Description: multiple columns. For a subscriber, this field cannot appear concurrently with PDPCID.
Column 1: PdpId, a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
1–50. Mandatory parameter
Column 2: Organize, a string, with a single value. Value range:
240–241. Mandatory parameter
240: ETSI address
241: ITEFaddress
Column 3: PDPaddress type, a numerical string, with a single value, mandatory. Value range:
When the value of Organize is 240, the values 00, 01 and 02 represent the following meanings:
00: dynamic x.121 address
01: ppp dynamic address
02: OSP IHOSS address
When the value of Organize is 241, the values 33 and 87 represent the following meanings
33: dynamic IPV4 address
87: dynamic IPV6 address
141: dynamic IPV4IPV6 address
Column 4: whether the address is a dynamic address, a numerical string, with a single value, mandatory. Value range: 0, 1
0: static address
1: dynamic address
Column 5: Pdpaddress, a string, with a single value. Value range: a string consisting of 32 digits, optional. Default value: NONE
Column 6: a parameter of the delay type, a numerical string consisting of 1 digit, with a single value, optional. Value range: 0–4
0: default
1: Delay_Clas_1
2: Delay_Clas_2
3: Delay_Clas_3
4: Delay_Clas_4
Column 7: reliability parameter, a numerical string consisting of 1 digit, with a single value, optional. Value range: 0–5
0: default
1: Acknowledged GTP, LLC, and RLC Protected data
2: Unacknowledged GTP Acknowledged LLC and RLC, Protected data
3: Unacknowledged GTP and LLC Acknowledged RLC, Protected data
4: Unacknowledged GTP, LLC, and RLC, Protected data
5: Unacknowledged GTP, LLC, and RLC, Unprotected data
Column 8: peak throughput, a numerical string consisting of 1 digit, with a single value. Value range: 0–9
0: default
1: Up to 1000 octet/s
2: Up to 2000 octet/s
3: Up to 4000 octet/s
4: Up to 8000 octet/s
5: Up to 16000 octet/s
6: Up to 32000 octet/s
7: Up to 64000 octet/s
8: Up to 128000 octet/s
9: Up to 256000 octet/s
Column 9: average throughput, a numerical string consisting of 1–2 digits, with a single value, optional. Value range: 0–31
0: default
1: 100 octet/s
2: 200 octet/s
3: 500 octet/s
4: 1000 octet/s
5: 2000 octet/s
6: 5000 octet/s
7: 10000 octet/s
8: 20000 octet/s
9: 50000 octet/s
10: 100000 octet/s
11: 200000 octet/s
12: 500000 octet/s
13: 1000000 octet/s
14: 2000000 octet/s
15: 5000000 octet/s
16: 10000000 octet/s
17: 20000000 octet/s
18: 50000000 octet/s
31: Best Effort
Column 10: precedence class, a numerical string consisting of 1 digit, with a single value, optional. Value range: 0–3
0: default
1: High Priority
2: Normal Priority
3: Low Priority
Column 11: accessibility to PLMN, a numerical string consisting of 1 digit, optional. Value range: 0–1
0: only accessible APN of HPLMN
1: accessible to APN of VPLMN
Column 12: APN site, a string consisting of 63 digits, with a single value, optional. Default value: NONE
Column 13: AR: AR priority: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
1: High Priority
2: Normal Priority
3: Low Priority
Default value: NONE
Column 14: TC: Traffic Class: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range
0: Reserved
1: Conversational class
2: Streaming class
3: Interactive class
4: Background class
Default value: NONE
Column 15: DO: Delivery order: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
0: Reserved
1: With delivery order ('yes')
2: Without delivery order ('no')
Default value: NONE
Column 16: ErrSdu: Delivery of erroneous SDUs: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
0: Reserved
1: No detect ('–')
2: Erroneous SDUs are delivered ('yes')
3: Erroneous SDUs are not delivered ('no')
Default value: NONE
Column 17: MSS: Maximum SDU size: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range
0: Reserved
1–150:10–1500 octets, using a granularity of 10 octets
151: 1502 octets
152: 1510 octets
153: 1520 octets
Default value: NONE
Column 18: MaxUp: Maximum bit rate for uplink: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range: 0–254
0: Reserved
1–63: n = rate
64–127: n = (rate–64)/8+64, (rate: 64–568)
128–254: n = (rate–576)/64+128, (rate: 576–8640)
Default value: NONE
Column 19: MaxDown: Maximum bit rate for downlink: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range: 0–254
0: Reserved
1–63: n = rate
64–127: n = (rate–64)/8+64, (rate: 64–568)
128–254: n = (rate–576)/64+128, (rate: 576–8640)
Default value: NONE
Column 20: RBER: Residual Bit Error Rate: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
0: Reserved
Default value: NONE
Column 21: SduER: SDU error ratio: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
0: Reserved
1: 1*10E–2
2: 7*10E–3
3: 1*10E–3
4: 1*10E–4
5: 1*10E–5
6: 1*10E–6
7: 1*10E–1
Default value: NONE
Column 22: TD: Transfer delay: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
0: Reserved
1–15:10ms–150ms, in 10 ms increments
16–31:200ms–950ms, in 50 ms increments
32–62:1000ms–4100ms, in 100 ms increments
Default value: NONE
Column 23: TP: Traffic handling priority: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
0: Reserved
1: Priority level 1
2: Priority level 2
3: Priority level 3
Default value: NONE
Column 24: GMaxUp: Guaranteed bit rate for uplink: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range: 0–254
0: Reserved
1–63: n = rate
64–127: n = (rate–64)/8+64, (rate: 64–568)
128–254: n = (rate–576)/64+128, (rate: 576–8640)
Default value: NONE
Column 25: GMaxDown: Guaranteed bit rate for downlink: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range: 0–254
0: Reserved
1–63: n=rate
64–127: n = (rate–64)/8+64, (rate: 64–568)
128–254: n = (rate–576)/64+128, (rate: 576–8640)
Default value: NONE
Column 26: : PDP context charging characteristics: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
0: None charging characteristics
1: Hot billing
2: Flat rate
4: Prepaid service
8: Normal billing
Default value: NONE, indicating Normal billing
Column 27: : Maximum extended bit rate for downlink: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
8700k–16000k (with an interval of 100 kbit/s)
16M–128M (with an interval of 1 Mbit/s)
128M–256M (with an interval of 2 Mbit/s)
Default value: NOExtend
Column 28: : Maximum extended guaranteed bit rate for downlink: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
8700k–16000k (with an interval of 100 kbit/s)
16M–128M (with an interval of 1 Mbit/s)
128M–256M (with an interval of 2 Mbit/s)
Default value: NOExtend
Column 29: : Maximum extended bit rate for uplink: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
8700k–16000k (with an interval of 100 kbit/s)
16M–128M (with an interval of 1 Mbit/s)
128M–256M (with an interval of 2 Mbit/s)
Default value: NOExtend
Column 30: : Maximum extended guaranteed bit rate for uplink: a numerical string, with a single value. Value range:
8700k–16000k (with an interval of 100 kbit/s)
16M–128M (with an interval of 1 Mbit/s)
128M–256M (with an interval of 2 Mbit/s)
Default value: NOExtend
Column 31: : PDP address of IPV4, a string, with a single value and consisting of 8 digits.
