




其实第一种就是一个形象的小栗子,Apples and other fruits常见的变体是fruits,such as/including apples.

比如剑11中的一个填空题:题目:20th century: …………and other manmade fibres causedecline in silk production

我们同种明显定位词20th century定位到出题句

原文:Then in the twentieth century, new manmade fibres,such as nylon, started to be used.

此时不用把句子看全,便知道所填的空是nylon,因为题目中的…… and other manmade fibres经常变成的形式为manmade

fibres,such as……,所以一目了然。

再来看最新的剑12 上的一道题目:题目:Activity in this part of the brain is associatedwith the expectation of‘reward’ stimuli such as ……..

同样这道题目也是有明显定位词‘reward’,定位到即出答案,原文句子如下:原文:What is rather more significant is the findingthat the dopamine neurons in the caudate—a region of the brain involved inlearning stimulus-response associations, and in anticipating food and other‘reward’ stimuli—were at their most active around 15 seconds before the participants’favorite moments in the music.

怎么会有那么长的句子?关键好多词汇不认识neuron?stimulus? caudate?……Take it easy,不要着急,利用咱刚才讲的形式,只看形式不看意思,重点看的内容是food and other ‘reward’ stimuli,所以呢,答案为food,是不是很简单呢?此时,有木有感觉整个宇宙都是你的?




题目:The most probable development is that food will begrown on ………. in towns and cities.

高度警惕,因为此处有最高级最高级最高级,where is 比较级,文中出题句:原文:While it is possible that much of our food will be grown inskyscrapers in the future, most experts currently believe it is far more likelythat we will simply use the space available on urban rooftops.

看到possible不要着急填空,虽然possible 的确相当于题目中的probable,但是题目中是most probable,所以对应后面提到的比较级far more likely。一个栗子哪过瘾,再来一个。

One of the easiest qualities to acquire is ………..


第一处Positive psychologists have identified 24qualities we admire, such as loyalty and kindness, and are studying them tofind out why they come so naturally so some people.

第二处What they’re discovering is that many of thesequalities amount to habitual behavior that determines the way we respond to theworld.

第三处Some qualities are less challenging to developthan others, optimism is one of them.




a.同样是………be done,doing sth

题目:A …….. is taken out, enabling Wheel to rotate.

原文:A hydraulic clamp, which prevents the arms of theWheel moving while the gondola is docked, is removed, allowing the Wheel toturn.


b.同样是be to do

题目:The only hope was to tell the probe to replacethem with ………

Be动词之后加to do的形式比较少见,所以当我们看到题目中有这种形式,就可以留意一下文中是不是会有一样或者类似的形式出现。原文:The solution was to get a message to Voyager I toinstruct it to use spares to change the failing parts.




一篇讲埃及金字塔的文章:题目:The discovery on one pyramid suggests that theymay have experimented with …………

原文:Although it dates from several hundred years afterthe building of the pyramids, its sophistication suggests that the Egyptiansmight have been developing ideas of flight for a long time.

另一篇讲航海家拉皮塔人:题目:Extreme climate conditions may have played a rolein Lapita migration.

原文:EI Nino, the same climate disruption that affectsthe Pacific today, may have helped scatter the Lapita.

我们甚至可以根据时态的特殊性来定位哦,最常见的莫过于题目中的时态基调是过去时,而最后一题是现在时,比如人物传记类文章William HenryPerkin。最后一题如下:

题目:According to the passage, which disease is nowbeing targeted by researchers using synthetic dyes?



Who are frequent visitors to stepwells nowadays?大家应该知道从哪里找答案了吗?
