Freescale MMPF0100电源管理芯片配置长按关机功能

Freescale MMPF0100是一款可编程电源管理芯片,可提供4-6路电压降压转换器,六路通用可编程电压输出。控制接口为I2C接口。

• Four to six buck converters, depending on configuration
• Single/Dual phase/ parallel options
• DDR termination tracking mode option
• Boost regulator to 5.0 V output
• Six general purpose linear regualtors
• Programmable output voltage, sequence, and timing
• OTP (One Time Programmable) memory for device configuration
• Coin cell charger and RTC supply
• DDR termination reference voltage
• Power control logic with processor interface and event detection
• I2C control
• Individually programmable ON, OFF, and Standby modes


Freescale MMPF0100电源管理芯片配置长按关机功能_第1张图片



Freescale MMPF0100电源管理芯片配置长按关机功能_第2张图片

看到有PWRON_CFG位的寄存器竟有三个,傻眼了,不知道配置哪一个。不管了,全部配置为1。通过i2c tools配置寄存器,发现配不进去。回头仔细查看下手册,原来这几个寄存器属于Extend page 1 寄存器。关于这些扩展寄存器,手册有如下说明。

The register map is comprised of thirty-two pages, and its address and data fields are each eight bits wide. Only the first two
pages can be accessed. On each page, registers 0 to 0x7F are referred to as
'functional', and registers 0x80 to 0xFF as
'extended'. On each page, the functional registers are the same, but the extended registers are different.To access registers on
Extended Page 1, one must first write 0x01 to the page register at address 0x7F, and to access registersExtended Page 2, one
must first write 0x02 to the page register at address 0x7F.
To access the
Functional Page from one of the extended pages, no
write to the page register is necessary.

原来地址0x00 - 0x7f 寄存器属于功能寄存器,可直接访问;地址0x80 - 0xff 寄存器属于扩展寄存器,需要设置page number后才能访问,设置不通page number后扩展寄存器的功能是不同的。意思是说要读写Extend page 1 寄存器,需要在功能寄存器 0x7f 里写入page number 0x01后才能访问。尝试一下设置page number以后,果然可以设置E0 、 E1 、E2三个寄存器。在设置过程中,偶然发现原来E3寄存器值是由E0 、 E1 、E2三个寄存器异或后得到的。于是猜测,要配置PWRON_CFG位为1,只需配置E0 、 E1 、E2三个寄存器的PWRON_CFG位异或为1即可。也就说要么三个全配置为1,要么其中一个为1,其余两个为0。后经验证,的确是这样。






Freescale MMPF0100电源管理芯片配置长按关机功能_第3张图片

The TBBOTP registers are located within the Extended Page 1 of the MMPF0100 register map.
During a power-up, the TBBOTP registers behave as follows:
• The contents of the TBBOTP registers are initialized to zero when a valid VIN is first applied.
• The values that are then loaded into the TBBOTP registers depend on the setting of the VDDOTP pin, and
on the value of the TBB_POR, and the FUSE_POR_XOR bits. Refer to
Table 1.
• If VDDOTP = VCOREDIG (1.5 V), the TBBOTP values are loaded from ROM.
• If VDDOTP = 0 V, TBB_POR = 0 and FUSE_POR_XOR = 1; the TBBOTP values are loaded from the fuses.
• If VDDOTP = 0, TBB_POR = 0 and FUSE_POR_XOR=0; the TBBOTP registers remain initialized at zero.
• The initial value of TBB_POR is always “0”, only when VDDOTP = 0 V and TBB_POR is set to “1”, are the
values from the TBBOTP registers maintained and not loaded from a different source.

之前只注意到要使TBBOTP寄存器生效,要使VDDOTP=0V且TBB_POR=1,但是没有注意上面紫色字体的内容:“During a power-up”,这是不是说TBBOTP寄存器生效要有power up的过程,也就是说有上下电的操作。于是重新配置下寄存器,然后拔掉电源,重新插上,板子居然不启动了,这就说明设置终于生效了。因为按照上面的状态机,这种配置PWRON_CFG位为1的情况下,off状态要到on状态,要按下按钮,使PWRON=0。按下按钮,成功开机;开机完了以后,按住电源按钮4s,成功关机了。


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