





1. HEVC帧内Planar模式预测-预测像素计算










/** Function for deriving planar intra prediction.

 * \param pSrc pointer to reconstructed sample array

 * \param srcStride the stride of the reconstructed sample array

 * \param rpDst reference to pointer for the prediction sample array

 * \param dstStride the stride of the prediction sample array

 * \param width the width of the block

 * \param height the height of the block


 * This function derives the prediction samples for planar mode (intra coding).



Void TComPrediction::xPredIntraPlanar( Int* pSrc, Int srcStride, Pel* rpDst, Int dstStride, UInt width, UInt height )


  assert(width == height);


  Int k, l, bottomLeft, topRight;

  Int horPred;

  Int leftColumn[MAX_CU_SIZE+1], topRow[MAX_CU_SIZE+1], bottomRow[MAX_CU_SIZE], rightColumn[MAX_CU_SIZE];

  UInt blkSize = width;//像素块宽度

  UInt offset2D = width;//N

  UInt shift1D = g_aucConvertToBit[ width ] + 2;//LOG2(N)

  UInt shift2D = shift1D + 1;//LOG2(N) + 1


  // Get left and above reference column and row



  //Ph(x,y) = width*leftColumn(y) + x*(topRight - leftColumn(y))

  //Pv(x,y) = width*topRow(x) + y*(bottomleft - topRow(x))

  for (k=0;k> shift2D );




2. HEVC帧内角度模式预测-预测像素计算

HEVC亮度分量帧内预测支持5中大小的PU:4X4 ~ 64X64,都对应35中预测模式。







上面数格子可以看到偏移量的绝对值有[0,    2,    5,   9,  13,  17,  21,  26,  32]











Void TComPrediction::xPredIntraAng(Int bitDepth, Int* pSrc, Int srcStride, Pel*& rpDst, Int dstStride, UInt width, UInt height, UInt dirMode, Bool blkAboveAvailable, Bool blkLeftAvailable, Bool bFilter )


  Int k,l;

  Int blkSize        = width;

  Pel* pDst          = rpDst;


  // Map the mode index to main prediction direction and angle

  assert( dirMode > 0 ); //no planar

  Bool modeDC        = dirMode < 2;//DC是1

  Bool modeHor       = !modeDC && (dirMode < 18);//水平类角度2~17

  Bool modeVer       = !modeDC && !modeHor;//垂直类角度18~34

  Int intraPredAngle = modeVer ? (Int)dirMode - VER_IDX : modeHor ? -((Int)dirMode - HOR_IDX) : 0;//ver:(18到34-26=-8到8,hor:2至17-10 = -8至7.

  Int absAng         = abs(intraPredAngle);

  Int signAng        = intraPredAngle < 0 ? -1 : 1;//水平左半部分为-,右半部分为+;垂直下半部分为-,上半部分角度为+。


  // Set bitshifts and scale the angle parameter to block size

  Int angTable[9]    = {0,    2,    5,   9,  13,  17,  21,  26,  32};

  Int invAngTable[9] = {0, 4096, 1638, 910, 630, 482, 390, 315, 256}; // (256 * 32) / Angle

  Int invAngle       = invAngTable[absAng];//选择偏移度

  absAng             = angTable[absAng];//映射时*32

  intraPredAngle     = signAng * absAng;//加上符号表示偏移方向


  // Do the DC prediction

  if (modeDC)//如果是DC模式,所有值设为dcval


    Pel dcval = predIntraGetPredValDC(pSrc, srcStride, width, height, blkAboveAvailable, blkLeftAvailable);


    for (k=0;kblkSize*intraPredAngle>>5; k--)//填充映射像素


        invAngleSum += invAngle;

        refMain[k] = refSide[invAngleSum>>8];//一次一步将side映射到ref中





      for (k=0;k<2*blkSize+1;k++)//拷贝上和左参考像素


        refAbove[k] = pSrc[k-srcStride-1];


      for (k=0;k<2*blkSize+1;k++)


        refLeft[k] = pSrc[(k-1)*srcStride-1];


      refMain = modeVer ? refAbove : refLeft;

      refSide = modeVer ? refLeft  : refAbove;



    if (intraPredAngle == 0)//10水平或26垂直的模式,


      for (k=0;k> 1) );






