


// xlog.c
 * This must be called ONCE during postmaster or standalone-backend startup
	XLogCtlInsert *Insert;
	CheckPoint	checkPoint;
	bool		wasShutdown;
	bool		reachedStopPoint = false;
	bool		haveBackupLabel = false;
	bool		haveTblspcMap = false;
	XLogRecPtr	RecPtr,
	TimeLineID	EndOfLogTLI;
	TimeLineID	PrevTimeLineID;
	XLogRecord *record;
	TransactionId oldestActiveXID;
	bool		backupEndRequired = false;
	bool		backupFromStandby = false;
	DBState		dbstate_at_startup;
	XLogReaderState *xlogreader;
	XLogPageReadPrivate private;
	bool		fast_promoted = false;
	struct stat st;

该函数首先会扫描全 局信息控制文件(global/pg_control)读取系统的控制信息.

	 * Read control file and check XLOG status looks valid.
	 * Note: in most control paths, *ControlFile is already valid and we need
	 * not do ReadControlFile() here, but might as well do it to be sure.

然后扫描XLOG 0志目录的结构检测其 是否完整.

	 * Verify that pg_wal and pg_wal/archive_status exist.  In cases where
	 * someone has performed a copy for PITR, these directories may have been
	 * excluded and need to be re-created.


		 * When a backup_label file is present, we want to roll forward from
		 * the checkpoint it identifies, rather than using pg_control.
		record = ReadCheckpointRecord(xlogreader, checkPointLoc, 0, true);
		if (record != NULL)

接下来根据日志记录序列的偏序关系检测到系统是 否处于非正常状态下,若系统处于非正常状态,则触发恢复机制进行恢复。恢复完成后重新建立检 査点并初始化XlogCtl控制信息,然后启动事务提交日志以及相关辅助日志模块。


1) 日志文件中扫描到backup_label文件。

if (read_backup_label(&checkPointLoc, &backupEndRequired,

			 * When a backup_label file is present, we want to roll forward from
			 * the checkpoint it identifies, rather than using pg_control.
			record = ReadCheckpointRecord(xlogreader, checkPointLoc, 0, true);
			if (record != NULL)

2) 根据ControlFile记录的最新检査点读取不到日志记录。
3) 根据ControlFile记录的检査点与通过该记录找到的检査点日志中的Redo位置不一致。

在PostgreSQL系统中,日志建立的策略是采用改进的非静止检查点的Redo日志,恢复则是找 到最近的合法检査点然后做Redo操作。

1) 首先更新控制信息到ControlFile中。
2) 初始化日志恢复时所用的资源管理器。
3) 从检査点日志记录的REDO位置开始往后读取日志记录。
4) 根据日志记录的资源管理器号选择对应的RMGR,然后利用该RMGR做日志记录中所记录 的操作过程(REDO操作)。
. 5)重复步骤3和4的过程,直至读取不到日志记录。

在上述恢复流程中,第4步的REDO操作会针对不同的日志类型做不同的恢复操作,下面介绍 几种典型日志的恢复操作:
1) Database类型的日志操作。这种类型日志中没有备份块,可能的操作有Create/Drop。对于 Create操作,首先强制刷新所有缓冲区,然后将日志中记录的源DB目录拷贝到新DB目录即可。对于Drop操作,直接删除该数据库对应的缓冲区即可。
2) Heap类型的Redo操作。首先根据日志序列号(LSN)以及日志记录找出是否有备份块, 如果有则恢复备份块到Page中,并置页面为“脏”。然后根据日志标志位选择对应的操作,典型的 有INSERT/DELETE/UPDATE操作。对于这几种操作,首先判断该日志记录是否有备份块,如果有 则说明已恢复,直接返回即可;如果没有则需要读取日志重建HeapTuple。
3) B-Tree类型的Redo操作。Btree是一种较复杂的索引结构,涉及的操作有叶子节点的插入 操作,以及针对不同的位置(例如根节点、叶子节点、左右子树)节点的分割操作等,所以恢复 时根据标志信息确定做哪种类型的Redo操作。
4) Xlog类型的Redo操作。因为系统崩溃是不确定的,所以对于Xlog 日志的操作也需要有日志记录。Xlog类型的日志包括记录下一个可分配的OID,设置检査点等操作。恢复的时候比较简 单,将日志记录原信息拷贝出来即可。


