
public function responseMsg()
         //get post data, May be due to the different environments
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         //extract post data
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){
                 $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
                 $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
                 $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
                 $MsgType = $postObj ->MsgType;
                 $time = time();
                 $textTpl = "
                 switch ( $MsgType )
                     case "text" :
                         $resultStr = $this ->handleText( $postObj );
                         break ;
                    case "link" :
                         $resultStr = $this ->handleLink( $postObj );
                         break ;
                     case "event" :
                         $resultStr = $this ->handleEvent( $postObj );
                         break ;    
                     case "image" :
                         $resultStr = $this ->handleImage( $postObj );
                     case "voice" :
                         $resultStr = $this ->handleVoice( $postObj );
                         break ;
                     case "video" :
                         $resultStr = $this ->handleVideo( $postObj );
                         break ;
                     case "location" :
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseLocation( $postObj );
                         break ;
                     default :
                         break ;
         } else {
             echo "" ;
             exit ;
     public function  handleEvent( $postObj )
         $FromUserName = $postObj ->FromUserName;
         $ToUserName = $postObj ->ToUserName; 
         $MsgType = $postObj ->MsgType;
         $Event = $postObj ->Event;
         $CreateTime = $postObj ->CreateTime;
         require ( "db.php" );
         //$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost:3306","root","root");
         //mysql_query("set names UTF8");
         switch ( $postObj ->Event)
             case "subscribe" :
                 $sqlsubscribe = "select * from account where OpenId = '" .trim( $FromUserName ). "'" ;
                 $connsubscribe = mysql_query( $sqlsubscribe , $dbh );
                 $resultsubscribe = mysql_fetch_assoc( $connsubscribe );
                 $FakeID = file_get_contents ( "http://bauschlomb.ruisheng.info/success.php" );    
                 if ( $resultsubscribe ){
                     $sqlinTu = "update account set Enable = 0,CreateTime = $CreateTime,FakeId ='" .trim( $FakeID ). "'   where OpenID ='" .trim( $FromUserName ). "'" ;
                     $connTu = mysql_query( $sqlinTu , $dbh );
                 } else {
                     $insertsubscribe = "insert into account(OpenID,Enable,State,FakeId,CreateTime) values('" .trim( $FromUserName ). "',0,10,'" .trim( $FakeID ). "',$CreateTime)" ;
                     $insertsubscribe = mysql_query( $insertsubscribe , $dbh );
                 $sqlsub = "insert into message(FromUserName,ToUserName,MsgType,Event,CreateTime) values ('" .trim( $FromUserName ). "','" .trim( $ToUserName ). "','event','subscribe',$CreateTime)" ;
                 $resultsub  = mysql_query( $sqlsub , $dbh );
                 ///$resultmsg = StaticMethod::getUserInfoBySub($FromUserName,$CreateTime);
                 ///$resultStr = $this->responseEvent($postObj,$contentStr);
                 $resultStr = $this ->responseSubscribe( $postObj );
                 break ;
             case "unsubscribe" :
                 $contentStr = "取消关注微信号:!查看更多内容!!!." ; ///////这里是最先开始加关注的时候,发出的信息
                 $sqlunmsg = "insert into message(FromUserName,ToUserName,MsgType,Event,CreateTime) values ('" .trim( $FromUserName ). "','" .trim( $ToUserName ). "','" .trim( $MsgType ). "','unsubscribe',$CreateTime)" ;
                 $resultunmsg  = mysql_query( $sqlunmsg , $dbh );
                 $sqlinTu = "update account set Enable = 1  where OpenId ='" .trim( $FromUserName ). "'" ;
                 $connTu = mysql_query( $sqlinTu , $dbh );
                 $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                 break ;
             case "CLICK" :
                 switch ( $postObj ->EventKey)
                     case "V1001_Product011" :
                         $contentStr = '' ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Product012" :
                         $contentStr = '增减。' ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Product013" :
                         $contentStr = 'bb' ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Product014" :
                          $contentStr = 'b一次2~3滴。' ;
                          $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Personal021" :