Value range: ["0000"–"FFFF"]
Column 32: : standard charging characteristics, characters, with a single value, 4 hexadecimal digits.
Value range: ["0000"–"FFFF"]
Description: multiple columns Value range:
Column 1: context id. Value range: 1–50
Column 2: apntpl id. Value range: 0–65534
Column 3: qostpl id. Value range: 0–65534
Column 4: the part one of Address Type. Value: 240, 241
240: ETSI address
241: ITEF address
Column 5: the part two of Address Type. Value range: 33, 87, 0, 1, 2, 141
When the value of Organize is 240, the values 00, 01, and 02 represent the following meanings:
00: dynamic x.121 address
01: ppp dynamic address
02: OSP IHOSS address
When the value of Organize is 241, the values 33, 87, and141 represent the following meanings:
33: dynamic IPV4 address
87: dynamic IPV6 address
141: dynamic IPV4IPV6 address
3: dynamic IPV4_OR_IPV6 address
Column 6: PDP Address. Value: ip address or x.25 address format
Column 7: Whether to allow accessing the APN of the VPLMN. Value: 1, 0
Column 8: charging characteristics. Value range:
0: None charging characteristics
1: Hot billing
2: Flat rate
4: Prepaid service
8: Normal billing
Column 9: : PDP address of IPV4, a string, with a single value, consisting of 8 characters
Column 10: EPS_QOStempalte number. Value range: 0–65534
Column 11: default APN. Value: YES, NO
0: YES
1: NO
Column 12: *APN. Value: YES, NO
0: YES
1: NO
Column 13: APN type, with a single value. Value range: PS_APN, EPS_APN,
Column 14: standard charging characteristics, characters, with a single value,
4 hexadecimal digits. Value range: ["0000"–"FFFF"]
Description: in multiple lines and columns
Column 1: PROFILE_ID, a decimal number of 3 digits
Column 2: PDP context ID. Value range: 1–50
Column 3: PS APNQOS template ID. Value range: 0–65534
Column 4: HLR_INDEX, a single value. Value range: 0–255
Column 5: PDP other address. Value range: a string of 0 to 39 digits
Column 6: PDP other address indicator. Value:
STATIC: static address
DYNAMIC: dynamic address
Column 7: PDP IPV4 address. Value range: a string of 0 to 39 digits
Description: multiple columns
Column 1: PROFILE_ID, a decimal number of 3 digits
Column 2: PDN context ID. Value range: 1–50
Column 3: EPS APNQOS template ID. Value range: 0–65534
Column 4: HLR_INDEX, a single value. Value range: 0–255
Column 5: PDN other address. Value range: a string of 0 to 39 digits
Column 6: PDN other address indicator. Value:
STATIC: static address
DYNAMIC: dynamic address
Column 7: PDN IPV4 address. Value range: a string of 0 to 39 digits
Column 8: whether to be the default contextid. Value:
1: Yes
0: No
package gaodai.matrix;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scanner = new Sc
Asynchronous Http Client是android中非常好的异步请求工具
Persistent Cookie Storage with PersistentCookieStore
This library also includes a PersistentCookieStore whi
安装Apache问题:系统找不到指定的文件 No installed service named "Apache2"
2、把端口80改成其它 (譬如90,800,,,什么数字都好)
在运行处输入 cmd 回车,转到apa
var names = db.getCollectionNames();
for( var i in names ){
var name = names[i];
public ZooKeeper(String connectString, int sessionTimeout, Watcher watcher, long sessionId, byte[] sessionPasswd, boolea
grant select on armory.* to rn
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli')
die('This example should only be run from a Web Brows
1. I see. 我明白了。2. I quit! 我不干了!3. Let go! 放手!4. Me too. 我也是。5. My god! 天哪!6. No way! 不行!7. Come on. 来吧(赶快)8. Hold on. 等一等。9. I agree。 我同意。10. Not bad. 还不错。11. Not yet. 还没。12. See you. 再见。13. Shut up!
select * from account;
-- 创建一张账户表
create table account(
-- 账户ID
id number(3) not null,
-- 账户名称