexadecimal offset into the function, and the actual return address (in hexadecimal). The address of the array of string pointers is returned as the function result of backtrace_symbols(). This array is malloc(3)ed by backtrace_symbols(), and must be freed by the caller. (The strings pointed to by the array of pointers need not and should not be freed.) backtrace_symbols_fd() takes the same buffer and size arguments as backtrace_symbols(), but instead of returning an array of strings to the caller, it writes the strings, one per line, to the file descriptor fd. backtrace_symbols_fd() does not call malloc(3), and so can be employed in situations where the latter function might fail.
int backtrace(void **buffer,int size)
该函数用与获取当前线程的调用堆栈,获取的信息将会被存放在buffer中,它是一个指针数组。参数 size 用来指定buffer中可以保存多少个void* 元素。函数返回值是实际获取的指针个数,最大不超过size大小在buffer中的指针实际是从堆栈中获取的返回地址,每一个堆栈框架有一个返回地址。
char ** backtrace_symbols (void *const *buffer, int size)
backtrace_symbols将从backtrace函数获取的信息转化为一个字符串数组. 参数buffer应该是从backtrace函数获取的数组指针,size是该数组中的元素个数(backtrace的返回值),函数返回值是一个指向字符串数组的指针,它的大小同buffer相同.每个字符串包含了一个相对于buffer中对应元素的可打印信息.它包括函数名,函数的偏移地址,和实际的返回地址
现在,只有使用ELF二进制格式的程序和苦衷才能获取函数名称和偏移地址.在其他系统,只有16进制的返回地址能被获取.另外,你可能需要传递相应的标志给链接器,以能支持函数名功能(比如,在使用GNU ld的系统中,你需要传递(-rdynamic))
backtrace_symbols生成的字符串都是malloc出来的,但是不要最后一个一个的free,因为backtrace_symbols是根据backtrace给出的call stack层数,一次性的malloc出来一块内存来存放结果字符串的,所以,像上面代码一样,只需要在最后,free backtrace_symbols的返回指针就OK了。这一点backtrace的manual中也是特别提到的。
void backtrace_symbols_fd (void *const *buffer, int size, int fd)
backtrace_symbols_fd与backtrace_symbols 函数具有相同的功能,不同的是它不会给调用者返回字符串数组,而是将结果写入文件描述符为fd的文件中,每个函数对应一行.它不需要调用malloc函数,因此适用于有可能调用该函数会失败的情况。
#include#include #include #include void myfunc3(void) { int j, nptrs; #define SIZE 100 void *buffer[100]; char **strings; nptrs = backtrace(buffer, SIZE); printf("backtrace() returned %d addresses\n", nptrs); /* The call backtrace_symbols_fd(buffer, nptrs, STDOUT_FILENO) would produce similar output to the following: */ strings = backtrace_symbols(buffer, nptrs); if (strings == NULL) { perror("backtrace_symbols"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } for (j = 0; j < nptrs; j++) printf("%s\n", strings[j]); free(strings); } static void /* "static" means don't export the symbol... */ myfunc2(void) { myfunc3(); } void myfunc(int ncalls) { if (ncalls > 1) myfunc(ncalls - 1); else myfunc2(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "%s num-calls\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } myfunc(atoi(argv[1])); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int backtrace (void **buffer, int size)
char ** backtrace_symbols (void *const *buffer, int size)
char* abi::__cxa_demangle
const char * mangled_name,
char * output_buffer,
size_t * length,
int * status
1. backtrace可以在程序运行的任何地方被调用,返回各个调用函数的返回地址,可以限制最大调用栈返回层数。
2. 在backtrace拿到函数返回地址之后,backtrace_symbols可以将其转换为编译符号,这些符号是编译期间就确定的
3. 根据backtrace_symbols返回的编译符号,abi::__cxa_demangle可以找到具体地函数方法