Jonah 2 |
约拿书2章 |
1 Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from the belly of the fish, 2 saying, “I called out to the LORD, out of my distress, and he answered me; out of the belly of Sheol I cried, and you heard my voice.3 For you cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the flood surrounded me; all your waves and your billows passed over me.4 Then I said, ‘I am driven away from your sight; yet I shall again look upon your holy temple.’5 The waters closed in over me to take my life; the deep surrounded me; weeds were wrapped about my head6 at the roots of the mountains. I went down to the land whose bars closed upon me forever; yet you brought up my life from the pit, O LORD my God.7 When my life was fainting away, I remembered the LORD, and my prayer came to you, into your holy temple.8 Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love.9 But I with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to you; what I have vowed I will pay. Salvation belongs to the LORD!”10 And the LORD spoke to the fish, and it vomited Jonah out upon the dry land. |
1 约拿从鱼腹中向耶和华他的 神祷告, 2 说:“我从患难中求告耶和华, 他就应允我; 我从阴间的深府呼求, 你就垂听我的声音。 3 你把我投入深海,在海洋的深处, 大水环绕我; 你的洪涛、你的波浪,都漫过我。 4 我说:‘我虽从你眼前被赶逐,我仍要仰望你的圣殿。’ 5 众水包围我,几乎置我于死地;深渊环绕我; 海草缠裹我的头。 6 我下沉直到山麓,大地的门闩把我永远关闭; 耶和华我的 神啊! 你却把我的性命从坑中拉上来。 7 当我心灵疲弱时,我就思念耶和华; 我的祷告直达你面前, 进入你的圣殿。 8 那敬奉虚妄之偶像的人,实在是离弃了怜爱他们的 神(“怜爱他们的 神” 原文作“他们的恩典”)。 9 至于我,我要带着感谢的声音向你献祭;我所许的愿,我必偿还。 救恩是属于耶和华的。” 10 于是耶和华吩咐那鱼,鱼就把约拿吐在陆地上。 |
经文背景 |
We saw last week that God is a God of relentless mercy. God’s mercy goes so far as to use a prodigal prophet to carry his message of judgment to an evil people he intends to save. God appointed Jonah to go and preach to the people of Nineveh but Jonah didn’t. God appointed a great storm to come up on Jonah’s escape boat and it did. Jonah could’ve repented, but he didn’t. So God appointed sailors to throw Jonah overboard and into the sea, and they did. God said “Shhh…” to the sea and it did. God appointed a great fish to go and swallow up Jonah, and it did. You go, fish! Obey the will of your Creator! And that is where we pick up the story today. With an obedient sea, obedient sailors, an obedient fish, and a disobedient prophet. Jonah keeps us on our toes. And we wonder what is this guy going to do next? That’s what we’ll find out after we pray. |
我们上周看到上帝是不懈怜悯的上帝。 上帝的怜悯甚至使用一个浪子先知将他审判的信息带给他想要拯救的恶人。 上帝差遣约拿去向尼尼微人传道,但约拿不肯。 上帝掀起了一场大风暴临到约拿的逃生船。 约拿本可以悔改,但他没有。 所以上帝让水手们把约拿扔到海里,他们就这样做了。 上帝对海说“嘘......”海浪就平息了。 上帝派了一条大鱼去吞下约拿,大鱼就照做了。 你去,大鱼! 服从你的造物主的意志! 这就是我们今天从故事中受教的地方。 有一片顺从的大海,一群听话的水手,一条顺从的大鱼和一个不听话的先知。 约拿让我们保持警醒。 我们想知道接下来该做什么呢? 这就是我们在祈祷之后要探讨的。 |
祈祷 |
Dear Father, thank you for this remarkable story. It is your word and we stand in awe of it. Reveal yourself to us through your word so that we stand in awe of you. As we see you more clearly help us to respond to you in a way that is fitting. Help us not to run from you and run from your word like Jonah did. But help us to run to you. We ask in Jesus’ name. |
亲爱的天父,谢谢你这个非凡的故事。 这是你的话语,我们敬畏它。 你通过你的话语向我们启示你自己,让我们敬畏你。 正如我们所见,你更清楚地帮助我们以正确的方式回应你。 帮助我们不要逃避你,逃避你的话语,就像约拿那样。 而是帮助我们奔向你。 我们奉耶稣的名求。 |
引言 |
Since I’m the children’s pastor, let me tell you something about kids. One thing I know about kids is that they absolutely love to clean their rooms. They long to hear those words roll off of their parents tongues: “Okay, time to clean your room.” They enjoy those words so much that it’s like they hear them in slow-mo “Time to clean your room.” They love those words so much and they love cleaning their rooms so much they often respond in slow-mo too. And kids you tell me, isn’t that because you just love it so much that you want to savor it? |
由于我是主管儿童事工的牧师,让我告诉你们一些关于孩子的事。 我对孩子们了解的一件事是,他们非常喜欢收拾房间。 他们渴望听到这些话从他们父母的语言中消失:“好了,时间到了,该收拾你的房间了。”他们非常喜欢这些话,就像他们在慢镜头中听到的那样“时间到了,收拾你的房间。”他们如此喜欢那些话,他们如此喜欢收拾他们的房间,以致他们经常在慢动作中回应。 孩子们,你们告诉我,是不是因为你非常喜欢它而想要慢慢品味它? |
Okay, the truth is this: Some of you kids like to clean your rooms. You are a rare breed. Most kids do not like to do it. They put it off as long as possible. Even to the point where it’s hard to find things and it’s stressful even to walk into the room for fear that sharp legos might pierce through the skin of your bare feet. Slow-mo obedience causes you problems. But kids, you know what? |
