Top 100 Best Github:Deep Learning(深度学习)


Top 100 Best Github:Deep Learning(深度学习)_第1张图片

Deep Learning

  • Facebook Caffe2Go Deep-Learning System Powers Video ‘Style Transfer’ Test
  • Global Microserver Market to Be Highly Driven by Deep Learning Applications
  • Titan supercomputer tests new deep learning methods for cancer research
  • Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) Puts Deep Learning in the Palm of Your Hand
  • Scientists Invent Deep Learning System for More Accurate Blood Pressure Measurement
  • GTCx India – NVIDIA brings together best Indian minds in deep learning
  • Ace Computers Partners with Leading Research Institute for Deep Learning Workstations and …
  • How do I use deep learning to predict real-time movements in a game environment?
  • Recipe: Optimized Caffe for Deep Learning on Intel Xeon Phi processor x200
  • Deep learning with feature embedding for compound-protein interaction prediction

  • Toshiba to advance deep learning with new neural network
  • Can deep learning help solve lip reading?
  • Machine Learning, Deep Learning, & Google RankBrain
  • NVIDIA Brings Together Best Indian Minds in Deep Learning
  • Toshiba debuts new ‘analogue’ chip for deep learning on IOT
  • Toshiba Advances Deep Learning with Extremely Low Power Neuromorphic Processor
  • Robots helped inspire deep learning might become
  • Deep Learning Solution Architect
  • Creation of a deep learning module in a healthcare text analytics platform / Internships / About …
  • Deep Learning for Text
  • Get the Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence Introductory Bundle for 91% Off
  • Deep Learning Automates the Quantitative Analysis of Individual Cells in Live-Cell Imaging …
  • Deep Learning + Cultural Fit = Relevance
  • How Deep Learning Is Helping Save Endangered Zebras
  • This Chemist AI Will Invent New Drugs With Deep Learning
  • The Deep Learning & AI Introductory Bundle will teach you the secrets behind today’s tech marvels …
  • Amir Farbin, “Deep Learning in High Energy Physics”
  • Accelerating Deep Learning and Machine Learning with Intel Libraries
  • GeekDad Daily Deal: The Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence Introductory Bundle
  • Test Drive, community forum and deep learning toolkit added to Data Science Virtual Machine

Deep Learning

  • RNA-protein binding motifs mining with a new hybrid deep learning based cross-domain …
  • Deal: Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence Bundle for $39 – 11/3/16
  • Deep Learning in Aerial Systems Using Jetson
  • Deep learning algorithms improve tumour detection in medical images
  • bots, ai and deep learning – pitch it up
  • Study Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence online now
  • Practical Deep Learning in Theano and TensorFlow
  • Google Explains Machine Learning And Deep Learning; Plus: Short Takes From Educause 2016
  • Researcher/Software Developer, Deep Learning
  • Digital Offer: Get a Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence introductory bundle for only $39
  • Research Associate* in Deep Learning Video Analytics (52688)
  • Using deep learning to update the drug discovery paradigm: an interview with Professor Jackie …
  • The Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence Introductory Bundle, Save 91%
  • Deep Learning Algorithm Can Now Judge You by Your Face
  • PhD student ‘Deep learning for oncologic imaging
  • Deep learning machine vision system aids blind and visually impaired
  • Deal: Deep learning and artificial intelligence course bundle – 91% off
  • DataRobot Adds Deep Learning and New Techniques to Extract Insights from Advanced Models
  • Deep learning: What businesses need to know
  • The Deep Learning & Artificial Intelligence Introductory Bundle
  • MIT Nightmare Machine uses deep learning AI to create horror
  • Databricks Spark Platform Gets Deep Learning Boost
  • Facilitating deep learning techniques with HPEC
  • Saving Babies’ Lives With Deep Learning
  • Similar Stories
  • Deep Learning Research Review: Generative Adversarial Nets
  • Deep learning systems to explain their decisions
  • Databricks enters deep learning market
  • Investigation on handling Structured & Imbalanced Datasets with Deep Learning
  • Deep learning algorithm’s learn how to frighten us


This 100 item list represents a search of github for “deep-learning”, Apr 2015.  As of 2015, this is the most popular webpage on the website.


