


//	Copyright (C) 2010 Nexell co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
//	Module     : Queue Module
//	File       : 
//	Description:
//	Author     : RayPark
//	History    :
#include 		//	string

#include "NX_Queue.h"

#define DbgMsg(fmt,...)		printf(fmt)

//	Description : Initialize queue structure
//	Return      : 0 = no error, -1 = error
int NX_InitQueue( NX_QUEUE *pQueue, unsigned int maxNumElement )
	//	Initialize Queue
	memset( pQueue, 0, sizeof(NX_QUEUE) );
	if( maxNumElement > NX_MAX_QUEUE_ELEMENT ){
		return -1;
	if( 0 != pthread_mutex_init( &pQueue->hMutex, NULL ) ){
		return -1;
	pQueue->maxElement = maxNumElement;
	pQueue->bEnabled = 1;
	return 0;

int NX_PushQueue( NX_QUEUE *pQueue, void *pElement )
	assert( NULL != pQueue );
	pthread_mutex_lock( &pQueue->hMutex );
	//	Check Buffer Full
	if( pQueue->curElements >= pQueue->maxElement || !pQueue->bEnabled ){
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &pQueue->hMutex );
		return -1;
		pQueue->pElements[pQueue->tail] = pElement;
		pQueue->tail = (pQueue->tail+1)%pQueue->maxElement;
		pQueue->curElements ++;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &pQueue->hMutex );
	return 0;

int NX_PopQueue( NX_QUEUE *pQueue, void **pElement )
	assert( NULL != pQueue );
	pthread_mutex_lock( &pQueue->hMutex );
	//	Check Buffer Full
	if( pQueue->curElements == 0 || !pQueue->bEnabled ){
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &pQueue->hMutex );
		return -1;
		*pElement = pQueue->pElements[pQueue->head];
		pQueue->head = (pQueue->head + 1)%pQueue->maxElement;
		pQueue->curElements --;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &pQueue->hMutex );
	return 0;

int NX_GetNextQueuInfo( NX_QUEUE *pQueue, void **pElement )
	assert( NULL != pQueue );
	pthread_mutex_lock( &pQueue->hMutex );
	//	Check Buffer Full
	if( pQueue->curElements == 0 || !pQueue->bEnabled ){
		pthread_mutex_unlock( &pQueue->hMutex );
		return -1;
		*pElement = pQueue->pElements[pQueue->head];
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &pQueue->hMutex );
	return 0;

unsigned int NX_GetQueueCnt( NX_QUEUE *pQueue )
	assert( NULL != pQueue );
	return pQueue->curElements;

void NX_DeinitQueue( NX_QUEUE *pQueue )
	assert( NULL != pQueue );
	pthread_mutex_lock( &pQueue->hMutex );
	pQueue->bEnabled = 0;
	pthread_mutex_unlock( &pQueue->hMutex );
	pthread_mutex_destroy( &pQueue->hMutex );
	memset( pQueue, 0, sizeof(NX_QUEUE) );


//	Copyright (C) 2010 Nexell co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
//	Module      : Queue Module
//	File        : 
//	Description : Thread safe Queue moudle
//	Author      : Seong-O Park ([email protected])
//	History     :
#ifndef __NX_Queue_h__
#define __NX_Queue_h__



typedef struct NX_QUEUE{
	unsigned int head;
	unsigned int tail;
	unsigned int maxElement;
	unsigned int curElements;
	int bEnabled;
	void *pElements[NX_MAX_QUEUE_ELEMENT];
	pthread_mutex_t	hMutex;

int NX_InitQueue( NX_QUEUE *pQueue, unsigned int maxNumElement );
int NX_PushQueue( NX_QUEUE *pQueue, void *pElement );
int NX_PopQueue( NX_QUEUE *pQueue, void **pElement );
int NX_GetNextQueuInfo( NX_QUEUE *pQueue, void **pElement );
unsigned int NX_GetQueueCnt( NX_QUEUE *pQueue );
void NX_DeinitQueue( NX_QUEUE *pQueue );

#endif	//	__NX_OMXQueue_h__



#include "Util.h"

uint64_t NX_GetTickCount( void )
	uint64_t ret;
	struct timeval	tv;
	struct timezone	zv;
	gettimeofday( &tv, &zv );
	ret = ((uint64_t)tv.tv_sec)*1000 + tv.tv_usec/1000;
	return ret;

void dumpdata( void *data, int32_t len, const char *msg )
	int32_t i=0;
	uint8_t *byte = (uint8_t *)data;
	printf("Dump Data : %s", msg);
	for( i=0 ; i<len ; i ++ )
		if( i!=0 && i%16 == 0 )	printf("\n\t");
		printf("%.2x", byte[i] );
		if( i%4 == 3 ) printf(" ");