好吧,事实是这样的:你们中有些孩子是喜欢收拾房间,但那真的是珍稀品种。 大多数孩子都不喜欢这样做。 他们尽可能地推托。 甚至到了很难找到东西的地步,即使走进房间也得小心翼翼,生怕尖锐的乐高玩具会扎进你的赤脚。 慢动作的服从会给你带来麻烦。 但孩子们,你知道吗? |
FCF: Adults are like that too. There are things we don’t want to do. We put them off too. We even do that sometimes when it’s something we know God wants us to do. And it causes all kinds of problems. |
FCF:大人们也是这样。 有些事情我们不想做,我们就拒绝做。 甚至有些事情,当我们知道上帝希望我们做的时候,我们也会拒绝。 这会导致各种各样的问题。 |
Let’s see if we can learn some things from Jonah. Look with me at Jonah, chapter 2, verse 1. |
让我们来看看从约拿的故事中可以学到什么。请跟我一起来看约拿书第2章第1节。 |
Then Jonah prayed to the LORD his God from the belly of the fish |
约拿从鱼腹中向耶和华他的 神祷告 |
Then verses 2-9 is Jonah’s prayer. You might notice that the way Jonah’s prayer is written here is in the form of a Psalm of Thanksgiving. There’s a summary of his situation in verses 2-3. There’s a retelling of his trouble in verses 4-7. Then there’s a cry for help. There’s deliverance. There are vows. And finally praise. All the makings of a thanksgiving Psalm. |
接下来第2-9节就是约拿的祷告。你可能会注意到约拿的祷告是照着感恩诗篇的风格写的。2-3节是对他当前状况的总结,4-7节是对他困境的复述。接着是呼求帮助。这里面有解救,有誓言,最后是赞美。总的构成了一首感恩诗篇。 |
Now you might be wondering, “How in the world did Jonah craft such an eloquent Psalm from the belly of a fish?” That’s a good question. But what else are you going to do in the belly of a fish for 3 days and 3 nights? Maybe he crafted it while he was in there. Or, maybe he put it down in this form later. It doesn’t really matter. Here it is. And it is an accurate retelling of what happened in the deep waters of the sea. We learn what God did and learn how Jonah responded. We also learn how we should respond when we find ourselves in deep waters of another kind. When we find ourselves in over our heads. |
现在你可能会想:“约拿到底如何在鱼肚子里作出如此优美的诗篇?”这是一个很好的问题。 但是你还要在鱼肚里呆3天3夜做什么呢? 也许他在鱼肚子里时就作了这首诗。 或者,也许是他稍后以这种形式把它记下来。 这并不重要。 重要的是。 这是对海底深处所发生事情的精确复述。 我们了解上帝所做的事,并了解约拿如何回应。 当我们发现自己处于另一种深水中时,我们也会学习如何应对。尤其是当我们发现自己不知所措的时候。 |
We learn from Jonah to remember, pray, and worship. I think we can see a summary of these three instructive notes in verse 7. Look with me there: |
我们从约拿那里学到的是,我们要思念,祷告和敬拜。 我想我们可以在第7节中看到这三个指导性的摘要。请和我一起来看: |
When my life was fainting away, |
当我心灵疲弱时 |
I remembered the LORD, [REMEMBER] |
我就思念耶和华,[思念] |
and my prayer came to you, [PRAY] |
我的祷告直达你面前, [祷告] |
into your holy temple. [The place of WORSHIP] |
进入你的圣殿。[敬拜] |
Remember |
思念 |
Explain |
解释 |
1. The location of Jonah’s remembering |
1. 约拿在什么地方思念 |
We might think that Jonah only began to pray in the belly of the fish. But he started praying before that. Look at verse 2: |
我们可能会想,约拿只有到了鱼肚子里才开始祷告。但实际上,他进入鱼肚子之前就开始祷告了,请看第2节: |
Jonah says, “I called out to the Lord, out of my distress.” And this phrase is parallel to the next statement, “Out of the belly of Sheol, I cried.” |
约拿说:“我从患难中求告耶和华。”这句话与下一句话平行:“我从阴间的深府呼求。” |
So Jonah cried out to the LORD in his distress from where? The belly of Sheol. Now, where is that? Sheol is another word for the grave. So Jonah thinks he is about to die. Look at his retelling of the situation in verse 5-6. |
那么约拿从患难中求告耶和华是发生在哪里?从阴间的深府。这是哪里?阴间是死亡的别称。所以约拿以为他要死了。请看他在5-6节中复述自己的情形: |
• “waters closed in over me” (2:5a) |
众水包围我(2:5a) |
• “deep surrounded me” (2:5b) |
深渊环绕我(2:5b) |
• “weeds wrapped about my head” (2:5c) |
海草缠裹我的头(2:5c) |
• “bars closed upon me” (2:6a) |
大地的门闩把我永远关闭(2:6a) |
So the sea becomes a death sentence for Jonah. He is at the roots of the mountains he says. Jonah’s location is at the bottom of the sea and he as good as dead. That’s what he thought. In verse 7 he says “My life was fainting away.” |
所以海底对约拿来说就是死刑。他说他下沉到山根。约拿所在的地点是海的深底,他和死了差不多。他就是这么想的。第7节他说:“我的心灵(译注:原文该词有“生命”的意思)疲弱。” |
But it was right there. In that place, near to death and no one to save him, Jonah was in a mess of his own making. No contingency plan. No rescue helicopter. No life boat. No life jacket. And almost no life at all…. It was from THAT place that Jonah finally remembered the LORD. |
