【每日random好词 】Paddling, Tilt, Jet ski, Capsize, 輕描淡寫落水經歷 | Day 5

在泰國和越南旅行,好山好水我很快愛上了kayak-ing. 今天幾個詞是在講划船時的經歷。我的第一次划kayak以在泰國沙美島海岸線外幾百米處capsize告終……

kayak, paddle, tilt, capsize 

Kayak (指圖中小船)

kayak is a narrow one- or two-person boat that is propelled with a double-ended paddle. You can use a kayak in the ocean, on a pond or lake, or in a river.

When you get in a kayak and start paddling around, you kayak(the verb). People who visit the beach often rent sea kayaks and kayak around the shore and between small islands. An even more adventurous way to kayak is in a whitewater kayak on a fast-moving river. Kayaks were first built and used by Inuits, Aleuts, and Yup'iks, and the word comes from the Inuit qayaq, "small boat of skins."

【每日random好词 】Paddling, Tilt, Jet ski, Capsize, 輕描淡寫落水經歷 | Day 5_第1张图片

Paddle  船槳n./划船v.

If you regularly ride around in a canoe, you’re undoubtedly already familiar with a paddle, a pole with a broad, flat end that is used to propel a boat forward.

Nautical types will already know that the noun form of the word paddle refers to an implement with a flat blade used to move a boat through the water. The word can also be used to describe items with a similar look, such as a paddle used in table tennis or certain kinds of video games. The verb form of paddle refers to the action of navigating through the water, either in a boat using a paddle or as a swimmer who used the hands and feet to move around in shallow water.

Paddle Board 則是另外站在板上劃的一種潮流的水上運動(去玩的朋友沒有一個不狼狽落水的)

【每日random好词 】Paddling, Tilt, Jet ski, Capsize, 輕描淡寫落水經歷 | Day 5_第2张图片

Tilt(帶引申義)   -  a tilt boat/kayak (看圖也知道基本意思了吧)

【每日random好词 】Paddling, Tilt, Jet ski, Capsize, 輕描淡寫落水經歷 | Day 5_第3张图片

Tilt is both a noun and a verb. It has many shades of meaning, but most involve a slope or slant. When you're dizzy from eating too much, you might tilt when you walk away from the table.

The verb tilt can also indicate a slight preference for one thing over another. When Mavis and Marvin argue, you tend to tilt toward Marvin’s point of view, meaning you think he's probably right — you lean in that direction. As a noun tilt can mean a steep slant. When you climb Everest, you’ll find that the face of the mountain is at a dangerous tilt — it's very steep.

... 一輛摩托艇 (Jet ski) 瘋狂開過,激起排浪撲來,不久我就 capsize了 (boat totally turned over)  

【每日random好词 】Paddling, Tilt, Jet ski, Capsize, 輕描淡寫落水經歷 | Day 5_第4张图片



词条解释引自:  https://www.vocabulary.com


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