#ifndef __UTIL_h__
#define __UTIL_h__


uint64_t NX_GetTickCount( void );
void dumpdata( void *data, int32_t len, const char *msg );

//	Encoder Application Data
typedef struct CODEC_APP_DATA {
	//	Input Options
	char *inFileName;			//	Input File Name
	int32_t	width;				//	Input YUV Image Width
	int32_t	height;				//	Input YUV Image Height
	int32_t fpsNum;				//	Input Image Fps Number
	int32_t fpsDen;				// 	Input Image Fps Density

	//	Output Options
	char *outFileName;			//	Output File Name
	char *outLogFileName;		//	Output Log File Name
	char *outImgName;			//	Output Reconstructed Image File Name

	int32_t kbitrate;			//	Kilo Bitrate
	int32_t gop;				//	GoP
	int32_t codec;				//	0:H.264, 1:Mp4v, 2:H.263, 3:JPEG (def:H.264)
	int32_t qp;					//	Fixed Qp
	int32_t vbv;
	int32_t maxQp;
	int32_t RCAlgorithm;

	int32_t angle;

	//	Preview Options
	int32_t dspX;				//	Display X Axis Offset
	int32_t dspY;				//	Display Y Axis Offset
	int32_t	dspWidth;			//	Display Width
	int32_t dspHeight;			//	Dispplay Height

#endif // __UTIL_h__


#include 		    //	getopt & optarg
#include          //	atoi
#include 		//	gettimeofday

#include 			//	VIP
#include 			//	Display
#include 	//	Video En/Decoder

#include "NX_Queue.h"
#include "Util.h"

#define	MAX_SEQ_BUF_SIZE		(4*1024)
#define	MAX_ENC_BUFFER			8
#define	ENABLE_NV12				1

//#define TEST_CHG_PARA

//	Display Position
static int32_t giX = 0, giY = 0, giWidth = 1024, giHeight = 600;		//	Drone Board.

static float GetPSNR (uint8_t *pbyOrg, uint8_t *pbyRecon, int32_t iWidth, int32_t iHeight, int32_t iStride)
	int32_t  i, j;
	float    fPSNR_L = 0;

	for (i = 0; i < iHeight ; i++) {
		for (j = 0; j < iWidth ; j++) {
			fPSNR_L += (*(pbyOrg + j) - *(pbyRecon + j)) * (*(pbyOrg + j) - *(pbyRecon + j));
		pbyOrg   += iStride;
		pbyRecon += iWidth;

	// L
	fPSNR_L = (float) fPSNR_L / (float) (iWidth * iHeight);
	fPSNR_L = (fPSNR_L)? 10 * (float) log10 ((float) (255 * 255) / fPSNR_L): (float) 99.99;

	return fPSNR_L;

//	pSrc : Y + U(Cb) + V(Cr) (IYUV format)
static int32_t LoadImage( uint8_t *pSrc, int32_t w, int32_t h, NX_VID_MEMORY_INFO *pImg )
	int32_t i, j;
	uint8_t *pDst, *pCb, *pCr;

	//	Copy Lu
	pDst = (uint8_t*)pImg->luVirAddr;
	for( i=0 ; i<h ; i++ )
		memcpy(pDst, pSrc, w);
		pDst += pImg->luStride;
		pSrc += w;

	pCb = pSrc;
	pCr = pSrc + w*h/4;

	switch( pImg->fourCC )
		case FOURCC_NV12:
			uint8_t *pCbCr;
			pDst = (uint8_t*)pImg->cbVirAddr;
			for( i=0 ; i<h/2 ; i++ )
				pCbCr = pDst + pImg->cbStride*i;
				for( j=0 ; j<w/2 ; j++ )
					*pCbCr++ = *pCb++;
					*pCbCr++ = *pCr++;
		case FOURCC_NV21:
			uint8_t *pCrCb;
			pDst = (uint8_t*)pImg->cbVirAddr;
			for( i=0 ; i<h/2 ; i++ )
				pCrCb = pDst + pImg->cbStride*i;
				for( j=0 ; j<w/2 ; j++ )
					*pCrCb++ = *pCr++;
					*pCrCb++ = *pCb++;
		case FOURCC_MVS0:
		case FOURCC_YV12:
			//	Cb
			pDst = (uint8_t*)pImg->cbVirAddr;
			for( i=0 ; i<h/2 ; i++ )
				memcpy(pDst, pCb, w/2);
				pDst += pImg->cbStride;
				pCb += w/2;

