Android ftrace

ftrace README:

××××:/sys/kernel/debug/tracing # ls
README            buffer_size_kb       events      options        saved_cmdlines      set_event     trace_clock      trace_options   tracing_on     uprobe_profile 
available_events  buffer_total_size_kb free_buffer per_cpu        saved_cmdlines_size set_event_pid trace_marker     trace_pipe      tracing_thresh 
available_tracers current_tracer       instances   printk_formats saved_tgids         trace         trace_marker_raw tracing_cpumask uprobe_events 

××××:/sys/kernel/debug/tracing # cat README                                                                                                                                         
tracing mini-HOWTO:

# echo 0 > tracing_on : quick way to disable tracing
# echo 1 > tracing_on : quick way to re-enable tracing

 Important files:
  trace			- The static contents of the buffer
			  To clear the buffer write into this file: echo > trace
  trace_pipe		- A consuming read to see the contents of the buffer
  current_tracer	- function and latency tracers
  available_tracers	- list of configured tracers for current_tracer
  buffer_size_kb	- view and modify size of per cpu buffer
  buffer_total_size_kb  - view total size of all cpu buffers

  trace_clock		-change the clock used to order events
       local:   Per cpu clock but may not be synced across CPUs
      global:   Synced across CPUs but slows tracing down.
     counter:   Not a clock, but just an increment
      uptime:   Jiffy counter from time of boot
        perf:   Same clock that perf events use

  trace_marker		- Writes into this file writes into the kernel buffer

  trace_marker_raw		- Writes into this file writes binary data into the kernel buffer
  tracing_cpumask	- Limit which CPUs to trace
  instances		- Make sub-buffers with: mkdir instances/foo
			  Remove sub-buffer with rmdir
  trace_options		- Set format or modify how tracing happens
			  Disable an option by adding a suffix 'no' to the
			  option name
  saved_cmdlines_size	- echo command number in here to store comm-pid list
  uprobe_events		- Add/remove/show the userspace dynamic events
			  Write into this file to define/undefine new trace events.
	  accepts: event-definitions (one definition per line)
	   Format: p[:[/]]  []
	           r[maxactive][:[/]]  []
	    place: :
	     args: =fetcharg[:type]
	 fetcharg: %, @
, @[+|-], $stack, $stack, $retval, $comm type: s8/16/32/64, u8/16/32/64, x8/16/32/64, string, b@/ events/ - Directory containing all trace event subsystems: enable - Write 0/1 to enable/disable tracing of all events events// - Directory containing all trace events for : enable - Write 0/1 to enable/disable tracing of all events filter - If set, only events passing filter are traced events/// - Directory containing control files for : enable - Write 0/1 to enable/disable tracing of filter - If set, only events passing filter are traced trigger - If set, a command to perform when event is hit Format: [:count][if ] trigger: traceon, traceoff enable_event:: disable_event:: stacktrace example: echo traceoff > events/block/block_unplug/trigger echo traceoff:3 > events/block/block_unplug/trigger echo 'enable_event:kmem:kmalloc:3 if nr_rq > 1' > \ events/block/block_unplug/trigger The first disables tracing every time block_unplug is hit. The second disables tracing the first 3 times block_unplug is hit. The third enables the kmalloc event the first 3 times block_unplug is hit and has value of greater than 1 for the 'nr_rq' event field. Like function triggers, the counter is only decremented if it enabled or disabled tracing. To remove a trigger without a count: echo '! > //trigger To remove a trigger with a count: echo '!:0 > //trigger Filters can be ignored when removing a trigger.



××××:/sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events # ls
alarmtimer camera     dma_fence fib6         hid   kgsl            module          page_isolation      process_reclaim rmnet     sde_rotator task            vmscan    
almk       cfg80211   drm       filelock     i2c   kmem            msm_bus         pagefault           qdisc           rndis_ipa signal      thermal         wda       
android_fs cgroup     dwc3      filemap      iommu lmh             msm_low_power   pagemap             random          rpm       skb         thermal_virtual workqueue 
asoc       clk        emulation ftrace       ion   lowmemorykiller msm_pil_event   pdc                 ras             rpmh      smbus       timer           writeback 
binder     cma        enable    gadget       ipa   mdio            msm_vidc_events percpu              raw_syscalls    sched     sock        udp             xdp       
block      compaction exception gpio         ipi   mdss_pll        napi            perf_trace_counters rcu             scm       spi         ufs             xhci-hcd  
bpf        cpuhp      ext4      header_event irq   migrate         net             power               regmap          scsi      spmi        v4l2            
bridge     dfc        fib       header_page  jbd2  mmc             oom             printk              regulator       sde       swiotlb     vb2             


