W-in.1. 《正文》中所提供的理论基础,是《练习手册》中不可或缺的架构,它赋予了每个练习的意义。2 然而,你必须亲自操练这些练习,才可能达到本课程的目标。3 没有经过锻炼的心灵是无法成就任何事情的。4 这本《练习手册》的目的,即是遵循《正文》的要旨来训练你的心灵如何思考。
W-in.2. 这些练习十分简单。2 既不会耗费你太多时间,也不限定你练习的场所。3 你无需作任何准备。4 这是一年的培训课程。5 每天的练习从一至三百六十五逐一编号。6 一天不要超过一组练习。
W-in.3. 《练习手册》分为两大部分,上篇分致力于化解你目前看待事物的心态,下篇第二部分则以活出正知正见为目标。2 除了复习阶段以外,每天的练习都设有一个中心主题,开宗明义地写在文前。3 随后描述具体的步骤,帮你实践当天的中心思想。
W-in.4. 本《练习手册》的目的是按部就班地训练你的起心动念,给你另一种知见去看待世上的一切人与事。2 这些练习有意帮你将课程生活化,使你明了原来每一课都能够同等地运用在你所见的一切人与事上。
W-in.5. 这一正知见的培训课程,其延伸效果与世俗的培训课程大相径庭。2 只要你能把这正见具体运用到任何一人、一事或一境中,其效果便能延伸到每个人及每件事上。3 反之,你在运用正见时,即使仅仅保留一个例外,那么,它在任何事上都会效果不彰。
W-in.6. 因此,你唯一需要贯彻的普遍原则就是:首先,按部就班地依照指示去练习。2 这是帮你把当天的概念普遍运用于你所在的任何场景,以及所涉及的每个人或每件事上。3 其次,千万不可擅自评判这些观念在某些人事环境中行不通。4 这会妨碍此培训课程的延伸效果。5 正见的基本特性即在于它的无限延伸性。6 这与你目前看待事物的心态恰恰相反。
W-in.7. 总而言之,这些练习的目标是为了增强你的延伸或推恩能力,把行将操练的观念运用到一切事物上。2 这不待你的努力。3 这些练习本身即具有放诸四海皆准的必备条件。
W-in.8. 《练习手册》中有些观念恐怕会令你感到难以置信,有些则有耸人听闻之嫌。2 这些都无妨。3 你只要按照指示去运用这些观念即可。4 请勿妄自评判。5只要你发挥其用。6 就在运用之际,你会看出它的意义,明白它真实不虚。
W-in.9. 你只需记住这一点:你不用相信或接受这些观念,甚至无需心怀好感。2 某些观念还可能会激起你的抗拒心理。3 这一切都无妨,亦无损其有效性。4 在运用《练习手册》的观念时,绝不允许自己擅自设定一些例外;不论你对这些观念有何反弹,利用这些反弹来练习吧!5 它所要求的,仅仅如此而已。
1. A theoretical foundation such as the textprovides is necessary as a framework to make the exercises in this workbookmeaningful.2Yet it is doing the exercises that will make the goal ofthe course possible.3An untrained mind can accomplish nothing.4It is the purpose of this workbook to train your mind to think along the linesthe text sets forth.
2. The exercises are very simple.2They do not require a great deal of time, and it does not matter where you dothem.3They need no preparation.4The training periodis one year.5The exercises are numbered from1to365.6Do not undertake to do more than one set of exercises a day.
3. The workbook is divided into two mainsections, the first dealing with the undoing of the way you see now, and thesecond with the acquisition of true perception.2With the exceptionof the review periods, each day's exercises are planned around one centralidea, which is stated first.3This is followed by a description ofthe specific procedures by which the idea for the day is to be applied.
4. The purpose of the workbook is to trainyour mind in a systematic way to a different perception of everyone andeverything in the world.2The exercises are planned to help yougeneralize the lessons, so that you will understand that each of them isequally applicable to everyone and everything you see.
5. Transfer of training in true perceptiondoes not proceed as does transfer of the training of the world.2Iftrue perception has been achieved in connection with any person, situation orevent, total transfer to everyone and everything is certain.3Onthe other hand, one exception held apart from true perception makes itsaccomplishments anywhere impossible.
6. The only general rules to be observedthroughout, then, are: First, that the exercises be practiced with greatspecificity, as will be indicated.2This will help you togeneralize the ideas involved to every situation in which you find yourself, andto everyone and everything in it.3Second, be sure that you do notdecide for yourself that there are some people, situations or things to whichthe ideas are inapplicable.4This will interfere with transfer oftraining.5The very nature of true perception is that it has nolimits.6It is the opposite of the way you see now.
7. The overall aim of the exercises is toincrease your ability to extend the ideas you will be practicing to includeeverything.2This will require no effort on your part.3The exercises themselves meet the conditions necessary for this kind of transfer.
8. Some of the ideas the workbook presentsyou will find hard to believe, and others may seem to be quite startling.2This does not matter.3You are merely asked to apply the ideas asyou are directed to do.4You are not asked to judge them at all.5You are asked only to use them.6It is their use that will give them meaning to you, and will show you that they are true.
9. Remember only this; you need not believethe ideas, you need not accept them, and you need not even welcome them.2Some of them you may actively resist.3None of this will matter, ordecrease their efficacy.4But do not allow yourself to makeexceptions in applying the ideas the workbook contains, and whatever your reactions to the ideas may be, use them.5Nothing more than that is required.