如何解决INCIAP - Create Intercompany AP Invoices Terminated By Signal 11 Error

      在运行“Create Intercompany AP Invoices”请求时偶尔会出现这样的错误“Call inv_workflow.call_generate_cogs l_gl_ccid is 0。 /oracle/test/testappl/inv/11.5.0/bin/INCIAP
Program was terminated by signal 11”。这是因为没有在OM的Order Type中设置Cost of Goods Sold Account.

      首先我们可以通过如下sql语句查找到所使用的Order type。

      1. Query 1

SELECT NVL(cost_of_goods_sold_account, 0),
FROM oe_transaction_types_all
WHERE transaction_type_id =(SELECT oh.order_type_id
FROM oe_order_lines_all ol,
oe_order_headers_all oh
WHERE oh.header_id = ol.header_id
and ol.line_id = <你的order line id>);

      order line id可以在“Create Intercompany AP Invoices”的log文件中找到。


      2.Query 2

select name from oe_transaction_types_tl where TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID =  and
language = (select language_code from
fnd_languages where installed_flag = 'B');


      知道了自己的order type以后,就可以到Order Management里查找。

 Order Management-> Setup-> Transaction Types-> Define, 查找自己的order type和selling ou一起查找,查找成功后点finance tab,查看在"Cost of Goods, Sold account"字段中是否有值或正确。修改成功后重新运行“Create Intercompany AP Invoices”请求。