                         $contentStr = "" ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Personal022" :
                         $contentStr = "" ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Personal023" :
                         $contentStr = "" ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Personal024" :
                         $contentStr = "请回复【认证】,即可开启认证流程" ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Personal025" :
                         $contentStr = "请回复【学分查询】,即可对自己当前学分情况进行了解" ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                     case "V1001_Activity031" :
                         $contentStr = "" ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Activity032" :
                         ///$contentStr = "敬请期待";
                         ///$resultStr = $this->responseEvent($postObj, $contentStr);
                         $this ->responseMatchGuess( $postObj );
                         break ;
                      case "V1001_Activity033" :
                         //$contentStr = "活动信息";
                         //$resultStr = $this->responseEvent($postObj, $contentStr);
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseGrid( $postObj );
                         break ;
                     case "V1001_Activity034" :
                         //$contentStr = "活动信息";
                         //$resultStr = $this->responseEvent($postObj, $contentStr);
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseMood( $postObj );
                         break ;
                     case "V1001_Activity035" :
                         $contentStr = "第二期考试活动已结束" ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
                     default :
                         $contentStr = "欢迎关注微课堂\n\n" ;
                         $resultStr = $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         break ;
     public function responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr )
         $time = time();
         $textTpl = "
         $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $postObj ->FromUserName, $postObj ->ToUserName, $time , $contentStr );
         echo $resultStr ;
         exit ();
     public function responseSubscribe( $postObj )
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){    
             $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
             $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
             $CreateTime = $postObj ->CreateTime;  
             $time = time();
             $msgType = "news" ;
             $title = "欢迎您 !" ;
             $description = "请回复【认证】马上进行会员认证,成功绑定就能获得学分,先到先得!早到多得!点击“阅读全文”有惊喜哦。" ;
             $textTpl = "
                                 <![CDATA[</code> <code class="php string">".$title."</code> <code class="php plain">]]>
                                 ".$description." ]]>
                 $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $CreateTime , $msgType , $title , $description );
                 echo $resultStr ;
                 exit ;
     public function handleText( $postObj )
         $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
         $toUserName = $postObj ->ToUserName;
         $keyword = $postObj ->Content;
         $CreateTime = $postObj ->CreateTime;
         require ( "db.php" );
         //$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost:3306","root","root");
         //mysql_query("set names UTF8");
         $sqlmsg = "insert into message(FromUserName,ToUserName,MsgType,Content,CreateTime) values ('" .trim( $fromUsername ). "','" .trim( $toUserName ). "','text','" .trim( $keyword ). "',$CreateTime)" ;
         $result  = mysql_query( $sqlmsg , $dbh );
         $time = time();
         $sqlMapping = "select count(*) as count from mapping where OpenId = '" .trim( $fromUsername ). "'" ;
         $mappingRs  = mysql_query( $sqlMapping , $dbh );
         $mappingRow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $mappingRs );
         $mappingCount = $mappingRow [ "count" ];
        if ( intval ( $mappingCount )!=0){
             ///查询关键子 start
                 $sqlkeywords = "select KeyWords from customsg" ;
                 $keywordRs  = mysql_query( $sqlkeywords , $dbh );
                 $keys = array ();
                 while ( $keyArray  = mysql_fetch_assoc( $keywordRs )){
                     $keys [] = $keyArray [ "KeyWords" ];
                 $catekeywords = "select CategoryName from category" ;
                 $catekeywordRs  = mysql_query( $catekeywords , $dbh );
                 $catekeys = array ();
                 while ( $catekeyArray  = mysql_fetch_assoc( $catekeywordRs )){
                     $catekeys [] = $catekeyArray [ "CategoryName" ] ;
                 /////查询category.customsg表里关键字 ----start--
                 if (in_array( $keyword , $keys ))
