apk修改名字Android Gradle 3.0.0-alpha2 plugin, Cannot set the value of read-only property 'outputFile'

160 down vote accepted

As Android plugin 3.0 migration guide suggests:

  • Use all() instead of each()
  • Use outputFileName instead of output.outputFile if you change only file name (that is your case)

Example from the guide:

// If you use each() to iterate through the variant objects,
// you need to start using all(). That's because each() iterates
// through only the objects that already exist during configuration time—
// but those object don't exist at configuration time with the new model.
// However, all() adapts to the new model by picking up object as they are
// added during execution.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    variant.outputs.all {
        outputFileName = "${variant.name}-${variant.versionName}.apk"
160 down vote accepted

As Android plugin 3.0 migration guide suggests:

  • Use all() instead of each()
  • Use outputFileName instead of output.outputFile if you change only file name (that is your case)

Example from the guide:

// If you use each() to iterate through the variant objects,
// you need to start using all(). That's because each() iterates
// through only the objects that already exist during configuration time—
// but those object don't exist at configuration time with the new model.
// However, all() adapts to the new model by picking up object as they are
// added during execution.
android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    variant.outputs.all {
        outputFileName = "${variant.name}-${variant.versionName}.apk"

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