  • .. ( + = Windows) .. {related:}
  • .. speed makes Caffe perfect for industry use .. {related:}
  • .. GPU-accelerated library of primitives for deep neural networks .. {related:}
  • .. create deep architectures in the R programming language {related:}
  • .. commercial-grade deep-learning library written in Java .. {related:}
  • .. Theano-based Deep Learning library {related:}
  • .. supports GPU based model training and automatic code optimization in Python .. {related:}
  • .. an open source parallel processing engine for machine learning {related:}


  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning (2014)

See also:

100 Best Deep Belief Network Videos | 100 Best Deep Learning Videos | 100 Best DeepMind Videos | 100 Best MATLAB Videos | Deep Belief Network & Dialog Systems | Deep Learning & Dialog Systems 2014 | Deep Reasoning Systems | DeepDive | DNLP (Deep Natural Language Processing) | MATLAB & Dialog Systems 2011 | MATLAB & Dialog Systems 2012 | MATLAB & Dialog Systems 2013 | MATLAB & Dialog Systems 2014 | Skipgram & Deep Learning 2014 | Word2vec Neural Network

“deep-learning” [100x Apr 2015]

  • yusugomori/DeepLearning .. Deep Learning (Python, C/C++, Java, Scala, Go)
  • lisa-lab/DeepLearningTutorials .. Deep Learning Tutorial notes and code. See the wiki for more info.
  • qiuwch/DeepLearning .. Deep learning code by Hinton
  • mnielsen/neural-networks-and-deep-learning .. Code samples for my book “Neural Networks and Deep Learning”
  • ChristosChristofidis/awesome-deep-learning .. A curated list of awesome Deep Learning tutorials, projects and communities.
  • wendykan/DeepLearningMovies .. Kaggle’s competition for using Google’s word2vec package for sentiment analysis
  • jaberg/DeepLearningBenchmarks ..
  • memkite/DeepLearningBibliography .. Bibliography for Publications about Deep Learning using GPU
  • BVLC/caffe .. Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
  • nitishsrivastava/deepnet .. Implementation of some deep learning algorithms.
  • andersbll/deeppy .. Deep learning in Python
  • dmlc/cxxnet .. fast, concise, distributed deep learning framework
  • NVIDIA/DIGITS .. Deep Learning GPU Training System
  • dcatcher9/DeepLearning .. Simple and Cutting-edge Deep Learning Library accelerated with GPU using C++ AMP
  • Syndrome777/DeepLearningTutorial .. Deep learning tutorial in Chinese/?????????
  • vishwa-raman/DeepLearning .. Code to build MLP models for outdoor head orientation tracking
  • gonzojive/deep-learning .. Deep learning algorithms: A sparse autoencoder (and someday more algorithms), implemented in Common Lisp.
  • greeness/deep-learning .. Collection of deep learning resources.
  • hannes-brt/hebel .. GPU-Accelerated Deep Learning Library in Python
  • zygmuntz/kaggle-blackbox .. Deep learning made easy
  • deeplearning4j/deeplearning4j .. Deep Learning for Java, Scala & Clojure on Hadoop & Spark
  • ty4z2008/Qix .. Node.Js?Golang?Machine Learning?PostgreSQL?Deep Learning
  • fchollet/keras .. Theano-based Deep Learning library
  • ahelou2/deep-learning-scene-recognition .. Using convolutional deep belief nets to learn natural scene representations
  • songjmcn/deep_learning .. ????
  • dusano/DeepLearning .. Python implementation of UFLDL tutorial code
  • zewemli/DeepLearning .. An OpenCL implementation of Deep Belief Networks and Restricted Boltzmann Machines
  • nyanp/tiny-cnn .. deep learning(convolutional neural networks) in C++11/TBB
  • bashrc/libdeep .. A deep learning library for C/C++
  • phanein/deepwalk .. DeepWalk – Deep Learning for Graphs
  • amaas/stanford_dl_ex .. Programming exercises for the Stanford Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial
  • ivan-vasilev/neuralnetworks .. java deep learning algorithms and deep neural networks with gpu acceleration
  • guoding83128/OpenDL .. The Deep Learning training framework on Spark
  • karpathy/convnetjs .. Deep Learning in Javascript. Train Convolutional Neural Networks (or ordinary ones) in your browser.
  • jatinshah/ufldl_tutorial .. Stanford Unsupervised Feature Learning and Deep Learning Tutorial
  • bashrc/libdeep .. A deep learning library for C/C++
  • nyanp/tiny-cnn .. deep learning(convolutional neural networks) in C++11/TBB
  • phanein/deepwalk .. DeepWalk – Deep Learning for Graphs
  • RichardKelley/deep-learning .. Repo for my intro course on Deep Learning
  • ylecun/deep-learning-course .. Examples and exercises in Torch for the Deep Learning course at NYU
  • vkaynig/ComputeFest2015_DeepLearning ..
