/* * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ task api(type: Javadoc) { group = "Documentation" description = "Generates aggregated Javadoc API documentation." title = "${rootProject.description} ${version} API" dependsOn { subprojects.collect { it.tasks.getByName("jar") } } options.encoding = "UTF-8" options.memberLevel = org.gradle.external.javadoc.JavadocMemberLevel.PROTECTED options.author = true options.header = rootProject.description options.use = true options.overview = "src/docs/api/overview.html" options.stylesheetFile = file("src/docs/api/stylesheet.css") options.splitIndex = true options.links(project.ext.javadocLinks) options.addStringOption('Xdoclint:none', '-quiet') source subprojects.collect { project -> project.sourceSets.main.allJava } maxMemory = "1024m" destinationDir = new File(buildDir, "api") doFirst { classpath = files( // ensure the javadoc process can resolve types compiled from .aj sources project(":spring-aspects").sourceSets.main.output ) classpath += files(subprojects.collect { it.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath }) } } /*dokka { dependsOn { tasks.getByName("api") } doFirst { classpath = subprojects.collect { project -> project.jar.outputs.files.getFiles() }.flatten() classpath += files(subprojects.collect { it.sourceSets.main.compileClasspath }) } moduleName = "spring-framework" outputFormat = "html" outputDirectory = "$buildDir/docs/kdoc" sourceDirs = files(subprojects.collect { project -> def kotlinDirs = project.sourceSets.main.kotlin.srcDirs.collect() kotlinDirs -= project.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs }) externalDocumentationLink { url = new URL("https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs/$version/javadoc-api/") packageListUrl = new File(buildDir, "api/package-list").toURI().toURL() } externalDocumentationLink { url = new URL("https://projectreactor.io/docs/core/release/api/") } externalDocumentationLink { url = new URL("https://www.reactive-streams.org/reactive-streams-1.0.1-javadoc/") } }*/ /*asciidoctor { sources { include '*.adoc' } resources { from(sourceDir) { include 'images/*', 'stylesheets/*', 'tocbot-3.0.2/*' } } logDocuments = true backends = ["html5"] // only ouput PDF documentation for non-SNAPSHOT builds if(!project.getVersion().toString().contains("BUILD-SNAPSHOT")) { backends += "pdf" } options doctype: 'book', eruby: 'erubis' attributes 'icons': 'font', 'idprefix': '', 'idseparator': '-', docinfo: '', revnumber: project.version, sectanchors: '', sectnums: '', 'source-highlighter': 'coderay@', // TODO switch to 'rouge' once supported by the html5 backend stylesdir: 'stylesheets/', stylesheet: 'main.css', 'spring-version': project.version }*/ task docsZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: ['api', 'asciidoctor', 'dokka']) { group = "Distribution" baseName = "spring-framework" classifier = "docs" description = "Builds -${classifier} archive containing api and reference " + "for deployment at https://docs.spring.io/spring-framework/docs." from("src/dist") { include "changelog.txt" } from (api) { into "javadoc-api" } from ("$asciidoctor.outputDir/html5") { into "spring-framework-reference" } from ("$asciidoctor.outputDir/pdf") { into "spring-framework-reference/pdf" } from (dokka) { into "kdoc-api" } } //task schemaZip(type: Zip) { // group = "Distribution" // baseName = "spring-framework" // classifier = "schema" // description = "Builds -${classifier} archive containing all " + // "XSDs for deployment at https://springframework.org/schema." // duplicatesStrategy 'exclude' // moduleProjects.each { subproject -> // def Properties schemas = new Properties(); // // subproject.sourceSets.main.resources.find { // (it.path.endsWith("META-INF/spring.schemas") || it.path.endsWith("META-INF\\spring.schemas")) // }?.withInputStream { schemas.load(it) } // // for (def key : schemas.keySet()) { // def shortName = key.replaceAll(/http.*schema.(.*).spring-.*/, '$1') // assert shortName != key // File xsdFile = subproject.sourceSets.main.resources.find { // (it.path.endsWith(schemas.get(key)) || it.path.endsWith(schemas.get(key).replaceAll('\\/','\\\\'))) // } // assert xsdFile != null // into (shortName) { // from xsdFile.path // } // } // } //} task schemaZip(type: Zip) { group = "Distribution" baseName = "spring-framework" classifier = "schema" description = "Builds -${classifier} archive containing all " + "XSDs for deployment at https://springframework.org/schema." duplicatesStrategy 'exclude' moduleProjects.each { subproject -> def Properties schemas = new Properties(); subproject.sourceSets.main.resources.find { //此处修改为\\ it.path.endsWith("META-INF\\spring.schemas") }?.withInputStream { schemas.load(it) } for (def key : schemas.keySet()) { def shortName = key.replaceAll(/http.*schema.(.*).spring-.*/, '$1') assert shortName != key File xsdFile = subproject.sourceSets.main.resources.find { //此处将Linux路径符号替换为Windows路径符号 it.path.endsWith(schemas.get(key).replaceAll('\\/','\\\\')) } assert xsdFile != null into (shortName) { from xsdFile.path } } } } task distZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: [docsZip, schemaZip]) { group = "Distribution" baseName = "spring-framework" classifier = "dist" description = "Builds -${classifier} archive, containing all jars and docs, " + "suitable for community download page." ext.baseDir = "${baseName}-${project.version}"; from("src/docs/dist") { include "readme.txt" include "license.txt" include "notice.txt" into "${baseDir}" expand(copyright: new Date().format("yyyy"), version: project.version) } from(zipTree(docsZip.archivePath)) { into "${baseDir}/docs" } from(zipTree(schemaZip.archivePath)) { into "${baseDir}/schema" } moduleProjects.each { subproject -> into ("${baseDir}/libs") { from subproject.jar if (subproject.tasks.findByPath("sourcesJar")) { from subproject.sourcesJar } if (subproject.tasks.findByPath("javadocJar")) { from subproject.javadocJar } } } } distZip.mustRunAfter subprojects.test // Create a distribution that contains all dependencies (required and optional). // Not published by default; only for use when building from source. task depsZip(type: Zip, dependsOn: distZip) { zipTask -> group = "Distribution" baseName = "spring-framework" classifier = "dist-with-deps" description = "Builds -${classifier} archive, containing everything " + "in the -${distZip.classifier} archive plus all runtime dependencies." from zipTree(distZip.archivePath) gradle.taskGraph.whenReady { taskGraph -> if (taskGraph.hasTask(":${zipTask.name}")) { def projectNames = rootProject.subprojects*.name def artifacts = new HashSet() subprojects.each { subproject -> (subproject.configurations.runtime.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts + subproject.configurations.optional.resolvedConfiguration.resolvedArtifacts).each { artifact -> def dependency = artifact.moduleVersion.id if (!projectNames.contains(dependency.name)) { artifacts << artifact.file } } } zipTask.from(artifacts) { into "${distZip.baseDir}/deps" } } } } |