1.Title |
Meta-Q-Learning |
Author | Rasool Fakoor, Pratik Chaudhari, Stefano Soatto, Alexander J. Smola |
Highlight | MQL is a simple off-policy meta-RL algorithm that recycles data from the meta-training replay buffer to adapt to new tasks |
2.Title |
Learning to Balance: Bayesian Meta-Learning for Imbalanced and Out-of-distribution Tasks |
Author | Donghyun Na, Hae Beom Lee, Hayeon Lee, Saehoon Kim, Minseop Park, Eunho Yang, Sung Ju Hwang |
Highlight | A novel meta-learning model that adaptively balances the effect of the meta-learning and task-specific learning, and also class-specific learning within each task. |
3.Title |
Meta-Learning with Warped Gradient Descent |
Author | Sebastian Flennerhag, Andrei A. Rusu, Razvan Pascanu, Francesco Visin, Hujun Yin, Raia Hadsell |
Highlight | We propose a novel framework for meta-learning a gradient-based update rule that scales to beyond few-shot learning and is applicable to any form of learning, including continual learning. |
4.Title |
Meta-Learning without Memorization |
Author | Mingzhang Yin, George Tucker, Mingyuan Zhou, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn |
Highlight | We identify and formalize the memorization problem in meta-learning and solve this problem with novel metaregularization method, which greatly expand the domain that meta-learning can be applicable to and effective on. |
5.Title |
Meta-Learning Acquisition Functions for Transfer Learning in Bayesian Optimization |
Author | Michael Volpp, Lukas Froehlich, Kirsten Fischer, Andreas Doerr, Stefan Falkner, Frank Hutter, Christian Daniel |
Highlight | We perform efficient and flexible transfer learning in the framework of Bayesian optimization through metalearned neural acquisition functions. |
6.Title |
Improving Generalization in Meta Reinforcement Learning using Neural Objectives |
Author | Louis Kirsch, Sjoerd van Steenkiste, Juergen Schmidhuber |
Highlight | We introduce MetaGenRL, a novel meta reinforcement learning algorithm. Unlike prior work, MetaGenRL can generalize to new environments that are entirely different from those used for meta-training |
7.Title |
Automated Relational Meta-learning |
Author | Huaxiu Yao, Xian Wu, Zhiqiang Tao, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Zhenhui Li |
Highlight | Addressing task heterogeneity problem in meta-learning by introducing meta-knowledge graph |
8.Title |
ES-MAML: Simple Hessian-Free Meta Learning |
Author | Xingyou Song, Wenbo Gao, Yuxiang Yang, Krzysztof Choromanski, Aldo Pacchiano, Yunhao Tang |
Highlight | We provide a new framework for MAML in the ES/blackbox setting, and show that it allows deterministic and linear policies, better exploration, and non-differentiable adaptation operators |
9.Title |
Watch, Try, Learn: Meta-Learning from Demonstrations and Rewards |
Author | Allan Zhou, Eric Jang, Daniel Kappler, Alex Herzog, Mohi Khansari, Paul Wohlhart, Yunfei Bai, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Sergey Levine, Chelsea Finn |
Highlight | We introduce the 2-simplicial Transformer and show that this architecture is a useful inductive bias for logical reasoning in the context of deep reinforcement learning. |
10.Title |
Few-shot Text Classification with Distributional Signatures |
Author | Yujia Bao, Menghua Wu, Shiyu Chang, Regina Barzilay |
Highlight | Meta-learning methods used for vision, directly applied to NLP, perform worse than nearest neighbors on new classes; we can do better with distributional signatures. |
11.Title |
A Theoretical Analysis of the Number of Shots in Few-Shot Learning |
Author | Tianshi Cao, Marc T Law, Sanja Fidler |