                         $wordresult = mysql_query( "select * from customsg where KeyWords = '" . $keyword . "'" , $dbh );
                         $wordrow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $wordresult );
                         ////$count = intval($wordrow["Count"]);
                         ////if(empty($count)){ $count = 1 ;}else{  $count = intval($count) +1;}
                         ////$updatesql ="update manager set  Count= $count and LoginTime = $time where username='".$username."'  and password ='".$password."'";
                         if (! empty ( $wordrow )){
                             mysql_query( "update category set count =count+1 where CategoryName = '" . $keyword . "'" , $dbh );
                         $time =time(); 
                         /* if ( $wordrow [ "MsgType" ]== "music" )
                                $textTpl = "
                                    $title = $wordrow [ "Title" ];
                                    $description = $wordrow [ "Description" ];
                                    $musicUrl = 'http://www.xyzk.net/images/bgm/Audio/tianya.mp3' ;
                                    $HQMusicUrl = 'http://www.xyzk.net/images/bgm/Audio/tianya.mp3' ;
                                    $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUserName , $time , $title , $description , $musicUrl , $HQMusicUrl );
                                    echo  $resultStr ;
                             } else */ if ( $wordrow [ "MsgType" ]== 'news' ){
                                     $Title = $wordrow [ "Title" ];
                                     $Description = $wordrow [ "Description" ];
                                     $PicUrl = "http://**********.info/" . $wordrow [ "PicUrl" ];
                                     $Url = $wordrow [ "Url" ]. "?OpenID=$fromUsername" ;
                                     $textTpl2 = "
                                                 <![CDATA[</code> <code class="php string">".$Title."</code> <code class="php plain">]]>
                                                 ".$Description." ]]>
                                                 ".$PicUrl." ]]>
                                                 ".$Url." ]]>
                                         $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl2 , $postObj ->FromUserName, $postObj ->ToUserName, $time , $Title , $Description );
                                         echo $resultStr ;    
                              } else {
                                  $textTpl3 = "
                                     $contentStr = $wordrow [ "Content" ];
                                     $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl3 , $postObj ->FromUserName, $postObj ->ToUserName, $time , $contentStr );
                                     echo $resultStr ;
                   } elseif (in_array( $keyword , $catekeys )){
                         mysql_query( "update category set count =count+1 where KeyWords = '" . $keyword . "'" , $dbh );
                         $contentStr = "属于关键子列表Category,目前没有自定义的显示形式" ;
                         $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                  */} else {
                         $sqlMappingTel = "select Telephone from mapping where OpenId = '" . $fromUsername . "'" ;
                         $mappingTelRs  = mysql_query( $sqlMappingTel , $dbh );
                         $mappingTelRow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $mappingTelRs );
                         $Telephone = $mappingTelRow [ "Telephone" ];
                         $sqluser = "select * from account where Telephone='" . $Telephone . "'" ;
                         $connuser = mysql_query( $sqluser , $dbh );
                         $userrow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $connuser );
                         if ( $keyword == '学分查询' )
                             $id = $userrow [ "id" ];
                             $RealName = $userrow [ "RealName" ];
                             $Certification = $userrow [ "Certification" ];
                             $State = $userrow [ "State" ];
                               if ( $State == '1' || $State ==1){
                                   $contentStr = $RealName . ",您是内部人员。欢迎来到”微课堂“,回复【帮助】可获得更多辅助信息。" ;
                               } else {
                                   $contentStr = $RealName . ",您是第 $id 位认证会员,得到 $Certification 学分。欢迎来到”微课堂“,回复【帮助】可获得更多辅助信息。" ;
                               $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                         } elseif ( $keyword == "考试2323232323" ){
                              ////$contentStr = "欢迎来到”微课堂“,回复【心情】可获得更多辅助信息。";
                              $this ->responseExam( $postObj );
                         } elseif ( $keyword == "心情" ){
                              ////$contentStr = "欢迎来到”微课堂“,回复【心情】可获得更多辅助信息。";
