xorriso - creates, loads, manipulates and writesISO 9660 filesystem images with Rock Ridge extensions. |
xorriso [settings|actions] |
xorriso is a program which copies file objectsfrom POSIX compliant filesystems into Rock Ridge enhancedISO 9660 filesystems and allows session-wisemanipulation of such filesystems. It can load the managementinformation of existing ISO images and it writes the sessionresults to optical media or to filesystem objects. A special property of xorriso is that it needsneither an external ISO 9660 formatter program nor anexternal burn program for CD, DVD or BD but ratherincorporates the libraries of libburnia-project.org. |
Operates on an existing ISO image or creates a newone. |
Session model Maybe you first want to have a look at section EXAMPLESnear the end of this text before reading the next fewhundred lines of background information. |
Unlike other filesystems, ISO 9660 is not intended forread-write operation but rather for being generated ina single sweep and being written to media as asession. The written image in its session can then be mounted bythe operating system for being used read-only.GNU/Linux is able to mount ISO images from block devices,which may represent optical media, other media or via a loopdevice even from regular disk files. FreeBSD mounts ISOimages from devices that represent arbitrary media or fromregular disk files. This session usage model has been extended on CD media bythe concept of multi-session , which allows toadd information to the CD and gives the mount programs ofthe operating systems the addresses of the entry points ofeach session. The mount programs recognize block deviceswhich represent CD media and will by default mount the imagein the last session. xorriso provides growing as well as an own methodnamed modifying which produces a completely new ISOimage from the old one and the modifications. See paragraphCreating, Growing, Modifying, Blind Growing below. xorriso adopts the concept of multi-sessionby loading an image directory tree if present, by allowingto manipulate it by several actions, and by writing the newimage to the target medium. After -commit a new session begins with the freshlywritten one as input. A new input drive can only be chosenas long as the loaded ISO image was not altered. Pendingalteration can be revoked by command -rollback. Writing a session to the target is supposed to be veryexpensive in terms of time and of consumed space onappendable or write-once media. Therefore all intendedmanipulations of a particular ISO image should be done in asingle session. But in principle it is possible to storeintermediate states and to continue with imagemanipulations. |
There are two families of media in the MMCstandard: These media can assume several states in which they offerdifferent capabilities. |
A new empty ISO image gets created if there is noinput drive with a valid ISO 9660 image when the first timean output drive is defined. This is achieved by option-dev on blank media or by option -outdev onmedia in any state. If there is a input drive with a valid ISO image, thenthis image gets loaded as foundation for manipulations andextension. The constellation of input and output drivedetermines which write method will be used. They have quitedifferent capabilities and constraints. The method of growing adds new data to theexisting data on the medium. These data comprise of new filecontent and they override the existing ISO 9660 + Rock Ridgedirectory tree. It is possible to hide files from previoussessions but they still exist on the medium and with manytypes of optical media it is quite easy to recover them bymounting older sessions. The write method of modifying produces compactfilesystem images with no outdated files or directory trees.Modifying can write its images to target media which arecompletely unsuitable for multi-session operations.E.g. DVD-RW which were treated with -blankdeformat_quickest, DVD-R DL, named pipes, characterdevices, sockets. On the other hand modified sessions cannotbe written to appendable media but to blank media only. If option -grow_blindly is set to anon-negative number and if -indev and-outdev are both set to different drives, thenblind growing is performed. It produces anadd-on session which is ready for being written to thegiven block address. This is the usage model of |
Input drive, i.e. source of an existing or empty ISOimage, can be any random access readable libburn drive:optical media with readable data, blank optical media,regular files, block devices. Output drive, i.e. target for writing, can be any libburndrive. Some drive types do not support the method of growingbut only the methods of modifying and blind growing. Theyall are suitable for newly created images. MMC compliant (i.e. optical) drives on GNU/Linux usuallyget addressed by the path of their block device or of theirgeneric character device. E.g. Filesystem objects of nearly any type can be addressed byprefix "stdio:" and their path in the filesystem.E.g.: A very special kind of pseudo drive are open filedescriptors. They are depicted by "stdio:/dev/fd/"and descriptor number (see man 2 open). Be aware that especially the superuser can write into anyaccessible file or device by using its path with the"stdio:" prefix. By default any address in the/dev tree without prefix "stdio:" will work onlyif it leads to a MMC drive. |
Rock Ridge is the name of a set of additionalinformation which enhance an ISO 9660 filesystem so that itcan represent a POSIX compliant filesystem with ownership,access permissions, symbolic links, and otherattributes. xorriso is not named "porriso" becausePOSIX only guarantees 14 characters of filename length. Itis the X/Open System Interface standard XSI which demands afile name length of up to 255 characters and paths of up to1024 characters. Rock Ridge fulfills this demand. An El Torito boot record points the BIOSbootstrapping facility to one or more boot images, which arebinary program files stored in the ISO image. The content ofthe boot image files is not in the scope of El Torito. ACL are an advanced way of controlling accesspermissions to file objects. Neither ISO 9660 nor Rock Ridgespecify a way to record ACLs. So libisofs has introduced astandard conformant extension named AAIP for that purpose.It uses this extension if enabled by option-acl. xattr (aka EA, or extattr) are pairs of name andvalue which can be attached to file objects. AAIP is able torepresent them andxorriso allows to record andrestore pairs which have names out of the user namespace.I.e. those which begin with "user.", like"user.x" or "user.whatever". Name has tobe a 0 terminated string. Value may be any array of byteswhich does not exceed the size of 4095 bytes. xattrprocessing happens only if it is enabled by option-xattr. |
Commands are either actions which happen immediately orsettings which influence following actions. So theirsequence does matter. At program start the list delimiter is the word"--". This may be changed by option-list_delimiter in order to allow"--" as argument in a list of variablelength. It is advised to reset the delimiter to"--" immediately afterwards. Pattern expansion converts a list of pattern wordsinto a list of existing file addresses. Unmatched patternwords appear themselves in that result list, though. Command and parameter words are either read from programarguments, where one argument is one word, or from quotedinput lines where words are recognized similar to thequotation rules of a shell parser. Quoted input converts whitespace separated textpieces into words. The double quotation mark " and thesingle quotation mark ’ can be used to enclosewhitespace and make it part of words (e.g. of file names).Each mark type can enclose the marks of the other type. Atrailing backslash \ outside quotations or an open quotationcause the next input line to be appended. When the program starts then it first looks for argument-no_rc. If this is not present then it looks for itsstartup files and reads their content as command inputlines. Then it interprets the program arguments as commandsand parameters. Finally it enters dialog mode if command-dialog "on" was executed up to then. The program ends either by command -end, or by theend of program arguments if not dialog was enabled up tothat moment, or by a problem event which triggers thethreshold of command -abort_on. |
