题目来源:The Flat Dictionary
You are given a dictionary where the keys are strings and the values are strings or dictionaries. The goal is flatten the dictionary, but save the structures in the keys. The result should be the a dictionary without the nested dictionaries. The keys should contain paths that contain the parent keys from the original dictionary. The keys in the path are separated by a “/”. If a value is an empty dictionary, then it should be replaced by an empty string (""). Let’s look at an example:
"name": {
"first": "One",
"last": "Drone"
"job": "scout",
"recent": {},
"additional": {
"place": {
"zone": "1",
"cell": "2"}
The result will be:
{"name/first": "One", #one parent
"name/last": "Drone",
"job": "scout", #root key
"recent": "", #empty dict
"additional/place/zone": "1", #third level
"additional/place/cell": "2"}
def disdepth(dit,pre):
if type(dit) == dict:#dit是字典
for key,value in dit.items():
if value == {}:#键值对中的值为空字典用""代替
value = ""
if pre and pre[-1]!='/':#用'/'分隔路径
pre += '/'
yield from disdepth(value,pre + key)
yield pre,dit
def flatten(dictionary):
out = {}
for key,value in disdepth(dictionary,''):
out[key] = value
return out
if __name__ == '__main__':
test_input = {"key": {"deeper": {"more": {"enough": "value"}}}}
print(' Input: {}'.format(test_input))
print('Output: {}'.format(flatten(test_input)))
#These "asserts" using only for self-checking and not necessary for auto-testing
assert flatten({"key": "value"}) == {"key": "value"}, "Simple"
assert flatten(
{"key": {"deeper": {"more": {"enough": "value"}}}}
) == {"key/deeper/more/enough": "value"}, "Nested"
assert flatten({"empty": {}}) == {"empty": ""}, "Empty value"
assert flatten({"name": {
"first": "One",
"last": "Drone"},
"job": "scout",
"recent": {},
"additional": {
"place": {
"zone": "1",
"cell": "2"}}}
) == {"name/first": "One",
"name/last": "Drone",
"job": "scout",
"recent": "",
"additional/place/zone": "1",
"additional/place/cell": "2"}
print('You all set. Click "Check" now!')