                              $this ->responseMood( $postObj );
                         } elseif ( $keyword == "百万格子" ){
                              ////$contentStr = "欢迎来到”微课堂“,回复【心情】可获得更多辅助信息。";
                              $this ->responseGrid( $postObj );
                         } elseif ( $keyword == "照片陈列竞赛" ){
                              ////$contentStr = "欢迎来到”“,回复【心情】可获得更多辅助信息。";
                              $this ->responsePhotoWall( $postObj );
                         } elseif ( $keyword == "世界杯" ){
                              ////$contentStr = "欢迎来到”课堂“,回复【世界杯】可获得更多辅助信息。";
                              $this ->responseMatchGuess( $postObj );
                         } else {
                              if ( $keyword == "认证" ){
                                     $id = $userrow [ "id" ];
                                     $RealName = $userrow [ "RealName" ];
                                     $Certification = $userrow [ "Certification" ];
                                     $State = $userrow [ "State" ];
                               if ( $State == '1' ){
                                      $contentStr = $RealName . ",您已通过认证。回复【帮助】可获得更多辅助信息。" ;
                               } else {
                                     $contentStr = $RealName . ",您已通过认证。您是第 $id 位认证会员,已获得 $Certification 学分。回复【学分查询】即可查询当前学分情况。" ;
                                 $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                              } else {
                                 $this ->responseGraphic( $postObj );
         } else {
             $sqlIfExsitSign = "select * from signin where OpenId = '" .trim( $fromUsername ). "'" ;
             $signIsExsitRs  = mysql_query( $sqlIfExsitSign , $dbh );
             $signIsExsitRow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $signIsExsitRs );
             if ( $keyword == "认证" )
                 $contentStr = "请输入手机号码" ;
                 $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
             } elseif (preg_match( "/^1[34578][0-9]{9}$/" ,trim( $keyword ))){
                     $sqlinT = "select * from account where Telephone = '" . $keyword . "'" ;
                     $connT = mysql_query( $sqlinT , $dbh );
                     $resultT = mysql_fetch_assoc( $connT );
                     if ( $resultT ){
                         ///account 表中有号码
                         $signInsert = "insert into signin(OpenId,Telephone,CreateDate)  values ('" .trim( $fromUsername ). "','" . $keyword . "',$CreateTime)" ;
                         $connSign = mysql_query( $signInsert , $dbh );
                         $contentStr = "请输入姓名" ;
                         $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                     } else {
                         ////$contentStr ="您的电话号不存在,请重新认证";
                         //$contentStr ="非常抱歉认证失败,可能由于您的电话号码或者姓名输入有误,请重新回复 【认证】 进行会员认证,谢谢。" ;
                         $contentStr = "请输入姓名" ;
                         $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
             } elseif ( $signIsExsitRow ){  
                     ////向数据表 ACCout 中查询 用户信息   
                     $Telephone = $signIsExsitRow [ "Telephone" ];
                     $RealName =  trim( $keyword );
                     $time = time();
                     $sqlAccountTRStr = "select * from account where Telephone = '" . $Telephone . "'  and RealName ='" . $RealName . "' " ;
                     $accountTRRs = mysql_query( $sqlAccountTRStr , $dbh );
                     $accountTRRow = mysql_fetch_assoc( $accountTRRs );
                     $State = $accountTRRow [ "State" ];
                     if ( $State == '1' || $State ==1){
                         //$sqlAccountTRStrUpdate = "update account set Certification =10 where Telephone = '".$Telephone."'  and RealName ='".$RealName."' ";
                         //$accountTRRsUpdate = mysql_query($sqlAccountTRStrUpdate,$dbh);
                     } elseif ( $State == '2' || $State ==2 || $State == '3' || $State ==3 || $State ==4 || $State == '4' ){
                         $sqlAccountTRStrUpdate = "update account set Certification =50 where Telephone = '" . $Telephone . "'  and RealName ='" . $RealName . "' " ;
                         $accountTRRsUpdate = mysql_query( $sqlAccountTRStrUpdate , $dbh );
                         $sqlScoreLog = "insert into scorelog(RealName,Telephone,Score,Type,Description,Source,CreateTime)values('" . $RealName . "','" . $Telephone . "','50','Certification','认证分数','新用户进行认证',$time);" ;
                         $ScoreLogResult = mysql_query( $sqlScoreLog , $dbh );
                     } else {
                     if (! empty ( $accountTRRow )){
                         $distictSql = "select count(*) as c from mapping where OpenID ='" .trim( $fromUsername ). "'" ;
                         $distictRs =mysql_query( $distictSql , $dbh );