Dialog mode prompts for a quoted input line, parses itinto words, and performs them as commands with theirparameters. It provides assisting services to make dialogmore comfortable. Readline is an enhancement for the input line. You mayknow it already from the bash shell. Whether it is availableinxorriso depends on the availability of packagereadline-dev at the time whenxorriso was builtfrom its sourcecode. Option -page activates a built-in result textpager which may be convenient in dialog. After an action hasput out the given number of terminal lines, the pagerprompts the user for a line of input. Some actions apply paging to their info output, too. |
All command words are shown with a leading dash althoughthis dash is not mandatory for the option to be recognized.Nevertheless within option -as the dashes of theemulated options are mandatory. |
The effect of aquiring a drive may depend on severaloptions in the next paragraph "Influencing the behaviorof image loading". If desired, their enabling commandshave to be performed before the commands which aquire thedrive. |
-dev address |
Set input and output drive to the same address and loadan ISO image if it is present. If there is no ISO image thencreate a blank one. Set the image expansion method togrowing. |
-indev address |
Set input drive and load an ISO image if present. If thenew input drive differs from -outdev then switch fromgrowing to modifying or to blind growing. It depends on thesetting of -grow_blindly which of both gets activated.The same rules and restrictions apply as with-dev. |
-outdev address |
Set output drive and if it differs from the input drivethen switch from growing to modifying or to blind growing.Unlike -dev and -indev this action does not loada new ISO image. So it can be performed even if there arepending changes. |
-grow_blindly"off"|predicted_nwa |
If predicted_nwa is a non-negative number thenperform blind growing rather than modifying if -indevand -outdev are set to different drives."off" or "-1" switch to modifying,which is the default. |
The following options should normally be performed beforeloading an image by aquiring an input drive. In rare casesit is desirable to activate them only after imageloading. |
-load entity id |
Load a particular (possibly outdated) ISO session from-dev or -indev. Usually all available sessionsare shown with option -toc. |
-displacement [-]lba |
Compensate a displacement of the image versus the startaddress for which the image was prepared. This affects onlyloading of ISO images and reading of their files. Themulti-session method of growing is not allowed as longas -displacement is non-zero. I.e. -indevand -outdev must be different. The displacement getsreset to 0 before the drive gets re-aquired afterwriting. |
-drive_class"harmless"|"banned"|"caution"|"clear_list"disk_pattern |
Add a drive path pattern to one of the safety lists ormake those lists empty. There are three lists defined whichget tested in the following sequence: |
-assert_volid pattern severity |
Refuse to load ISO images with volume ids which do notmatch the given search pattern. When refusing an image, giveup the input drive and issue an event of the given severity(like FAILURE, see -abort_on). An empty search patternaccepts any image. |
-in_charset character_set_name |
Set the character set from which to convert file nameswhen loading an image. See paragraph "Charactersets" for more explanations. When loading the writtenimage after -commit the setting of -out_charsetwill be copied to -in_charset. |
-auto_charset"on"|"off" |
Enable or disable recording and interpretation of theoutput character set name in an xattr attribute of the imageroot directory. If enabled and if a recorded character setname is found, then this name will be used as namoe of theinput character set when reading an image. |
-hardlinks mode[:mode...] |
Enable or disable loading and recording of hardlinkrelations. |
-acl "on"|"off" |
Enable or disable processing of ACLs. If enabled, thenxorriso will obtain ACLs from disk file objects,store ACLs in the ISO image using the libisofs specific AAIPformat, load AAIP data from ISO images, test ACL during filecomparison, and restore ACLs to disk files when extractingthem from ISO images. See also options -getfacl,-setfacl. |
-xattr"on"|"off" |
Enable or disable processing of xattr attributes in usernamespace. If enabled, thenxorriso will handle xattrsimilar to ACL. See also options -getfattr,-setfattr and above paragraph about xattr. |
-md5"on"|"all"|"off"|"load_check_off" |
Enable or disable processing of MD5 checksums for theoverall session and for each single data file. If enabledthen images with checksum tags get loaded only if the tagsof superblock and directory tree match properly. The MD5checksums of data files and whole session get loaded fromthe image if there are any. |
-for_backup |
Enable all extra features which help to produce or torestore backups with highest fidelity of file properties.Currently this is a shortcut for: -hardlinks on-acl on -xattr on -md5 on. |
-disk_dev_ino"on"|"ino_only"|"off" |
Enable or disable processing of recorded fileidentification numbers (dev_t and ino_t). If enabled theyare stored as xattr and allow to substantially acceleratefile comparison. The root node gets a global starttimestamp. If during comparison a file with youngertimestamps is found in the ISO image, then it is suspectedto have inconsistent content. |
-rom_toc_scan"on"|"force"|"off"[:"emul_on"|"emul_off"] |
Read-only drives do not tell the actual media typebut show any media as ROM (e.g. as DVD-ROM). Thesession history of MMC multi-session media might betruncated to first and last session or even be completelyfalse. (The emulated history of overwriteable media is notaffected by this.) |
-calm_drive"in"|"out"|"all"|"revoke"|"on"|"off" |
Reduce drive noise until it is actually used again. Somedrives stay alert for substantial time after they have beenused for reading. This reduces the startup time for the nextdrive operation but can be loud and waste energy if no i/owith the drive is expected to happen soon. |
-ban_stdio_write |
Allow for writing only the usage of MMC optical drives.Disallow to write the result into files of nearly arbitrarytype. Once set, this command cannot be revoked. |
-early_stdio_test"on"|"appendable_wo"|"off" |
If enabled by "on" then regular files and blockdevices get tested for effective access permissions. Thisimplies to try opening those files for writing, whichotherwise will happen only later and only if actual writingis desired. |
The following commands expect file addresses of twokinds: Note that in the ISO image you are as powerful as thesuperuser. Access permissions of the existing files in theimage do not apply to your write operations. They areintended to be in effect with the read-only mountedimage. If the iso_rr_path of a newly inserted file leads to anexisting file object in the ISO image, then the followingcollision handling happens: The commands in this section alter the ISO image and notthe local filesystem. |