      Int deltaPos=0;

      Int deltaInt;

      Int deltaFract;

      Int refMainIndex;

      //当前像素的预测值,P(x,y)= ( ((32-deltaFract) * refMain[refMainIndex] + deltaFract * refMain[refMainIndex + 1] + 16)  >> 5 )

      for (k=0;k> 5;

        deltaFract = deltaPos & (32 - 1);


        if (deltaFract)


          // Do linear filtering

          for (l=0;l> 5 );





          // Just copy the integer samples

          for (l=0;l> 5 );


            pDst[k*dstStride+l] = refMain[l+deltaInt+1];







    // Flip the block if this is the horizontal mode

    if (modeHor)


      Pel  tmp;

      for (k=0;k






P(x,1) = R(x,0) + 3*dcValue + 2>>2


P(1,y) = R(0,y) + 3*dcValue + 2>>2


/** Function for filtering intra DC predictor.

 * \param pSrc pointer to reconstructed sample array

 * \param iSrcStride the stride of the reconstructed sample array

 * \param rpDst reference to pointer for the prediction sample array

 * \param iDstStride the stride of the prediction sample array

 * \param iWidth the width of the block

 * \param iHeight the height of the block


 * This function performs filtering left and top edges of the prediction samples for DC mode (intra coding).


Void TComPrediction::xDCPredFiltering( Int* pSrc, Int iSrcStride, Pel*& rpDst, Int iDstStride, Int iWidth, Int iHeight )


  Pel* pDst = rpDst;

  Int x, y, iDstStride2, iSrcStride2;


  // boundary pixels processing

  pDst[0] = (Pel)((pSrc[-iSrcStride] + pSrc[-1] + 2 * pDst[0] + 2) >> 2);//左上角


  for ( x = 1; x < iWidth; x++ )//第一行


    pDst[x] = (Pel)((pSrc[x - iSrcStride] +  3 * pDst[x] + 2) >> 2);



  for ( y = 1, iDstStride2 = iDstStride, iSrcStride2 = iSrcStride-1; y < iHeight; y++, iDstStride2+=iDstStride, iSrcStride2+=iSrcStride )//第一列


    pDst[iDstStride2] = (Pel)((pSrc[iSrcStride2] + 3 * pDst[iDstStride2] + 2) >> 2);









Void TComPrediction::predIntraLumaAng(TComPattern* pcTComPattern, UInt uiDirMode, Pel* piPred, UInt uiStride, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Bool bAbove, Bool bLeft )


  Pel *pDst = piPred;

  Int *ptrSrc;


  assert( g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] >= 0 ); //   4x  4

  assert( g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] <= 5 ); // 128x128

  assert( iWidth == iHeight  );



  ptrSrc = pcTComPattern->getPredictorPtr( uiDirMode, g_aucConvertToBit[ iWidth ] + 2, m_piYuvExt );


  // get starting pixel in block

  Int sw = 2 * iWidth + 1;//当前PU首地址在ptrSrc中的偏移


  // Create the prediction

  if ( uiDirMode == PLANAR_IDX )//planar模式


    xPredIntraPlanar( ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight );//计算像素预测值




    if ( (iWidth > 16) || (iHeight > 16) )//角度模式,计算像素预测值


      xPredIntraAng(g_bitDepthY, ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight, uiDirMode, bAbove, bLeft, false );




      xPredIntraAng(g_bitDepthY, ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight, uiDirMode, bAbove, bLeft, true );//注意,最后一个为true


      if( (uiDirMode == DC_IDX ) && bAbove && bLeft )//DC模式


        xDCPredFiltering( ptrSrc+sw+1, sw, pDst, uiStride, iWidth, iHeight);












TEncSearch::estIntraPredQT( TComDataCU* pcCU,

                           TComYuv*    pcOrgYuv,

                           TComYuv*    pcPredYuv,

                           TComYuv*    pcResiYuv,

                           TComYuv*    pcRecoYuv,

                           UInt&       ruiDistC,

                           Bool        bLumaOnly )