                         $distictCount =0 ;
                         while ( $distictRow = mysql_fetch_array( $distictRs )){
                             $distictCount = $distictRow [ "c" ];
                         if ( $distictCount >0){
                             $contentStr = "您的微信号已经绑定,如果不是您的微信账号,请联系我们" ;
                         } else {
                             $deleteSign = "delete from signin where OpenId ='" .trim( $fromUsername ). "'" ;
                             $delSignRs =mysql_query( $deleteSign , $dbh ); 
                             $insertMapping = "insert into mapping(OpenId,Telephone,CreateTime) values('" .trim( $fromUsername ). "','" . $Telephone . "',$time)" ;
                             $insertMapRs = mysql_query( $insertMapping , $dbh );
                             if ( $State == '1' || $State ==1){
                                 $contentStr = $RealName . ",您已通过认证,回复【帮助】可获得更多辅助信息。" ;
                             } else {
                                  $uid = $accountTRRow [ "id" ];
                                  $Certification = $accountTRRow [ "Certification" ];
                                 $contentStr = $RealName . ",您已通过认证。您是第 $uid 位认证会员,已获得  $Certification 学分。" ;
                         $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
                     } else {
                         $deleteSign = "delete from signin where OpenId ='" .trim( $fromUsername ). "'" ;
                         $delSignRs =mysql_query( $deleteSign , $dbh ); 
                         $contentStr = "非常抱歉认证失败,可能由于您的电话号码或者姓名输入有误,请重新回复 【认证】 进行会员认证,谢谢。" ;
                         $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
             } else {
                    $contentStr = "非常抱歉认证失败,可能由于您的电话号码或者姓名输入有误,请重新回复 【认证】 进行会员认证,谢谢。" ;
                    $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
     public function responseExam( $postObj )
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){    
             $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
             $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
             $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
             $keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content);
             $time = time();
             $msgType = "news" ;
             $title = "学期第二期" ;
             $description = '累积学分拿好"礼"答对1题50分 答错不计分)!' ;
             $textTpl = "
                                 <![CDATA[</code> <code class="php string">".$title."</code> <code class="php plain">]]>
                                 ".$description." ]]>
             if (! empty ( $keyword ))
               $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $msgType , $title , $description );
               echo $resultStr ;
              } else {
                 echo 'nokeyword' ;
             exit ;
     public function responseMood( $postObj )
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){    
             $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
             $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
             $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
             $keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content);
             $time = time();
             $msgType = "news" ;
             $title = '【心心情一起为完美点"睛"' ;
             $textTpl = "
                                 <![CDATA[</code> <code class="php string">".$title."</code> <code class="php plain">]]>
                 $description = "情,获学分赢精美提示物!" ;
                 $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $msgType , $title , $description );
                 echo $resultStr ;
                 //echo 'nokeyword';
     public function responseGrid( $postObj )
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){    
             $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
             $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
             $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
             $keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content);
             $time = time();
             $msgType = "news" ;
             $title = '百万格子' ;
             $textTpl = "
                                 <![CDATA[</code> <code class="php string">".$title."</code> <code class="php plain">]]>
                 $description = "美提示物!" ;
                 $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $msgType , $title , $description );
                 echo $resultStr ;
                 ///echo 'nokeyword';
     public function responsePhotoWall( $postObj )
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){    
             $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
             $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
             $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
