Android 9 (P)系统启动之SystemServer大揭秘上

    Android 9 系统启动之SystemServer大揭秘上


  在前面的篇章Android 9 Zygote进程启动源码分析指南中我们重点分析了zygote启动的流程,但是剩余了两个重点的知识点没有讲解其中之一就是Android system_server进程启动的完整流程,在本篇中我们将要揭开system_server的神秘面纱分析分析它究竟是怎么启动的。


  SystemServer对Android意味着什么?这个答案是不言而喻的,它是Android Java世界的精神支柱,虽然Android的Java世界可以说由zygote孵化而来的,但是在我看来zygote也是一个甩手掌柜只管生,生完就不管了(有点像动物世界里的蜂王,当然我们男同袍不是的)。而system_server进程则是Android Java世界的核心管理者,为了Java世界的繁华提供着各种服务,事必亲力亲为(有点像动物世界的工蜂)。
  正是由于zygote和system_server的关系如此密切,所以这两者之间任何一个发生异常,都会导致Android Java的崩溃(所有由Zygote孵化的Java进程都会被销毁,而SystemServer就是由Zygote孵化而来)。若Android Java真的崩溃了,那么Linux系统中的进程init会重新启动“两大支柱”以重建Android Java,也有可能陷入无限死循环启动不了这个就要根据实际情况看来了。

注意:本文演示的代码是Android P高通msm8953平台源码。其中涉及的源码路径如下:


一. system_server启动的整体概括


Android 9 (P)系统启动之SystemServer大揭秘上_第1张图片

二. system_server进程启动源码分析

  在前面的篇章Android 9 Zygote进程启动源码分析指南中我们知道当zygote进程进入到java世界后,在ZygoteInit.java中,将调用startSystemServer函数启动SystemServer进程,其关键代码是:

            if (startSystemServer) {
                Runnable r = forkSystemServer(abiList, socketName, zygoteServer);

                // {@code r == null} in the parent (zygote) process, and {@code r != null} in the
                // child (system_server) process.
                if (r != null) {


2.1 forkSystemServer


     * Prepare the arguments and forks for the system server process.
     * Returns an {@code Runnable} that provides an entrypoint into system_server code in the
     * child process, and {@code null} in the parent.
    private static Runnable forkSystemServer(String abiList, String socketName,
            ZygoteServer zygoteServer) {
	   String args[] = {
            "--capabilities=" + capabilities + "," + capabilities,
            "--target-sdk-version=" + VMRuntime.SDK_VERSION_CUR_DEVELOPMENT,
        ZygoteConnection.Arguments parsedArgs = null;

        int pid;

        try {
            parsedArgs = new ZygoteConnection.Arguments(args);

            boolean profileSystemServer = SystemProperties.getBoolean(
                    "dalvik.vm.profilesystemserver", false);
            if (profileSystemServer) {
                parsedArgs.runtimeFlags |= Zygote.PROFILE_SYSTEM_SERVER;

            /* Request to fork the system server process */
            pid = Zygote.forkSystemServer(
                    parsedArgs.uid, parsedArgs.gid,
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);

        /* For child process */
        if (pid == 0) {//如果是子进程
            if (hasSecondZygote(abiList)) {//如果有SecondZygote进程需要启动,等待启动完成

            return handleSystemServerProcess(parsedArgs);//处理system_server进程相关的事务

        return null;


  • 准备要启动system_server相关的参数并fork新的进程,从上面可以看出system server进程参数信息为uid=1000,gid=1000,进程名为sytem_server
  • 如果对于有两个zygote进程情况,需等待第2个zygote创建完成,这种情况通常发生在加载zygote启动的rc文件为init.zygote32_64.rc或者init.zygote64_32.rc这两种情况下
  • 从zygote进程fork新进程后,关闭zygote原有的socket
  • 调用handleSystemServerProcess,返回一个Runable对象

