this.snapToPixel = true;
this.sourceRect = new createjs.Rectangle(0,0,this.image.width,this.image.height);
p.draw = function(ctx, ignoreCache) {
if (this.DisplayObject_draw(ctx, ignoreCache)) { return true; }
var centerX = this.scale9Grid.width;
var centerY = this.scale9Grid.height;
if(centerX == 0) //vertical
if(centerY == 0)
throw "One of scale9Grid width or height must be greater than zero.";
var imageWidth = this.sourceRect.width;
var scale3Region1 = this.sourceRect.y + this.scale9Grid.y;
var scale3Region3 = this.sourceRect.y + this.scale9Grid.y + this.scale9Grid.height;
var scaledFirstRegion = this.scale9Grid.y;
var scaledThirdRegion = this.sourceRect.height - this.scale9Grid.y - this.scale9Grid.height;
var scaledSecondRegion = this.drawHeight - scaledFirstRegion - scaledThirdRegion;
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x, this.sourceRect.y, imageWidth, scaledFirstRegion, 0, 0, this.drawWidth, scaledFirstRegion);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x, scale3Region1, imageWidth, centerY, 0, scaledFirstRegion, this.drawWidth, scaledSecondRegion);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x, scale3Region3 + centerY, imageWidth, scaledThirdRegion, 0, scaledFirstRegion + scaledSecondRegion, this.drawWidth, scaledThirdRegion);
else if(centerY == 0) //horizontal
var imageHeight = this.sourceRect.height;
scale3Region1 = this.sourceRect.x + this.scale9Grid.x;
scale3Region3 = this.sourceRect.x + this.scale9Grid.x + this.scale9Grid.width;
scaledFirstRegion = this.scale9Grid.x;
scaledThirdRegion = this.sourceRect.width - this.scale9Grid.x - this.scale9Grid.width;
scaledSecondRegion = this.drawWidth - scaledFirstRegion - scaledThirdRegion;
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x, this.sourceRect.y, scaledFirstRegion, imageHeight, 0, 0, scaledFirstRegion, this.drawHeight);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, scale3Region1, this.sourceRect.y, centerX, imageHeight, scaledFirstRegion, 0, scaledSecondRegion, this.drawHeight);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, scale3Region3, this.sourceRect.y, scaledThirdRegion, imageHeight, scaledFirstRegion + scaledSecondRegion, 0, scaledThirdRegion, this.drawHeight);
var left = this.scale9Grid.x;
var top = this.scale9Grid.y;
var right = this.sourceRect.width - centerX - left;
var bottom = this.sourceRect.height - centerY - top;
var scaledCenterX = this.drawWidth - left - right;
var scaledCenterY = this.drawHeight - top - bottom;
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x, this.sourceRect.y, left, top, 0, 0, left, top);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x + left, this.sourceRect.y, centerX, top, left, 0, scaledCenterX, top);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x + left + centerX, this.sourceRect.y, right, top, left + scaledCenterX, 0, right, top);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x, this.sourceRect.y + top, left, centerY, 0, top, left, scaledCenterY);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x + left, this.sourceRect.y + top, centerX, centerY, left, top, scaledCenterX, scaledCenterY);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x + left + centerX, this.sourceRect.y + top, right, centerY, left + scaledCenterX, top, right, scaledCenterY);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x, this.sourceRect.y + top + centerY, left, bottom, 0, top + scaledCenterY, left, bottom);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x + left, this.sourceRect.y + top + centerY, centerX, bottom, left, top + scaledCenterY, scaledCenterX, bottom);
ctx.drawImage(this.image, this.sourceRect.x + left + centerX, this.sourceRect.y + top + centerY, right, bottom, left + scaledCenterX, top + scaledCenterY, right, bottom);
var sb = new createjs.ScaleBitmap(imagePathOrSrc, new createjs.Rectangle(10,10,80,80));
sb.sourceRect = new createjs.Rectangle(x,y,w,h);//这里加入了对sourceRect 的支持