             $keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content);
             $time = time();
             $msgType = "news" ;
             $title = '照片陈列竞赛' ;
             $textTpl = "
                                 <![CDATA[</code> <code class="php string">".$title."</code> <code class="php plain">]]>
             if (! empty ( $keyword ))
                 $description = "照片陈列竞赛" ;
                 $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $msgType , $title , $description );
                 echo $resultStr ;
              } else {
                 echo 'nokeyword' ;
             exit ;
     public function responseMatchGuess( $postObj )
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){    
             $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
             $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
             $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
             $keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content);
             $time = time();
             $msgType = "news" ;
             $title = '世界杯大竞猜' ;
             $textTpl8 = "
                                 <![CDATA[</code> <code class="php string">".$title."</code> <code class="php plain">]]>
                 $description = "世界杯大兑好礼!" ;
                 $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl8 , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $msgType , $title , $description );
                 echo $resultStr ;
                 //echo 'nokeyword';
     ///判断Link,接收目的文件 目前只有图文混排
     public function handleLink( $postObj )
         $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
         $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
         $msgType = trim( $postObj ->MsgType);
         $CreateTime = $postObj ->CreateTime;
         $Title = $postObj ->Title;
         $Description = $postObj ->Description;
         $Url = $postObj ->Url;
         require ( "db.php" );
         //$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost:3306","root","root");
         //mysql_query("set names UTF8");   
         $sql = "insert into message(FromUserName,ToUserName,MsgType,Title,Description,Url,CreateTime) values ('" . $fromUsername . "','" . $toUsername . "','" . $msgType . "','" . $Title . "','" . $Description . "','" . $Url . "',$CreateTime)" ;
         $result  = mysql_query( $sql , $dbh );
         $time = time();
         $textTpl = "
                         <![CDATA[</code> <code class="php string">".$Title."</code> <code class="php plain">]]>
                         ".$Description." ]]>
                         ".$Url." ]]>
         $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $Title , $Description );
         echo $resultStr ;
         exit ();
     public function handleImage( $postObj )
         $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
         $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
         $msgType = trim( $postObj ->MsgType);
         $PicUrl = $postObj ->PicUrl;
         $CreateTime = $postObj ->CreateTime;
         $MediaId = $postObj ->MediaId;
          require ( "db.php" );
         //$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost:3306","root","root");
         //mysql_query("set names UTF8");   
         $sql = "insert into message(FromUserName,ToUserName,MsgType,PicUrl,MediaId,CreateTime) values ('" . $fromUsername . "','" . $toUsername . "','" . $msgType . "','" . $PicUrl . "','" . $MediaId . "',$CreateTime)" ;
         $result  = mysql_query( $sql , $dbh );
         $time = time();
         $sqlOpenId = "select * from account where OpenId = '" . $fromUsername . "'" ;
         $userResult = mysql_query( $sqlOpenId , $dbh );
         $userrow =  mysql_fetch_assoc( $userResult ) ;
         $RealName = $userrow [ "RealName" ];
         $Telephone = $userrow [ "Telephone" ];
         $contentStr = $RealName . ":上传了图片" ;
         $sqlimg = "insert into photowall(OpenId,RealName,Telephone,MediaId,MsgType,PicUrl,CreateTime) values ('" . $fromUsername . "','" . $RealName . "','" . $Telephone . "','" . $MediaId . "','image','" . $PicUrl . "',$CreateTime)" ;
         $resultimg  = mysql_query( $sqlimg , $dbh );
         $this ->responseEvent( $postObj , $contentStr );
         $textTpl = "
         $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $postObj ->FromUserName, $postObj ->ToUserName, $time , $contentStr );
         echo $resultStr ;
         exit ();
     public function handleVoice( $postObj )
         $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
         $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
         $MsgType = $postObj ->MsgType;
         $MediaId = $postObj ->MediaId;
         $Format = $postObj ->Format;
         $Recognition = $postObj ->Recognition;
         $CreateTime = $postObj ->CreateTime;
