<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">完全没状态的新生归来赛,虐的很惨</span>
A Hard Game
And it's now going to be a hard game.
The first line is the number of test cases
Output 'Alice' if she wins, otherwise output 'Bob'.
1 2
1 T不能转移到T,只能转移到S,
2 S必然可以转移到T,
对于任意一组局面,(a1,a2,...,an)都存在2种可能 1 这组局面是T状态 2 这组局面是S状态
对于sg(x)=k.意味着它可以到达0-k-1任意某个状态,明显对这个游戏sg(x)=x,由Bouton’s Theorem,只要每个堆的异或之和为0就是必败态了
/* USER_ID: test#xuesu PROBLEM: 396 SUBMISSION_TIME: 2014-07-12 13:35:16 */ #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int t; cin >>t; while(t--){ int n,m; cin>>n>>m; if(n%2==0)cout <<"Bob"<<endl; else cout << "Alice" << endl; } return 0; }
众所周知,如果一个正整数只能被1和自身整除,那么该数被称为素数。题目的任务很简单,就是判定一个数是否是一个素数。 只不过可能数的形式与正整数有一些不同,数的形式为a+bi,其中a、b为整数,且ii被定义为-1。如果a+bi能被分解为(a1+b1i)(a2+b2i)的形式,那么该数不是素数;否则,该数是素数。其中a1 、b1、 a2 、b2均为整数,且1,-1,0,i,-i不能作为被分解的因子。 注意,1,-1,0,i,-i均不为素数。
-10 2
3 0
平方数的形式具有下列形式之一:16m,16m+1, 16m+4,16m+9
不过怎么样还是不过,查看丁神代码(话说原来有小伙伴在csdn)发现原来是a*a+b*b=0或1 的时候没有处理,折腾了2小时....
思路:1 首先两重循环找小于sqrt(sq=(a*a+b*b))的平方和(分解因数)
2 然后不断除直到另一个因数为奇数,此时一定是一个奇数平方和,一个偶数平方和,%16余数一定是1,9,5,13之一,用这个条件筛一筛
3 使用2a*a+2b*b-(a+b)*(a+b)是否为完全平方数确认
#include<iostream> #include <cmath> using namespace std; long long sqsum[20001]; int findequalorlessindex(int s,int e,long long aim){ int mid=(s+e)/2; if(mid==s)return s; if(sqsum[mid]>aim)return findequalorlessindex(s,mid,aim); return findequalorlessindex(mid,e,aim); }//二分搜索,设a>=b,则a*a+b*b<=(a+b)*(a+b)<=2a*a+2b*b int main(){ for(int i=0;i<20001;i++){ sqsum[i]=i*i; } int a,b; while(cin>>a>>b){ long long sq=a*a+b*b; bool fl=true; int sqroot2=sqrt(sq); for(int i=0;i<10000;i++){ for(int j=i;j<10000;j++){ if(sqsum[i]+sqsum[j]>sqroot2)break; if(sqsum[i]+sqsum[j]==0||sqsum[i]+sqsum[j]==1)continue; if(sq%(sqsum[i]+sqsum[j])==0){ long long divisor=sq/(sqsum[i]+sqsum[j]); while(divisor%2==0)divisor/=2; int r=divisor%4; if(r!=1)continue; int indexofd=findequalorlessindex(1,20001,divisor); int indexof2d=findequalorlessindex(1,20001,2*divisor); for(int i=indexofd;i<=indexof2d;i++){ long long sqsumasubb=2*divisor-sqsum[i]; if(sqsumasubb<0)continue; long long sqroot=sqrt(sqsumasubb); if(sqroot*sqroot==sqsumasubb){ fl=false; break; } } } } if(!fl||sqsum[i]>=sqroot2)break; } if(sq==0||sq==1)fl=false; if(fl)cout<<"YES\n"; else cout <<"NO\n"; } return 0; }下面贴某神代码:
#include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <cstring> #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include <algorithm> using namespace std; int main() { long long a,b; while (~scanf("%lld%lld",&a,&b)) { long long sp=a*a+b*b; bool judge=false; for (int i=2;i<=sqrt(sp);i++) { if (sp%i!=0) continue; int j=sp/i; while (i%2==0) i/=2; while (j%2==0) j/=2; if (i%4==1&&j%4==1) { judge=true; break; } } if (sp==1||sp==0) judge=true; if (judge) printf("NO\n"); else printf("YES\n"); } }证明4n+1型素数一定能分解为两平方数之和:
Krishna is a country with n cities, there are n-1 freeways between cities.If we don't consider direction of freeway, there is a unique path between every two cities. But unfortunately, some of freeways are directed. Now,there is a war between Krishna and Trots. In order to save valuable time, Moor, the High Command of Krishna, decided to transform freeways by change there's direction. So that soldiers in the central camp can reach any other cities from the central camp by freeways. The cost of transform one freeway is the same as the lenth of the freeway. In order to reduce expenditure, Moor has to choose a city as central camp to minimize the cost. But Moor is too busy, you should help him to find the position of central camp.