-disk_pattern"on"|"ls"|"off" |
Set the pattern expansion mode for the disk_patharguments of several commands which support thisfeature. |
-add pathspec [...] | disk_path[***] |
Insert the given files or directory trees from filesysteminto the ISO image. |
-add_plainly mode |
If set to mode "unknown" then any command wordthat does not begin with "-" and is notrecognized as known command will be subject to a virtual-add command. I.e. it will be used as pathspec or asdisk_path and added to the image. If enabled,-disk_pattern expansion applies to disk_paths. |
-path_list disk_path |
Like -add but read the parameter words from filedisk_path or standard input if disk_path is"-". The list must contain exactly onepathspec resp. disk_path pattern per line. |
-quoted_path_list disk_path |
Like -path_list but with quoted input readingrules. Lines get split into parameter words for -add.Whitespace outside quotes is discarded. |
-map disk_path iso_rr_path |
Insert file object disk_path into the ISO image asiso_rr_path. If disk_path is a directory then its whole subtree is inserted into the ISO image. |
-map_single disk_path iso_rr_path |
Like -map, but if disk_path is a directory then itssub tree is not inserted. |
-map_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefix disk_path[***] |
Perform -map with each of the disk_path arguments.iso_rr_path will be composed from disk_path by replacingdisk_prefix by iso_rr_prefix. |
-update disk_path iso_rr_path |
Compare file object disk_path with file objectiso_rr_path. If they do not match, then perform thenecessary image manipulations to make iso_rr_path a matchingcopy of disk_path. By default this comparison will implylengthy content reading before a decision is made. Options-disk_dev_ino or -md5 may accelerate comparisonif they were already in effect when the loaded session wasrecorded. |
-update_r disk_path iso_rr_path |
Like -update but working recursively. I.e. all fileobjects below both addresses get compared whether they havecounterparts below the other address and whether bothcounterparts match. If there is a mismatch then thenecessary update manipulation is done. |
-update_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefixdisk_path [***] |
Perform -update_r with each of the disk_patharguments. iso_rr_path will be composed from disk_path byreplacing disk_prefix by iso_rr_prefix. |
-cut_out disk_path byte_offset byte_countiso_rr_path |
Map a byte interval of a regular disk file into a regularfile in the ISO image. This may be necessary if the diskfile is larger than a single medium, or if it exceeds thetraditional limit of 2 GiB - 1 for old operatingsystems, or the limit of 4 GiB - 1 for newer ones.Only the newest Linux kernels seem to read properly files>= 4 GiB - 1. |
-cpr disk_path [***] iso_rr_path |
Insert the given files or directory trees from filesysteminto the ISO image. |
-mkdir iso_rr_path [...] |
Create empty directories if they do not exist yet.Existence as directory generates a WARNING event, existenceas other file causes a FAILURE event. |
-clone iso_rr_path_originaliso_rr_path_copy |
Create a copy of the ISO file object iso_rr_path_originalwith the new address iso_rr_path_copy. If the original is adirectory then copy all files and directories underneath. Ifiso_rr_path_original is a boot catalog file, then it getsnot copied but is silently ignored. |
-cp_clone iso_rr_path_original [***]iso_rr_path_dest |
Create copies of one or more ISO file objects as withcommand -clone. In case of collision merge directorieswith existing ones, but do not overwrite existing ISO fileobjects. |
-file_size_limit value [value [...]]-- |
Set the maximum permissible size for a single data file.The values get summed up for the actual limit. If the onlyvalue is "off" then the file size is not limitedbyxorriso. Default is a limit of 100 extents, 4g-2k each: |
-not_mgt code[:code[...]] |
Control the behavior of the exclusion lists. |
-not_paths disk_path [***] |
Add the given paths to the list of excluded absolute diskpaths. If a given path is relative, then the current-cdx is prepended to form an absolute path. Patternmatching, if enabled, happens at definition time and notwhen exclusion checks are made. |
-not_leaf pattern |
Add a single shell parser style pattern to the list ofexclusions for disk leafnames. These patterns are evaluatedwhen the exclusion checks are made. |
-not_list disk_path |
Read lines from disk_path and use each of them either as-not_paths argument, if they contain a / character, oras -not_leaf pattern. |
-quoted_not_list disk_path |
Like -not_list but with quoted input reading rules.Each word is handled as one argument for -not_pathsresp. -not_leaf. |
-follow occasion[:occasion[...]] |
Enable or disable resolution of symbolic links andmountpoints under disk_paths. This applies to actions-add, -du*x, -ls*x, -findx, and to-disk_pattern expansion. Not an occasion but an optional setting is: |
-pathspecs"on"|"off" |
Control parameter interpretation with xorrisoactions -add and -path_list. |
-overwrite"on"|"nondir"|"off" |
Allow or disallow to overwrite existing files in the ISOimage by files with the same name. |
-split_sizenumber["k"|"m"] |
Set the threshold for automatic splitting of regularfiles. Such splitting maps a large disk file onto a ISOdirectory with several part files in it. This is necessaryif the size of the disk file exceeds -file_size_limit.Older operating systems can handle files in mounted ISO 9660filesystems only if they are smaller than 2 GiB resp. 4GiB. |
The following commands manipulate files in the ISO image,regardless whether they stem from the loaded image or werenewly inserted. |
Set the pattern expansion mode for the iso_rr_patharguments of several commands which support thisfeature. |
-rm iso_rr_path [***] |
Delete the given files from the ISO image. |
-rm_r iso_rr_path [***] |
Delete the given files or directory trees from the ISOimage. See also the note with option -rm. |
-rmdir iso_rr_path [***] |
Delete empty directories. |
-mv iso_rr_path [***] iso_rr_path |
Rename the given file objects in the ISO tree to the lastargument in the list. Use the same rules as with shellcommand mv. |
-chown uid iso_rr_path [***] |
Set ownership of file objects in the ISO image. uid mayeither be a decimal number or the name of a user known tothe operating system. |
-chown_r uid iso_rr_path [***] |
Like -chown but affecting all files below eventualdirectories. |
-chgrp gid iso_rr_path [***] |
Set group attribute of file objects in the ISO image. gidmay either be a decimal number or the name of a group knownto the operating system. |
-chgrp_r gid iso_rr_path [***] |
Like -chgrp but affecting all files below eventualdirectories. |
-chmod mode iso_rr_path [***] |
Equivalent to shell command chmod in the ISO image. modeis either an octal number beginning with "0" or acomma separated list of statements of the form[ugoa]*[+-=][rwxst]* . |
-chmod_r mode iso_rr_path [***] |
Like -chmod but affecting all files below eventualdirectories. |
-setfacl acl_text iso_rr_path [***] |
Attach the given ACL to the given iso_rr_paths. If thefiles already have ACLs, then those get deleted before thenew ones get into effect. If acl_text is empty, or containsthe text "clear" or the text"--remove-all", then theexisting ACLs will be removed and no new ones will beattached. Any other content of acl_text will be interpretedas a list of ACL entries. It may be in the longmulti-line format as put out by -getfacl but mayalso be abbreviated as follows: |
