Ruby Objects Types


objects are instances of a class

但是 变量 variables ,不是对象,它只是对象的引用。
variables allow us to easily reference objects in Ruby


a = 100
b = a
b = 100

对象类型有下面几种 :

  • Integers
    Fixnum , Bignum

  • Floats
    10/3 = 3
    10.0/3 = 3.3333333333333335

  • Strings

  • Arrays

  • Arrays methods
    mix types in Arrays

  • Hashes
    key-value pairs

  • Symbols
    identify a piece of data
    a symbol is only stored in memory one time
    不同于strings .object_id 返回id值

  • Booleans
    True or false
    a = 1 (把1赋值给a ) , a == 1 (这个就是数学上,a等值于1)

  • Ranges
    1..10(常用,包括10) 1...10 (不常用,不包括10)

  • Constants
    常量大写字母开头, 变量小写字母

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