但是oracle11g中加入了新的特性:为了节省存储空间,对空表不建立段,这可能会导致我们导出数据库的时候空表无法导出,关于解决方法请参考文章Oracle 11g导出空表、少表的解决办法。”
概念 | 中文 | 描述 |
shared server | 共享服务器 | A database configuration that enables multiple client processes to share a small number of server processes. See also dedicated server. |
shared SQL area | 共享SQL区 | An area in the shared pool that contains the parse tree and execution plan for a SQL statement. Only one shared SQL area exists for a unique statement. |
simple database operation | 简单数据库操作 | A single SQL statement, or a single PL/SQL procedure or function. |
simple trigger | 简单触发器 | A trigger on a table that enables you to specify actions for exactly one timing point. For example, the trigger might fire before the firing statement. |
single-level partitioning | 单级分区 | A partitioning strategy that uses only one method of data distribution, for example, only list partitioning or only range partitioning. |
site failure | 站点故障 | An event that causes all or a significant portion of an application to stop processing or slow to an unusable service level. |
smallfile tablespace | smallfile表空间 | A tablespace that can contain multiple data files or temp files, but the files cannot be as large as in a bigfile tablespace. |
soft parse | 软解析 | The reuse of existing code when the parsed representation of a submitted SQL statement exists in the shared pool and can be shared. See also hard parse. |
software code area | 软件代码区 | A portion of memory that stores code that is being run or can be run. |
sorted hash cluster | 排序哈希簇 | A hash cluster that stores the rows corresponding to each value of the hash function in such a way that the database can efficiently return them in sorted order. The database performs the optimized sort internally. |
SQL (Structured Query Language) | SQL(结构化查询语言) | A nonprocedural language to access a relational database. Users describe in SQL what they want done, and the SQL language compiler automatically generates a procedure to navigate the database and perform the task. Oracle SQL includes many extensions to the ANSI/ISO standard SQL language. See also SQL*Plus; PL/SQL. |
SQL Developer | SQL Developer | A graphical version of SQL*Plus, written in Java, that supports development in SQL and PL/SQL. |
SQL parsing | SQL解析 | This stage of SQL processing that involves separating the pieces of a SQL statement into a data structure that can be processed by other routines. |
SQL plan baseline | SQL计划基准 | In SQL plan management, a set of one or more accepted plans for a repeatable SQL statement. The effect of a SQL plan baseline is that the optimizer limits its choice to a verified plan in the baseline. |
SQL plan management | SQL计划管理 | A preventative mechanism that enables the optimizer to automatically manage execution plans, ensuring that the database uses only verified plans. |
SQL profile | SQL档案 | A set of auxiliary information built during automatic tuning of a SQL statement. A SQL profile is to a SQL statement what statistics are to a table. The optimizer can use SQL profiles to improve cardinality and selectivity estimates, which in turn leads the optimizer to select better plans. |
SQL query result cache | SQL查询结果缓存 | A subset of the server result cache that stores the results of queries and query fragments. |
SQLJ | SQLJ | An ANSI standard for embedding SQL statements in Java programs. You can use SQLJ in stored procedures, triggers, and methods within the Oracle Database environment. In addition, you can combine SQLJ programs with JDBC. |
SQL*Plus | SQL*Plus | Oracle tool used to run SQL statements against Oracle Database. |
standby database | 待机数据库 | An independent copy of a production database that you can use for disaster protection in a high availability environment. |
star schema | 星形模式 | A relational schema whose design represents a dimensional data model. The star schema consists of one or more fact tables and one or more dimension tables that are related through foreign keys. See also dimension table; fact table. |
statement trigger | 语句触发器 | A trigger that is fired once on behalf of the triggering statement, regardless of the number of rows affected by the triggering statement. |
statement-level atomicity | 语句级原子性 | The characteristic of a SQL statement as an atomic unit of work that either completely succeeds or completely fails. |
statement-level read consistency | 语句级读一致 | The guarantee that data returned by a single query is committed and consistent for a single point in time. |
statement-level rollback | 语句级回滚 | A database operation in which the effects of an unsuccessful SQL statement are rolled back because the statement caused an error during execution. |
stored procedure | 存储过程 | A named PL/SQL block or Java program that Oracle Database stores in the database. Applications can call stored procedures by name. |
Streams pool | 流池 | A memory pool that stores buffered queue messages and provides memory for Oracle Streams capture processes and apply processes. The Streams pool is used exclusively by Oracle Streams. |
subquery | 子查询 | A query nested within another SQL statement. Unlike implicit queries, subqueries use a SELECT statement to retrieve data. |
summary | 汇总 | In a data warehouse, an aggregate view that reduces query time by precalculating joins and aggregation operations and storing the results in a table. |
surrogate key | 代理键 | A system-generated incrementing identifier that ensures uniqueness within a table. Typically, a sequence generates surrogate keys. |
synonym | 同义词 | An alias for a schema object. You can use synonyms to provide data independence and location transparency. |
system event trigger | 系统时间触发器 | An event trigger caused by events such as error messages, or database instance startup and shutdown. |
system monitor process (SMON) | SMON(系统监控进程) | The background process in charge of a variety of system-level cleanup duties, including instance recovery, recovering terminated transactions that were skipped during instance recovery, Cleaning up unused temporary segments, and Coalescing contiguous free extents within dictionary-managed tablespaces. |
table | 表 | Basic unit of data storage in Oracle Database. Data in tables is stored in rows and columns. |
table cluster | 表簇 | A schema object that contains data from one or more tables, all of which have one or more columns in common. In table clusters, the database stores together all the rows from all tables that share the same cluster key. |
table compression | 表压缩 | The compression of data segments to reduce disk space in a heap-organized table or table partition. |
table function | 表函数 | A user-defined PL/SQL function that returns a collection of rows (a nested table or varray). You can select from this collection as if it were a database table by invoking the table function inside the TABLE clause in a SELECT statement. |