Java 根据经纬度和日期计算出日出和日落时间


import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;

public class SunRiseSet {

    private static int[] days_of_month_1 = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

    private static int[] days_of_month_2 = {31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};

    private final static double h = -0.833;//日出日落时太阳的位置

    private final static double UTo = 180.0;//上次计算的日落日出时间,初始迭代值180.0




    public static boolean leap_year(int year) {

        if (((year % 400 == 0) || (year % 100 != 0) && (year % 4 == 0))) return true;

        else return false;



    public static int days(int year, int month, int date) {

        int i, a = 0;

        for (i = 2000; i < year; i++) {

            if (leap_year(i)) a = a + 366;

            else a = a + 365;


        if (leap_year(year)) {

            for (i = 0; i < month - 1; i++) {

                a = a + days_of_month_2[i];


        } else {

            for (i = 0; i < month - 1; i++) {

                a = a + days_of_month_1[i];



        a = a + date;

        return a;



    public static double t_century(int days, double UTo) {

        return ((double) days + UTo / 360) / 36525;



    public static double L_sun(double t_century) {

        return (280.460 + 36000.770 * t_century);



    public static double G_sun(double t_century) {

        return (357.528 + 35999.050 * t_century);



    public static double ecliptic_longitude(double L_sun, double G_sun) {

        return (L_sun + 1.915 * Math.sin(G_sun * Math.PI / 180) + 0.02 * Math.sin(2 * G_sun * Math.PI / 180));



    public static double earth_tilt(double t_century) {

        return (23.4393 - 0.0130 * t_century);



    public static double sun_deviation(double earth_tilt, double ecliptic_longitude) {

        return (180 / Math.PI * Math.asin(Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * earth_tilt) * Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * ecliptic_longitude)));



    public static double GHA(double UTo, double G_sun, double ecliptic_longitude) {

        return (UTo - 180 - 1.915 * Math.sin(G_sun * Math.PI / 180) - 0.02 * Math.sin(2 * G_sun * Math.PI / 180) + 2.466 * Math.sin(2 * ecliptic_longitude * Math.PI / 180) - 0.053 * Math.sin(4 * ecliptic_longitude * Math.PI / 180));



    public static double e(double h, double glat, double sun_deviation) {

        return 180 / Math.PI * Math.acos((Math.sin(h * Math.PI / 180) - Math.sin(glat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.sin(sun_deviation * Math.PI / 180)) / (Math.cos(glat * Math.PI / 180) * Math.cos(sun_deviation * Math.PI / 180)));



    public static double UT_rise(double UTo, double GHA, double glong, double e) {

        return (UTo - (GHA + glong + e));



    public static double UT_set(double UTo, double GHA, double glong, double e) {

        return (UTo - (GHA + glong - e));



    public static double result_rise(double UT, double UTo, double glong, double glat, int year, int month, int date) {

        double d;

        if (UT >= UTo) d = UT - UTo;

        else d = UTo - UT;

        if (d >= 0.1) {

            UTo = UT;

            UT = UT_rise(UTo,

                    GHA(UTo, G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                            ecliptic_longitude(L_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                                    G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)))),


                    e(h, glat, sun_deviation(earth_tilt(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                            ecliptic_longitude(L_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                                    G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo))))));

            result_rise(UT, UTo, glong, glat, year, month, date);


        return UT;



    public static double result_set(double UT, double UTo, double glong, double glat, int year, int month, int date) {

        double d;

        if (UT >= UTo) d = UT - UTo;

        else d = UTo - UT;

        if (d >= 0.1) {

            UTo = UT;

            UT = UT_set(UTo,

                    GHA(UTo, G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                            ecliptic_longitude(L_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                                    G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)))),


                    e(h, glat, sun_deviation(earth_tilt(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                            ecliptic_longitude(L_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                                    G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo))))));

            result_set(UT, UTo, glong, glat, year, month, date);


        return UT;



    public static int Zone(double glong) {

        if (glong >= 0) return (int) ((int) (glong / 15.0) + 1);

        else return (int) ((int) (glong / 15.0) - 1);



// public static void output(double rise, double set, double glong){

//     if((int)(60*(rise/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(rise/15+Zone(glong))))<10)

//         System.out.println("The time at which the sunrise is: "+(int)(rise/15+Zone(glong))+":"+(int)(60*(rise/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(rise/15+Zone(glong))))+" .\n");