2.2 Zygote.forkSystemServer


    public static int forkSystemServer(int uid, int gid, int[] gids, int runtimeFlags,
            int[][] rlimits, long permittedCapabilities, long effectiveCapabilities) {
        // Resets nice priority for zygote process.
        int pid = nativeForkSystemServer(
                uid, gid, gids, runtimeFlags, rlimits, permittedCapabilities, effectiveCapabilities);
        // Enable tracing as soon as we enter the system_server.
        if (pid == 0) {
            Trace.setTracingEnabled(true, runtimeFlags);
        return pid;


1. 将Java类所在的包名中的.转换成_,譬如我们这里的Zygote所在包名为,转换后即为com_android_internal_os
2. 将上述转换后的字符串+"_"+Java类名.cpp,就是我们要找的Jni文件了,譬如我们这里的com_android_internal_os_Zygote.cpp

2.3 nativeForkSystemServer


static jint com_android_internal_os_Zygote_nativeForkSystemServer(
        JNIEnv* env, jclass, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, jintArray gids,
        jint runtime_flags, jobjectArray rlimits, jlong permittedCapabilities,
        jlong effectiveCapabilities) {
  pid_t pid = ForkAndSpecializeCommon(env, uid, gid, gids,
                                      runtime_flags, rlimits,
                                      permittedCapabilities, effectiveCapabilities,
                                      MOUNT_EXTERNAL_DEFAULT, NULL, NULL, true, NULL,
                                      NULL, false, NULL, NULL);
  if (pid > 0) {
      // The zygote process checks whether the child process has died or not.
      ALOGI("System server process %d has been created", pid);
      //// 将子进程SystemServer的pid存在zygote进程的全局变量中
      gSystemServerPid = pid;
      // There is a slight window that the system server process has crashed
      // but it went unnoticed because we haven't published its pid yet. So
      // we recheck here just to make sure that all is well.
      int status;
      if (waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) == pid) {
          ALOGE("System server process %d has died. Restarting Zygote!", pid);
          RuntimeAbort(env, __LINE__, "System server process has died. Restarting Zygote!");

      bool low_ram_device = GetBoolProperty("ro.config.low_ram", false);
      bool per_app_memcg = GetBoolProperty("ro.config.per_app_memcg", low_ram_device);
      if (per_app_memcg) {
          // Assign system_server to the correct memory cgroup.
          // Not all devices mount /dev/memcg so check for the file first
          // to avoid unnecessarily printing errors and denials in the logs.
          if (!access("/dev/memcg/system/tasks", F_OK) &&
                !WriteStringToFile(StringPrintf("%d", pid), "/dev/memcg/system/tasks")) {
              ALOGE("couldn't write %d to /dev/memcg/system/tasks", pid);
  return pid;

  通过上面的代码可以看到,当system_server创建如果夭折了的话,那么Android将不得不重启zygote进程了。但是需要注意的是,对于Android 5.0以上系统,有两个zygote进程,分别是zygote、zygote64两个进程,system_server的父进程,一般来说64位系统其父进程是zygote64进程(这个是参考gityuan的,不保证正确)。

  • 当kill system_server进程后,只重启zygote64和system_server,不重启zygote;
  • 当kill zygote64进程后,只重启zygote64和system_server,也不重启zygote;
  • 当kill zygote进程,则重启zygote、zygote64以及system_server。