  UInt    uiDepth        = pcCU->getDepth(0);//当前CU的深度



  UInt    uiNumPU        = pcCU->getNumPartitions();//当前cu划分为pu的数目

  UInt    uiInitTrDepth  = pcCU->getPartitionSize(0) == SIZE_2Nx2N ? 0 : 1;//计算变换深度,实际为uiDepth

  UInt    uiWidth        = pcCU->getWidth (0) >> uiInitTrDepth;//当前cu的宽度

  UInt    uiHeight       = pcCU->getHeight(0) >> uiInitTrDepth;//当前cu的长度

  UInt    uiQNumParts    = pcCU->getTotalNumPart() >> 2;//当前cu包含的最小分区4x4的数目。

  UInt    uiWidthBit     = pcCU->getIntraSizeIdx(0);

  UInt    uiOverallDistY = 0;

  UInt    uiOverallDistC = 0;

  UInt    CandNum;

  Double  CandCostList[ FAST_UDI_MAX_RDMODE_NUM ];


  //===== set QP and clear Cbf =====

  if ( pcCU->getSlice()->getPPS()->getUseDQP() == true)


    pcCU->setQPSubParts( pcCU->getQP(0), 0, uiDepth );




    pcCU->setQPSubParts( pcCU->getSlice()->getSliceQp(), 0, uiDepth );



  //===== loop over partitions =====遍历

  UInt uiPartOffset = 0;//记录当前pu的Zorder坐标

  for( UInt uiPU = 0; uiPU < uiNumPU; uiPU++, uiPartOffset += uiQNumParts )


    //===== init pattern for luma prediction =====

    Bool bAboveAvail = false;//

    Bool bLeftAvail  = false;

    pcCU->getPattern()->initPattern   ( pcCU, uiInitTrDepth, uiPartOffset );

    //获取当前PU邻域的可用性,对参考像素进行滤波,代码里的宽长都为当前cu的宽长,但是pu与tu的划分是以depth为基础的隐式划分,名字上仍以Cu表示,实际此Cu已经代表了PU或TU V

    pcCU->getPattern()->initAdiPattern( pcCU, uiPartOffset, uiInitTrDepth, m_piYuvExt, m_iYuvExtStride, m_iYuvExtHeight, bAboveAvail, bLeftAvail );


    //===== determine set of modes to be tested (using prediction signal only) =====

    Int numModesAvailable     = 35; //total number of Intra modes

    Pel* piOrg         = pcOrgYuv ->getLumaAddr( uiPU, uiWidth );

    Pel* piPred        = pcPredYuv->getLumaAddr( uiPU, uiWidth );

    UInt uiStride      = pcPredYuv->getStride();


   Int numModesForFullRD = g_aucIntraModeNumFast[ uiWidthBit ];//MPM的数目,像是候选预测模式数目

    //  g_aucIntraModeNumFast[]={3,8,8,3,3,3,3};2x2,4x4,8x8,16x16,32x32,64x64,128x128

    Bool doFastSearch = (numModesForFullRD != numModesAvailable);//这里doFastSearch恒为真

    if (doFastSearch)//此时是肯定会进入


      assert(numModesForFullRD < numModesAvailable);//确定numModesForFullRD < numModesAvailable


      for( Int i=0; i < numModesForFullRD; i++ )


        CandCostList[ i ] = MAX_DOUBLE;//初始化率失真表,全部为最大值,方便后面比较。


      CandNum = 0;


      for( Int modeIdx = 0; modeIdx < numModesAvailable; modeIdx++ )//遍历35种预测模式


        UInt uiMode = modeIdx;

        //调用亮度帧内预测函数 V

        predIntraLumaAng( pcCU->getPattern(), uiMode, piPred, uiStride, uiWidth, uiHeight, bAboveAvail, bLeftAvail );