  • rasmusbergpalm/DeepLearnToolbox .. Matlab/Octave toolbox for deep learning. Includes Deep Belief Nets, Stacked Autoencoders, Convolutional Neural Nets, Convolutional Autoencoders and vanilla Neural Nets. Each method has examples to get you started.
  • zellyn/deeplearning-class-2011 .. Code for Deep Learning class at Google
  • nusinga/singa .. distributed deep learning training system
  • jdeng/rbm-mnist .. C++ 11 implementation of Geoff Hinton’s Deep Learning matlab code
  • dirkneumann/deepdist .. Lightning-Fast Deep Learning on Spark
  • einsnull/DeepLearningToolBox ..
  • priyaank/deep-learning .. Deep Learning Reading List of some of the materials i found on the web for Deep Learning beginners.
  • xrobin/DeepLearning .. R package for deep learning
  • JimmyLin192/DeepLearning .. Github repository for group study towards Deep learning
  • colah/Visualizing-Deep-Learning .. A series of blog posts on visualizing deep learning.
  • TorontoDeepLearning/ .. Webpage for Toronto Deep Learning Code
  • chonglinsun/DeepLearning .. Stanford Deep Learning
  • SnippyHolloW/DL4H .. Deep learning for hackers: a hands-on approach to machine learning and deep learning.
  • erikbern/deep-pink .. Deep Pink is a chess AI that learns to play chess using deep learning.
  • tariqdaouda/Mariana .. The cutest Deep Learning Framework ever
  • Lewuathe/n42 .. Deep learning module for nodejs
  • BVLC/caffe-tutorial .. DIY Deep Learning for Vision: a Hands-On Tutorial with Caffe
  • nicholas-leonard/dp .. A deep learning library for streamlining research and development using the Torch7 distribution.
  • lucktroy/regression-deep-learning .. Deep learning for regression
  • kahitomi/Deep-Learning .. It is for my MSc final project
  • baojie/senna .. a fork of Ronan Collobert’s senna deep learning based NLP tools
  • pannous/caffe-speech-recognition .. Speech Recognition with the Caffe deep learning framework
  • deeplearningparis/dl-machine .. Scripts to setup a GPU / CUDA-enabled compute server with libraries for deep learning
  • howarth/DeepLearnLab .. Deep Learning in Matlab
  • pannous/caffe-ocr .. OCR with caffe deep learning framework
  • jcjohnson/DeepLearningTheory ..
  • primaryobjects/deep-learning .. Simple example of using the Accord .NET C# library to implement a deep-learning neural network (deep belief network) with machine learning. Solves XOR and an ASCII digit dataset.
  • justanotherbrain/deep-learning .. Deep Learning with Yann LeCun
  • DrkSephy/Deep-Learning .. A collection of Deep Learning Algorithms
  • mhlee1116/DeepLearningDropout .. MATLAB implementation of Deep Learning with dropout
  • taranai/DeepLearning ..
  • JoseLlarena/Deep-Learning-NER .. Re-Implementation of named entitiy recognition using deep neural networks.
  • roles/deep_learning ..
  • terrychenism/Deep_Learning_UFLDL .. The practice of Deep Learning
  • jasonustc/DeepLearning ..
  • carpedm20/neural-networks-and-deep-learning-ko .. Translation of Neural Networks and Deep Learning by Michael Nielsen
  • solrac-ceam/DIP_DeepLearning ..
  • yifeng-li/deep_learning .. Deep Learning Package in Python Based on The Deep Learning Tutorials and Theano
  • zhushun0008/deepLearningExerciseOfStanfordOnline .. This project includes how to implement sparse autoEncoder, Vectorization, and so on.
  • poweltalwar/DeepLearning .. a repo for my project
  • uchicago-cs/deepdish .. Deep learning experiments at the University of Chicago
  • wichtounet/dll .. Deep Learning Library (DLL) for C++
  • cran/deepnet .. deep learning toolkit in R
  • yajiemiao/pdnn .. PDNN: A Python Toolkit for Deep Learning.
  • tleyden/elastic-thought .. Scalable REST API for the Caffe deep learning framework
  • phvu/deeplearn .. Deep Learning in C++
  • mihaelacr/pydeeplearn .. Deep learning API with emotion recognition application
  • ccorcos/deep-learning .. Some deep learning models and experiments built with Theano.
  • revantkumar/Deep-Learning .. Solutions to Assignments of Deep Learning Class (CS-8803DL at Gatech)
  • YabinHu/OclDeepLearning .. A deep learning implementation with OpenCL
  • jhoward/deep_learning .. Stanford deep learning tutorial
  • romaindeveaud/deep-learning-nlp ..
  • manojstonybrook/Deep_Learning ..
  • ajtulloch/DeepLearning.jl ..
  • wendykan/AWSGPU_DeepLearning .. Code to setup AWS GPU instance to run Daniel Nouri’s Facial Keypoints competition
  • cdathuraliya/deep-learning ..
  • alexanderrich/DeepLearning .. projects for deep learning class
  • Leonardo-mbc/deep-learning .. ?????????????????
YUXingrui/Deep-Learning .. Deep Learning ??????