  • 通过ps命令查看当前Android终端运行了几个zygote进程
msm8953_64:/ # ps | grep zygote
root      756   1     2172472 83332 poll_sched 0000000000 S zygote64
root      757   1     1599292 71024 poll_sched 0000000000 S zygote
  • 根据进程号PID看看上面两个zygote进程的执行文件
msm8953_64:/ # cd /proc/756
msm8953_64:/proc/756 # ls -ali | grep exe
   407 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 0 1970-01-01 08:00 exe -> /system/bin/app_process64
msm8953_64:/proc/756 # cd /proc/757
msm8953_64:/proc/757 # ls -ali | grep exe
   469 lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root 0 1970-01-01 08:00 exe -> /system/bin/app_process32
  • 我们可以看到zygote64的PID为756,zygote的PID为757,那么我们只要看那些进程的PPID为上述的PID值就可以看出进程分别是由谁孵化的呢
msm8953_64:/ # ps | grep 757
root      757   1     1599292 71024 poll_sched 00f39f06d4 S zygote
mediacodec 776   1     37576  7844  binder_thr 00ef66362c S media.codec
u0_a31    2300  757   1019548 44536 SyS_epoll_ 00f39f04e8 S
system    2757  756   1588652 45852 SyS_epoll_ 7f7df5e8f0 S org.simalliance.openmobileapi.service
msm8953_64:/ # ps | grep 756
root      756   1     2172472 83332 poll_sched 7f7df5ea10 S zygote64
radio     790   1     93376  15756 hrtimer_na 7f961e9328 S /system/bin/rild
system    1438  756   2384124 134304 SyS_epoll_ 7f7df5e8f0 S system_server
u0_a12    1771  756   1655104 133292 SyS_epoll_ 7f7df5e8f0 S
system    2026  756   1639448 65892 SyS_epoll_ 7f7df5e8f0 S
radio     2039  756   1639620 73844 SyS_epoll_ 7f7df5e8f0 S

2.4 ForkAndSpecializeCommon


// Utility routine to fork zygote and specialize the child process.
static pid_t ForkAndSpecializeCommon(JNIEnv* env, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, jintArray javaGids,
                                     jint runtime_flags, jobjectArray javaRlimits,
                                     jlong permittedCapabilities, jlong effectiveCapabilities,
                                     jint mount_external,
                                     jstring java_se_info, jstring java_se_name,
                                     bool is_system_server, jintArray fdsToClose,
                                     jintArray fdsToIgnore, bool is_child_zygote,
                                     jstring instructionSet, jstring dataDir) {
    pid_t pid = fork();//这个是重点,system_server进程是在这里fork出来的

  if (pid == 0) {//这里是system_server进程
	      // Clean up any descriptors which must be closed immediately
	    if (!DetachDescriptors(env, fdsToClose, &error_msg)) {//关闭并清除文件描述符
	    if (!is_system_server && getuid() == 0) {//对于非system_server子进程,则创建进程组
	        int rc = createProcessGroup(uid, getpid());
	        if (rc != 0) {
	            if (rc == -EROFS) {
	                ALOGW("createProcessGroup failed, kernel missing CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT?");
	            } else {
	                ALOGE("createProcessGroup(%d, %d) failed: %s", uid, pid, strerror(-rc));
	    if (!SetGids(env, javaGids, &error_msg)) {//设置group,这个是在zygoteInit中传递过来的
	    if (!SetRLimits(env, javaRlimits, &error_msg)) {//设置资源limits
	    if (!SetCapabilities(permittedCapabilities, effectiveCapabilities, permittedCapabilities,
	                         &error_msg)) {
	    if (!SetSchedulerPolicy(&error_msg)) {//设置调度策略

	    rc = selinux_android_setcontext(uid, is_system_server, se_info_c_str, se_name_c_str);
	    if (rc == -1) {
	      fail_fn(CREATE_ERROR("selinux_android_setcontext(%d, %d, \"%s\", \"%s\") failed", uid,
	            is_system_server, se_info_c_str, se_name_c_str));
	    // Make it easier to debug audit logs by setting the main thread's name to the
	    // nice name rather than "app_process".
	    if (se_name_c_str == NULL && is_system_server) {
	      se_name_c_str = "system_server";
	    if (se_name_c_str != NULL) {
	    // Unset the SIGCHLD handler, but keep ignoring SIGHUP (rationale in SetSignalHandlers).
	    env->CallStaticVoidMethod(gZygoteClass, gCallPostForkChildHooks, runtime_flags,
	                              is_system_server, is_child_zygote, instructionSet);

  else if (pid > 0) {//zygote进程
  return pid;