			//	Cr
			pDst = (uint8_t*)pImg->crVirAddr;
			for( i=0 ; i<h/2 ; i++ )
				memcpy(pDst, pCr, w/2);
				pDst += pImg->crStride;
				pCr += w/2;
	return 0;

static void TestChangeParameter( ENC_APP_DATA *pAppData, NX_VID_ENC_HANDLE hEnc, int32_t frameCnt )
	NX_VID_ENC_CHG_PARAM stChgParam = {0,};

	if (frameCnt == 0)
		printf(" <<< Test Change Parameter >>> \n");
	else if (frameCnt == 200)
		stChgParam.chgFlg = VID_CHG_GOP;
		stChgParam.gopSize = pAppData->gop >> 1;
		printf("Change From 200Frm : GOP Size is half (%d -> %d) \n", pAppData->gop, stChgParam.gopSize );
		NX_VidEncChangeParameter( hEnc, &stChgParam );
	else if (frameCnt == 400)
		stChgParam.bitrate = ( pAppData->kbitrate >> 1 ) * 1024;
		stChgParam.gopSize = pAppData->gop;
		stChgParam.rcVbvSize = 0;
		printf("Change From 400Frm : BPS is half (%d -> %d) \n", pAppData->kbitrate, stChgParam.bitrate );
		NX_VidEncChangeParameter( hEnc, &stChgParam );
	else if (frameCnt == 600)
		stChgParam.bitrate = pAppData->kbitrate * 1024;
		stChgParam.fpsNum = pAppData->fpsNum >> 1;
		stChgParam.fpsDen = pAppData->fpsDen;
		stChgParam.rcVbvSize = 0;
		printf("Change From 600Frm : FPS is half (%d, %d) \n", pAppData->fpsNum, stChgParam.fpsNum );
		NX_VidEncChangeParameter( hEnc, &stChgParam );
	else if (frameCnt == 800)
		stChgParam.bitrate = ( pAppData->kbitrate << 2 ) * 1024;
		stChgParam.gopSize = pAppData->gop >> 2;
		stChgParam.fpsNum = pAppData->fpsNum;
		stChgParam.fpsDen = pAppData->fpsDen;
		stChgParam.rcVbvSize = 0;
		printf("Change From 800Frm : BPS is quadruple & gop is quarter (%d -> %d, %d -> %d) \n", pAppData->kbitrate, stChgParam.bitrate, pAppData->gop, stChgParam.gopSize );
		NX_VidEncChangeParameter( hEnc, &stChgParam );

#if 0
//	Camera Encoder Main
static int32_t VpuCamEncMain( CODEC_APP_DATA *pAppData )
	int32_t i;
	int32_t cropX=0, cropY=0, cropW, cropH;	//	Clipper Output Information
	int32_t frameCnt = 0;
	FILE *fdOut = NULL;

	//	VIP
	VIP_INFO vipInfo;

	//	Memory
	//	Display
	NX_QUEUE memQueue;
	//	Previous Displayed Memory
#ifdef NV12_MEM_TEST
	//	Current Vip Buffer
	NX_VID_MEMORY_INFO *pCurCapturedBuf = NULL;

	//	Encoder Parameters
	unsigned char *seqBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc( MAX_SEQ_BUF_SIZE );

	long long totalSize = 0;
	long long vipTimeStamp;

	int instanceIdx;

	//	Set Image & Clipper Information
	cropX = 0;
	cropY = 0;
	cropW = pAppData->width;
	cropH = pAppData->height;

	//	Initialze Memory Queue
	NX_InitQueue( &memQueue, MAX_ENC_BUFFER );
	//	Allocate Memory
	for( i=0; i<MAX_ENC_BUFFER ; i++ )
		hMem[i] = NX_VideoAllocateMemory( 4096, cropW, cropH, NX_MEM_MAP_LINEAR, FOURCC_MVS0 );
		NX_PushQueue( &memQueue, hMem[i] );

	memset( &vipInfo, 0, sizeof(vipInfo) );

	vipInfo.port = 2;
	vipInfo.mode = VIP_MODE_CLIPPER;

