[STAThread] WPF程序的Main函数必须声明为[STAThread]:
In any WPF program, the [STAThread] attribute must precede Main or the C# compiler will complain. This attribute directs the threading model of the initial application thread to be a single-threaded apartment, which is required for interoperability with the Component Object Model (COM). "Single-threaded apartment" is an old COM-era, pre-.NET programming term, but for our purposes you could imagine it to mean our application won't be using multiple threads originating from the runtime environment.
包括Startup, SessionEnding 等 以及 可override的函数(default event handler) OnStartup , OnSessionEnding
Window 中的事件(继承自UIElement)(TextInput,MouseDown等)
Following initialization, virtually everything a program does is in response to an event. These events usually indicate keyboard, mouse, or stylus input from the user. The UIElement class (which refers to the user interface, of course) defines a number of keyboard-, mouse-, and stylus-related events; the Window class inherits all those events. One of those events is named \MouseDown. A window's \MouseDown event occurs whenever the user clicks the client area of the window with the mouse.
Window的一些属性(Height,Width,Top,Left; Title; WindowStartupLocation; WindowStyle; ResizeMode;WindowState )
由Background 引出Brushes(见下一章)
在子类中override其中的一些event handler, 修改一些属性