var account = {
balance: 5000
// get方法拦截
var bank = new Proxy(account, {
get: function (target, prop) {
return 9000000;
console.log(account.balance); // 5,000 (your real balance)
console.log(bank.balance); // 9,000,000 (the bank is lying)
console.log(bank.currency); // 9,000,000 (the bank is doing anything)
// set方法拦截
var bank = new Proxy(account, {
set: function (target, prop, value) {
// Always set property value to 0
return Reflect.set(target, prop, 0);
account.balance = 5800;
console.log(account.balance); // 5,800
bank.balance = 5400;
console.log(account.balance); // 0 (the bank is doing anything)
var controllers = {};
var addController = function (name, constructor) {
// Store controller constructor
controllers[name] = {
factory: constructor,
instances: []
// Look for elements using the controller
var element = document.querySelector('[ng-controller=' + name + ']');
if (!element){
return; // No element uses this controller
// Create a new instance and save it
var ctrl = new controllers[name].factory;
// Look for bindings.....
addController('InputController', InputController);
var bindings = {};
// Note: element is the dom element using the controller'[ng-bind]'))
.map(function (element) {
var boundValue = element.getAttribute('ng-bind');
if(!bindings[boundValue]) {
bindings[boundValue] = {
boundValue: boundValue,
elements: []
// Note: ctrl is the controller instance
var proxy = new Proxy(ctrl, {
set: function (target, prop, value) {
var bind = bindings[prop];
if(bind) {
// Update each DOM element bound to the property
bind.elements.forEach(function (element) {
element.value = value;
element.setAttribute('value', value);
return Reflect.set(target, prop, value);
Object.keys(bindings).forEach(function (boundValue) {
var bind = bindings[boundValue];
// Listen elements event and update proxy property
bind.elements.forEach(function (element) {
element.addEventListener('input', function (event) {
proxy[bind.boundValue] =; // Also triggers the proxy setter
/* html code */
/* Framework code */
(function () {
var controllers = {};
var addController = function (name, constructor) {
// Store controller constructor
controllers[name] = {
factory: constructor,
instances: []
// Look for elements using the controller
var element = document.querySelector('[ng-controller=' + name + ']');
if (!element){
// Create a new instance and save it
var ctrl = new controllers[name].factory();
// Get elements bound to properties
var bindings = {};'[ng-bind]'))
.map(function (element) {
var boundValue = element.getAttribute('ng-bind');
if (!bindings[boundValue]) {
bindings[boundValue] = {
boundValue: boundValue,
elements: []
// Update DOM element bound when controller property is set
var proxy = new Proxy (ctrl, {
set: function (target, prop, value) {
var bind = bindings[prop];
if (bind) {
bind.elements.forEach(function (element) {
element.value = value;
element.setAttribute('value', value);
return Reflect.set(target, prop, value);
// Listen DOM element update to set the controller property
Object.keys(bindings).forEach(function (boundValue) {
var bind = bindings[boundValue];
bind.elements.forEach(function (element) {
element.addEventListener('input', function (event) {
proxy[bind.boundValue] =;
// Fill proxy with ctrl properties
// and return proxy, not the ctrl !
Object.assign(proxy, ctrl);
return proxy;
// Export framework in window
this.angular = {
controller: addController
/* User code */
functionInputController () {
this.message = 'Hello World!';
var myInputController = angular.controller('InputController', InputController);
functiononButtonClick () {
myInputController.message = 'Clicked!';
1、通过表单ID属性:var a = document.getElementByIdx_x_x("id");
2、通过表单名称属性:var b = document.getElementsByName("name");
3、直接通过表单名字获取:var c = form.content.
什么是Spring Data Mongo
Spring Data MongoDB项目对访问MongoDB的Java客户端API进行了封装,这种封装类似于Spring封装Hibernate和JDBC而提供的HibernateTemplate和JDBCTemplate,主要能力包括
1. 封装客户端跟MongoDB的链接管理
2. 文档-对象映射,通过注解:@Document(collectio
The insertion algorithm for 2-3 trees just described is not difficult to understand; now, we will see that it is also not difficult to implement. We will consider a simple representation known