// xlog.c
 * Total shared-memory state for XLOG.
typedef struct XLogCtlData
	XLogCtlInsert Insert;

	/* Protected by info_lck: */
	XLogwrtRqst LogwrtRqst;
	XLogRecPtr	RedoRecPtr;		/* a recent copy of Insert->RedoRecPtr */
	uint32		ckptXidEpoch;	/* nextXID & epoch of latest checkpoint */
	TransactionId ckptXid;
	XLogRecPtr	asyncXactLSN;	/* LSN of newest async commit/abort */
	XLogRecPtr	replicationSlotMinLSN;	/* oldest LSN needed by any slot */

	XLogSegNo	lastRemovedSegNo;	/* latest removed/recycled XLOG segment */

	/* Fake LSN counter, for unlogged relations. Protected by ulsn_lck. */
	XLogRecPtr	unloggedLSN;
	slock_t		ulsn_lck;

	/* Time and LSN of last xlog segment switch. Protected by WALWriteLock. */
	pg_time_t	lastSegSwitchTime;
	XLogRecPtr	lastSegSwitchLSN;

	 * Protected by info_lck and WALWriteLock (you must hold either lock to
	 * read it, but both to update)
	XLogwrtResult LogwrtResult;

	 * Latest initialized page in the cache (last byte position + 1).
	 * To change the identity of a buffer (and InitializedUpTo), you need to
	 * hold WALBufMappingLock.  To change the identity of a buffer that's
	 * still dirty, the old page needs to be written out first, and for that
	 * you need WALWriteLock, and you need to ensure that there are no
	 * in-progress insertions to the page by calling
	 * WaitXLogInsertionsToFinish().
	XLogRecPtr	InitializedUpTo;

	 * These values do not change after startup, although the pointed-to pages
	 * and xlblocks values certainly do.  xlblock values are protected by
	 * WALBufMappingLock.
	char	   *pages;			/* buffers for unwritten XLOG pages */
	XLogRecPtr *xlblocks;		/* 1st byte ptr-s + XLOG_BLCKSZ */
	int			XLogCacheBlck;	/* highest allocated xlog buffer index */

	 * Shared copy of ThisTimeLineID. Does not change after end-of-recovery.
	 * If we created a new timeline when the system was started up,
	 * PrevTimeLineID is the old timeline's ID that we forked off from.
	 * Otherwise it's equal to ThisTimeLineID.
	TimeLineID	ThisTimeLineID;
	TimeLineID	PrevTimeLineID;

	 * archiveCleanupCommand is read from recovery.conf but needs to be in
	 * shared memory so that the checkpointer process can access it.
	char		archiveCleanupCommand[MAXPGPATH];

	 * SharedRecoveryInProgress indicates if we're still in crash or archive
	 * recovery.  Protected by info_lck.
	bool		SharedRecoveryInProgress;

	 * SharedHotStandbyActive indicates if we're still in crash or archive
	 * recovery.  Protected by info_lck.
	bool		SharedHotStandbyActive;

	 * WalWriterSleeping indicates whether the WAL writer is currently in
	 * low-power mode (and hence should be nudged if an async commit occurs).
	 * Protected by info_lck.
	bool		WalWriterSleeping;

	 * recoveryWakeupLatch is used to wake up the startup process to continue
	 * WAL replay, if it is waiting for WAL to arrive or failover trigger file
	 * to appear.
	Latch		recoveryWakeupLatch;

	 * During recovery, we keep a copy of the latest checkpoint record here.
	 * lastCheckPointRecPtr points to start of checkpoint record and
	 * lastCheckPointEndPtr points to end+1 of checkpoint record.  Used by the
	 * checkpointer when it wants to create a restartpoint.
	 * Protected by info_lck.
	XLogRecPtr	lastCheckPointRecPtr;
	XLogRecPtr	lastCheckPointEndPtr;
	CheckPoint	lastCheckPoint;