//     else System.out.println("The time at which the sunrise is: "+(int)(rise/15+Zone(glong))+":"+(int)(60*(rise/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(rise/15+Zone(glong))))+" .\n");


//     if((int)(60*(set/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(set/15+Zone(glong))))<10)

//         System.out.println("The time at which the sunset is: "+(int)(set/15+Zone(glong))+": "+(int)(60*(set/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(set/15+Zone(glong))))+" .\n");

//     else System.out.println("The time at which the sunset is: "+(int)(set/15+Zone(glong))+":"+(int)(60*(set/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(set/15+Zone(glong))))+" .\n");

// }

    public static String getSunrise(BigDecimal longitude, BigDecimal latitude, Date sunTime) {
        if (sunTime != null && longitude != null && latitude != null) {
            double sunrise, glong, glat;
            int year, month, date;
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
            String dateTime = sdf.format(sunTime);
            String[] rq = dateTime.split("-");
            String y = rq[0];
            String m = rq[1];
            String d = rq[2];
            year = Integer.parseInt(y);
            if (m != null && m != "" && m.indexOf("0") == -1) {
                m = m.replaceAll("0", "");
            month = Integer.parseInt(m);

            date = Integer.parseInt(d);

            glong = longitude.doubleValue();

            glat = latitude.doubleValue();

            sunrise = result_rise(UT_rise(UTo,

                    GHA(UTo, G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                            ecliptic_longitude(L_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                                    G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)))),


                    e(h, glat, sun_deviation(earth_tilt(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                            ecliptic_longitude(L_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                                    G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)))))), UTo, glong, glat, year, month, date);

//System.out.println("Sunrise is: "+(int)(sunrise/15+Zone(glong))+":"+(int)(60*(sunrise/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(sunrise/15+Zone(glong))))+" .\n");

//        Log.d("Sunrise", "Sunrise is: "+(int)(sunrise/15+8)+":"+(int)(60*(sunrise/15+8-(int)(sunrise/15+8)))+" .\n");

            //return "Sunrise is: "+(int)(sunrise/15+Zone(glong))+":"+(int)(60*(sunrise/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(sunrise/15+Zone(glong))))+" .\n";

            return (int) (sunrise / 15 + 8) + ":" + (int) (60 * (sunrise / 15 + 8 - (int) (sunrise / 15 + 8)));
        return null;

    public static String getSunset(BigDecimal longitude, BigDecimal latitude, Date sunTime) {
        if (sunTime != null && latitude != null && longitude != null) {
            double sunset, glong, glat;
            int year, month, date;
            SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
            String dateTime = sdf.format(sunTime);
            String[] rq = dateTime.split("-");
            String y = rq[0];
            String m = rq[1];
            String d = rq[2];
            year = Integer.parseInt(y);
            if (m != null && m != ""  && m.indexOf("0") == -1) {
                m = m.replaceAll("0", "");
            month = Integer.parseInt(m);

            date = Integer.parseInt(d);

            glong = longitude.doubleValue();

            glat = latitude.doubleValue();

            sunset = result_set(UT_set(UTo,

                    GHA(UTo, G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                            ecliptic_longitude(L_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                                    G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)))),


                    e(h, glat, sun_deviation(earth_tilt(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                            ecliptic_longitude(L_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)),

                                    G_sun(t_century(days(year, month, date), UTo)))))), UTo, glong, glat, year, month, date);

//System.out.println("The time at which the sunset is: "+(int)(sunset/15+Zone(glong))+":"+(int)(60*(sunset/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(sunset/15+Zone(glong))))+" .\n");

//        Log.d("Sunset", "Sunset is: "+(int)(sunset/15+8)+":"+(int)(60*(sunset/15+8-(int)(sunset/15+8)))+" .\n");

            //return "Sunset is: "+(int)(sunset/15+Zone(glong))+":"+(int)(60*(sunset/15+Zone(glong)-(int)(sunset/15+Zone(glong))))+" .\n";

            return (int) (sunset / 15 + 8) + ":" + (int) (60 * (sunset / 15 + 8 - (int) (sunset / 15 + 8)));
        return null;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String str1 = SunRiseSet.getSunrise(new BigDecimal(104.066507),new BigDecimal(30.625124),new Date());
        String str2 = SunRiseSet.getSunset(new BigDecimal(104.066507),new BigDecimal(30.625124),new Date());
        System.out.println("日出时间:" + str1);
        System.out.println("日落时间:" + str2);

