android8.0 修改appliciatonId后,应用起不来

最近在新项目中,由于要换下applicationId,结果发现修改后,应用一直起不来,也没错误日志。谷歌半天也没有相似问题,后来看到下面这个提示后,尝试按照此法试下,将将包名作为prefix 可行,记录一下

Note: The application ID used to be directly tied to your code's package name; so some Android APIs use the term "package name" in their method names and parameter names, but this is actually your application ID. For example, the Context.getPackageName() method returns your application ID. There's no need to ever share your code's true package name outside your app code.

Caution: If you are using WebView, consider using your package name as a prefix in your application ID; otherwise you might encounter problems as described in issue 211768.

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