而就在那里,濒临死亡,无人搭救,他陷入自己所制造的麻烦之中。没有应急计划,没有救援直升机,没有救生艇……就在那里,约拿终于开始思念耶和华。 |
He says “When my life was fainting away, I remembered the LORD.” |
他说:“当我心灵疲弱时,我就思念耶和华。” |
2. The Lord of Jonah’s remembering |
2. 约拿思念的主 |
This situation Jonah finds himself in is terrifying but it is not at all surprising. Jonah knows his disobedience and he knows the LORD’s discipline. Chapter 1 tells us the sailors threw Jonah into the sea, but in verse 3 here Jonah says, “LORD, YOU cast me into the deep, into the heart of the seas, and the flood surrounded me; all YOUR waves and YOUR billows passed over me. |
约拿发现自己的这种情况令人恐惧,但这并不意外。 约拿知道他不服从,他知道耶和华的律法。 第一章告诉我们水手把约拿投入大海,但在第三节,约拿说:“耶和华啊,你把我投入深海,在海洋的深处, 大水环绕我; 你的洪涛、你的波浪,都漫过我。 ” |
And Jonah knows that the LORD has brought him to this deep, dark place. The LORD brought Jonah down so low so that he would look up. And he did. He even went as far in verse 4 as to express the hope of looking upon the LORD’s temple. From the lowest point in Jonah’s life he looked toward the highest place of Israelite worship. God was at work here! |
约拿知道是耶和华把他投入深海幽暗之处。耶和华慢慢地把约拿带到深处,让他来寻求。而约拿也确实开始寻求。在第4节他表达了仰望圣殿的愿望。从约拿人生的最低谷,他仰望以色列人敬拜的至高处。神在这里作工! |
So, Jonah remembered the LORD in his deep waters. And the LORD was the decisive actor in Jonah’s remembering, there in that deep, dark place. |
所以,约拿就在深海中思念耶和华。在约拿的思念中,耶和华是决定性的角色,就在那深海幽暗之处。 |
Illustrate |
举例 |
So there Jonah was in the depths of the Mediterranean Sea. We don’t know how deep the Mediterranean Sea was back then. But today it averages almost 5000 feet deep. Have you ever seen how dark it is down that deep? Experts say that there is hardly any light at all that travels beyond 656 feet down into the water. We don’t know how deep it was where Jonah sank down, but on the bottom it was likely very dark. |
约拿在地中海的深处。我们不知道在那个时代地中海有多深。今天它平均五千英尺(译注:相当于1524米)深。你看到过到了那么深的地方有多暗吗?专家说光线不可能透过比656英尺(译注:相当于200米)深的水。我们不知道约拿当时沉下去的有多深,但在那海底必定是极其幽暗的。 |
And there’s a lot of pressure under the water down deep. We are under pressure all the time even above water. But below the water’s surface as you go deeper and deeper into it the pressure builds to the point where it could squeeze the air out you and literally crush you. |
而且深水之处水压很大。即使在水面上我们也要承受一定的压力。但你潜入水下越深,水压就越大,直到把你肺中的空气都挤出来,并把你压垮。 |
But deep waters are not always in the water. We know this. |
而且,海底深处并不只有水。我们知道的。 |
Apply |
应用 |
What deep waters are you going through right now? |
现在你正在经历什么深渊? |
Some of you are walking through deep waters as a result of discipline of the Lord because of the depth of your sin. |
你们中有些人在经历神的管教,水的深渊有如罪的深渊。 |
• You’ve harbored bitterness against a family member for so long that it has closed in over you. Remember the LORD. |
你对某个家人抱着苦毒太久了,现在快要淹没你了。你当思念耶和华。 |
• Or you’ve stayed in a relationship you know is not right and now you feel like it’s wrapped around you and there’s no way you’ll get out. Remember the LORD. |
或者你有一段不正当的关系,而你知道这不好,想结束它,却找不到出路。你当思念耶和华。 |
• Or you’ve been looking at things on the internet that feed your lust and it’s become addictive such that is has surrounded you and imprisoned you. Remember the LORD. |
或者你在网上看些东西喂养你的情欲,欲罢不能,它包围你,囚禁你。你当思念耶和华。 |
• Or there’s something you know God want you to do and you just have not done and now your hardheartedness has closed in upon you. Remember the LORD. |
或者,你知道神要你做什么,而你还没做,现在你内心的刚硬淹没了你。你当思念耶和华。 |
When Jonah was sinking down, down, down in deep waters and depths of his sin… he remembered the Lord. If that’s you today, remember the LORD! |
当约拿在一路向下向下沉到水深之处,罪深之处的时候,他思念耶和华。如果你今天也是这样,你当思念耶和华! |
Now, some of you are walking through deep waters as result of the fallen world we live in. |
现在,你们中有些人在经历深渊,是因为我们所在的这个堕落的世界。 |
I know that many among us at fighting various forms of Cancer. Some are dealing with severe chronic pain. Some of you have just experienced a miscarriage. Others have lost a spouse of many years. Some of you are students and all your projects and tests are coming due in the same week. For some of you, everything’s breaking down at the same time- your car, your furnace, and now a pipe burst. Some of you just have a thousand little things all mounting up at once. And some of you are distressed over yourself because you don’t like who you are and you struggle to get out of bed in the morning on a good day, and now even more, given the week you’ve had. |