2.4.1 SetSignalHandlers


static void SetSignalHandlers() {
  struct sigaction sig_chld = {};
  sig_chld.sa_handler = SigChldHandler;

  if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sig_chld, NULL) < 0) {
    ALOGW("Error setting SIGCHLD handler: %s", strerror(errno));

  struct sigaction sig_hup = {};
  sig_hup.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;
  // 该信号监听器关注子进程结束,对应的处理函数为SigChldHandler
  if (sigaction(SIGHUP, &sig_hup, NULL) < 0) {
    ALOGW("Error setting SIGHUP handler: %s", strerror(errno));


2.4.2 SigChldHandler


// This signal handler is for zygote mode, since the zygote must reap its children
static void SigChldHandler(int /*signal_number*/) {
  pid_t pid;
  int status;

  // It's necessary to save and restore the errno during this function.
  // Since errno is stored per thread, changing it here modifies the errno
  // on the thread on which this signal handler executes. If a signal occurs
  // between a call and an errno check, it's possible to get the errno set
  // here.
  // See b/23572286 for extra information.
  int saved_errno = errno;

  while ((pid = waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG)) > 0) {
     // Log process-death status that we care about.  In general it is
     // not safe to call LOG(...) from a signal handler because of
     // possible reentrancy.  However, we know a priori that the
     // current implementation of LOG() is safe to call from a SIGCHLD
     // handler in the zygote process.  If the LOG() implementation
     // changes its locking strategy or its use of syscalls within the
     // lazy-init critical section, its use here may become unsafe.
      // 通过status判断子进程结束的原因,并打印相应的log
    if (WIFEXITED(status)) {
      ALOGI("Process %d exited cleanly (%d)", pid, WEXITSTATUS(status));
    } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
      ALOGI("Process %d exited due to signal (%d)", pid, WTERMSIG(status));
      if (WCOREDUMP(status)) {
        ALOGI("Process %d dumped core.", pid);

    // If the just-crashed process is the system_server, bring down zygote
    // so that it is restarted by init and system server will be restarted
    // from there.
    if (pid == gSystemServerPid) {//而对于system_sever进程就特别处理了,看来是偏心长子啊
      ALOGE("Exit zygote because system server (%d) has terminated", pid);
      kill(getpid(), SIGKILL);

  // Note that we shouldn't consider ECHILD an error because
  // the secondary zygote might have no children left to wait for.
  if (pid < 0 && errno != ECHILD) {
    ALOGW("Zygote SIGCHLD error in waitpid: %s", strerror(errno));

  errno = saved_errno;


2.4.3 UnsetChldSignalHandler


// Sets the SIGCHLD handler back to default behavior in zygote children.
static void UnsetChldSignalHandler() {
  struct sigaction sa;
  memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa));
  sa.sa_handler = SIG_DFL;

  if (sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL) < 0) {
    ALOGW("Error unsetting SIGCHLD handler: %s", strerror(errno));


2.5 handleSystemServerProcess


  if (pid == 0) {
      if (hasSecondZygote(abiList)) {

      zygoteServer.closeServerSocket(); // 关闭从zygote进程那里继承下来server socket
      return handleSystemServerProcess(parsedArgs);

    private static Runnable handleSystemServerProcess(ZygoteConnection.Arguments parsedArgs) {
        // set umask to 0077 so new files and directories will default to owner-only permissions.
        Os.umask(S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);

        if (parsedArgs.niceName != null) {

        final String systemServerClasspath = Os.getenv("SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH");
        if (systemServerClasspath != null) {
            // Capturing profiles is only supported for debug or eng builds since selinux normally
            // prevents it.
            boolean profileSystemServer = SystemProperties.getBoolean(
                    "dalvik.vm.profilesystemserver", false);
            if (profileSystemServer && (Build.IS_USERDEBUG || Build.IS_ENG)) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
          , "Failed to set up system server profile", e);

        if (parsedArgs.invokeWith != null) {//不会进入这个分支,所以忽略
        }else {
            ClassLoader cl = null;
            if (systemServerClasspath != null) {
                 // 利用systemServerClass对应的路径构建对应的ClassLoader
                cl = createPathClassLoader(systemServerClasspath, parsedArgs.targetSdkVersion);