-setfacl_r acl_text iso_rr_path[***] |
Like -setfacl but affecting all files beloweventual directories. |
-setfacl_list disk_path |
Read the output of -getfacl_r or shell commandgetfacl -R and apply it to the iso_rr_paths as givenin lines beginning with "# file:". This willchange ownership, group and ACL of the given files. Ifdisk_path is "-" then lines are read fromstandard input. Line "@" ends the list,"@@@" aborts without changing the pendingiso_rr_path. |
-setfattr [-]name value iso_rr_path[***] |
Attach the given xattr pair of name and value to thegiven iso_rr_paths. If the given name is prefixed by"-", then the pair with that name getsremoved from the xattr list. If name is"--remove-all" then all usernamespace xattr of the given iso_rr_paths get deleted. Incase of deletion, value must be an empty text. |
-setfattr_r [-]name value iso_rr_path[***] |
Like -setfattr but affecting all files beloweventual directories. |
-setfattr_list disk_path |
Read the output of -getfattr_r or shell commandgetfattr -Rd and apply it to the iso_rr_paths as givenin lines beginning with "# file:". All previouslyexisting user space xattr of the given iso_rr_paths will bedeleted. If disk_path is "-" then lines areread from standard input. |
-alter_date type timestring iso_rr_path[***] |
Alter the date entries of a file in the ISO image. typeis one of "a", "m", "b" foraccess time, modification time, both times. |
-alter_date_r type timestring iso_rr_path[***] |
Like -alter_date but affecting all files beloweventual directories. |
-hide hide_state iso_rr_path [***] |
Prevent the names of the given files from showing up inthe directory trees of ISO 9660 and/or Joliet when the imagegets written. The data content of such hidden files will beincluded in the resulting image, even if they do not show upin any directory. But you will need own means to findnameless data in the image. |
-find iso_rr_path [test [op] [test ...]][-exec action [params]] -- |
A restricted substitute for shell command find in the ISOimage. It performs an action on matching file objects at orbelow iso_rr_path. Default action is echo, i.e. to print the addressof the found file. Other actions are certainxorrisocommands which get performed on the found files. Thesecommands may have specific parameters. See also theirparticular descriptions. |
Filters may be installed between data files in theISO image and their content source outside the image. Theymay also be used vice versa between data content in theimage and target files on disk. |
-external_filter name option[:option]program_path [arguments] -- |
Register a content filter by associating a name with aprogram path, program arguments, and some behavioraloptions. Once registered it can be applied to multiple datafiles in the ISO image, regardless whether their contentresides in the loaded ISO image or in the local filesystem.External filter processes may produce synthetic file contentby reading the original content from stdin and writing tostdout whatever they want. They must deliver the same outputon the same input in repeated runs. |
-unregister_filter name |
Remove an -external_filter registration. This isonly possible if the filter is not applied to any file inthe ISO image. |
-close_filter_list |
Irrevocably ban commands -external_filter and-unregister_filter, but not -set_filter. Usethis to prevent external filtering in general or when allintended filters are registered. External filters may alsobe banned totally at compile time ofxorriso. Bydefault they are banned if xorriso runs under setuidpermission. |
-set_filter name iso_rr_path [***] |
Apply an -external_filter or a built-infilter to the given data files in the ISO image. If thefilter suffix is not empty , then it will be applied to thefile name. Renaming only happens if the filter really getsattached and is not revoked by its options. By default fileswhich already bear the suffix will not get filtered. Theothers will get the suffix appended to their names. If thefilter has option "remove_suffix", then the filterwill only be applied if the suffix is present and can beremoved. Name oversize or collision caused by suffix changewill prevent filtering. |
-set_filter_r name iso_rr_path[***] |
Like -set_filter but affecting all data files beloweventual directories. |
(see also paragraph about settings below) |
-rollback |
Discard the manipulated ISO image and reload it from-indev. (Use -rollback_end if immediate programend is desired.) |
-commit |
Perform the write operation. Afterwards, if -outdevis readable, make it the new -dev and load the imagefrom there. Switch to growing mode. (A subsequent-outdev will activate modification mode or blindgrowing.) -commit is performed automatically at end ofprogram if there are uncommitted manipulations pending. Writing can last quite a while. It is not unnormal withseveral types of media that there is no progress visible forthe first few minutes or that the drive gnaws on the mediumfor a few minutes after all data have been transmitted.xorriso and the drives are in a client-serverrelationship. The drives have much freedom about what to dowith the media. Some combinations of drives and media simplydo not work, despite the promises by their vendors. Ifwriting fails then try other media or another drive. Thereason for such failure is hardly ever in the code of thevarious burn programs but you may well try some of thoselisted below under SEE ALSO. |
-eject"in"|"out"|"all" |
Eject the medium in -indev, resp. -outdev,resp. both drives. Note: It is not possible yet toeffectively eject disk files. |
-commit_eject"in"|"out"|"all"|"none" |
Combined -commit and -eject. When writing hasfinished do not make -outdev the new -dev, andload no ISO image. Rather eject -indev and/or-outdev. Give up any non-ejected drive. |
-blank mode |
Make media ready for writing from scratch (if not-dummy is activated). |
-format mode |
Convert unformatted DVD-RW into overwriteable ones,"de-ice" DVD+RW, format newly purchasedBD-RE or BD-R, re-format DVD-RAM orBD-RE. |
-list_formats |
Put out a list of format descriptors as reported by theoutput drive for the current medium. The list gives theindex number after "Format idx", a MMC formatcode, the announced size in blocks (like"2236704s") and the same size in MiB. |
-list_speeds |
Put out a list of speed values as reported by the outputdrive with the loaded medium. This does not necessarily meanthat the medium is writable or that these speeds areactually achievable. Especially the lists reported withempty drive or with ROM media obviously advertise speeds forother media. |
-close_damaged"as_needed"|"force" |
Try to close the upcomming track and session if the drivereported the medium as damaged. This may apply toCD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW, DVD+R,DVD+R DL, or BD-R media. It is indicated by warningmessages when the drive gets aquired, and by a remark"but next track is damaged" with the line"Media status :" of command -toc. |
-list_profiles"in"|"out"|"all" |
Put out a list of media types supported by -indev,resp. -outdev, resp. both. The currently recognizedtype is marked by text "(current)". |
Rock Ridge info will be generated by the programunconditionally. ACLs will be written according to thesetting of option -acl. |
-joliet"on"|"off" |
If enabled by "on", generate Joliet treeadditional to ISO 9660 + Rock Ridge tree. |
-compliance rule[:rule...] |
