19-01-21 英文写作练习

01/30 之30篇作文挑战

Day 1 选题+写论点

Red moon rising: is China dominates science, should the world worry?


1. 现状:中国现在的科技实力排名(数据?)

2. 过去几年国际科技的发展:中国的成果 vs 世界其他国家(美国、欧洲)

3. 未来科技发展的预测: 中国 vs 其他国家

4. 为什么要担心:政治上意识形态的不同?法规道德的约束?

According to Chinese medical documents posted online last December, a team at the Southern University of Science and Technology, in Shenzhen, has been recruiting couples in an effort to create the first gene-edited babies. This news has put China under the spotlight. More and more people around the world start to pay attention to the rise of Chinese science power.

Due to the Scimago Journal & Country Rank, from 1996 to 2017 Chinese scientist published 5133924 documents in all subjects, following US as second place. Even though the number of documents only is half amount of US’s number, however, the United States National Science Foundation reported that the number of scientific publications from China in 2016 outnumbered those from the US for the first time: 426,000 versus 409,000. China is catching up rapidly.

In June 2016, Chinese president Xi Jinping outlined his vision for China to become the leading player in science and technology globally. Speaking at the national congress of the China Association for Science and Technology, he said the country must be on course to being a leading innovator worldwide by 2030.

With no doubt, China is the frontier of some conventional areas, such as electronics, machinery, automobiles, and high-speed railways, now the government is encouraging the development in new areas, like next generation telecommunication tech, big data, A.I., robotics. China is aiming at the global leader in technology.

With the rising of Chinese economics, we have the reason to believe that the same situation will happen in technology. Definitely, the world will benefit from the strong power that China brings to the science and technology. However, the  ethic problems will be a big concern as well. The genetic edition news showed to the world that behind this super power, there are something more important need to be established.

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