The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

2017.7.16    Week 2


1.Lethargic: having little energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything萎靡不振的,无精打采的;懒散的,倦怠的

e.g.(1)When I was sick, I always felt lethargic.

(2)In summer, it is so hot that I always feel lethargic.

2. Omniscient: (formal)knowing everything 无所不知的;全知全能的;博闻广识的

e.g. God always was considered as omniscient.

3.holistic: considering a whole thing or being to be more than a collection of parts整体的;全面的

e.g. Environmental problems usually require holistic solutions.

4. Triumph:看到这个词先想到的是它的名词用法,“伟大胜利”,但这里用为动词,即~ (over sb / sth) to defeat sb / sth; to be successful 打败;战胜;成功

e.g. I believe that sooner or later good must triumph over evil.

5.Consume:看到这个词我们会自然而然想到消耗,消费的意思,但在这里为If a feeling or idea consumes you, it affects you very strongly indeed. (使)沉溺,(使)沉迷,(使)充满(感情或思想)

e.g. The memories consumed him.

6. from every walk of life: 意思是各行各业,各行各业的人。

e.g.This is a day when all Chinese from every walk of life celebrate the 20th anniversary of the return of Hong Kong.


1.开始学习第二个habit---- Begin with the end in mind,以终为始,这让我想到曾经有人说:把每一天都当成世界末日,这样便会有紧迫感,知道什么是对自己最重要的,最想把握的是什么,我觉得与作者的观点有些不谋而合。看到那参加自己葬礼,看看别人怎么评价自己这一生,自己到底想要什么样的评价? 对于这个问题,我一下子就愣住了,我不能马上给出答案,我在思考我到底想要什么样的评价,其实便是想成为什么样的人,我似乎对于这个问题还是很模糊的。虽然我也知道如果把每一天都当成最后一天来对待,生活是多么的不同,但是总想着明天不会世界末日,所以根本就紧迫不起来,没有那样的动力支撑。我还需要好好的思考这个想要什么样的评价,才会有巨大的力量去驱使自己向前吧。如果只看到眼前的苟且,没有诗和远方,那就真的太遗憾了。

2.The work will come again, but childhood won't.


3.我觉得我的生活就缺少这样一种personal mission statements, 所以做起事来经常是三分钟热度,因为没有看得太重要。完成最好,没有完成也就不了了之。所以呀,我真的得好好考量自己的personal mission statements, 不能再懒得去思考,到时候就是因为懒得去想而错过太多太多,真的后悔莫及。Habit 2今天也就结束了,这个"以终为始"的习惯,给了我一些危机感,我不能总是认为时间还有太多,想做的事情一推再推。要想到在生命结束之时,是否已经活成自己想要的样子,是否有意义而精彩,是否对自己这一生感到满意,所以这样的思考要慢慢的去付诸于行动,才能有所成效。加油吧!

4. Habit 3对我来说是影响比较大的,一直以来,我以为自己是把最重要的事情先做,但其实我是把最急切但并不重要的事情摆在了首位,最典型的例子便是:在复习的时候看到有朋友给我发信息,我会马上回复她们,因为觉得别人找你一般是有事情的,得尽快解决,才能安心(problem-centered)然后回复一来一去的,自己复习的进度就被打断了,然后又得重新花时间投入进去。现在想想,其实晚一点回复也没有什么,因为这些事情并不是什么重要的事情。




From Habit 2 to Habit 3

Habit 1 is to be proactive, taking the initiative to change the bad situation. However, it is not enough to become an effective person. So the author proposes the habit 2----begin with the end in mind, which refers to stating with a clear understanding of our destination----what on earth we want to be and what kinds of achievements we are eager to constitute. For fulfilling it, we use imagination and conscious to become our own first creator. Secondly, identifying our center----principle centred, it will not be susceptible to diverse influence from people and environment. Then it is helpful to use our whole begin by virtue of expanding perspective, visualization and affirmation. At last, writing and applying a personal mission statement will force us to think our priorities deeply. Then here comes to habit3----put first thing first. That we need to find out the most worth things and manage time and ourselves. On one hand, it is quadrant II focus, putting the most important but not urgent things first. On the other hand, organizing long-term goals is essential, but performing them in weekly plans.


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