我知道我们当中有不少人在和各种癌症争战。有些在对付严重的慢性疼痛。你们中有些人刚刚经历流产。还有些人已经丧偶多年。有些人还是学生,所有的作业和考试都在同一个时间压过来。有些人,所有东西都在同一时间坏掉——你的车子、锅炉都坏了,而现在水管冻裂了。有些人发现有无数的小事,突然都堆积在眼前。而有些人,对自己感到苦恼,你不喜欢自己,本来在晴好的早晨都已经挣扎着起不了床,更何况,刚刚过去的一周所发生的一切…… |
And the list goes on and on. This life is filled with deep waters, friends. What do you do? Remember the Lord. Like Jeremiah in Lamentations 3: |
这个清单可以一直列下去。朋友们,人的一生时时都有深渊。你该怎么办?你当思念耶和华。正如耶利米哀歌第3章: |
“But this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the LORD never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness.” |
21 但我的心一想起下面这件事,我就有指望。 22 耶和华的慈爱永不断绝,他的怜悯永不止息。 23 每天早晨都是新的;你的信实多么广大! |
When Jonah was at the bottom, when it seemed his life was fainting away, he remembered the LORD. If that is you, remember the LORD. And… |
当约拿在海底,当他的生命即将逝去,他思念耶和华。假如那是你,你也要思念耶和华,并且要…… |
Pray |
祷告 |
When Jonah remembered the Lord, he prayed. |
当约拿思念耶和华的时候,他就祷告。 |
Explain |
解释 |
Verses 2-9 include the prayer Jonah prayed from the belly of the fish. And like we said before he prayed before that, as he was sinking into the sea. But we don’t know much about what he prayed in the water. Verse 2 says he called out the LORD and he cried out to the LORD. Verse 7 says “my prayer came to you.” But we don’t exactly know what that prayer included. Maybe it was mostly “Help!” I mean he’s sinking down pretty fast. That would be a good prayer. In verse 4 we have this line, “I am driven away from your sight; yet I shall again look upon your holy temple.” So we at least know that Jonah understands how far away he is from the Lord and how he hopes to be close again. |
2-9节包含了约拿在鱼肚子里的祷告。正如我们前面说过,他在祷告前一路下沉。但他还不太清楚在水里要祷告什么。第2节说他求告耶和华,呼求耶和华。第7节说,“我的祷告直达你面前。”但我们不太确切地知道那祷告有些什么内容。也许只是“救命啊!”我的意思是说,他可能下沉得很快。喊救命就是很好的祷告。在第4节中我们读到这一行:“我虽从你眼前被赶逐,我仍要仰望你的圣殿。”所以我们至少知道约拿明白自己离耶和华有多远,而希望自己能回到耶和华那里。 |
But when Jonah is rescued and the rest of the prayer comes out, we see something very interesting. What would you have expected Jonah to pray? He’s as far down as he can go and a great fish swallows him whole. He wakes up and realizes “I’m alive! I’m alive!” I would have expected Jonah to pray something like: “Thank you! Thank you, LORD!” And he does. This whole Psalm is his way of saying thank you to the Lord for saving him from the deep waters. But wouldn’t you have expected more? What about “I’m sorry! I’m sorry, LORD!” Please forgive me! I’ve been such a rebellious child. I surrender. But does he do that? No! |
然而,当约拿被救起来,祷告的下半部分说出来的时候,我们看到很有趣的事。你会预期约拿如何祷告?他沉到不能再沉的时候,一条大鱼把他整个人吞了。他醒过来,意识到,“我还活着,我还活着!”我预期约拿会这样祈祷:“感谢你,感谢你,耶和华!”他确实也这样做了。整首诗表达的就是他感谢耶和华把他从深水中救出。但你不预期更多吗?难道他不应该说,“对不起,对不起,耶和华!”请饶恕我!我是个多么悖逆的孩子。现在我忏悔。他这样做了吗?没有! |
Even though Jonah knows what the Lord has done, he talks about himself in his prayer a lot more than he talks about God. Look at verse 7. He says… |
尽管约拿知道耶和华做了什么,他在祷告中说得更多的是他自己,而不是神。请看第7节,他说: |
• I remembered the Lord |
我就思念耶和华 |
• And verse 9, “I with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to you |
然后第9节:我带着感谢的声音向你献祭 |
• What I have vowed, I will pay |
我所许的愿,我必偿还。 |
Now none of these things are bad in themselves. They are good! They are just not so good by themselves. Jonah leans way into justifying himself before the LORD with the things he will do. And the striking thing is that he does this right before he says, “Salvation belongs to the LORD!” True statement! That’s right! True words of praise! But they seem a little shallow given the depth of Jonah’s sin. They ring a little bit hollow given Jonah’s lack of repentance and what appears to be his remaining pride. |
当然就这些事情本身不是什么坏事,它们是好的。凭它们本身却并不太好。约拿靠着他要在耶和华面前做的事为自己称义。而令人惊奇的是,他做了这些之后才说:“救恩是属于耶和华的!”这是真实的陈述!很正确!这是真正的赞美词!但它们和约拿的罪比起来显得有些肤浅。约拿不思悔改,骄傲如故,这让它们听起来有些空洞。 |
Like I said, Jonah keeps us on our toes. He surprises us with his self-centeredness in his prayer. |
就像我说过的,约拿让我们保持警惕。 他以自我为中心的祷告使我们感到惊讶。 |
Illustrate |
举例 |
Jesus shows what this is like in Luke 18:9-14. |
耶稣在路加福音18:9-14中说: |