        // use hadamard transform here哈达玛矩阵计算率失真

        UInt uiSad = m_pcRdCost->calcHAD(g_bitDepthY, piOrg, uiStride, piPred, uiStride, uiWidth, uiHeight );//计算SATD(残差经HAD后的绝对值总和)


        UInt   iModeBits = xModeBitsIntra( pcCU, uiMode, uiPU, uiPartOffset, uiDepth, uiInitTrDepth );//计算编码当面所需的bits

        Double cost      = (Double)uiSad + (Double)iModeBits * m_pcRdCost->getSqrtLambda();//率失真代价



        CandNum += xUpdateCandList( uiMode, cost, numModesForFullRD, uiRdModeList, CandCostList );//帧内预测模式候选列表




      Int uiPreds[3] = {-1, -1, -1};

      Int iMode = -1;//分两种情况,如果前两个相同iMode=1,否则iMode=2

      Int numCand = pcCU->getIntraDirLumaPredictor( uiPartOffset, uiPreds, &iMode );//获取亮度预测的前三个MPMs

      if( iMode >= 0 )


        numCand = iMode;



      for( Int j=0; j < numCand; j++)


        Bool mostProbableModeIncluded = false;

        Int mostProbableMode = uiPreds[j];//取出预测的MPM


        for( Int i=0; i < numModesForFullRD; i++)


          mostProbableModeIncluded |= (mostProbableMode == uiRdModeList[i]);//检查MPMs,是否被uiRdModeList包含


        if (!mostProbableModeIncluded)//若没被包含,则将该MPM包含进uiRdModeList里


          uiRdModeList[numModesForFullRD++] = mostProbableMode;//计算率失真的备选模式表



#endif // FAST_UDI_USE_MPM




      for( Int i=0; i < numModesForFullRD; i++)


        uiRdModeList[i] = i;




    //check modes 确定帧内预测模式的最佳值主要有以下几个步骤:

    //1. 对numModesForFullRD中预测模式进行遍历,算出RDcosts,但至多对depth=1的CU进行遍历,提高了速度。



    //===== check modes (using r-d costs) =====


    UInt   uiSecondBestMode  = MAX_UINT;

    Double dSecondBestPUCost = MAX_DOUBLE;



    UInt    uiBestPUMode  = 0;//最佳预测模式

    UInt    uiBestPUDistY = 0;//最佳预测模式对应的亮度失真

    UInt    uiBestPUDistC = 0;//最佳预测模式色度失真

    Double  dBestPUCost   = MAX_DOUBLE;//RDcosts

    for( UInt uiMode = 0; uiMode < numModesForFullRD; uiMode++ )


      // set luma prediction mode

      UInt uiOrgMode = uiRdModeList[uiMode];


      pcCU->setLumaIntraDirSubParts ( uiOrgMode, uiPartOffset, uiDepth + uiInitTrDepth );


      // set context models

      m_pcRDGoOnSbacCoder->load( m_pppcRDSbacCoder[uiDepth][CI_CURR_BEST] );


      // determine residual for partition

      UInt   uiPUDistY = 0;//当前预测模式的亮度失真

      UInt   uiPUDistC = 0;//当前色度失真

      Double dPUCost   = 0.0;//当前预测RDcost


      xRecurIntraCodingQT( pcCU, uiInitTrDepth, uiPartOffset, bLumaOnly, pcOrgYuv, pcPredYuv, pcResiYuv, uiPUDistY, uiPUDistC, true, dPUCost );


      xRecurIntraCodingQT( pcCU, uiInitTrDepth, uiPartOffset, bLumaOnly, pcOrgYuv, pcPredYuv, pcResiYuv, uiPUDistY, uiPUDistC, dPUCost );



      // check r-d cost

      if( dPUCost < dBestPUCost )//更新最佳预测模式相关参数



        uiSecondBestMode  = uiBestPUMode;

        dSecondBestPUCost = dBestPUCost;


        uiBestPUMode  = uiOrgMode;

        uiBestPUDistY = uiPUDistY;

        uiBestPUDistC = uiPUDistC;

        dBestPUCost   = dPUCost;


        xSetIntraResultQT( pcCU, uiInitTrDepth, uiPartOffset, bLumaOnly, pcRecoYuv );