Adjust the compliance to specifications of ISO 9660 andits contemporary extensions. In some cases it is worth todeviate a bit in order to circumvent bugs of the intendedreader system or to get unofficial extra features. |
-volid text |
Specify the volume ID. xorriso accepts any text upto 32 characters, but according to rarely obeyed specsstricter rules apply: |
-volset_id text |
Set the volume set id string to be written with the next-commit. Permissible are up to 128 characters. Thissetting gets overridden by image loading. |
-publisher text |
Set the publisher id string to be written with the next-commit. This may identify the person or organisationwho specified what shall be recorded. Permissible are up to128 characters. This setting gets overridden by imageloading. |
-application_id text |
Set the application id string to be written with the next-commit. This may identify the specification of howthe data are recorded. Permissible are up to 128 characters.This setting gets overridden by image loading. |
-system_id text |
Set the system id string to be written with the next-commit. This may identify the system which canrecognize and act upon the content of the System Area inimage blocks 0 to 15. Permissible are up to 32 characters.This setting gets overridden by image loading. |
-volume_date type timestring |
Set one of the four overall timestamps for subsequentimage writing. Available types are: |
-copyright_file text |
Set the copyright file name to be written with the next-commit. This should be the ISO 9660 path of a file inthe image which contains a copyright statement. Permissibleare up to 37 characters. This setting gets overridden byimage loading. |
-abstract_file text |
Set the abstract file name to be written with the next-commit. This should be the ISO 9660 path of a file inthe image which contains an abstract statement about theimage content. Permissible are up to 37 characters. Thissetting gets overridden by image loading. |
-biblio_file text |
Set the biblio file name to be written with the next-commit. This should be the ISO 9660 path of a file inthe image which contains bibliographic records. Permissibleare up to 37 characters. This setting gets overridden byimage loading. |
-preparer_id |
Set the preparer id string to be written with the next-commit. This may identify the person or other entitywhich controls the preparation of the data which shall berecorded. Normally this should be the id ofxorrisoand not of the person or program which operatesxorriso. Please avoid to change it. Permissible areup to 128 characters. |
-out_charset character_set_name |
Set the character set to which file names get convertedwhen writing an image. See paragraph "Charactersets" for more explanations. When loading the writtenimage after -commit the setting of -out_charsetwill be copied to -in_charset. |
-uid uid |
User id to be used for all files when the new ISO treegets written to media. |
-gid gid |
Group id to be used for all files when the new ISO treegets written to media. |
-zisofs option[:options] |
Set global parameters for zisofs compression. This dataformat is recognized and transparently uncompressed by someLinux kernels. It is to be applied via option-set_filter with built-in filter"--zisofs". Parameters are: |
-speed number[k|m|c|d|b] |
Set the burn speed. Default is 0 = maximum speed. Speedcan be given in media dependent numbers or as a desiredthroughput per second in MMC compliant kB (= 1000) or MB (=1000 kB). Media x-speed factor can be set explicity by"c" for CD, "d" for DVD, "b"for BD, "x" is optional. |
-stream_recording"on"|"off"|"full"|"data"|number |
Setting "on" tries to circumvent the managementof defects on DVD-RAM, BD-RE, or BD-R.Defect management keeps partly damaged media usable. But itreduces write speed to half nominal speed even if the mediumis in perfect shape. For the case of flawless media, one mayuse -stream_recording "on" to get fullspeed. |
-dvd_obs"default"|"32k"|"64k" |
GNU/Linux specific: Set the number of bytes to betransmitted with each write operation to DVD or BD media. Anumber of 64 KB may improve throughput with bus systemswhich show latency problems. The default depends on mediatype, on option -stream_recording , and on compiletime options. |
-stdio_sync"on"|"off"|number |
Set the number of bytes after which to force output tostdio: pseudo drives. This forcing keeps the memory frombeing clogged with lots of pending data for slow devices.Default "on" is the same as "16m".Forced output can be disabled by "off". |
-dummy"on"|"off" |
If "on" then simulate burning or refuse withFAILURE event if no simulation is possible, do neither blanknor format. |
-fsnumber["k"|"m"] |
Set the size of the fifo buffer which smoothens the datastream from ISO image generation to media burning. Defaultis 4 MiB, minimum 64 kiB, maximum 1 GiB. The number may befollowed by letter "k" or "m" whichmeans unit is kiB (= 1024) or MiB (= 1024 kiB). |
-close"on"|"off" |
If "on" then mark the written medium as notappendable any more (if possible at all with the given typeof target media). |
-paddingnumber["k"|"m"]|"included"|"appended" |
Append the given number of extra bytes to the imagestream. This is a traditional remedy for a traditional bugin block device read drivers. Needed only for CD recordingsin TAO mode. Since one can hardly predict on what media animage might end up,xorriso adds the traditional 300kof padding by default to all images. |
Bootable ISO images: |
Contrary to published specifications many BIOSes willload an El Torito record from the first session on media andnot from the last one, which gets mounted by default. Thismakes no problems with overwriteable media, because theyappear to inadverted readers as one single session. |
-boot_image"any"|"isolinux"|"grub" |
"discard"|"keep"|"patch"|"show_status"|bootspec|"next" El Torito boot images of any type can be newly inserted,or discarded, or patched, or kept unaltered. Whether topatch or to keep depends on whether the boot images containboot info tables. A bootspec is a word of the form name=valuei. Itis used to describe the parameters of a boot image by an ElTorito record or a MBR. The names "dir","bin_path", "efi_path" lead to El Toritobootable images. Name "system_area" activates agiven file as MBR. |
-append_partition partition_number type_codedisk_path |
Cause a prepared filesystem image to be appended to theISO image and to be described by a partition table entry ina boot block at the start of the emerging ISO image. Thepartition entry will bear the size of the submitted filerounded up to the next multiple of 2048 bytes. |
From man genisoimage: "Jigdo is a tool to help inthe distribution of large files like CD and DVD images; seehttp://atterer.net/jigdo/ for more details. Debian CDs andDVD ISO images are published on the web in jigdo format toallow end users to download them moreefficiently." |
-jigdo parameter_name value |
Clear Jigdo Template Extraction parameter list or add aparameter to that list. The alias names are thecorresponding genisoimage options. They are accepted asparameter names as well. Especially they are recognized bythe -as mkisofs emulation command. |
File names are strings of non-zero bytes with 8 biteach. Unfortunately the same byte string may appear asdifferent peculiar national characters on differentlynationalized terminals. The meanings of byte codes aredefined incharacter sets which have names. Shellcommand iconv -l lists them. |
-charset character_set_name |
Set the character set from which to convert file nameswhen loading an image and to which to convert when writingan image. |
-local_charset character_set_name |
