通常情况下,在我们输入认证码后,不管你用的Adobe Flex Builder原先是试用版还是标准版,生成的图表中的水印都应该是没有了。不过在某些特别的情况下,可能这个水印依然存在(Adobe官方没说明具体原因,不过应该是Bug),解决方法很简单,做下面几步操作就可以了:
1. On the Project menu, choose Build Automatically to turn off this option. If the option is already turned off (deselected), do not complete this step.
2. Choose Project > Clean.
3. Choose Project > Build.
4. (Optional) Choose Project > Build Automatically to turn on this option again, if desired.
更加具体的信息可以参考这里: http://www.adobe.com/go/kb404736