        UInt uiQPartNum = pcCU->getPic()->getNumPartInCU() >> ( ( pcCU->getDepth(0) + uiInitTrDepth ) << 1 );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempTrIdx,  pcCU->getTransformIdx()       + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempCbf[0], pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_LUMA     ) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempCbf[1], pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_CHROMA_U ) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempCbf[2], pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_CHROMA_V ) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[0], pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_LUMA)     + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[1], pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_CHROMA_U) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[2], pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_CHROMA_V) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );



      else if( dPUCost < dSecondBestPUCost )


        uiSecondBestMode  = uiOrgMode;

        dSecondBestPUCost = dPUCost;



    } // Mode loop




    for( UInt ui =0; ui < 2; ++ui )




      UInt uiOrgMode   = ui ? uiSecondBestMode  : uiBestPUMode;

      if( uiOrgMode == MAX_UINT )





      UInt uiOrgMode = uiBestPUMode;//设置为最佳模式



      pcCU->setLumaIntraDirSubParts ( uiOrgMode, uiPartOffset, uiDepth + uiInitTrDepth );


      // set context models

      m_pcRDGoOnSbacCoder->load( m_pppcRDSbacCoder[uiDepth][CI_CURR_BEST] );


      // determine residual for partition

      UInt   uiPUDistY = 0;

      UInt   uiPUDistC = 0;

      Double dPUCost   = 0.0;

      xRecurIntraCodingQT( pcCU, uiInitTrDepth, uiPartOffset, bLumaOnly, pcOrgYuv, pcPredYuv, pcResiYuv, uiPUDistY, uiPUDistC, false, dPUCost );


      // check r-d cost

      if( dPUCost < dBestPUCost )


        uiBestPUMode  = uiOrgMode;

        uiBestPUDistY = uiPUDistY;

        uiBestPUDistC = uiPUDistC;

        dBestPUCost   = dPUCost;


        xSetIntraResultQT( pcCU, uiInitTrDepth, uiPartOffset, bLumaOnly, pcRecoYuv );


        UInt uiQPartNum = pcCU->getPic()->getNumPartInCU() >> ( ( pcCU->getDepth(0) + uiInitTrDepth ) << 1 );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempTrIdx,  pcCU->getTransformIdx()       + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempCbf[0], pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_LUMA     ) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempCbf[1], pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_CHROMA_U ) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempCbf[2], pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_CHROMA_V ) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[0], pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_LUMA)     + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[1], pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_CHROMA_U) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

        ::memcpy( m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[2], pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_CHROMA_V) + uiPartOffset, uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );


    } // Mode loop



    //--- update overall distortion ---

    uiOverallDistY += uiBestPUDistY;

    uiOverallDistC += uiBestPUDistC;


    //--- update transform index and cbf ---

    UInt uiQPartNum = pcCU->getPic()->getNumPartInCU() >> ( ( pcCU->getDepth(0) + uiInitTrDepth ) << 1 );

    ::memcpy( pcCU->getTransformIdx()       + uiPartOffset, m_puhQTTempTrIdx,  uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

    ::memcpy( pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_LUMA     ) + uiPartOffset, m_puhQTTempCbf[0], uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

    ::memcpy( pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_CHROMA_U ) + uiPartOffset, m_puhQTTempCbf[1], uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

    ::memcpy( pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_CHROMA_V ) + uiPartOffset, m_puhQTTempCbf[2], uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

    ::memcpy( pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_LUMA)     + uiPartOffset, m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[0], uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

    ::memcpy( pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_CHROMA_U) + uiPartOffset, m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[1], uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

    ::memcpy( pcCU->getTransformSkip(TEXT_CHROMA_V) + uiPartOffset, m_puhQTTempTransformSkipFlag[2], uiQPartNum * sizeof( UChar ) );

    //--- set reconstruction for next intra prediction blocks ---

    if( uiPU != uiNumPU - 1 )


      Bool bSkipChroma  = false;

      Bool bChromaSame  = false;