9 He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and treated others with contempt: 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee, standing by himself, prayed thus: ‘God, I thank you that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I get.’ 13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, ‘God, be merciful to me, a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified, rather than the other. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, but the one who humbles himself will be exalted.” |
耶稣向那些自恃为义、轻视别人的人,讲了这个比喻: 10 “有两个人上圣殿去祈祷,一个是法利赛人,一个是税吏。 11 法利赛人站着,祷告给自己听,这样说:‘ 神啊,我感谢你,我不像别人,勒索、不义、奸淫,也不像这个税吏。 12 我一个礼拜禁食两次,我的一切收入都奉献十分之一。’ 13 税吏却远远站着,连举目望天也不敢,只捶着胸说:‘ 神啊,可怜我这个罪人!’ 14 我告诉你们,这个人回家去,比那个倒算为义了。因为高抬自己的,必要降卑;自己谦卑的,必要升高。” |
There once was a little boy whose daddy seemed angry a lot of the time. In fact, this little boy cannot remember a time when his daddy did not discipline him in anger. Every time there was discipline there was anger. But there was this one time when his daddy humbled himself and came and knelt by his boy’s bedside with tears in his eyes and said, “Son, I was wrong. I shouldn’t have disciplined you in anger. I’m sorry.” That little boy has never forgotten that scene. He remembers it vividly to this day. His dad humbled himself, admitted his wrong, and sought to make it right. |
曾经有个小男孩,他的爸爸看起来总是很生气。事实上,这个小男孩甚至都想不起来他爸爸什么时候没有生气地管教他。爸爸每次管教的时候都是暴跳如雷。但有那么一次,他爸爸谦卑下来,跪在男孩的床前,眼中流着泪说:“儿子,我错了。我不应该在怒气中管教你。对不起。”那个小男孩再也忘不了那一幕。直到今天这一幕还是栩栩如生。他的爸爸谦卑自己,承认自己的错误,弥补过失。 |
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应用 |
We only wish that Jonah would have done that. Recognized his wrong. Humbled himself. Now, Jonah does give us something to emulate: Pray and thank God when he saves us out of troubles. That’s good. But we need to go farther than that. |
我们希望约拿这样做。承认他的错误,谦卑自己。现在,约拿做的有些事值得让我们仿效:祷告,当神把我们救脱的时候我们表达感谢。那是好的。但我们需要更进一步。 |
Dear friends, when we are caught in our sin and it feels like the waters are closing in around us, do we really want to pray like the Pharisee? Is this really the time to hold on to our pride and try to justify ourselves? Is this really the time to stand before our maker and tell him all the things we have done or vow to do? Is it really the time to compare ourselves to others? If you, oh LORD, should count iniquities, oh LORD, who could stand? (Psa 130:3). No one. |
亲爱的朋友们,当我们陷在罪中,感觉像大水环绕淹没我们的时候,我们真的要像法利赛人那样祷告吗?这真的是我们固守骄傲,自我称义的时候吗?这真的是站在我们的创造主面前,告诉祂我们做了哪些事,或许了什么愿的时候吗?这真的是拿自己和别人比较的时候吗?耶和华啊! 如果你究察罪孽,主啊! 谁能站立得住呢?(诗篇103:3)没有人能站立得住! |
No, friends it’s time to pray like the tax collector. It’s time to humble yourself before your maker. Confess your sin. Turn away from your sin. Pray, “God be merciful to me, a sinner.” I am not deserving of the gift of salvation. But you are a God who is merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. You are God and I am not. I’m sorry for getting it so wrong. Thank you for Jesus who died to pay the penalty for my sin and save me from your wrath and save me to his glory. Please forgive me. Come and make me new. |
不,朋友们,这是像那个税吏那样祷告的时候。这是我们在创造主面前谦卑自己的时候。承认自己的罪。转离你的罪。祈祷:“神啊,可怜我这个罪人!”我不配得救恩。但你是怜悯的神,不轻易发怒,有丰盛的慈爱。你是神,我不是。我很抱歉我曾错得离谱。感谢耶稣替我承受罪的刑罚,救我脱离你的忿怒,救我到他的荣耀里。请饶恕我。请重新塑造我。 |
I believe that’s what God wanted to do for Jonah. God cast him into deep waters so Jonah would remember him, so that Jonah would pray to him, and ultimately so that Jonah would worship him on his way to Nineveh. |
我相信那是神要对约拿做的。神把他投入深水中,为让约拿思念祂,求告祂,最后能在去尼尼微的路上敬拜祂。 |
Worship |
敬拜 |
And we see here that Jonah does offer up words of worship. |
我们这里也看到了约拿敬拜的语言。 |
Explain |
解释 |
We get the first glimpse of Jonah’s idea of worship from verse 4 when he says, “I shall again look upon your holy temple.” He mentions the temple again in verse 7. This makes sense because the temple was central to Hebrew worship, and Jonah was a Hebrew. So, it’s good that from the depths Jonah hopes to be back in that place. But then look what he says in verses 8-9. |
我们第一次看到约拿敬拜的意念是在第4节,他说:“我仍要仰望你的圣殿。”他在第7节中再次提到圣殿。这是有道理的,因为圣殿是希伯来人敬拜的中心,而约拿是希伯来人。所以,约拿在深渊中盼望回到那里是好的。然后我们来看他在第8-9节中说了什么。 |