There are multiply test case, and end of EOF Firstly give a integer n(0<n<100000).The following n-1 lines give 4 integers: t,u,v,w, whitch means that there are a freeway of length w between u and v(0=<w<=5000,0<u,v<100000). If t = 1, the freeway is directed, if t = 0, the freeway is undirected.
Print two integers, the first one stands for the city whitch has central camp, the second one stands for the minimal cost to transform the freeway. If there exist many cities satify the condition, you should put central camp in the city with smallest id.
5 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 0 2 4 5 1 5 4 4
5 3
思路: dp,先得到从第一个城市出发的总路程(每条路径只需算一遍,如果是没有这个方向的就加0).然后从第一个城市出发到第二个城市(加2->1减1->2),得出所有点的最大可覆盖路程,用应当达到的总路程-最大可覆盖路程即可,时间复杂度n
#include <iostream> #include <cstring> using namespace std; int first[100022];//没看到10^6,wa一次 int next[200024]; int to[200024]; int cost[200024]; bool vis[100022]; int n; int maxn,minn; int ans; void dfs(int i ){ int p=first[i]; while(p!=-1){ if(!vis[to[p]]){ ans+=cost[p]; vis[to[p]]=true; dfs(to[p]); } p=next[p]; } } int dp[100022]; int maxcost; int maxi; void dfs2(int i){ int p=first[i]; if(dp[i]>maxcost){ maxcost=dp[i]; maxi=i; } while(p!=-1){ if(!vis[to[p]]){ dp[to[p]]=dp[i]-cost[p]; if(p%2)dp[to[p]]+=cost[p-1]; else dp[to[p]]+=cost[p+1]; if(dp[to[p]]>maxcost){//神坑,这要是在后面从minn-maxn统计一遍就wa了,wa一次 maxcost=dp[to[p]]; maxi=to[p]; } vis[to[p]]=true; dfs2(to[p]); } p=next[p]; } } int topdfs(){ memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); ans=0; vis[minn]=true; dfs(minn);//从随便哪个点出发先求得一个dp基值 dp[minn]=ans; memset(vis,0,sizeof(vis)); vis[minn]=true; maxi=minn; maxcost=ans; dfs2(minn);//从这个点出发遍历,得到所有可覆盖的总路径长度 return maxi; } int main(){ ios::sync_with_stdio(false); while(cin>>n){ memset(first,-1,sizeof(first)); int d,u,v,w; int costsum=0; maxn=0; minn=0x3ffffff; for(int i=0;i<n-1;i++){ cin>>d>>u>>v>>w; if(u>maxn)maxn=u;//神坑,不一定在1开始,n截止 if(v>maxn)maxn=v; if(u<minn)minn=u; if(v<minn)minn=v; costsum+=w; to[2*i]=v; cost[2*i]=w; next[2*i]=first[u]; first[u]=2*i; if(d){ to[2*i+1]=u; cost[2*i+1]=0; next[2*i+1]=first[v]; first[v]=2*i+1; } else { to[2*i+1]=u; cost[2*i+1]=w; next[2*i+1]=first[v]; first[v]=2*i+1; } } topdfs(); cout<<maxi<<" "<<costsum-maxcost<<"\n"; } return 0; }