Override the system assumption of the local character setname. If this appears necessary, one should consider to set-backslash_codes to "on" in order to avoiddangerous binary codes being sent to the terminal. |
Since the tasks of xorriso are manifold and proneto external influence, there may arise the need forxorriso to report and handle problem events. |
-abort_on severity |
Set the severity threshold for events to abort theprogram. |
-return_with severity exit_value |
Set the threshold and exit_value to be returned atprogram end if no abort has happened. This is to allowxorriso to go on after problems but to get a failureindicating exit value from the program, nevertheless. Usefulis a value lower than the -abort_on threshold, down to"WARNING". |
-report_about severity |
Set the threshold for events to be reported. |
-signal_handling mode |
Control the installation of a signal handler which shallreact on external signals (e.g. from program"kill" or from keys Ctrl+C) or on signals causedby severe program errors. |
-error_behavior occasion behavior |
Control the program behavior at problem event occasions.For now this applies to occasions "image_loading"which is given while an image tree is read from the inputdevice, and to "file_extraction" which is givenwith osirrox options like -extract. |
-dialog"on"|"off"|"single_line" |
Enable or disable to enter dialog mode after allarguments are processed. In dialog mode input lines getprompted via readline or from stdin. |
-page length width |
Describe terminal to the text pager. See also above,paragraph Result pager. |
-use_readline"on"|"off" |
If "on" then use readline for dialog. Else useplain stdin. |
-reassure"on"|"tree"|"off" |
If "on" then ask the user for "y" or"n": |
-devices |
Show list of available MMC drives with the addresses oftheir libburn standard device files. |
-device_links |
Like -devices, but presenting the drives withaddresses of symbolic links which point to the actual devicefiles. |
-toc |
Show media specific table of content. This is the sessionhistory of the medium, not the ISO image directory tree. |
-mount_cmd drive entity id path |
Emit an appropriate command line for mounting the ISOsession indicated by drive, entity and id. The result willbe different on GNU/Linux and on FreeBSD. |
-mount_opts option[:option...] |
Set options which influence -mount and-mount_cmd. Currently there is only option"exclusive" which is default and its counterpart"shared". The latter causesxorriso not togive up the affected drive with command -mount. OnGNU/Linux it adds mount option "loop" which mayallow to mount several sessions of the same block device atthe same time. One should not write to a mounted opticalmedium, of course. Take care to umount all sessions beforeejecting. |
-session_string drive entity idformat |
Print to the result channel a text which gets composedaccording to format and the parameters of the addressedsession. |
-print_size |
Print the foreseeable consumption of 2048 byte blocks bynext -commit. This can last a while as a -commitgets prepared and only in last moment is revoked by thisoption. The result depends on several settings and also onthe kind of output device. If no -jidgo options aregiven and not command -as "mkisofs" wasused, then -padding (300 kB by default) is not countedas part of the image size. |
-tell_media_space |
Print available space on the output medium and the freespace after subtracting already foreseeable consumption bynext -commit. |
-pvd_info |
Print various id strings which can be found in loaded ISOimages. Some of them may be changed by options like-volid or -publisher. For these ids-pvd_info reports what would be written with the next-commit. |
-cd iso_rr_path |
Change the current working directory in the ISO image.This is prepended to iso_rr_paths which do not begin with’/’. |
-cdx disk_path |
Change the current working directory in the localfilesystem. To be prepended to disk_paths which do not beginwith ’/’. |
-pwd |
Tell the current working directory in the ISO image. |
-pwdx |
Tell the current working directory in the localfilesystem. |
-ls iso_rr_pattern [***] |
List files in the ISO image which match shell patterns(i.e. with wildcards ’*’ ’?’’[a-z]’). If a pattern does not begin with’/’ then it is compared with addresses relativeto -cd. |
-lsd iso_rr_pattern [***] |
Like -ls but listing directories as themselves andnot by their content. This resembles shell command ls-d. |
-lsl iso_rr_pattern [***] |
Like -ls but also list some of the file attributes.The output format resembles shell command ls -ln. |
-lsdl iso_rr_pattern [***] |
Like -lsd but also list some of the fileattributes. The output format resembles shell command ls-dln. |
-lsx disk_pattern [***] |
List files in the local filesystem which match shellpatterns. Patterns which do not begin with ’/’are used relative to -cdx. |
-lsdx disk_pattern [***] |
Like -lsx but listing directories as themselves andnot by their content. This resembles shell command ls-d. |
-lslx disk_pattern [***] |
Like -lsx but also listing some of the fileattributes. Output format resembles shell command ls-ln. |
-lsdlx disk_pattern [***] |
Like -lsdx but also listing some of the fileattributes. Output format resembles shell command ls-dln. |
-getfacl iso_rr_pattern [***] |
Print the access permissions of the given files in theISO image using the format of shell command getfacl. If afile has no ACL then it gets fabricated from the-chmod settings. A file may have a real ACL if it wasintroduced into the ISO image while option -acl wasset to "on". |
-getfacl_r iso_rr_pattern [***] |
Like -gefacl but listing recursively the whole filetrees underneath eventual directories. |
-getfattr iso_rr_pattern [***] |
Print the xattr of the given files in the ISO image. If afile has no such xattr then noting is printed for it. |
-getfattr_r iso_rr_pattern [***] |
Like -gefattr but listing recursively the wholefile trees underneath eventual directories. |
-du iso_rr_pattern [***] |
Recursively list size of directories and files in the ISOimage which match one of the patterns. similar to shellcommand du -k. |
-dus iso_rr_pattern [***] |
List size of directories and files in the ISO image whichmatch one of the patterns. Similar to shell command du-sk. |
-dux disk_pattern [***] |
Recursively list size of directories and files in thelocal filesystem which match one of the patterns. Similar toshell command du -k. |
-dusx disk_pattern [***] |
List size of directories and files in the localfilesystem which match one of the patterns. Similar to shellcommand du -sk. |
-findx disk_path [-name pattern] [-type t][-exec action [params]] -- |
Like -find but operating on local filesystem andnot on the ISO image. This is subject to the settings of-follow. |
-compare disk_path iso_rr_path |
Compare attributes and eventual data file content of afileobject in the local filesystem with a file object in theISO image. The iso_rr_path may well point to an image fileobject which is not yet committed, i.e. of which the datacontent still resides in the local filesystem. Such datacontent is prone to externally caused changes. |
-compare_r disk_path iso_rr_path |
Like -compare but working recursively. I.e. allfile objects below both addresses get compared whether theyhave counterparts below the other address and whether bothcounterparts match. |
-compare_l disk_prefix iso_rr_prefixdisk_path [***] |
Perform -compare_r with each of the disk_patharguments. iso_rr_path will be composed from disk_path byreplacing disk_prefix by iso_rr_prefix. |
-show_stream iso_rr_path [***] |
