I know... Loving & kindness to yourself

听录于 Sarah Blondin的冥想引导语(有几句没听清,欢迎指正)

I know... Loving & kindness to yourself_第1张图片

I know the dark calls to you sometimes, it turns you face from the light

I know you walk down roads you know you shouldn't, walk into places where your heart is gently urging you not to

I know you see your habits and long to change them

I know you are tired of your worn-out ways of being, tired of the reliving patterns, and choosing painful choices

I know you feel hollow at times, like life is escaping you, dancing in front of you, but out of your reach somehow

I know how much it hurts to live there in the divide between what you feel you are and what you wish you could be

I know you have tasted the sun on your skin and inhaled with complete trust

and you too at times find it hard to move without knowing what is next, times that life is paralyzing

I know you work so hard to control the outcome of your life that you forget to breathe sometimes

that you live in the shallow end that you forget to go deep and breath deep

that you forget to meet yourself in the quiet and embrame yourself  full again and

you forget that there is the well of abundance and trust within your

you forget to go there for fear of losing control

I know there are places within yourself that you don't love, parts you try to wrestle away

I know they are there within you whilst you don't feel joy

I know you visit them from time to time, hoping they have somehow dissapeared

I know you travel between internal peace and trust,  and tear, and fear

I know you long to live more in bliss, where you intened to live, I know you can feel it viberating in yourself when you arrive there in great bliss, telling you this is it, where you belong

When you arrive there you are so alive that as if everything around you is telling you, yes, you are home

But I know too, that shadows come and pull your feet

that they come sometimes while you are asleep and drag you down into your familiar landscape of fear and doubt

I know you journey there too from time to time wondering  if it is where life will return

You fear you will never out-grow this dance between the two worlds,

I know you can see how much you have grown that you are learning to taste heaven

You believe life is in your favor, that you are arising above your dark shadows you will become free

I know you live there, in the tear between these two worlds

between the dark and thel ight, between trust and distrust, between love and hatred

between acceptance and resistance, between contrl and faith, between suns of mornings and dark forest

You are human, my dear one, my dearest love, you are human

You are allowed to in be both ways, you are loved

You are not wrong, you are not damaged, you are not failing, because you still lost in dark rivers, you are human

Be gentle to outcomes when you feel chokes in control the debilitates, lonelyness blinds you

Spent special care to love yourself  in this dark coriddors of your being

Spent special care to bring love to your own self, take gental care  of your vulnerability when you re here

When you arrive in the dark, knowing you are being offered the chance to grow your internal  garden of love

The dark offers you the chance to love all over the places where you do not dare, all over the places that challenge you, all over the place you curse

The dark offers you the chance to restoration to your entire being no matter what land you are standing on

When you were down you deserve more love not less

When we deprive ourselves of love, is where we need it most

When the dark comes, tells us what it longs deeply to hear, that you are loved

that you are loved in all of your shadow,  you are loved in all of your light, you are loved in your various stages

Moments of fear and sadness  cannot be cured or defeated

They can only be transformed by learning to love and support yourself when they arrive

They will come again and again, giving your the opportunity to cultivate your own inner garden of love, and with time and practice they will release, they will visit less, they will come not for days but  instead, only moments

It will remind you from time to time to love yourself more, the dark it serves you

You are learning to restore the love you lost, the love you forgot you are comprised of

When the light comes, as it always does, even if it only found for a moment on the crest of wave on a suddely breeze on the bit of a due

knowing it is sending you a unique message of being love, confirming you that without any effort on you part you are being blessed  you have been showered

The universe is a kind  and loving one even when the greatest darkness visits you, you are being taught how to love

Close your eyes now, feel the rise and down of your chest

Feel the darkness behind your lense, see here in this place, there is also great light, they are part of one another, they hold the same message, they have the same intention,

Place your hand on the heart, whisper, I love you, giving permission to yourself to be in all of the places you have been, no judgement, no criticism

Love the process of life as full as it is, changing nothing about it, the love you shower yourself with, serve the amount of love you give yourself with great joy and great rest

你可能感兴趣的:(I know... Loving & kindness to yourself)