ptypes boost stl ACE开源简介

    提高:STL Boost和STL ACE 
    Boost库是一个可移植、提供源代码的C++库,作为标准库的后备,是C++标准化进程的发动机之一。 Boost库由C++标准委员会库工作组成员发起,其中有些内容有望成为下一代C++标准库内容。在C++社区中影响甚大,是不折不扣的“准”标准库。Boost由于其对跨平台的强调,对标准C++的强调,与编写平台无关。大部分boost库功能的使用只需包括相应头文件即可,少数(如正则表达式库,文件系统库等)需要链接库。但Boost中也有很多是实验性质的东西,在实际的开发中实用需要谨慎。boost 在一些播放软件和音效中指增强,比如Bass Boost,低音增强。 
    Adaptive Communication Environment(自适配通信环境),简称ACE。为一个以C++的Template技术所做成的开放源代码的可跨平台的网络应用程序的程序库套件。它提供了socket/threading/memory management等多种系统调用的面对对象的wrapper,使C++通信软件开发更加简单。

下载了ptypes 。得知是类似于std的库。

PTypes (C++ Portable Types Library) is a simple alternative to the STL that includes multithreading and networking. It defines dynamic strings, variants, character sets, lists and other basic data types along with portable thread and synchronization objects, IP sockets and named pipes. Its main `target audience' is developers of complex network daemons, robots or non-visual client/server applications of any kind. 
  PTypes defines simple and intuitive interfaces and differs from the STL in fairly moderate use of templates. The library is portable across many modern operating systems (currently Linux, MacOS X, SunOS, FreeBSD, HP-UX and Windows). All platform-dependent issues are hidden inside. A simple web server called wshare is included in the package to demonstrate the full power of the library. 
  And finally, PTypes is open and free.


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