8 Those who pay regard to vain idols forsake their hope of steadfast love. 9 But I with the voice of thanksgiving will sacrifice to you; what I have vowed I will pay. Salvation belongs to the LORD!” |
8 那敬奉虚妄之偶像的人,实在是离弃了怜爱他们的 神。 9 至于我,我要带着感谢的声音向你献祭;我所许的愿,我必偿还。 救恩是属于耶和华的。” |
Now we remember that the sailors did exactly what Jonah is saying here back in chapter 1, verse 16: “Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and they offered a sacrifice to the LORD and made vows.” |
现在我们回想第1章中水手们做的正是约拿说的。1章16节:“那些人就大大敬畏耶和华,向他献祭和许愿。” |
It’s hard to know exactly what the sailors believed about God, but it appears that they are changed men, that they are truly fearing the LORD and worshipping him. And from that fear and that heart felt worship they offer sacrifices and make vows. |
不太清楚那些水手相信神是什么样的,但显然他们的内心改变了,他们真的敬畏耶和华,并且敬拜祂。从那敬畏和敬拜中他们献祭并许愿。 |
Jonah on the other hand tells about all that he will do. And in chapter 3 we will find that he does go to Nineveh and preach, like God told him to do. But then we’ll see in chapter 4 that he goes right back to who he was before the deep waters. So here, even though Jonah is saying some good things, I think he is taking part in exactly what he condemns in verse 8. He is paying regard to a vain idol: the idol of self. |
另一方面约拿也告诉我们他将要做什么。在第3章中我们也会发现他去了尼尼微并且宣讲信息,正如神要他做的。但是,我们在第4章中将看到他又回到了落水前的景况。所以这里,尽管约拿说了些好事情,我想他做的正是他自己在第8节中所谴责的。他敬奉虚妄之偶像:自我的偶像。 |
Jonah praises God. He offers up words of worship. He declares, “Salvation belongs to the LORD!” BUT… he’s still got one foot in and one foot out. He is straddling the fence. He’s half-hearted in his worship. We see a much different picture in the life of the Psalmist David. |
约拿赞美神。他献上敬拜的话语。他宣告:“救恩是属于耶和华的!”但是……他还是脚踏两只船,他在骑墙观望。他在敬拜中还是半心半意。我们在诗人大卫的生命中看到的是截然不同的风貌。 |
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举例 |
This Psalm in Jonah 2 has some similarities to Psalm 31 in the condemnation of those who pay regard to idols. But the difference is that in Psalm 31 David goes big on God all over the place. Like in verses 3-5: |
约拿2章中的诗和诗篇31在谴责拜偶像者方面有相似之处。但大卫处处尊神为大。例如3-5节: |
For you are my rock and my fortress; and for your name’s sake you lead me and guide me; 4 you take me out of the net they have hidden for me, for you are my refuge. 5 Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God. |
因为你是我的岩石、我的坚垒;为你名的缘故,求你带领我,引导我。 4 求你救我脱离人为我暗设的网罗,因为你是我的避难所。 5 我把我的灵魂交在你手里,耶和华信实的 神啊! 你救赎了我。 |
And then when David is found in the deep waters of hideous sin with Bathsheba and Uriah, in Psalm 51, he confesses his sin before God, he repents, he asks God to purge him of his sin, and create in him a clean heart. And then, after confession and repentance and restoration David says in verse 15-17: |
随后,大卫陷入拔示巴与乌利亚事件可怕罪行的深渊中。诗篇51,他在神面前承认自己的罪,他悔改,他求神洁净他的罪,给他再造一颗清洁的心。然后,在认罪悔改和修复之后,大卫在15-17节中说: |
O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. 16 For you will not delight in sacrifice, or I would give it; you will not be pleased with a burnt offering. 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. |
15 主啊! 求你开我的嘴,使我的口宣扬讚美你的话。 16 因为你不喜爱祭物;我就是献上燔祭,你也不喜悦。 17 神所要的祭,就是破碎的灵;神啊! 破碎痛悔的心,你必不轻看。 |
And we just long for something like this with Jonah. But he does not go there. David opens his heart wide to God and then he opens his lips. Whereas Jonah opens his lips and keeps his heart mostly closed. |
我们正是期待着这些发生在约拿身上。但他没有。大卫向神大大地敞开心扉,然后才开口。但是约拿只是开口,心门却几乎是紧闭。 |
The remarkable thing is that even though God knows this is how Jonah will respond, he still saves him. Verse 2 says the Lord answered Jonah and heard his voice. Verse 6 says the LORD pulls him out of the pit. Salvation DOES belong to the LORD! And he saves his prophet, even when he knows he will stay half-hearted. And this just serves to highlight God’s relentless mercy all the more. |
值得注意的是,即使上帝知道约拿将如何回应,他仍然拯救了他。 第2节说耶和华应允了约拿并垂听他的声音。 第6节说耶和华将他从深坑中拉上来。 救恩属于耶和华! 他拯救了他的先知,即使他知道他会保持半心半意。 这只是为了突出上帝不懈的怜悯。 |
Apply |
应用 |