      UInt uiLog2TrSize = g_aucConvertToBit[ pcCU->getSlice()->getSPS()->getMaxCUWidth() >> ( pcCU->getDepth(0) + uiInitTrDepth ) ] + 2;

      if( !bLumaOnly && uiLog2TrSize == 2 )


        assert( uiInitTrDepth  > 0 );

        bSkipChroma  = ( uiPU != 0 );

        bChromaSame  = true;



      UInt    uiCompWidth   = pcCU->getWidth ( 0 ) >> uiInitTrDepth;

      UInt    uiCompHeight  = pcCU->getHeight( 0 ) >> uiInitTrDepth;

      UInt    uiZOrder      = pcCU->getZorderIdxInCU() + uiPartOffset;

      Pel*    piDes         = pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec()->getLumaAddr( pcCU->getAddr(), uiZOrder );

      UInt    uiDesStride   = pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec()->getStride();

      Pel*    piSrc         = pcRecoYuv->getLumaAddr( uiPartOffset );

      UInt    uiSrcStride   = pcRecoYuv->getStride();

      for( UInt uiY = 0; uiY < uiCompHeight; uiY++, piSrc += uiSrcStride, piDes += uiDesStride )


        for( UInt uiX = 0; uiX < uiCompWidth; uiX++ )


          piDes[ uiX ] = piSrc[ uiX ];



      if( !bLumaOnly && !bSkipChroma )


        if( !bChromaSame )


          uiCompWidth   >>= 1;

          uiCompHeight  >>= 1;


        piDes         = pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec()->getCbAddr( pcCU->getAddr(), uiZOrder );

        uiDesStride   = pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec()->getCStride();

        piSrc         = pcRecoYuv->getCbAddr( uiPartOffset );

        uiSrcStride   = pcRecoYuv->getCStride();

        for( UInt uiY = 0; uiY < uiCompHeight; uiY++, piSrc += uiSrcStride, piDes += uiDesStride )


          for( UInt uiX = 0; uiX < uiCompWidth; uiX++ )


            piDes[ uiX ] = piSrc[ uiX ];



        piDes         = pcCU->getPic()->getPicYuvRec()->getCrAddr( pcCU->getAddr(), uiZOrder );

        piSrc         = pcRecoYuv->getCrAddr( uiPartOffset );

        for( UInt uiY = 0; uiY < uiCompHeight; uiY++, piSrc += uiSrcStride, piDes += uiDesStride )


          for( UInt uiX = 0; uiX < uiCompWidth; uiX++ )


            piDes[ uiX ] = piSrc[ uiX ];






    //=== update PU data ====

    pcCU->setLumaIntraDirSubParts     ( uiBestPUMode, uiPartOffset, uiDepth + uiInitTrDepth );

    pcCU->copyToPic                   ( uiDepth, uiPU, uiInitTrDepth );

  } // PU loop



  if( uiNumPU > 1 )

  { // set Cbf for all blocks

    UInt uiCombCbfY = 0;

    UInt uiCombCbfU = 0;

    UInt uiCombCbfV = 0;

    UInt uiPartIdx  = 0;

    for( UInt uiPart = 0; uiPart < 4; uiPart++, uiPartIdx += uiQNumParts )


      uiCombCbfY |= pcCU->getCbf( uiPartIdx, TEXT_LUMA,     1 );

      uiCombCbfU |= pcCU->getCbf( uiPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_U, 1 );

      uiCombCbfV |= pcCU->getCbf( uiPartIdx, TEXT_CHROMA_V, 1 );


    for( UInt uiOffs = 0; uiOffs < 4 * uiQNumParts; uiOffs++ )


      pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_LUMA     )[ uiOffs ] |= uiCombCbfY;

      pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_CHROMA_U )[ uiOffs ] |= uiCombCbfU;

      pcCU->getCbf( TEXT_CHROMA_V )[ uiOffs ] |= uiCombCbfV;




  //===== reset context models =====



  //===== set distortion (rate and r-d costs are determined later) =====

  ruiDistC                   = uiOverallDistC;

  pcCU->getTotalDistortion() = uiOverallDistY + uiOverallDistC;



