typedef short int16_t;
typedef int16_t Pel;
using namespace std;
template <typename T>
inline T const& Max (T const& a, T const& b)
return a < b ? b:a;
int main ()
int i = 39;
int j = 20;
cout << "Max(i, j): " << Max(i, j) << endl;
double f1 = 13.5;
double f2 = 20.7;
cout << "Max(f1, f2): " << Max(f1, f2) << endl;
string s1 = "Hello";
string s2 = "World";
cout << "Max(s1, s2): " << Max(s1, s2) << endl;
return 0;
template<typename T>
struct AreaBuf : public Size
T* buf;
int stride;
// the proper type causes awful lot of errors
//ptrdiff_t stride;
AreaBuf() : Size(), buf( NULL ), stride( 0 ) { }
AreaBuf( T *_buf, const Size &size ) : Size( size ), buf( _buf ), stride( size.width ) { }
AreaBuf( T *_buf, const int &_stride, const Size &size ) : Size( size ), buf( _buf ), stride( _stride ) { }
AreaBuf( T *_buf, const SizeType &_width, const SizeType &_height ) : Size( _width, _height ), buf( _buf ), stride( _width ) { }
AreaBuf( T *_buf, const int &_stride, const SizeType &_width, const SizeType &_height ) : Size( _width, _height ), buf( _buf ), stride( _stride ) { }
typedef AreaBuf< Pel> PelBuf;
typedef AreaBuf<const Pel> CPelBuf;
typedef AreaBuf< TCoeff> CoeffBuf;
typedef AreaBuf<const TCoeff> CCoeffBuf;
typedef AreaBuf< MotionInfo> MotionBuf;
typedef AreaBuf<const MotionInfo> CMotionBuf;
typedef AreaBuf< TCoeff> PLTescapeBuf;
typedef AreaBuf<const TCoeff> CPLTescapeBuf;
typedef AreaBuf< bool> PLTtypeBuf;
typedef AreaBuf<const bool> CPLTtypeBuf;
template<typename T>
struct UnitBuf
typedef static_vector<AreaBuf<T>, MAX_NUM_COMPONENT> UnitBufBuffers;
typedef static_vector<AreaBuf<const T>, MAX_NUM_COMPONENT> ConstUnitBufBuffers;
ChromaFormat chromaFormat;
UnitBufBuffers bufs;
UnitBuf() : chromaFormat( NUM_CHROMA_FORMAT ) { }
UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const UnitBufBuffers& _bufs ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs( _bufs ) { }
UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, UnitBufBuffers&& _bufs ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs( std::forward<UnitBufBuffers>( _bufs ) ) { }
UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const AreaBuf<T> &blkY ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ blkY } { }
UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, AreaBuf<T> &&blkY ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkY) } { }
UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const AreaBuf<T> &blkY, const AreaBuf<T> &blkCb, const AreaBuf<T> &blkCr ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ blkY, blkCb, blkCr } { }
UnitBuf( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, AreaBuf<T> &&blkY, AreaBuf<T> &&blkCb, AreaBuf<T> &&blkCr ) : chromaFormat( _chromaFormat ), bufs{ std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkY), std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkCb), std::forward<AreaBuf<T> >(blkCr) } { }
void PelStorage::create( const ChromaFormat &_chromaFormat, const Area& _area, const unsigned _maxCUSize, const unsigned _margin, const unsigned _alignment, const bool _scaleChromaMargin )
CHECK( !bufs.empty(), "Trying to re-create an already initialized buffer" );
chromaFormat = _chromaFormat;
const uint32_t numCh = getNumberValidComponents( _chromaFormat );
unsigned extHeight = _area.height;
unsigned extWidth = _area.width;
if( _maxCUSize )
extHeight = ( ( _area.height + _maxCUSize - 1 ) / _maxCUSize ) * _maxCUSize;
extWidth = ( ( _area.width + _maxCUSize - 1 ) / _maxCUSize ) * _maxCUSize;
for( uint32_t i = 0; i < numCh; i++ )
const ComponentID compID = ComponentID( i );
const unsigned scaleX = ::getComponentScaleX( compID, _chromaFormat );
const unsigned scaleY = ::getComponentScaleY( compID, _chromaFormat );
unsigned scaledHeight = extHeight >> scaleY;
unsigned scaledWidth = extWidth >> scaleX;
unsigned ymargin = _margin >> (_scaleChromaMargin?scaleY:0);
unsigned xmargin = _margin >> (_scaleChromaMargin?scaleX:0);
unsigned totalWidth = scaledWidth + 2*xmargin;
unsigned totalHeight = scaledHeight +2*ymargin;
if( _alignment )
// make sure buffer lines are align
CHECK( _alignment != MEMORY_ALIGN_DEF_SIZE, "Unsupported alignment" );
totalWidth = ( ( totalWidth + _alignment - 1 ) / _alignment ) * _alignment;
uint32_t area = totalWidth * totalHeight;
CHECK( !area, "Trying to create a buffer with zero area" );
m_origin[i] = ( Pel* ) xMalloc( Pel, area );
Pel* topLeft = m_origin[i] + totalWidth * ymargin + xmargin;
bufs.push_back( PelBuf( topLeft, totalWidth, _area.width >> scaleX, _area.height >> scaleY ) );