	//	Sensor Input Size
	vipInfo.width = pAppData->width;
	vipInfo.height = pAppData->height;

	vipInfo.numPlane = 1;

	//	Clipper Setting
	vipInfo.cropX = cropX;
	vipInfo.cropY = cropY;
	vipInfo.cropWidth  = cropW;
	vipInfo.cropHeight = cropH;

	//	Fps
	vipInfo.fpsNum = pAppData->fpsNum;
	vipInfo.fpsDen = 1;

	//	Output
	if( pAppData->outFileName )
		fdOut = fopen( pAppData->outFileName, "wb" );

#ifndef ANDROID
	//	Initailize VIP & Display
	dspInfo.port = 0;
	dspInfo.module = 0;
	dspInfo.width = cropW;
	dspInfo.height = cropH;
	dspInfo.numPlane = 1;
	dspInfo.dspSrcRect.left = 0;
	dspInfo.dspSrcRect.top = 0;
	dspInfo.dspSrcRect.right = cropW;
	dspInfo.dspSrcRect.bottom = cropH;
	dspInfo.dspDstRect.left = 0;
	dspInfo.dspDstRect.top = 0;
	dspInfo.dspDstRect.right = cropW;
	dspInfo.dspDstRect.bottom = cropH;
	hDsp = NX_DspInit( &dspInfo );
	//	NX_DspVideoSetPriority(0, 0);
	//hVip = NX_VipInit(&vipInfo);

	//	Open Encoder
	hEnc = NX_VidEncOpen( NX_AVC_ENC,  &instanceIdx);

	//	Initialize Encoder
	memset( &encInitParam, 0, sizeof(encInitParam) );
	encInitParam.width = cropW;
	encInitParam.height = cropH;
	encInitParam.gopSize = pAppData->gop;
	encInitParam.bitrate = pAppData->kbitrate * 1024;
	encInitParam.fpsNum = pAppData->fpsNum;
	encInitParam.fpsDen = 1;
#ifdef NV12_MEM_TEST
	encInitParam.chromaInterleave = 1;
	encInitParam.chromaInterleave = 0;
	//	Rate Control
	encInitParam.enableRC = 1;		//	Enable Rate Control
	encInitParam.disableSkip = 0;	//	Enable Skip
	encInitParam.maximumQp = 51;	//	Max Qunatization Scale
	encInitParam.initialQp = pAppData->qp;	//	Default Encoder API ( enableRC == 0 )
	encInitParam.enableAUDelimiter = 1;	//	Enable / Disable AU Delimiter
	NX_VidEncInit( hEnc, &encInitParam );
	if( fdOut )
		int size;
		//	Write Sequence Data
		NX_VidEncGetSeqInfo( hEnc, seqBuffer, &size );
		fwrite( seqBuffer, 1, size, fdOut );
		dumpdata( seqBuffer, size, "sps pps" );
		printf("Encoder Out Size = %d\n", size);

#ifdef NV12_MEM_TEST
	pNV12Mem = NX_VideoAllocateMemory( 4096, cropW, cropH, NX_MEM_MAP_LINEAR, FOURCC_NV12 );

#ifndef ANDROID
	//	PopQueue
	NX_PopQueue( &memQueue, (void**)&pTmpMem );
	NX_VipQueueBuffer( hVip, pTmpMem );

		NX_PopQueue( &memQueue, (void**)&pTmpMem );
		NX_VipQueueBuffer( hVip, pTmpMem );

		NX_VipDequeueBuffer( hVip, &pCurCapturedBuf, &vipTimeStamp );
		NX_DspQueueBuffer( hDsp, pCurCapturedBuf );

		if( pPrevDsp )
			NX_DspDequeueBuffer( hDsp );

#ifdef NV12_MEM_TEST
			if( pNV12Mem )
				int j;
				unsigned char *cbcr =(unsigned char*)pNV12Mem->cbVirAddr;
				unsigned char *cb   =(unsigned char*)pPrevDsp->cbVirAddr;
				unsigned char *cr   =(unsigned char*)pPrevDsp->crVirAddr;
				//	Copy
				memcpy( (unsigned char*)pNV12Mem->luVirAddr, (unsigned char*)pPrevDsp->luVirAddr, cropW*cropH );
				for( i=0 ; i<cropH/2 ; i++ )
					for( j=0 ; j<cropW/2 ; j++ )
						*cbcr++ = *cb++;
						*cbcr++ = *cr++;

				encIn.pImage = pNV12Mem;
				encIn.pImage = pPrevDsp;

			encIn.timeStamp = 0;
			encIn.forcedIFrame = 0;
			encIn.forcedSkipFrame = 0;
			encIn.quantParam = 25;