打开 signal trace:

××××:/ # echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/signal/enable
××××:/ # echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/tracing_on

获取 trace:

adb pull /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace trace.txt

查看/修改 trace buffer大小:

××××:/ # cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb
××××:/ # cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_total_size_kb

××××:/ # echo 2048 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb                                                                                                                       
××××:/ # cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_size_kb                                                                                                                               
××××:/ # cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/buffer_total_size_kb                                                                                                                         


打开binder相关 trace:

# echo 1 > /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/events/binder/enable
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/set_event

# cat /sys/kernel/debug/tracing/trace
# tracer: nop                                                                                                                                                                           
# entries-in-buffer/entries-written: 22004/22004   #P:8
#                              _-----=> irqs-off
#                             / _----=> need-resched
#                            | / _---=> hardirq/softirq
#                            || / _--=> preempt-depth
#                            ||| /     delay
#           TASK-PID   CPU#  ||||    TIMESTAMP  FUNCTION
#              | |       |   ||||       |         |
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582476: binder_ioctl: cmd=0xc0306201 arg=0x7ff5dca058
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582505: binder_command: cmd=0x40406300 BC_TRANSACTION
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582560: binder_transaction: transaction=388872 dest_node=11251 dest_proc=792 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x11 code=0x3
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582571: binder_update_page_range: proc=792 allocate=1 offset=0 size=4096
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582578: binder_alloc_lru_start: proc=792 page_index=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582583: binder_alloc_lru_end: proc=792 page_index=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582600: binder_transaction_alloc_buf: transaction=388872 data_size=80 offsets_size=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582718: binder_write_done: ret=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582727: binder_wait_for_work: proc_work=0 transaction_stack=0 thread_todo=1
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582739: binder_return: cmd=0x7206 BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582755: binder_read_done: ret=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [001] ....  4311.582762: binder_ioctl_done: ret=0
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.582971: binder_transaction_received: transaction=388872
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.582974: binder_return: cmd=0x80407202 BR_TRANSACTION
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.582991: binder_read_done: ret=0
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.582996: binder_ioctl_done: ret=0
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.583145: binder_ioctl: cmd=0xc0306201 arg=0x7e36fd4328
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.583150: binder_command: cmd=0x40086303 BC_FREE_BUFFER
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.583159: binder_transaction_buffer_release: transaction=388872 data_size=80 offsets_size=0
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.583169: binder_update_page_range: proc=792 allocate=0 offset=0 size=4096
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.583173: binder_free_lru_start: proc=792 page_index=0
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.583177: binder_free_lru_end: proc=792 page_index=0
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.583188: binder_write_done: ret=0
    Binder:792_3-1237  [001] ....  4311.583191: binder_wait_for_work: proc_work=1 transaction_stack=0 thread_todo=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598003: binder_ioctl: cmd=0xc0306201 arg=0x7ff5dca058
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598016: binder_command: cmd=0x40406300 BC_TRANSACTION
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598051: binder_transaction: transaction=388873 dest_node=11251 dest_proc=792 dest_thread=0 reply=0 flags=0x11 code=0x3
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598055: binder_update_page_range: proc=792 allocate=1 offset=0 size=4096
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598058: binder_alloc_lru_start: proc=792 page_index=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598060: binder_alloc_lru_end: proc=792 page_index=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598074: binder_transaction_alloc_buf: transaction=388873 data_size=80 offsets_size=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598118: binder_write_done: ret=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598122: binder_wait_for_work: proc_work=0 transaction_stack=0 thread_todo=1
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598127: binder_return: cmd=0x7206 BR_TRANSACTION_COMPLETE
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598138: binder_read_done: ret=0
 ndroid.systemui-2043  [000] ....  4311.598141: binder_ioctl_done: ret=0