             * Pass the remaining arguments to SystemServer.
             // 将剩余参数及classLoader递交给ZygoteInit的zygoteInit函数
            return ZygoteInit.zygoteInit(parsedArgs.targetSdkVersion, parsedArgs.remainingArgs, cl);

        /* should never reach here */


2.6 performSystemServerDexOpt

  在分析performSystemServerDexOpt我们先来看看Os.getenv(“SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH”)获取的环境变量是什么,关于怎么通过adb查看Android系统环境变量可以参见如下博客Android获取和设置系统环境变量指南,SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH 环境变量值如下:

130|msm8953_64:/ # echo $SYSTEMSERVERCLASSPATH
msm8953_64:/ #


  • 建立和installd的socket通信通道
  • 以":"分割传递过来的字符串
  • 判断是否需要dex优化services.jar和ethernet-service.jar
  • 如果需要优化,则调用dexopt优化上面的三个jar包中的需要优化的
    private static void performSystemServerDexOpt(String classPath) {
        final String[] classPathElements = classPath.split(":");//分割字符串
        final IInstalld installd = IInstalld.Stub
        final String instructionSet = VMRuntime.getRuntime().vmInstructionSet();

        String classPathForElement = "";
        for (String classPathElement : classPathElements) {
            // System server is fully AOTed and never profiled
            // for profile guided compilation.
            String systemServerFilter = SystemProperties.get(
                    "dalvik.vm.systemservercompilerfilter", "speed");

            int dexoptNeeded;
            try {
                dexoptNeeded = DexFile.getDexOptNeeded(
                    classPathElement, instructionSet, systemServerFilter,
                    null /* classLoaderContext */, false /* newProfile */, false /* downgrade */);//判断是否需要优化
            } catch (FileNotFoundException ignored) {
                // Do not add to the classpath.
                Log.w(TAG, "Missing classpath element for system server: " + classPathElement);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // Not fully clear what to do here as we don't know the cause of the
                // IO exception. Add to the classpath to be conservative, but don't
                // attempt to compile it.
                Log.w(TAG, "Error checking classpath element for system server: "
                        + classPathElement, e);
                dexoptNeeded = DexFile.NO_DEXOPT_NEEDED;

            if (dexoptNeeded != DexFile.NO_DEXOPT_NEEDED) {//如果需要优化
                final String packageName = "*";
                final String outputPath = null;
                final int dexFlags = 0;
                final String compilerFilter = systemServerFilter;
                final String uuid = StorageManager.UUID_PRIVATE_INTERNAL;
                final String seInfo = null;
                final String classLoaderContext =
                final int targetSdkVersion = 0;  // SystemServer targets the system's SDK version
                try {
                    installd.dexopt(classPathElement, Process.SYSTEM_UID, packageName,
                            instructionSet, dexoptNeeded, outputPath, dexFlags, compilerFilter,
                            uuid, classLoaderContext, seInfo, false /* downgrade */,
                            targetSdkVersion, /*profileName*/ null, /*dexMetadataPath*/ null,
                } catch (RemoteException | ServiceSpecificException e) {
                    // Ignore (but log), we need this on the classpath for fallback mode.
                    Log.w(TAG, "Failed compiling classpath element for system server: "
                            + classPathElement, e);

            classPathForElement = encodeSystemServerClassPath(
                    classPathForElement, classPathElement);

2.7 zygoteInit


  • 重定义Log输出
  • 通用的初始化
  • 启动Binder线程池
  • 应用初始化
    public static final Runnable zygoteInit(int targetSdkVersion, String[] argv, ClassLoader classLoader) {
        if (RuntimeInit.DEBUG) {
            Slog.d(RuntimeInit.TAG, "RuntimeInit: Starting application from zygote");

        Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_ACTIVITY_MANAGER, "ZygoteInit");

        return RuntimeInit.applicationInit(targetSdkVersion, argv, classLoader);//system_server应用初始化,详见章节2.10

2.8 commonInit


  • 设置未捕获异常的处理方法
  • 设置时区
  • 重置log配置
  • 设置默认的HTTP User-agent格式,用于 HttpURLConnection
  • 设置流量统计Socket tag
    protected static final void commonInit() {
        if (DEBUG) Slog.d(TAG, "Entered RuntimeInit!");

         * set handlers; these apply to all threads in the VM. Apps can replace
         * the default handler, but not the pre handler.
        LoggingHandler loggingHandler = new LoggingHandler();
        Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new KillApplicationHandler(loggingHandler));

         * Install a TimezoneGetter subclass for ZoneInfo.db
         *msm8953_64:/ # getprop persist.sys.timezone
        TimezoneGetter.setInstance(new TimezoneGetter() {
            public String getId() {
                return SystemProperties.get("persist.sys.timezone");
         * Sets handler for java.util.logging to use Android log facilities.
         * The odd "new instance-and-then-throw-away" is a mirror of how
         * the "java.util.logging.config.class" system property works. We
         * can't use the system property here since the logger has almost
         * certainly already been initialized.
        new AndroidConfig();

         * Sets the default HTTP User-Agent used by HttpURLConnection.
         // 设置默认的HTTP User-agent格式,用于 HttpURLConnection。
        String userAgent = getDefaultUserAgent();
        System.setProperty("http.agent", userAgent);

         * Wire socket tagging to traffic stats.

         * If we're running in an emulator launched with "-trace", put the
         * VM into emulator trace profiling mode so that the user can hit
         * F9/F10 at any time to capture traces.  This has performance
         * consequences, so it's not something you want to do always.
        String trace = SystemProperties.get("");
        if (trace.equals("1")) {
            Slog.i(TAG, "NOTE: emulator trace profiling enabled");

        initialized = true;


2.9 nativeZygoteInit


int register_com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit_nativeZygoteInit(JNIEnv* env)
    const JNINativeMethod methods[] = {
        { "nativeZygoteInit", "()V",
            (void*) com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit_nativeZygoteInit },
    return jniRegisterNativeMethods(env, "com/android/internal/os/ZygoteInit",
        methods, NELEM(methods));


static AndroidRuntime* gCurRuntime = NULL;

AndroidRuntime::AndroidRuntime(char* argBlockStart, const size_t argBlockLength) :

    // Pre-allocate enough space to hold a fair number of options.

    assert(gCurRuntime == NULL);        // one per process
    gCurRuntime = this;

static void com_android_internal_os_ZygoteInit_nativeZygoteInit(JNIEnv* env, jobject clazz)



int main(int argc, char* const argv[])
	AppRuntime runtime(argv[0], computeArgBlockSize(argc, argv));

而AppRuntime 的定义也在app_main.c中其如下:

class AppRuntime : public AndroidRuntime
    AppRuntime(char* argBlockStart, const size_t argBlockLength)
        : AndroidRuntime(argBlockStart, argBlockLength)
        , mClass(NULL)


AndroidRuntime::AndroidRuntime(char* argBlockStart, const size_t argBlockLength) :

    // Pre-allocate enough space to hold a fair number of options.

    assert(gCurRuntime == NULL);        // one per process
    gCurRuntime = this;


由于SystemServer进程由zygote进程fork出来,于是system server进程中也存在gCurRuntime对象,类型为AppRuntime。至此我们知道,Native函数中gCurRuntime->onZygoteInit将调用AppRuntime中的onZygoteInit。

    virtual void onZygoteInit()
        sp<ProcessState> proc = ProcessState::self();
        ALOGV("App process: starting thread pool.\n");

