PostgreSQL可以用Python psycopg2模块集成。 sycopg2是Python编程语言的PostgreSQL数据库的适配器。 其程序代码少,速度快,稳定。不需要单独安装这个模块,因为它默认情况下被运往随着Python版本在2.5.x一起的。如果不把它安装在机器上,然后可以使用yum命令安装它,如下所示
sudo aptitude install python-psycopg2
以下是psycopg2的重要的的模块例程可以满足Python程序与PostgreSQL数据库的工作。如果寻找一个更复杂的应用程序,那么可以看看Python psycopg2的模块的官方文档
S.N. | API & 描述 |
1 | psycopg2.connect(database="testdb", user="postgres", password="cohondob", host="", port="5432") 这个API打开一个连接到PostgreSQL数据库。如果成功打开数据库时,它返回一个连接对象。 www.yiibai.com |
2 | connection.cursor() 该程序创建一个光标将用于整个数据库使用Python编程。 yiibai.com |
3 | cursor.execute(sql [, optional parameters]) 此例程执行SQL语句。可被参数化的SQL语句(即占位符,而不是SQL文字)。 psycopg2的模块支持占位符用%s标志 yiibai.com 例如:cursor.execute("insert into people values (%s, %s)", (who, age))
4 | curosr.executemany(sql, seq_of_parameters) 该程序执行SQL命令对所有参数序列或序列中的sql映射。 www.yiibai.com |
5 | curosr.callproc(procname[, parameters]) 这个程序执行的存储数据库程序给定的名称。该程序预计为每一个参数,参数的顺序必须包含一个条目。
6 | cursor.rowcount 这个只读属性,它返回数据库中的行的总数已修改,插入或删除最后 execute*().
7 | connection.commit() 此方法提交当前事务。如果不调用这个方法,无论做了什么修改,自从上次调用commit()是不可见的,从其他的数据库连接。
8 | connection.rollback() 此方法会回滚任何更改数据库自上次调用commit()方法。
9 | connection.close() 此方法关闭数据库连接。请注意,这并不自动调用commit()。如果你只是关闭数据库连接而不调用commit()方法首先,那么所有更改将会丢失!www.yiibai.com |
10 | cursor.fetchone() 这种方法提取的查询结果集的下一行,返回一个序列,或者无当没有更多的数据是可用的。
11 | cursor.fetchmany([size=cursor.arraysize]) 这个例程中取出下一个组的查询结果的行数,返回一个列表。当没有找到记录,返回空列表。该方法试图获取尽可能多的行所显示的大小参数。
12 | cursor.fetchall() 这个例程获取所有查询结果(剩余)行,返回一个列表。空行时则返回空列表。www.yiibai.com |
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect(database="postgres",user="postgres")
print "Open database successfuly"
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("drop table class")
cur.execute(''' create table class(
id int primary key not null,
name text not null,
age int not null,
address char(50) ); ''')
print "table create successfully"
cur.execute("insert into class (id,name,age,address) values (1,'li',18,'china')")
cur.execute("insert into class (id,name,age,address) values (2,'liu',18,'china')")
cur.execute("insert into class (id,name,age,address) values (3,'ss',21,'china')")
print "records create successfully"
cur.execute("select * from class")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print "id = ", row[0]
print "name = ", row[1]
print "age = ", row[2]
print "address = ", row[3]
print "Operation done successfully"
cur.execute("update class set age = 25 where id=1")
print "Total number of rows updated :", cur.rowcount
cur.execute("select id, name, age, address from class")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print "id = ", row[0]
print "name = ", row[1]
print "age = ", row[2]
:print "address = ", row[3], "\n"
print "Operation done successfully";
cur.execute("delete from class where id=2;")
print "Total number of rows deleted :", cur.rowcount
cur.execute("select id, name, age, address from class")
rows = cur.fetchall()
for row in rows:
print "id = ", row[0]
print "name = ", row[1]
print "age = ", row[2]
print "address = ", row[3], "\n"
print "Operation done successfully";
sil4@debian:~$ python conn_postgresql.py
Open database successfuly
table create successfully
records create successfully
id = 1
name = li
age = 18
address = china
id = 2
name = liu
age = 18
address = china
id = 3
name = ss
age = 21
address = china
Operation done successfully
Total number of rows updated : 1
id = 2
name = liu
age = 18
address = china
id = 3
name = ss
age = 21
address = china
id = 1
name = li
age = 25
address = china
Operation done successfully
Total number of rows deleted : 1
id = 3
name = ss
age = 21
address = china
id = 1
name = li
age = 25
address = china
Operation done successfully