Display the content stream chain of data files in the ISOimage. The chain consists of the iso_rr_name and one or morestreams, separated by " < " marks. A streamdescription consists of one or more texts, separated by":" characters. The first text tells the streamtype, the following ones, if ever, describe its individualproperties. Frequently used types are: |
-show_stream_r iso_rr_path [***] |
Like -show_stream but working recursively. |
It is not uncommon that optical media produce readerrors. The reasons may be various and get obscured by errorcorrection which is performed by the drives and based onextra data on the media. If a drive returns data then onecan quite trust that they are valid. But at some degree ofread problems the correction will fail and the drive issupposed to indicate error. |
-check_media [option [option ...]]-- |
Try to read data blocks from the indev drive, optionallycopy them to a disk file, and finally report about theencountered quality. Several options may be used to modifythe default behavior. |
-check_media_defaults [option [option ...]]-- |
Preset options for runs of -check_media,-extract_cut and best_effort file extraction. Optionsgiven with -check_media will override the presetoptions. -extract_cut will override some optionsautomatically. |
-check_md5 severity iso_rr_path[***] |
Compare the data content of the given files in the loadedimage with their recorded MD5 checksums, if there are any.In case of any mismatch an event of the given severity isissued. It may then be handled by appropriate settings ofoptions -abort_on or -return_with which both cancause non-zero exit values of the program run.Severity ALL suppresses that event. |
-check_md5_r severity iso_rr_path[***] |
Like -check_md5 but checking all data filesunderneath the given paths. Only mismatching data files willbe reported. |
Normally xorriso only writes to disk files whichwere given as stdio: pseudo-drives or as log files.But its alter ego osirrox is able to extract file objectsfrom ISO images and to create, overwrite, or delete fileobjects on disk. |
-osirrox"on"|"device_files"|"off"|"banned"|[:option:...] |
Setting "off" disables disk filesystemmanipulations. This is the default unless the program wasstarted with leafname "osirrox". Elsewise thecapability to restore files can be enabled explicitly by-osirrox "on". It can be irrevocablydisabled by -osirrox "banned". |
-extract iso_rr_path disk_path |
Copy the file objects at and underneath iso_rr_path totheir corresponding addresses at and underneath disk_path.This is the inverse of -map or -update_r. |
-extract_single iso_rr_pathdisk_path |
Like -extract, but if iso_rr_path is a directorythen its sub tree gets not restored. |
-extract_l iso_rr_prefix disk_prefixiso_rr_path [***] |
Perform -extract with each of the iso_rr_patharguments. disk_path will be composed from iso_rr_path byreplacing iso_rr_prefix by disk_prefix. |
-extract_cut iso_rr_path byte_offsetbyte_count disk_path |
Copy a byte interval from a data file out of an ISO imageinto a newly created disk file. The main purpose for this isto allow handling of large files if they are not supportedby mount -t iso9660 and if the reading system isunable to buffer them as a whole. |
-cpx iso_rr_path [***] disk_path |
Copy single leaf file objects from the ISO image to theaddress given by disk_path. If more then one iso_rr_path isgiven then disk_path must be a directory ornon-existent. In the latter case it gets created andthe extracted files get installed in it with the sameleafnames. |
-cpax iso_rr_path [***] disk_path |
Like -cpx but restoring mtime, atime as in ISOimage and trying to set ownership and group as in ISOimage. |
-cp_rx iso_rr_path [***] disk_path |
Like -cpx but also extracting whole directory treesfrom the ISO image. |
-cp_rax iso_rr_path [***] disk_path |
Like -cp_rx but restoring mtime, atime as in ISOimage and trying to set ownership and group as in ISOimage. |
-paste_in iso_rr_path disk_path byte_offsetbyte_count |
Read the content of a ISO data file and write it into adata file on disk beginning at the byte_offset. Write atmost byte_count bytes. This is the inverse of option-cut_out. |
-mount drive entity id path |
Produce the same line as -mount_cmd and thenexecute it as external program run after giving up thedepicted drive. See also -mount_opts. This demands-osirrox to be enabled and normally will succeed onlyfor the superuser. For safety reasons the mount program isonly executed if it is reachable as /bin/mount or/sbin/mount. |
Writing of ISO 9660 on CD is traditionally done byprogram mkisofs as ISO 9660 image producer and cdrecord asburn program.xorriso does not strive for theircomprehensive emulation. Nevertheless it is ready to performsome of its core tasks under control of commands which insaid programs trigger comparable actions. |
Perform the variable length option list as sparseemulation of the program depicted by the personalityword. Personality "mkisofs" accepts theoptions listed with: Personalities "xorrisofs","genisoimage", and"genisofs" are aliases for"mkisofs". Personality "cdrecord" accepts theoptions listed with: |
-read_mkisofsrc |
Try one by one to open for reading: ./.mkisofsrc ,$MKISOFSRC , $HOME/.mkisofsrc , $(dirname $0)/.mkisofsrc |
-pacifier behavior_code |
Control behavior of UPDATE pacifiers during writeoperations. The following behavior codes are defined: |
-scdbackup_tag list_pathrecord_name |
Set the parameter "name" for a scdbackupchecksum record. It will be appended in an scdbackupchecksum tag to the -md5 session tag if the imagestarts at LBA 0. This is the case if it gets written asfirst session onto a sequential medium, or piped into aprogram, named pipe or character device. |
-no_rc |
Only if used as first command line argument this optionprevents reading and interpretation of startup files. Seesection FILES below. |
-options_from_file fileaddress |
Read quoted input from fileaddress and execute it likedialog lines. Empty lines and lines which begin by # areignored. Normally one line should hold onexorrisocommand and all its arguments. Nevertheless lines may beconcatenated by a trailing backslash. |
-help |
Print helptext. |
-version |
Print program name and version, component versions,license. |
-list_extras code |
Tell whether certain extra features were enabled atcompile time. Code "all" lists all features and aheadline. Other codes pick a single feature. Code"codes" lists them. They share names with relatedcommands (see also there): |
-history textline |
Copy textline into libreadline history. |
-status mode|filter |
Print the current settings of xorriso. Modes: |
-status_history_max number |
Set maximum number of history lines to be reported with-status "long_history". |
-list_delimiter word |
Set the list delimiter to be used instead of"--". It has to be a single word, mustnot be empty, not longer than 80 characters, and must notcontain quotation marks. |
-backslash_codes"on"|"off"|mode[:mode] |
Enable or disable the interpretation of symbolicrepresentations of special characters with quoted input, orwith program arguments, or with program text output. Ifenabled the following translations apply: |
-temp_mem_limitnumber["k"|"m"] |
Set the maximum size of temporary memory to be used forimage dependent buffering. Currently this applies to patternexpansion, LBA sorting, restoring of hard links. |
-print text |
Print a text line to the result channel which is bydefault stdout. |
-print_info text |
Print a text line to the info channel which is by defaultstderr. |
-print_mark text |
Print a text line to the mark channel which is by defaultdirected to both, result and info channel. An empty textwill cause no output at all. |
-prompt text |