          require ( "db.php" );
         //$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost:3306","root","root");
         //mysql_query("set names UTF8");   
         $sql = "insert into message(FromUserName,ToUserName,MsgType,MediaId,Format,Recognition,CreateTime) values ('" . $fromUsername . "','" . $toUsername . "','" . $MsgType . "','" . $MediaId . "','" . $Format . "','" . $Recognition . "',$CreateTime)" ;
         $result  = mysql_query( $sql , $dbh );
         $time = time();
         $textTpl = "
                 ".$MediaId." ]]>
                 ".$Format." ]]>
         $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $postObj ->FromUserName, $postObj ->ToUserName, $time , $MediaId , $Format );
         echo $resultStr ;
         exit ();
     public function handleVideo( $postObj )
         $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
         $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
         $msgType = $postObj ->MsgType;
         $MediaId = $postObj ->MediaId;
         $ThumbMediaId = $postObj ->ThumbMediaId;
         $CreateTime = $postObj ->CreateTime;
         require ( "db.php" );
         //$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost:3306","root","root");
         //mysql_query("set names UTF8");
         $sql = "insert into message(FromUserName,ToUserName,MsgType,MediaId,ThumbMediaId,CreateTime) values ('" . $fromUsername . "','" . $toUsername . "','" . $msgType . "','" . $MediaId . "','" . $ThumbMediaId . "',$CreateTime)" ;
         $result  = mysql_query( $sql , $dbh );
         $time = time();
         $textTpl = "
                     ".$MediaId." ]]>
                     ".$ThumbMediaId." ]]>
         $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $postObj ->FromUserName, $postObj ->ToUserName, $time , $msgType , $MediaId , $ThumbMediaId );
         echo $resultStr ;
         exit ();
     public function responseGraphic( $postObj )
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){    
             $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
             $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
             $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
             $keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content);
             $time = time();
             $msgType = "news" ;
             $textTpl = "
             if (! empty ( $keyword ))
                 $title = "以帮助您?" ;
                 $description = "息查询,可点击右上角图标,查询历史消息。" ;
                 $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $msgType , $title , $description );
                 echo $resultStr ;
              } else {
                 echo 'nokeyword' ;
             exit ;
     public function responseMusic()
         $postStr = $GLOBALS [ "HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA" ];
         if (! empty ( $postStr )){    
             $postObj = simplexml_load_string( $postStr , 'SimpleXMLElement' , LIBXML_NOCDATA);
             $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
             $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
             $keyword = trim( $postObj ->Content);
             $time = time();
             $textTpl = "
                 $title = '爱乐团-天涯' ;
                 $msgType = 'music' ;
                 $description = '由金牌音乐制作人王超领军,坚持词曲编全部原创的路线。加女主音胡霖高亢的声音加所有爱音乐的朋友等于爱乐团。现由胡霖和王超两位成员组成。(原主唱为徐立)2005年发行第一张大碟《天涯》,艳惊整个华语乐坛' ;
                 $musicUrl = 'http://www.xyzk.net/images/bgm/Audio/tianya.mp3' ;
                 $HQMusicUrl = 'http://www.xyzk.net/images/bgm/Audio/tianya.mp3' ;
                 $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $fromUsername , $toUsername , $time , $msgType , $title , $description , $musicUrl , $HQMusicUrl );
                 echo $resultStr ;
             exit ;
     public function responseLocation( $postObj )
         $fromUsername = $postObj ->FromUserName;
         $toUsername = $postObj ->ToUserName;
         $Location_X = $postObj ->Location_X;
         $Location_Y = $postObj ->Location_Y;
         $Scale = $postObj ->Scale;
         $Label = $postObj ->Label;
         $CreateTime = $postObj ->CreateTime;
         $time = time();
         require ( "db.php" );
         //$dbh = mysql_connect("localhost:3306","root","root");
         //mysql_query("set names UTF8");   
         $sql = "insert into message(FromUserName,ToUserName,MsgType,Location_X,Location_Y,Scale,Label,CreateTime) values ('" .trim( $fromUsername ). "','" . $toUsername . "','location','" . $Location_X . "','" . $Location_Y . "','" . $Scale . "','" . $Label . "',$CreateTime)" ;
         $result  = mysql_query( $sql , $dbh );
          $textTpl = "
          $contentStr = $sql
          $resultStr = sprintf( $textTpl , $postObj ->FromUserName, $postObj ->ToUserName, $time , $contentStr );
          echo $resultStr ;  