Highlight | The paper analyzes the effect of shot number on prototypical networks and proposes a robust method when the shot number differs from meta-training to meta-testing time. |
12.Title |
Rapid Learning or Feature Reuse? Towards Understanding the Effectiveness of MAML |
Author | Aniruddh Raghu, Maithra Raghu, Samy Bengio, Oriol Vinyals |
Highlight | The success of MAML relies on feature reuse from the meta-initialization, which also yields a natural simplification of the algorithm, with the inner loop removed for the network body, as well as other insights on the head and body. |
13.Title |
Differentially Private Meta-Learning |
Author | Jeffrey Li, Mikhail Khodak, Sebastian Caldas, Ameet Talwalkar |
Highlight | A novel approach using mode connectivity in loss landscapes to mitigate adversarial effects, repair tampered models and evaluate adversarial robustness |
14.Title |
MetaPix: Few-Shot Video Retargeting |
Author | Jessica Lee, Deva Ramanan, Rohit Girdhar |
Highlight | Video retargeting typically requires large amount of target data to be effective, which may not always be available; we propose a metalearning approach that improves over popular baselines while producing temporally coherent frames. |
15.Title |
Towards Fast Adaptation of Neural Architectures with Meta Learning |
Author | Dongze Lian, Yin Zheng, Yintao Xu, Yanxiong Lu, Leyu Lin, Peilin Zhao, Junzhou Huang, Shenghua Gao |
Highlight | A novel Bayesian deep learning framework that captures and relates hierarchical semantic and visual concepts, performing well on a variety of image and text modeling and generation tasks. |
16.Title |
Bayesian Meta Sampling for Fast Uncertainty Adaptation |
Author | Zhenyi Wang, Yang Zhao, Ping Yu, Ruiyi Zhang, Changyou Chen |
Highlight | We proposed a Bayesian meta sampling method for adapting the model uncertainty in meta learning |
17.Title |
Meta-Learning Deep Energy-Based Memory Models |
Author | Sergey Bartunov, Jack Rae, Simon Osindero, Timothy Lillicrap |
Highlight | Deep associative memory models using arbitrary neural networks as a storage. |
18.Title |
Meta-learning curiosity algorithms |
Author | Ferran Alet*, Martin F. Schneider*, Tomas Lozano-Perez, Leslie Pack Kaelbling |
Highlight | Meta-learning curiosity algorithms by searching through a rich space of programs yields novel mechanisms that generalize across very different reinforcement-learning domains |
19.Title |
VariBAD: A Very Good Method for Bayes-Adaptive Deep RL via Meta-Learning |
Author | Luisa Zintgraf, Kyriacos Shiarlis, Maximilian Igl, Sebastian Schulze, Yarin Gal, Katja Hofmann, Shimon Whiteson |
Highlight | VariBAD opens a path to tractable approximate Bayes-optimal exploration for deep RL using ideas from metalearning, Bayesian RL, and approximate variational inference. |
20.Title |
Empirical Bayes Transductive Meta-Learning with Synthetic Gradients |
Author | Xu Hu, Pablo Moreno, Yang Xiao, Xi Shen, Guillaume Obozinski, Neil Lawrence |
Highlight | We present a learning rule for feedback weights in a spiking neural network that addresses the weight transport problem. |
21.Title |
Meta Reinforcement Learning with Autonomous Inference of Subtask Dependencies |
Author | Sungryull Sohn, Hyunjae Woo, Jongwook Choi, Honglak Lee |
Highlight | A novel meta-RL method that infers latent subtask structure |
22.Title |
A Meta-Transfer Objective for Learning to Disentangle Causal Mechanisms |
Author | Yoshua Bengio, Tristan Deleu, Nasim Rahaman, Nan Rosemary Ke, Sebastien Lachapelle, Olexa Bilaniuk, Anirudh Goyal, Christopher Pal |
Highlight | This paper proposes a meta-learning objective based on speed of adaptation to transfer distributions to discover a modular decomposition and causal variables. |
这些论文里还能看到MAML的影子,不得不说Chelsea Finn是真的厉害。。。