
Local Binary Pattern (LBP) 

 Census Transforms(CT)

最近看到CT算法,感觉与LBP算法很是相近,百度没有找到两者的关系,很是奇怪,遂Google了一下,在On the Recent Use of Local Binary Patterns for Face Authentication文章中看到了一些介绍。两个算法提出的时间几乎一样,且改进的ILBP 与 MCT出版时间也是一样。


We finally point out that, approximately in the same time the original LBP operator was introduced by Ojala [20], Zabih and Woodfill [28] proposed a very similar local structure feature. This feature, called Census Transform, also maps the local neighborhood surrounding a pixel to a bit string. With respect to LBP, the Census Transform only differs by the order of the bit string. Later, the Census Transform has been extended to become the Modified Census Transform (MCT) [7]. Again, one can point out the same similarity between ILBP and MCT (also published at the same time).
