对抗样本(论文解读八):Towards More Robust Adversarial Attack Against Real World Object Detectors






Seeing isn’t Believing: Towards More Robust Adversarial Attack Against Real World Object Detectors

{zhaoyue,zhuhong,liangruigang,shenqintao}@iie.ac.cn,[email protected],[email protected]

发表于 ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security(ACM CCS 2019)


Recently Adversarial Examples (AEs) that deceive deep learning models have been a topic of intense research interest. Compared with the AEs in the digital space, the physical adversarial attack is considered as a more severe threat to the applications like face recognitionin authentication, objection detection in autonomous driving cars,etc. Existing works attacking object detectors are still very limited in various scenarios,e.g., varying distance and angles,etc. 描述及引子

对于隐藏攻击(HA),我们提出了特征-干扰增强(FIR)方法和增强现实约束生成(ERG)来增强AEs鲁棒性;对于目标攻击(AA),我们提出了nested-AE,它结合两个AEs来攻击长、短距离的目标检测器。同样设计了不同风格的AEs。实验结果表明我们的AEs能够攻击YOLO V3及faster-RCNN成功率达92.4%,在1m到25m及-60度到60度之间的所有范围以内。且具有高可转移性,可攻击其他三个黑盒模型。

1 Introduction


Compared to the image classifiers,攻击目标检测器具有更大的挑战:不仅需要误导标签预测还要误导目标是否存在的预测。更重要的是,分类器总是工作于静态环境,而目标检测器下的环境中目标通常是相对移动的。同时移动将导致距离和视角的变换,以及背景环境的变化。所有这些对于目标检测物理攻击的AEs提出了更高的鲁棒性要求。

Until very recently, there are a few studies,他们提高AEs鲁棒的方法主要是通过图像变换(图像大小、不同距离),然而他们的距离和角度是有效限。实际中自动驾驶识别范围为20平方米及30度的角度。并且之前的工作对于光照、背景研究是有限的,(晴到阴,车道到草坪)。.Unfortunately, to the best of our knowledge,现存对抗攻击离实际场景应用还要很大距离

In this paper,we aim to更鲁棒、尤其是长距离、大角度、不同实际场景。.To better demonstrate the improvement over existing studies(e.g.,[15]),we consider two existing types of AEs:隐藏/出现攻击(HA/AA).

Particularly, for HA, we propose two novel techniques to improve robustness:特征-干扰增强(FIR)方法和增强现实约束生成(ERG).


For AA, we propose nested-AE, which decouples the task of the varying-distance attack into two pieces:对于长/短距离攻击分别产生不同的AEs。然后以一种嵌套的方式结合为一种AE,可用于同时长短距离。最后并设计了不同风格的AEs以及使用批变换加速生成的收敛。

We evaluated the AEs generated by our solutions against multiple state-of-the-art object detectors in different physical environments systematically3.他们能够攻击不同模型(YOLO V3及Faster-RCNN)、不同距离(1m-25m)、不同角度(-60 - 60)及不同场景(多云和晴天)。Compared to previous state-of-the-art studies, the attack distance increases 52% and the angle increase 75%.并测试了其可转移性,对于其他黑盒模型的攻击性能(SSD、RFCN、Mask RCNN)

Contributions. Our contributions are outlined as follows:
1.New techniques for generating robust AEs against object detectors. We提出了FIR和ERG用于生成鲁棒的AEs,分别利用DNN的隐藏层及目标的语义信息

2.Nested AE. 结合两个子任务目标攻击(长段距离攻击)的AEs产生一种AE,用于同时攻击不同距离

3.We evaluated our AEs generated against multiple state-of-the-art object detectors in different physical environments systematically. Results show that 鲁棒、可转移

2 Background

In this section, we first overview the existing object detectors, especially the break through in this field due to deep learning. Then we summarize the physical adversarial attacks against image classifiers that are closely related to our attack and the limitations of existing adversarial attacks against the object detectors. 引

2.1 Object Detection
Great progress has been made in recent years on object detection due to convolutional neural networks(CNNs).

For YOLO, a one-stage region-based framework,
Faster RCNN, a two-stage detection framework,

2.2 Physical Adversarial Examples

Many researches have explored the adversarial attacks against the image classifiers. … These works raised serious safety and security concerns especially for the safety critical systems.


3 Attack Approach

Building robust AEs,图1展示了真实场景下的对抗攻击。相对移动造成的距离、角度、尺寸、形状及光照等变化对于AEs的鲁棒性提出了更高的要求。
对抗样本(论文解读八):Towards More Robust Adversarial Attack Against Real World Object Detectors_第1张图片
To generate robust and practical AEs, we proposed 了适当的方法针对于HA和AA。如图2所示,对于HA,提出了FIR和EGR;对于AA,提出了nested-AE。最后风格定制及批变换。
对抗样本(论文解读八):Towards More Robust Adversarial Attack Against Real World Object Detectors_第2张图片
Threat Model. In this paper, we focus on the white-box adversarial attack,同时通过黑盒模型测试其可转移性。

3.1Feature-interference Reinforcement

To generate AEs, most of the existing studies设计目标函数或损失函数来最小化模型预测值及期望值之间的不同。AEs可以通过扰动目标早期隐藏层的特征来增强攻击性

Figure3 shows展示了特征干扰增强攻击的原理和过程。
对抗样本(论文解读八):Towards More Robust Adversarial Attack Against Real World Object Detectors_第3张图片
In Step 1, 输入原图像x及对抗图像x’, Then in Step 2,提取相同层的隐藏特征。在这里只关注于图像中目标的特征,因为CNN提取特征过程是与原图像保持几何位置的,所以我们可以根据label来确定提取特征图当中目标所对应的特征。 (目标的具体对应特征)

In Step 3, 池化后得到特征向量v及v’。例如,对于某一层得到的特征图为33256,33为特征图大小,256表示卷积核个数,一般一个卷积核代表一种特定的特征。使用平均池化由33变为一个数,最终为大小为256的tensor,然后再标准化最终获得这一层的特征向量v/v’.(卷积核----平均池化----标准化)

**In Step 4,**使用损失函数测量特征间距离。


To reduce the complexity of the object function, instead of all hidden layers, we select a few hidden layers to optimize the third item of Equation1.选取了了部分隐藏层,提取特征部分一般包括好多层CNN,但是可以根据他们提取后特征的大小,进行分组。不同组的特征图大小是不一样的,然后取每一组的最后一层特征图进行loss计算。(选特征层取loss)

3.2Enhanced Realistic Constraints Generation

In the prior studies, Expectation over Transformations (EOTs) are applied to build an adversarial attack in the physical world.EOT添加随机扰动、图像变换,在真实场景中是不足够的


We can leverage these sensitivities to expose,,ERG is proposed to generate more realistic constraints (reasonable background and reasonable object semantic integrity) in a systematic way。我们通过搜索引擎利用两种方法来获得必要背景:1使用名字搜索(如’stop sign’),2使用目标的相关语义词(如’road’).

For the background images containing the target,

For the background images without the target, but with related semantics,

Besides the realistic constraints generation, we also consider the color saturation constraint to over come the printer chromatic aberration.

对抗样本(论文解读八):Towards More Robust Adversarial Attack Against Real World Object Detectors_第4张图片

3.3Nested AEs

最近的目标检测器,如YOLO V3使用多尺度来测量目标的范围(大中小尺度)。

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