			NX_VidEncEncodeFrame( hEnc, &encIn, &encOut );

			if( fdOut && encOut.bufSize>0 )
				double bitRate = 0.;
				//	Write Sequence Data
				fwrite( encOut.outBuf, 1, encOut.bufSize, fdOut );
				printf("FrameType = %d, size = %8d, ", encOut.frameType, encOut.bufSize);
#ifdef DUMP_DATA
				dumpdata( encOut.outBuf, 16, "" );
				totalSize += encOut.bufSize;
				bitRate = (double)totalSize/(double)frameCnt*.8;
				printf("bitRate = %4.3f kbps\n", bitRate*30/1024.);

			NX_PushQueue( &memQueue, pPrevDsp );
		pPrevDsp = pCurCapturedBuf;
		frameCnt ++;

	if( fdOut )
		fclose( fdOut );

	NX_DspClose( hDsp );
	NX_VipClose( hVip );

	return 0;

//	Coda960 Performance Test Application
//	Application Sequence :
//	Step 1. Prepare Parameter
//	Step 2. Load YUV Image & Copy to Encoding Buffer
//	Step 3. Write Encoded Bitstream
static int32_t VpuEncPerfMain( CODEC_APP_DATA *pAppData )
	DISPLAY_HANDLE hDsp;                       // Display Handle
	NX_VID_ENC_HANDLE hEnc;                    // Encoder Handle
	uint64_t StrmTotalSize = 0;
	float    PSNRSum = 0;

	//	Input Image
	int32_t inWidth = pAppData->width;
	int32_t inHeight = pAppData->height;

	//	In/Out/Log File Open
	FILE *fdIn = fopen( pAppData->inFileName, "rb" );
	FILE *fdOut = fopen( pAppData->outFileName, "wb" );
	FILE *fdLog = fopen( pAppData->outLogFileName, "w" );
	FILE *fdRecon = ( pAppData->outImgName ) ? fopen( pAppData->outImgName, "wb" ) : NULL;

	if ( fdIn == NULL || fdOut == NULL )
		printf("input file or output file open error!!\n");

		NX_VID_ENC_INIT_PARAM encInitParam = {0, };			         // Encoder Parameters
		uint8_t *seqBuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc( MAX_SEQ_BUF_SIZE );  // SPS/PPS or JPEG Header
#ifndef ANDROID
		DISPLAY_INFO dspInfo = {0, };

		// Initailize Display
		dspInfo.port = 0;
		dspInfo.module = 0;
		dspInfo.width = inWidth;
		dspInfo.height = inHeight;
		dspInfo.numPlane = 1;
		//	Source Crop
		dspInfo.dspSrcRect.left = 0;
		dspInfo.dspSrcRect.top = 0;
		dspInfo.dspSrcRect.right = inWidth;
		dspInfo.dspSrcRect.bottom = inHeight;
		//	Display Scaling
		dspInfo.dspDstRect.left = pAppData->dspX;
		dspInfo.dspDstRect.top = pAppData->dspY;
		dspInfo.dspDstRect.right = pAppData->dspX + pAppData->dspWidth;
		dspInfo.dspDstRect.bottom = pAppData->dspY + pAppData->dspHeight;
		hDsp = NX_DspInit( &dspInfo );
		NX_DspVideoSetPriority(dspInfo.module, 0);

		// Initialize Encoder
		if ( pAppData->codec == 0) pAppData->codec = NX_AVC_ENC;
		else if (pAppData->codec == 1) pAppData->codec = NX_MP4_ENC;
		else if (pAppData->codec == 2) pAppData->codec = NX_H263_ENC;
		else if (pAppData->codec == 3) pAppData->codec = NX_JPEG_ENC;
		hEnc = NX_VidEncOpen( (VID_TYPE_E)pAppData->codec, NULL );

		pAppData->fpsNum = ( pAppData->fpsNum ) ? ( pAppData->fpsNum ) : ( 30 );
		pAppData->fpsDen = ( pAppData->fpsDen ) ? ( pAppData->fpsDen ) : ( 1 );
		pAppData->gop = ( pAppData->gop ) ? ( pAppData->gop ) : ( pAppData->fpsNum / pAppData->fpsDen );