We know what half-hearted worship is like. You might have just experienced it this morning. It is so easy in the throes and busyness of life to get up late, skip our Bible time, yell at the kids, kick the dog, rush out the door, speed to church, get to the door, see Ron and Cathy, smile and say “Hi, how are you? Isn’t the snow crazy?” And then walk into worship and mouth the songs. Or maybe even sing them out long and strong, all the while planning to leave this place unchanged. |
我们知道半心半意的敬拜是像什么样子。你可能今天早上刚刚经历过。在奔波劳碌的生活中,很容易睡过头,略过早上读经时间,吼孩子,踢狗狗,冲到门外,赶到教会,来到门口,看见罗恩和凯茜,微笑着说:“早上好,雪下得很疯狂是不是?”然后走进礼拜大堂,滥竽充数地跟着哼几句歌。或许也会用力地唱,但心里盘算着离开此地,而内心没有丝毫改变。 |
Dear friends, let’s not be like Jonah, praising God with our lips when our hearts are far from him. I’m not condemning you. There are mornings when I am the one I just described (except we don’t have a dog). I’m just trying to bring to our attention how easy it is to be “Jonahs” in our journey here on earth. It’s hard here. We’ve got troubles on every side. Trials come. Things hurt. The pain is real. It’s easy to get callous and go through the motions. Sometimes it’s because of our personal sin. Sometimes it’s because of the sin of others. Sometimes it’s because it just is. |
亲爱的朋友们,让我们不要像约拿那样,嘴唇赞美神,心却远离神。我不是在谴责你们。有些早上我也是我刚才描述的其中一个(除了我们家没有狗)。我只是想提请大家注意,我们在世上的人生旅程中,很容易像约拿那样。这是很难的。我们四面受敌。试炼来了,令人受伤。痛苦是真实的。我们的心肠很容易变硬,变得敷衍了事。有时那是因为我们自己的罪。有时那是因为别人的罪。有时只是因为事情本来如此。 |
If this is you, what do you do? Well, you can take a page from Jonah’s book and begin to utter words of worship. But that’s not the end of the story. We need to turn the page and go farther than that. We need to move on to more like the way David worships. In fact you can even borrow his words. Read the Psalms. Read them again and again. Pray the Psalms. Worship the LORD through the Psalms. |
如果这是你,该怎么办?是的,你可以翻开约拿书,开始说出敬拜的话语。但那还不是故事的结局。我们需要往下翻,再往前走。我们需要朝着更像大卫那样的敬拜走去。事实上你完全可以借用他的话。读诗篇,一读再读。用诗篇的话语祷告,用诗篇的话语来敬拜。 |
This is where the lines of prayer and worship begin to blur in a good way. They begin to blur along the lines of something we call meditation. This is where you pick up this book, read through the Psalms (or the gospels, or Paul’s prayers in his letters, or God’s promises in the writings of Peter. And you land on some phrase or some paragraph that speaks of God’s character and reveals his glorious nature. And you turn it over and over again in your mind. You say it out loud again and again. You begin to pray those words back to God. As you do, your mind and your heart begin to be changed. The waters seem to subside. You look up to God the Father and to his Son Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit affection for God rises up in your heart because you see his worth and you worship. |
这就是开始模糊祷告和敬拜界线的良好方式。它们沿着我们称为默想的线开始模糊。你可以翻开这本书,读诗篇(或福音书,或保罗书信中的祷告,或彼得书信中神的应许。你停留在一些描述神的品性或启示神荣耀属性的词或句子上。你可以大声地一遍遍朗读。你可以用这些话向神祷告。当你这样做的时候,你的心思意念就开始转变。洪水似乎在退去。你仰望父神和祂的儿子耶稣,借着圣灵的能力你心中对神的情感在上腾,因为你看到了祂的尊荣,你敬拜祂。 |
So dear friends, what do you do in deep waters? Remember the Lord. Pray to him. Even worship him. |
所以亲爱的朋友们,你在深渊中要怎么办?要思念耶和华。向祂祈祷,乃至敬拜祂。 |
福音的轨迹 |
What do you do in deep waters? Remember the Lord. Pray to the Lord. Even worship the Lord. I other words, surrender to the Lord who has saved you. Today we’ve seen that prophet Jonah gets us going on this path. But he falls short. So we turn to the King David and get more help. But if we were to look at David’s whole life we would see that he’s not a perfect example to follow either. God’s prophets are not perfect people. Neither are his priests and kings… until we get to Jesus. |
你在深渊中怎么办?当思念耶和华。祈求耶和华,乃至敬拜耶和华。换句话说,把自己交托给拯救你的耶和华。今天我们已经看到了先知约拿让我们走在这条路上。但他有亏欠。所以我们转向大卫王,寻求更多帮助。但如果我们看大卫的一生,就会看到他也不是个完美的榜样。神的先知们都不是完美的人。祂的祭司和君王们也都不是……直到我们找到耶稣。 |
What’s so striking about what Jonah did in deep waters is what he didn’t do. He did not surrender. Even lying breathless in the belly of a fish, he did not lay down his arms. God had saved him from death, not only to be on his mission but to melt his heart. To help him say with the Psalmist “into your hands I commit my spirit.” And still Jonah doesn’t do it. |
令人惊奇的是约拿在深渊中做的,是他不曾做的。他并没有交托、降服。甚至当他躺在鱼肚子里呼吸困难,他也没有放下他的双臂。神把他从死中解救出来,不仅是要让他完成使命,也要融化他的心。神要帮助他说出诗人说的:“我把我的灵魂交在你手中。”但约拿还是没有这样做。 |
