Android 驱动(5)---MTK 平台分区表

MTK platform partition meaning

  1. Pre-loader

    • Pre-loader image
    • Handles all the download and secure boot procedure 
  2.        DSP_BL
    •  DSP Boot Loader
  3.         MBR、EBR1、EBR2
    •  Ext4 file system partition index table
  4.        PMT
    •  Partition management table
  5.        NvRam
    • Stores the hardware related information, such as calibration data, MAC address, IMEI … etc
  6.        SECCFG and SECSTATIC
    • Reserved for the security platform used
  7.     protect1 or protect_f
    • store SIM LOCK
  8.     protect2 or protect_s
    • backup SIM LOCK
  9.     pgpt
    • Partition management table, compared with MBR
  10.     sgpt
    • backup of pgpt
  11.     oemkeystore and keystore
    • image authentication key for verified boot, not used yet
  12.     tee1
    • Trusted Excution Environment(
  13.     tee2
    • backup of tee1
  14.      U-boot/LK
    •  Second loader image
    • Handles most hardware initializations and bring-up entire Linux kernel
  15.      Boot image
    • Linux kernel image and it's root file system
  16.      Recovery
    • Recovery kernel image and it's root file system
    • Handles all the system recovery and firmware update functionalities
  17.     SEC_RO or SECRO
    • Reserved for the security platform used
  18.      Misc
    • Used for the recovery procedure (power loss)
  19.      Logo
    •  Boot-up logo image
  20.      EXPDB
    •  Store Exception database
  21.      System
    •  Android system image
  22.      Cache
    •  For  Android internal used
    •  Store Android internal cache data or web cache data
  23.     User data
    • Used for Android system to store user data such as user contacts, settings, installed applications … etc
  24.      FAT/intsd
    • Internal sdcard on emmc
  25.       OTP
    • Otp(one time program) area on emmc
  26.    flashinfo
    • flash tool download information
  27.      BMTPOOL
    • Handles Bad Block Management(nandflash used and reserved on emmc)
  28.    PARA
    • save parameter for recovery
  29.    FRP
    • factory reset for protect , used for stolen phones
  30.    NVDATA
    • store data in data/nvram/
  31.    PROINFO
    • a nvram partition, store one struct default, can be added
  32.    md1img, md1dsp,md1arm7, md3img
    • For Android M, MD image have switched to MD standalone partition, all modem images will be load from the partition: md1img, md1dsp, md1arm7 and md3img
  33.    scp1,scp2
    • system control processor, used for recovery fail
  34.    lk1,lk2
    • used for the case of update lk throught OTA fail
  35.    persist
    •  store data which will be stable for a long time
  36.    metadata
    • store master key for data encryption
  37.    nvcfg
    • nvram config, controlled by MTK_NVCONFIG_PARTITION_SUPPORT, not used yet
  38.    custom
    • customization partition, controlled by MTK_CIP_SUPPORT
  39.    efuse
    • download BB chip's efuse
  40.    ppl
    • Privacy protection lock,used for mobile phone antitheft