		encInitParam.width = inWidth;
		encInitParam.height = inHeight;
		encInitParam.fpsNum = pAppData->fpsNum;
		encInitParam.fpsDen = pAppData->fpsDen;
		encInitParam.gopSize = pAppData->gop;
		encInitParam.bitrate = pAppData->kbitrate * 1024;
		encInitParam.chromaInterleave = ENABLE_NV12;
		encInitParam.enableAUDelimiter = 0;			//	Enable / Disable AU Delimiter
		encInitParam.searchRange = 0;
		if ( pAppData->codec == NX_JPEG_ENC )
			encInitParam.chromaInterleave = 0;
			encInitParam.jpgQuality = (pAppData->qp == 0) ? (90) : (pAppData->qp);

		//	Rate Control
		encInitParam.maximumQp= pAppData->maxQp;
		encInitParam.disableSkip = 0;
		encInitParam.initialQp = pAppData->qp;
		encInitParam.enableRC = ( encInitParam.bitrate ) ? ( 1 ) : ( 0 );
		encInitParam.RCAlgorithm = ( pAppData->RCAlgorithm == 0 ) ? ( 1 ) : ( 0 );
		encInitParam.rcVbvSize = ( pAppData->vbv ) ? (pAppData->vbv) : (encInitParam.bitrate * 2 / 8);

		if (NX_VidEncInit( hEnc, &encInitParam ) != VID_ERR_NONE)
			printf("NX_VidEncInit() failed \n");
		printf("NX_VidEncInit() success \n");

		//	Get Sequence Data or Jpeg Header
		if( fdOut )
			int size;

			//	Write Sequence Data
			if ( pAppData->codec != NX_JPEG_ENC )
				NX_VidEncGetSeqInfo( hEnc, seqBuffer, &size );
				NX_VidEncJpegGetHeader( hEnc, seqBuffer, &size );

			fwrite( seqBuffer, 1, size, fdOut );
			dumpdata( seqBuffer, size, "sps pps" );
			StrmTotalSize += size;
			printf("Encoder Header Size = %d\n", size);

		if( fdLog )
			fprintf(fdLog, "Frame Count\tFrame Size\tEncoding Time\tIs Key\n");

		NX_VID_MEMORY_HANDLE hMem[MAX_ENC_BUFFER];      // Allocate Memory for Encoder Input
		NX_VID_MEMORY_INFO *pPrevDsp = NULL;            // Previous Displayed Memory

		NX_VID_ENC_IN encIn;
		NX_VID_ENC_OUT encOut;

		long long totalSize = 0;
		double bitRate = 0.;
		int32_t frameCnt = 0, i, readSize;
		uint64_t startTime, endTime, totalTime = 0;

		uint8_t *pSrcBuf = (uint8_t*)malloc(inWidth*inHeight*3/2);

		for( i=0; i<MAX_ENC_BUFFER ; i++ )
			if ( pAppData->codec != NX_JPEG_ENC )
				hMem[i] = NX_VideoAllocateMemory( 4096, inWidth, inHeight, NX_MEM_MAP_LINEAR, FOURCC_NV12 );
				hMem[i] = NX_VideoAllocateMemory( 4096, inWidth, inHeight, NX_MEM_MAP_LINEAR, /*FOURCC_NV12*/FOURCC_MVS0 );
				hMem[i] = NX_VideoAllocateMemory( 4096, inWidth, inHeight, NX_MEM_MAP_LINEAR, /*FOURCC_NV12*/FOURCC_MVS0 );

			TestChangeParameter( pAppData, hEnc, frameCnt );

			//if (frameCnt % 35 == 7)
			//	encIn.forcedIFrame = 1;
			//else if (frameCnt % 35 == 20)
			//	encIn.forcedSkipFrame = 1;

			encIn.pImage = hMem[frameCnt%MAX_ENC_BUFFER];
			if( fdIn )
				readSize = fread(pSrcBuf, 1, inWidth*inHeight*3/2, fdIn);
				if( readSize != inWidth*inHeight*3/2 || readSize == 0 )
					printf("End of Stream!!!\n");

			LoadImage( pSrcBuf, inWidth, inHeight, encIn.pImage );

			if ( pAppData->codec != NX_JPEG_ENC )
				encIn.forcedIFrame = 0;
				encIn.forcedSkipFrame = 0;
				encIn.quantParam = pAppData->qp;
				encIn.timeStamp = 0;

