甘比英文拓展写作- 描述花

甘比英文拓展写作- 描述花_第1张图片

甘比英文拓展写作- 描述花_第2张图片

In the picture, four "Rudy Port" can be seen, all in different shapes. From the one that's opening its petals to us we can see, at the center of its petals, a pistil, in which stands lots of yellow filaments and black anthers. The petals themselves, are darkblue in the middle and white on the fringes. A little different from the other three it has only two layers of petals, and the outer one seems to be on the edge of falling. The other three flowers, though crouching their heads, are showing us the more remarkable side of its kind, for they own multiple petals huddling together, like the skirt of ballet dancers.

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