

(1)0Aunit10-unit11 zoom! zoom!zoom! 、little squirrel中文:捏泥团。掰苞米


(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 中文:牙牙学语上10-16单元

(4)重点句型:we're going to the moon ,ready 5-4-3-2-1go ,little squirrel、take a nap、wake up

(5)fhield trip:《农场小动物》、《公园捡树叶,顺便看看有没有鸭子喂》


2.1英语:unit1 hello、unit2 bubble 、unit3 kangaroo、unit4 I can fly 、unit5 giddy up horsey 、unit6driving in my car 、unit7Lollipop、unit9 Three little ducks、unit10 zoom、unit11 little squirrel、unit12 Happy new year

2.2汉语:牙牙学语上10拧麻花、11 捏泥团、12 掰苞米、13 摸摸头、14小猴骑车、15 过年贴花、16 睡 觉觉


3.1英语:0Aunit11 little squirrel、unit12 Happy new year





5、Game time

5.1farm animals 上次没备好课,直接用中文解释

M:what is this ?a farm is an area of land,together with the buildings on it ,that is used for growing crops or raising animals,usually in order to sell them.

M:What is this ,right ,this is a chicken ,can you find a small chicken in this picture,and stick here.


M:chicken is the farm animals. look ,what is this ,right ,this is a horse ,can you find a small horse in this picture,and stick here.

M:horse is the farm animals too. look ,what is this ,right ,this is a pig ,can you find a small pig in this picture,and stick here.

M:pig is the farm animals. look ,what is this ,right ,this is a sheep,can you find a small sheep in this picture,and stick here.

M:sheep is the farm animals. look ,what is this ,right ,this is a cow ,can you find a small cow  in this picture,and stick here.

M:cow is the farm animals. look ,what is this ,right ,this is a cat ,can you find a small cat in this picture,and stick here.

M:cat  is the farm animals. look ,what is this ,right ,this is a duck,can you find a small duck  in this picture,and stick here.

M:duck is the farm animals. look ,what is this ,right ,this is a goat ,can you find a small gost in this picture,and stick here.

M:goat is the farm animals. look ,what is this ,right ,this is a dog ,can you find a small dog in this picture,and stick here.


5.2 wake up squirrel

D:Hello ,baby ,I am a squirrel .oh ,I am so tired now .I need to take a nap (yawn,stertch and lie down )little squirrel dum diddu-um diddy-um

taking a nap  dum diddu-um diddy-um

M :Hi baby ,I 'm a duck I want to play with my friend ,oh he is taking a nap,I 'm going to wake him up.Hello squirrel ,wake up ,I will give you my favourite food ,I will give you a fish to eat ,Do you want to eat fish .

M :oh I know squirrel like pinecones.here you are,a pinecones.

D :what is that ,it's so yummy.

M :yeah you wake up ,let's play together


M:look ,I can see a little squirrel,hello ,squirrel,wake up .I will give you a fish to eat ,Do you want to eat a fish ?oh ,I know the squirrels like pinecones ,here you are,a pinecone.

W :what's that ?It's so yummy.

M :yeah ,woke up ,let's play together

5.4waking up

M :Look,the little squirrel is sleeping again ,little squirrel ,oh I can wake him up .What should I do ,who can help me ?Waylon will you help me ?let's make some noise (mommy and waylon pick up a musical instrument).let's use these ones .little squirrel dum diddu-um diddy-um ,taking a nap dum diddu-um diddy-um ,little squirrel dum diddu-um diddy-um ,waking up dum diddu-um diddy-um .

M :Now ,we have a bugle 、drum  and maracas,which one do you like ?

M:Wow ,look ,he's waking up.let's play together.Now who wants be the little squirrel?waylon do you want to try ?

5.5M:there are three types of squirrels,this is tree squirrel ,they live in trees,this is ground squirrels,they live on the ground ,this is flying squirrel ,the flying squirrel can fly short distances

M:what does the squirrel like to eat ,the squirrel mainly eat fungi,seeds ,nut and fruits ,but they also eat eggs,small insects ,caterpillars ,small animals and even young snakes.

M :squirrel mainly live in trees,they find holes in the trees and add leave to make it warm. ground squirrel make their homes in the ground ,they dig holes and cover them with branches.


M:squirrels gather food for winter,they do not sleep all  winter  so they need to have food ready,they bury it in the ground to keep it safe,when they are hungry they find it again and dig it up .

5.6M :Take a line and connect it to two chair .blow a balloon and use some tape to stick a straw to the ballon rocket .Do not tie the end of the balloon,hold it .when you hear go .let the balloon and watch it  fly like a rocket on the string.

M:Are you ready ?5-4-3-2-1go!

zoom! zoom! zoom!we're going to the moon!

zoom! zoom! zoom!we're going to the moon!

5.7field trip

M :Waylon ,let's go to the park .there are so many trees .let play a game .when you squat down .pick up some leaves.walking walking,squat down.yes pick up that leaf..

walking walking squat down

walking waliking squat down

walking walking squat down

walking walking squat down

pick up this leaf.go on,walking walking squat down,pick up this leaf.walking walking squat down ,you have so many leaves.