				//	Encode Image
				startTime = NX_GetTickCount();
				NX_VidEncEncodeFrame( hEnc, &encIn, &encOut );
				startTime = NX_GetTickCount();
				NX_VidEncJpegRunFrame( hEnc, encIn.pImage, &encOut );

			endTime = NX_GetTickCount();
			totalTime += (endTime-startTime);

#ifndef ANDROID
			// Display Image
			NX_DspQueueBuffer( hDsp, encIn.pImage );

			if( pPrevDsp )
				NX_DspDequeueBuffer( hDsp );
			pPrevDsp = encIn.pImage;

			if( fdOut && encOut.bufSize>0 )
				float PSNR = GetPSNR((uint8_t *)encIn.pImage->luVirAddr, (uint8_t *)encOut.ReconImg.luVirAddr, encOut.width, encOut.height, encIn.pImage->luStride);

				totalSize += encOut.bufSize;
				bitRate = (double)totalSize*8/(double)frameCnt;

				// Write Sequence Data
				fwrite( encOut.outBuf, 1, encOut.bufSize, fdOut );
				printf("[%4d]FrameType = %d, size = %8d, ", frameCnt, encOut.frameType, encOut.bufSize);
				//dumpdata( encOut.outBuf, 16, "" );
				printf("bitRate = %6.3f kbps, Qp = %2d, PSNR = %f, time=%6lld\n", bitRate*pAppData->fpsNum/pAppData->fpsDen/1000., encIn.quantParam, PSNR, (endTime-startTime) );
				StrmTotalSize += encOut.bufSize;
				PSNRSum += PSNR;

				//	Frame Size, Encoding Time, Is Key
				if( fdLog )
					fprintf(fdLog, "%5d\t%7d\t%2d\t%lld\t%d\n", frameCnt, encOut.bufSize, encIn.quantParam, (endTime-startTime), encOut.frameType);

				if ( fdRecon )
					if ( encOut.width == encOut.ReconImg.luStride )
						fwrite( (void *)encOut.ReconImg.luVirAddr, 1, encOut.width * encOut.height, fdRecon );
						fwrite( (void *)encOut.ReconImg.cbVirAddr, 1, encOut.width * encOut.height / 4, fdRecon );
						fwrite( (void *)encOut.ReconImg.crVirAddr, 1, encOut.width * encOut.height / 4, fdRecon );
						int32_t y;
						uint8_t *pbyTmp = (uint8_t *)encOut.ReconImg.luVirAddr;
						for (y=0 ; y<encOut.height ; y++)
							fwrite( (void *)pbyTmp, 1, encOut.width, fdRecon );
							pbyTmp += encOut.ReconImg.luStride;

						pbyTmp = (uint8_t *)encOut.ReconImg.cbVirAddr;
						for (y=0 ; y<encOut.height/2 ; y++)
							fwrite( (void *)pbyTmp, 1, encOut.width/2, fdRecon );
							pbyTmp += encOut.ReconImg.cbStride;

						pbyTmp = (uint8_t *)encOut.ReconImg.crVirAddr;
						for (y=0 ; y<encOut.height/2 ; y++)
							fwrite( (void *)pbyTmp, 1, encOut.width/2, fdRecon );
							pbyTmp += encOut.ReconImg.crStride;
			// if (frameCnt > 5) break;
			frameCnt ++;

			float TotalBps = (float)((StrmTotalSize * 8 * pAppData->fpsNum / pAppData->fpsDen) / (frameCnt * 1024));
			printf("[Summary]Bitrate = %.3fKBps(%.2f%), PSNR = %.3fdB, Frame Count = %d \n", TotalBps, TotalBps * 100 / pAppData->kbitrate, (PSNRSum / frameCnt), frameCnt );

	if( fdLog )

	if( fdIn )
		fclose( fdIn );

	if( fdOut )
		fclose( fdOut );

	if( hEnc )
		NX_VidEncClose( hEnc );

#ifndef ANDROID
	NX_DspClose( hDsp );

	return 0;

int32_t VpuEncMain( CODEC_APP_DATA *pAppData )
	//	Performance Test
	if( pAppData->inFileName )
		if( pAppData->outLogFileName == NULL )
			pAppData->outLogFileName = (char*)malloc(strlen(pAppData->outFileName) + 5);
			strcpy(pAppData->outLogFileName, pAppData->outFileName);
			strcat(pAppData->outLogFileName, ".log");
		return VpuEncPerfMain( pAppData );
	//	return VpuCamEncMain( pAppData );
	return 0;



