systemd-udevd mount 无法正常工作

systemd 下设定udev 自动挂载 分区, 结果发现挂载成功,但一直看不到挂载的分区?

This is a systemd feature. The original udev command has been replaced by systemd-udevd (see its man page). One of the differences is that it creates its own filesystem namespace, so your mount is done, but it is not visible in the principle namespace. (You can check this by doing systemctl status systemd-udevd to get the Main PID of the service, then looking through the contents of /proc//mountinfo for your filesystem).

If you want to go back to having a shared instead of private filesystem namespace, then create a file /etc/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service with contents

.include /usr/lib/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service


or a new directory and file /etc/systemd/system/systemd-udevd.service.d/myoverride.conf with just the last 2 lines, i.e.


and restart the systemd-udevd service. I haven't found the implications of doing this.
