



作者提出一个问题:学生问卷是否是可靠的测量方式?虽然提出的“参考偏差”没有直接证据,但是,如果是存在“参考偏差”,就会改变学生的习惯,就会使得常模会发生变化,(The challenges posed by ref-erence bias may grow more severe over time to
the extent that schools work explicitly to change students’ habits and thereby alter their normative standards.)

Promise and Paradox: Measuring Students’ Non-Cognitive Skills and the Impact of Schooling

We used self-report surveys to gather information on a broad set of non-cognitive skills from 1,368 eighth graders. At the student level, scales measuring conscientiousness, self-control, grit, and growth mindset are positively correlated with attendance, behavior, and test-score gains between fourth grade and eighth grade.Conscientiousness, self-control, and grit are unrelated to test-score
gains at the school level, however, and students attending over-subscribed charter schools score lower on these scales than do students attending district schools. Exploiting admissions lotteries, we find positive impacts of charter school attendance on achievement and attendance but negative impacts on these non-cognitive skills. We provide suggestive evidence that these paradoxical results are driven by reference bias or the tendency for survey responses to be influenced by social context.

Keywords: non-cognitive skills, accountability, education policy, education reform, reference bias,
charter schools