#include "Vpu.h"
#include 		    //	getopt & optarg
#include          //	atoi
#include 		//	gettimeofday

#include 			//	VIP
#include 			//	Display
#include 	//	Video En/Decoder

#include "NX_Queue.h"
#include "Util.h"

#define	MAX_SEQ_BUF_SIZE		(4*1024)
#define	MAX_ENC_BUFFER			8
#define	ENABLE_NV12				1


int32_t vpu:: LoadImage( uint8_t *pSrc, int32_t w, int32_t h, NX_VID_MEMORY_INFO *pImg )
	int32_t i, j;
	uint8_t *pDst, *pCb, *pCr;

	//	Copy Lu
	pDst = (uint8_t*)pImg->luVirAddr;
	for( i=0 ; i<h ; i++ )
		memcpy(pDst, pSrc, w);
		pDst += pImg->luStride;
		pSrc += w;

	pCb = pSrc;
	pCr = pSrc + w*h/4;

	uint8_t *pCbCr;
	pDst = (uint8_t*)pImg->cbVirAddr;
	for( i=0 ; i<h/2 ; i++ )
		pCbCr = pDst + pImg->cbStride*i;
		for( j=0 ; j<w/2 ; j++ )
			*pCbCr++ = *pCb++;
			*pCbCr++ = *pCr++;
	return 0;

vpu::vpu(int width,int height,int Fps)

seqBuffer = (unsigned char *)malloc( MAX_SEQ_BUF_SIZE );
long long totalSize = 0;
long long vipTimeStamp;
int instanceIdx;
hEnc = NX_VidEncOpen(NX_AVC_ENC, &instanceIdx);   
memset( &encInitParam, 0, sizeof(encInitParam));
encInitParam.width = inWidth;
encInitParam.height = inHeight;
encInitParam.gopSize = 30/2;
encInitParam.bitrate = 1000;
encInitParam.fpsNum = Fps;
encInitParam.fpsDen = 1;
encInitParam.chromaInterleave = 1;

encInitParam.enableRC = 1;
encInitParam.disableSkip = 0;
encInitParam.maximumQp = 51;
encInitParam.initialQp = 10;
encInitParam.enableAUDelimiter = 1;

hInImage = NULL;
hInImage = NX_VideoAllocateMemory( 16, inWidth, inHeight, NX_MEM_MAP_LINEAR, FOURCC_NV12);

encIn.timeStamp = 0;
encIn.forcedIFrame = 0;
encIn.forcedSkipFrame = 0;
encIn.quantParam = 23;
encIn.pImage = hInImage;      
if (NX_VidEncInit( hEnc, &encInitParam ) != VID_ERR_NONE)
	printf("NX_VidEncInit() failed \n");

printf("NX_VidEncInit() success \n");
NX_VidEncGetSeqInfo( hEnc, seqBuffer, &size );

char*  vpu::DecodeNV12_To_H264(void *yuv420p,int *length)
    LoadImage((uint8_t*)yuv420p,inWidth , inHeight, encIn.pImage);
    NX_VidEncEncodeFrame( hEnc, &encIn, &encOut );
    char* data=(char*)encOut.outBuf;
    return data;



#ifndef VPU_H
#define VPU_H

#include 		//	getopt & optarg
#include 		//	atoi
#include 		//	printf
#include 		//	strdup
#include 		//	gettimeofday

#include 			//	VIP
#include 			//	Display
#include 	//	Video En/Decoder

#include "NX_Queue.h"

class vpu
    int32_t opt;
	int32_t mode;
	NX_VID_ENC_HANDLE hEnc;                    // Encoder Handle
    NX_VID_ENC_INIT_PARAM encInitParam;
 	NX_VID_MEMORY_HANDLE hMem;      // Allocate Memory for Encoder Input
	NX_VID_MEMORY_INFO *hInImage;            // Previous Displayed Memor
    uint8_t *pSrcBuf ;
    int32_t inWidth;
    int32_t inHeight;
    FILE *fdOut;

    int32_t LoadImage( uint8_t *pSrc, int32_t w, int32_t h, NX_VID_MEMORY_INFO *pImg );
    char*  DecodeNV12_To_H264(void *nv12,int *length);
    NX_VID_ENC_IN encIn;
    unsigned char *seqBuffer;
    int size;
    vpu(int width,int height,int Fps);