But oh praise the Lord, dear friends, that Jesus did. Jesus lived his life always remembering the words of his Father and being careful to do them. He went prostrate alone on the Mount of Olives and prayed, “Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.” And after he had been mocked, and beaten, and spit upon, and humiliated, and after he had been hung on a criminal’s stake, he called out with a loud voice, and said, “Father into your hands I commit my spirit!” |
但是,哦,亲爱的朋友们,我们为耶稣所做的赞美主。耶稣的一生总是在思念父神的话语,谨守遵行。他独自俯伏在橄榄山上祷告:“父啊,如果你愿意,就把这杯拿走! 但不要成就我的意思,只要成就你的旨意。”然后他被嘲笑,被击打,被吐唾沫,被羞辱,然后被挂在罪犯的架子上,他大声呼喊:“父啊,我把我的灵魂交在你手里!” |
Jesus surrendered his will to the Father so he could BECOME the LORD who saves. Jesus entered the deepest waters the world has ever known so that in your deep waters you could know HIM! |
耶稣把自己的意志交托给父神,所以他能成为拯救的主。耶稣进入世界最深的深渊中,为了让深渊中的你能认识祂! |
结语 |
You see sometimes we make life about clean rooms and clean looks and clean words and clean actions. When what God wants most is a clean heart. That in the depths of our sin we would cry out to him, knowing that his word tells us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse of all unrighteousness. That in the depths of our sorrows, we would cry out to him, “Our Father, in heaven, hallowed be your name, YOUR will be done, YOUR kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.” |
你看,有时候我们会为干净的房间和干净的外表,干净的谈吐和干净的行为而生活。 当上帝最想要的是一颗干净的心。 在我们罪的深处,我们会向他呼喊,知道他的话告诉我们,如果我们承认我们的罪,他就是信实的,必饶恕我们的罪,洁净一切不义。 在我们悲伤的深处,我们会向他呼喊:“我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣,愿你的国降临,愿你的旨意成就,行在地上,如同行在天上。” |
That in our deep waters we would plead for God to swallow us up in his great mercy and satisfy us in Christ. |
我们在深水中会恳求上帝以祂的大慈悲吞下我们,在基督里满足我们。 |
If you are not a believer in Jesus, you don’t have to wait until God brings you to the bottom. Come to the end of yourself today. Stop fighting God today. Turn from your sin. Cry out to God! Surrender to the LORD Jesus. We will save you! |
如果你还不是耶稣的信徒,你就不必等到上帝把你带到海底。 今天就走到自己的尽头。 今天停止与上帝争战。 转离你的罪。 呼求上帝! 向耶和华耶稣投降。 我们会救你的! |
If you are a believer, and God’s waves and billows are washing over you, cry out to him! |
如果你已经是个信徒,神的波涛巨浪冲向你,你就呼求祂! |
If you are running from God in open rebellion, you are in danger of drowning in the depths of your sin. Remember the Lord. Pray to him and turn from your sin. Return to right worship before your God. |
如果你公然悖逆,逃离神,你就有淹没于罪之深渊的危险。当思念耶和华。向祂祈祷,转离你的罪。回到你神的面前好好地敬拜。 |
If you are crushed by the waves of this life, and I know so many of you are, remember the LORD. Pray, “Be still my soul, the waves and winds still know, the voice that ruled them while he dwelt below.” And you can find a place of worship right there where you are. |
如果你被生活的巨浪所击倒,我知道你们中很多人如此,要思念耶和华。祈祷:“我灵安静,风浪仍遵主命,正如当年,遵主吩咐平静。”无论你在哪里,你都可以在那里找到敬拜之处。 |
祷告 |
Oh Father, |
哦,天父, |
How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. 8 They feast on the abundance of your house, and you give them drink from the river of your delights. 9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light do we see light. (Psalm 36:7-9) |
神啊! 你的慈爱多么宝贵;世人都投靠在你的翅膀荫下。 8 他们必饱尝你殿里的盛筵,你必使他们喝你乐河的水。 9 因为生命的泉源在你那里;在你的光中,我们才能看见光。(诗篇36:7-9) |
We are all in deep waters of some kind today. In the depths, help us to cry out to you and drink from the river of your delights. And help us to remember that one day, all those who have surrendered to Jesus will join with a great multitude that no one can number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages. And we will stand before the throne and before Jesus, the Lamb who was slain for us, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in our hands, crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” |
今天我们每个人都不同程度地在深渊中。在这深渊中,请帮助我们向你呼求,畅饮你喜乐的河水。请帮助我们记念有一天,所有向耶稣投降的人们都会聚在一起,无人能数得清有多少人,他们都来自各邦国,各部族,各群落和方言。我们会站在宝座和耶稣面前,就是为我们被杀的羔羊,我们穿着白袍,手中举着棕榈树枝,大声呼喊:“救恩属于我们高坐宝座的神,属于那羔羊!” |
Hasten that day, Lord Jesus. And until that day, help us to humble ourselves under your mighty hand, so that at the proper time you may exalt us, casting all our anxieties on your, because you are for us. We pray in your name. Amen. |
让那一天快快到来吧,主耶稣。直到那一天之前,请帮助我们谦卑在你大能的膀臂之下,为要在合适的时候你高举我们,我们把一切忧虑交托给你,因为你是为了我们。我们奉你的名祈祷。阿们! |