赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 047 Be Polite 要有礼貌

赖世雄美语从头学初级篇(上)Lesson 047 Be Polite 要有礼貌_第1张图片
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I. Reading 阅读

Everyone should be polite. Polite people show good manners. Moreover, they are popular. On the other hand, rude people are looked down upon. Rudeness shows poor education. Therefore, why not be polite? A simple “Please,” “Thank you,” or “You're welcome,” can make a big difference.


II. Vocabulary&Idioms 单词短语注解

  1. polite [pə'laɪt] a. 有礼貌的
    例: A gentleman is always polite.
  2. show [ʃo] vt. 展现
    例: Her poor test score showed that she didn't study.
  3. manners ['mænəz] n.风度,礼貌
    in a(n)...manner 以······的方式
    例: She spoke to us in an impolite manner.
    It is bad manners to point at people.
  4. moreover [mɔr'ovɚ] adv.并且,此外
  5. popular ['pɑpjəlɚ] a.受人欢迎的
    be popular with+众人 受到一群人的欢迎
    例: That teacher is very popular with her students.
  6. on the other hand 另一方面
    on (the) one hand... on the other (hand )
    一方面······ 另一方面
    例: On the one hand, it's fun to have a dog. On the other hand, it's a big responsibility.
  7. rude [rud] a. 粗鲁的,无礼的
    rudeness ['ru:dnis] n.粗鲁,无礼
    例: Don't interrupt; it is very rude.
  8. look down upon+人 轻视某人
    look up to+人 瞧得起/尊敬某人
    例: People look down upon Barry, because he is a thief.
    People look up to a good leader.
  9. poor [pʊər; pʊr] a.差劲的,不良的
    poor 亦可表示“可怜的”或“贫穷的”。本课中poor作“不良的”解。
  10. education [,ɛdʒu'keʃən] n.教育
    educate ['ɛdʒuket] vt. 教育
    例: Carl has a college education.
    Chris was educated in England.
  11. therefore ['ðɛrfɔr] adv. 因此
    例: We spent all our money; therefore, we had to go home.
  12. simple ['sɪmpl] a. 简单的
  13. make a big difference 产生很大的不同
    difference ['dɪfrəns] n. 差异, 不同
    例: Your help can make a big difference.

III. Grammar Points 语法重点


  1. On the other hand, rude people are looked down upon.
    本句中的"are looked down upon"(被轻视)乃短语动词"look down upon"的被动语态。
    a. “被动语态”均由及物动词形成,句型如下:
    例: They respect him.
    He is respected by them.
    The teacher punished the naughty boy.
    The naughty boy was punished by the teacher.
    b. 及物动词变成被动语态时,除非绝对必要,否则“by+宾语”往往省略。故以上两例均可写成:
    He is respected. (他受到尊敬。)
    The naughty boy was punished.
    c. 及物动词多是一个单词(如上例中的respect及punish),但有时亦由两个或三个单词所构成,此时就称为短语动词,它们共同的特征就是最后一个单词一定是介词。兹列举一些常用的短语动词如下:
    look at 凝视
    point at 指着
    rely on 依赖
    pay attention to 注意
    look down upon 轻视
    take care of 照顾,注意
    例: I cannot rely on him.
    Everyone looks down upon him.
    例: He cannot be relied. ( X )
    → He cannot be relied on. ( O )
    A liar is looked down. ( X )
    → A liar is looked down upon. ( O )
  2. Therefore, why not be polite?
    why或why not之后可直接用动词原形,形成简略的问句。
    a. Why+动词原形?
    =Why should I/we+动词原形?
    例: Why stay here?
    = Why should I/we stay here?
    Why be quiet?
    = Why should I/we be quiet?
    b. Why not+动词原形?
    =Why can't you/we+动词原形?
    例: Why not be quiet?
    =Why can't you/we be quiet?
    Why not stay here?
    =Why can't you/we stay here?

IV. Substitution 替换

  1. Rude people are looked down upon.
    The patient is well taken care of.
    Dishonest people can't be relied on.
  2. Why not be polite?
    Why not eat at his restaurant?
    Why get angry?


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