select * from
(select emp.deptno no,dept.dname name,avg(sal) avgsal
from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
group by (emp.deptno,dept.dname))
where avgsal=
(select max(AVGSAL) from
(select emp.deptno no,dept.dname name,avg(sal) avgsal
from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
group by (emp.deptno,dept.dname)))
select * from
(select emp.deptno no,dept.dname name,avg(sal) avgsal
from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
group by (emp.deptno,dept.dname) order by avgsal desc) where rownum=1
--2 查询所有员工的年薪,所在部门的名称,结果按年新低到高排列
select empno,ename,sal,dname
from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
order by sal
select ename,e.job,e.sal from emp e,(select job,min(sal) minsal
from emp
group by deptno,job) t where e.job=t.job and e.sal=t.minsal
select t.ename mgr,e.ename from emp e,
(select empno,ename from emp e,
(select mgr,count(mgr) num from emp group by mgr order by num desc) t
where e.empno=t.mgr and rownum=1) t
where e.mgr = t.empno
select t1.empno,t1.ename,t1.mgr,t2.sal mgrsal from emp t1,emp t2
where t1.mgr=t2.empno order by mgrsal desc
select count(*) 人数,avg(sal) 平均工资 from
(select sal,comm,nvl2(comm,1,0) nvl from emp)
group by nvl order by nvl desc
select * from
(select count(*) num,emp.deptno,dname from emp,dept
where emp.deptno=dept.deptno and sal<2500
group by emp.deptno,dname order by num desc)
where rownum=1
select t.empno,t.ename,d.dname from dept d,
(select t1.empno,t1.ename,t1.deptno from emp t1,emp t2
where t1.mgr=t2.empno and t2.hiredate>t1.hiredate) t
where d.deptno=t.deptno
select dname from emp,dept where emp.deptno=dept.deptno
group by dept.deptno,dept.dname having count(*)>=4
select * from emp
where sal>(select sal from emp where ename='SMITH')
select dname,sum(sal),count(emp.deptno)
from emp,dept
where dname like '%S%' and emp.deptno=dept.deptno
group by dept.dname
select dname,count(*) num from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno and job='CLERK' group by dname
select * from emp where empno in
(select t1.mgr from emp t1,emp t2
where t1.mgr=t2.empno and t2.sal>3000)
select ename from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno and dname='SALES'
select ename,sal,dname from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno
and sal>all(select sal from emp where deptno=30)
select d.deptno,d.dname,count(*) num from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno group by d.deptno,d.dname
select dname,j.job,djavgsal,davgsal,javgsal from
(select d.dname,job,djavgsal,davgsal from
(select d.dname,e.job,avg(sal) djavgsal from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno group by d.deptno,d.dname,e.job) dj
full outer join
(select d.dname,avg(sal) davgsal from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno group by d.deptno,d.dname) d
on (dj.dname=d.dname)) dj
full outer join
(select job,avg(sal) javgsal from emp e,dept d
where e.deptno=d.deptno group by job) j
on (dj.job=j.job)
select * from emp
where deptno in (select deptno from emp where ename='BLAKE')
and ename!=(select ename from emp where ename='BLAKE')
select d.deptno,dname,count(ename) from emp e, dept d where
e.deptno=d.deptno and
d.deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='KING') group by dname,d.deptno
select ename from emp where hiredate=(
select max(hiredate) from emp where
deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='WARD'))
and deptno=(select deptno from emp where ename='WARD')
select ename,job from emp where empno not in
(select mgr from emp where mgr is not null)
select dname from(select count(ename) a ,dname from emp e,dept t
where e.deptno=t.deptno and ename like 'A%' group by dname order by a desc)
where rownum=1
select avg(sal),dname from emp e,dept t
where e.deptno=t.deptno and dname=
(select dname from emp e,dept t where e.deptno=t.deptno and ename='SMITH' )
group by dname