	 * lastReplayedEndRecPtr points to end+1 of the last record successfully
	 * replayed. When we're currently replaying a record, ie. in a redo
	 * function, replayEndRecPtr points to the end+1 of the record being
	 * replayed, otherwise it's equal to lastReplayedEndRecPtr.
	XLogRecPtr	lastReplayedEndRecPtr;
	TimeLineID	lastReplayedTLI;
	XLogRecPtr	replayEndRecPtr;
	TimeLineID	replayEndTLI;
	/* timestamp of last COMMIT/ABORT record replayed (or being replayed) */
	TimestampTz recoveryLastXTime;

	 * timestamp of when we started replaying the current chunk of WAL data,
	 * only relevant for replication or archive recovery
	TimestampTz currentChunkStartTime;
	/* Are we requested to pause recovery? */
	bool		recoveryPause;

	 * lastFpwDisableRecPtr points to the start of the last replayed
	 * XLOG_FPW_CHANGE record that instructs full_page_writes is disabled.
	XLogRecPtr	lastFpwDisableRecPtr;

	slock_t		info_lck;		/* locks shared variables shown above */
} XLogCtlData;

然后继续调用StartupCLOG函数, StartupSUBTRANS函数和StartupMultiXact函数.

// clog.c
 * This must be called ONCE during postmaster or standalone-backend startup,
 * after StartupXLOG has initialized ShmemVariableCache->nextXid.
	TransactionId xid = ShmemVariableCache->nextXid;
	int			pageno = TransactionIdToPage(xid);

	LWLockAcquire(CLogControlLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	 * Initialize our idea of the latest page number.
	ClogCtl->shared->latest_page_number = pageno;

// subtrans.c
 * This must be called ONCE during postmaster or standalone-backend startup,
 * after StartupXLOG has initialized ShmemVariableCache->nextXid.
 * oldestActiveXID is the oldest XID of any prepared transaction, or nextXid
 * if there are none.
StartupSUBTRANS(TransactionId oldestActiveXID)
	int			startPage;
	int			endPage;

	 * Since we don't expect pg_subtrans to be valid across crashes, we
	 * initialize the currently-active page(s) to zeroes during startup.
	 * Whenever we advance into a new page, ExtendSUBTRANS will likewise zero
	 * the new page without regard to whatever was previously on disk.
	LWLockAcquire(SubtransControlLock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);

	startPage = TransactionIdToPage(oldestActiveXID);
	endPage = TransactionIdToPage(ShmemVariableCache->nextXid);

	while (startPage != endPage)
		(void) ZeroSUBTRANSPage(startPage);
		/* must account for wraparound */
		if (startPage > TransactionIdToPage(MaxTransactionId))
			startPage = 0;
	(void) ZeroSUBTRANSPage(startPage);

// multixact.c
 * This must be called ONCE during postmaster or standalone-backend startup.
 * StartupXLOG has already established nextMXact/nextOffset by calling
 * MultiXactSetNextMXact and/or MultiXactAdvanceNextMXact, and the oldestMulti
 * info from pg_control and/or MultiXactAdvanceOldest, but we haven't yet
 * replayed WAL.
	MultiXactId multi = MultiXactState->nextMXact;
	MultiXactOffset offset = MultiXactState->nextOffset;
	int			pageno;

	 * Initialize offset's idea of the latest page number.
	pageno = MultiXactIdToOffsetPage(multi);
	MultiXactOffsetCtl->shared->latest_page_number = pageno;

	 * Initialize member's idea of the latest page number.
	pageno = MXOffsetToMemberPage(offset);
	MultiXactMemberCtl->shared->latest_page_number = pageno;

完成事务提交日志及其他辅助日志模块的启动。如果根据系统日志检测到系统不需要恢复操作,那么将跳过恢复操作,然后完成事务提交 日志等相关模块的初始化。


7.11.5 XLOG日志管理器