Show text at beginning of output line and wait for theuser to hit the Enter key resp. to send a line viastdin. |
-sleep seconds |
Wait for the given number of seconds before perfoming thenext command. Expect coarse granularity no better than 1/100seconds. |
-errfile_log mode path|channel |
If problem events are related to input files from thefilesystem, then their disk_paths can be logged to a file orto output channels R or I. |
-session_log path |
If path is not empty it gives the address of a plain textfile where a log record gets appended after each session.This log can be used to determine the start_lba of a sessionfor mount options -o sbsector= resp. -s fromdate or volume id. |
-scsi_log"on"|"off" |
Mode "on" enables very verbous logging of SCSIcommands and drive replies. Logging messages get printed tostderr, not to any of thexorriso outputchannels. |
-end |
End program after writing pending changes. |
-rollback_end |
Discard pending changes. End program immediately. |
# any text |
Only in dialog or file execution mode, and only as firstnon-whitespace in line: Do not execute the line butstore it in readline history. |
-pkt_output"on"|"off" |
Consolidate text output on stdout and classify each lineby a channel indicator: |
-logfile channel fileaddress |
Copy output of a channel to the given file. Channel maybe one of: "." for all channels, "I" forinfo messages, "R" for result lines, "M"for -mark texts. |
-mark text |
If text is not empty it will get put out on "M"channel each time xorriso is ready for the nextdialog line or beforexorriso performs a command thatwas entered to the pager prompt. |
-prog text |
Use text as name of this program in subsequentmessages |
-prog_help text |
Use text as name of this program and perform-help. |
Overview of examples: |
As superuser learn about available drives |
As superuser learn about available drives |
On Linux or FreeBSD consider to give rw-permissionsto those users or groups which shall be able to use thedrives withxorriso. On Solaris use pfexec. Considerto restrict privileges ofxorriso to"base,sys_devices" and to give r-permissionto user or group. |
Blank medium and compose a new ISO image as batchrun |
Aquire drive /dev/sr2, make medium ready for writing anew image, fill the image with the files from hard diskdirectories /home/me/sounds and /home/me/pictures. The ISO image may be shaped in a more elaborate way likethe following: Omit some unwanted stuff by removing it fromthe image directory tree. Reintroduce some wanted stuff. |
A dialog session doing about the same |
Some settings are already given as start argument. Theother activities are done as dialog input. The pager getsset to 20 lines of 80 characters. |
Manipulate an existing ISO image on the samemedium |
Load image from drive. Remove (i.e. hide) directory/sounds and its subordinates. Rename directory/pictures/confidential to /pictures/restricted. Changeaccess permissions of directory /pictures/restricted. Addnew directory trees /sounds and /movies. Burn to the samemedium, check whether the tree can be loaded, and eject. |
Copy modified ISO image from one medium toanother |
Load image from input drive. Do the same manipulations asin the previous example. Aquire output drive and blank it.Burn the modified image as first and only session to theoutput drive. |
Bring a prepared ISOLINUX tree onto medium and make itbootable |
The user has already created a suitable file tree on diskand copied the ISOLINUX files into subdirectory./boot/isolinux of that tree. Nowxorriso can burn anEl Torito bootable medium: |
Change existing file name tree from ISO-8859-1 toUTF-8 |
This example assumes that the existing ISO image waswritten with character set ISO-8859-1 but thatthe readers expected UTF-8. Now a new session with thesame files gets added with converted file names. In order toavoid any weaknesses of the local character set, thiscommand pretends that it uses already the final target setUTF-8. Therefore strange file names may appear inmessages, which will be made terminal-safe by option-backslash_codes. |
Operate on storage facilities other than opticaldrives |
Full read-write operation is possible with regularfiles and block devices: |
Burn an existing ISO image file to medium |
Actually this works with any kind of data, not only ISOimages: |
Perform multi-session runs as of cdrtoolstraditions |
Between both processes there can be performed arbitrarytransportation or filtering. |
Let xorriso work underneath growisofs |
growisofs expects an ISO formatter program whichunderstands options -C and -M. Ifxorrisogets started by name "xorrisofs" then it issuitable for that. |
Adjust thresholds for verbosity, exit value andprogram abort |
Be quite verbous, exit 32 if severity "FAILURE"was encountered, do not abort prematurely but forcibly go onuntil the end of commands. |
Examples of input timestrings |
As printed by program date: ’Thu Nov 8 14:51:13CET 2007’ |
Incremental backup of a few directorytrees |
This changes the directory trees /open_source_project and/personal_mail in the ISO image so that they become exactcopies of their disk counterparts. ISO file objects getcreated, deleted or get their attributes adjustedaccordingly. Above example produces a result similar to -root /-old-root / with mkisofs. For getting thesession trees accumulated in the new sessions, let all-update commands use a common parent directory andclone it after updating is done: Sessions on multi-session media are separated byseveral MB of unused blocks. So with small sessions thepayload capacity can become substantially lower than theoverall media capacity. If the remaining space on a mediumdoes not suffice for the next gap, the drive is supposed toclose the medium automatically. Better do not use your youngest backup for-update_r. Have at least two media which you usealternatingly. So only older backups get endangered by thenew write operation, while the newest backup is storedsafely on a different medium. |
Restore directory trees from a particular ISO sessionto disk |
This is an alternative to mounting the medium and usingnormal file operations. |
Try to retrieve blocks from a damagedmedium |
$ xorriso -abort_on NEVER -indev /dev/sr0\ |
Program alias names: |
Normal installation of xorriso creates three linksor copies which by their program name pre-selectcertain settings: |
Startup files: |
If not -no_rc is given as the first argument thenxorriso attempts on startup to read and execute linesfrom the following files: |
Runtime control files: |
The default setting of -check_media abort_file=is: |
For the mkisofs emulation of xorriso |
xorrisofs(1) |
For the cdrecord emulation of xorriso |
xorrecord(1) |
For mounting xorriso generated ISO 9660 images (-tiso9660) |
mount(8) |
Libreadline, a comfortable input line facility |
readline(3) |
Other programs which produce ISO 9660 images |
mkisofs(8), genisoimage(8) |
Other programs which burn sessions to opticalmedia |
growisofs(1), cdrecord(1), wodim(1),cdrskin(1) |
ACL and xattr |
getfacl(1), setfacl(1), getfattr(1),setfattr(1) |
MD5 checksums |
md5sum(1) |
On FreeBSD the commands for xattr and MD5 differ |
getextattr(8), setextattr(8), md5(1) |
To report bugs, request help, or suggest enhancements forxorriso, please send electronic mail to the publiclist |
Thomas Schmitt |
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2011 Thomas Schmitt |
xorriso is in part based on work by Vreixo Formosowho provides libisofs together with Mario Danic who alsoleads the libburnia team. Thanks to Andy Polyakov whoinvented emulated growing, to Derek Foreman and Ben Jansenswho once founded libburn. |