ProcessState::self()是单例模式,主要工作是调用open()打开/dev/binder驱动设备,再利用mmap()映射内核的地址空间,将Binder驱动的fd赋值ProcessState对象中的变量mDriverFD,用于交互操作。startThreadPool()是创建一个新的binder线程,不断进行talkWithDriver(),在binder系列文章中Android Binder入门指南之Binder服务的消息循环有关于该详细的讲解,这里就不过多阐述了。这样将当前线程注册到Binder驱动程序中,这样我们创建的线程就加入了Binder线程池中,这样新创建的SyetemServer进程就支持Binder进程间通信了。

2.10 applicationInit


  • 调用nativeSetExitWithoutCleanup(true),从而使应用退出时不调用System.exit()
  • 设置虚拟机的内存利用率参数值
  • 接着调用findStaticMain继续下一步操作
    protected static Runnable applicationInit(int targetSdkVersion, String[] argv,
            ClassLoader classLoader) {
        // If the application calls System.exit(), terminate the process
        // immediately without running any shutdown hooks.  It is not possible to
        // shutdown an Android application gracefully.  Among other things, the
        // Android runtime shutdown hooks close the Binder driver, which can cause
        // leftover running threads to crash before the process actually exits.

        // We want to be fairly aggressive about heap utilization, to avoid
        // holding on to a lot of memory that isn't needed.

        final Arguments args = new Arguments(argv);//解析参数格式为Arguments 

        // The end of of the RuntimeInit event (see #zygoteInit).

        // Remaining arguments are passed to the start class's static main
        return findStaticMain(args.startClass, args.startArgs, classLoader);

2.11 findStaticMain

  接着分析findStaticMain方法,其中传递进来的参数className是 ,所以其主要逻辑如下:

  • 因此通过Class.forName反射返回的cl为SystemServer类
  • 获取SystemServer类的main方法
  • 判断SystemServer类的main方法修饰符是不是public和static
  • 接着返回MethodAndArgsCaller
    protected static Runnable findStaticMain(String className, String[] argv,
            ClassLoader classLoader) {
        Class<?> cl;

        try {
        // className为进行初始化工作的进程类名
            cl = Class.forName(className, true, classLoader);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Missing class when invoking static main " + className,

        Method m;
        try {
            m = cl.getMethod("main", new Class[] { String[].class });
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Missing static main on " + className, ex);
        } catch (SecurityException ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Problem getting static main on " + className, ex);
        int modifiers = m.getModifiers();
        if (! (Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers))) {
            throw new RuntimeException(
                    "Main method is not public and static on " + className);

         * This throw gets caught in ZygoteInit.main(), which responds
         * by invoking the exception's run() method. This arrangement
         * clears up all the stack frames that were required in setting
         * up the process.
        return new MethodAndArgsCaller(m, argv);

这里有一点需要重点注意的,在Android 8之前的版本都是通过直接在MethodAndArgsCaller抛出该异常,然后在ZygoteInit.java中的main方法中捕获,但是Android 8及以后都改变了这种策略是通过返回MethodAndArgsCaller,然后在main中直接调用,其逻辑如下所示,接着判断Runnable 是否为空,如果不为空则调用run方法

            if (startSystemServer) {
                Runnable r = forkSystemServer(abiList, socketName, zygoteServer);

                // {@code r == null} in the parent (zygote) process, and {@code r != null} in the
                // child (system_server) process.
                if (r != null) {

2.11 MethodAndArgsCaller


    static class MethodAndArgsCaller implements Runnable {
        /** method to call */
        private final Method mMethod;

        /** argument array */
        private final String[] mArgs;

        public MethodAndArgsCaller(Method method, String[] args) {
            mMethod = method;
            mArgs = args;

        public void run() {
            try {
                mMethod.invoke(null, new Object[] { mArgs });
            } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);
            } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
                Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
                if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
                    throw (RuntimeException) cause;
                } else if (cause instanceof Error) {
                    throw (Error) cause;
                throw new RuntimeException(ex);



未完待续,请参见篇章Android 9 §系统启动之SystemServer大揭秘下。
