
19年1月的晨读主题是辅音的学习。英语学习打脸很多次了,归零做事,keep real。以下个人学习笔记为主,请多指教。

A consonant is a sound such as p,f,n,or t which you pronounce by stopping the air flowing freely through your mouth.



Hello,Diana?This is David.
What happened yesterday?I waited and waited for you. You forget our date,didn’t you?

1.连读t→d (Forget about it.)
2.爽约stand…up/ show up/no-show

Oh, the phone lines were damaged by the storm. They repaired them today.
Oh, And what did your sister Maddy do yesterday? Did she and her boyfriend go dancing?
No, they didn’t. They stayed home and played cards.And what did you do? >Did you play cards too?
No, Istudied and listened to CDs.And watched a DVD with Maddy.

play card(card=advantage)
play the XX card (You are playing the ‘I love you’/’I don’t have time’ card. )
put/lay cards on the table

What did you do for dinner?
I didn’t like making a big dinner, so I just heated up some frozen food.
What did you do yesterday,David?
I just told you, Diana. I tried to call you 20 times!

Gonna=going to
I am going to =I’m gonna
What are/do/have you=watcha


在多数发音中,带声成分并不贯穿发音的全过程。(please、safe/save、prove it)

Let’s go to the seashore on Satuiday.
Yes! Excellent!would you rather go sailing or waterskiing? Waterskiing is so exciting.
It’s also expensive,Stacy. Let’s just sit in the sun and go swimming instead.
Let’s stay over Saturday night and spend Sunday there,too. We could stay at the Six Star Hotel.
Be sensible,Sweetie. It’s too expensive.Let’s sleep outside instead.
Yes. Let’s sleep on the sand. That more exciting.

sail through (通过考试)
bask in the sun沐浴阳光
be sensible 理智点

This box smells funny,Liz.
There’s something written on it.
What does it say?
It says: This contains six mice.

1.Yikes!(It’s gross/disgusting. Ew…)
2.smells funny闻起来有点怪
smell fishy 可疑,不对劲

Oh, it does! I wonder what’s in this case, Liz. It’s making a buzzing noise.
These are bees!

1.these are
2.buzzed 喝多了,有点晕
3.no wonder 怪不得



Coming up next, on the Leisure Channel, the talk show I’s a Pleasure.
Tonight’s special guest is the author of Decisions, Decisions, the book that shows you how to make the best choices.
Then stay tuned for What’s the Occasion? at 6:30. Planning a party? What’s the Occasion?will show you how to make any occasion special.

occasion [əˈkeʒən]
stay tuned (stay walm/hungery)

At seven o’clock, be sure to watch the classic movie, Treasure Island-for action, adventure, and, of course, treasure!
On the nine o’clock news, find out about an unusual collision and other top news stories.
And at 10 o’clock, Trash to Treasure will show you how to make old furniture look fresh and new.
If you have trouble finding space in your garge for your car, don’t miss Measure Twice, at 10:30.This week’s project: organizing the garge.

Let’s trash each other. 相互伤害呀

At 11 o’clock, join Destination: Asia for a leisurely trip to Malaysia and Indonesia.
But don’t go to sleep yet! Our midnight movie tonight is Invasion of the Martians.
And now here’s the new...


/ tʃ /
“su” sound like "ru(入)"

Did you call about the job?
Which job?
The job managing the travel agency.

If you get the job, woulg you arrange travel for individuals? Or would you just do group tour packages?
Oh, I’d make all kinds of travel arranagements. They want someone who’s energetic and enjoys challenges.

Whole/total package 彻头彻尾地


year, ear 区分

It’s a beautiful view. I’ve traveled all over, and this is one of my very favorite places.
Yes, I love living here.
And I love visiting.

love 的o发音



dropped /h/:
1.was he(sound like “wuzzy”)
Was he hurt?
2.hit him

A vehicle hit him from behing.
Henry Harris- Hannah’s husband. He was in a car accident.
Oh, no! What happened?
He had an accident on his way home from work.
How awful? Was he hurt?
Yeah. He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance.
That’s horrible! How did it happen.
A vehicle hit him from behing. It happened about half a mile from his house.
How horrible! Is she still in the hospital?

Tell him that I love him.
What would you like?
Where do you live?



  1. 数字
  2. 词性变化(动词,z)
  3. 夸张

/ð /


  1. /ð ə/
    the one with the zipper
  2. /ð iy/
    the others

I’d like to buy that jacket in the window.
Well, there are three jackerts together in the window. Do you >want the one with the feather collar?
No. The other one. The leather one.


The one with the zipper?
No, not that one either. That one over there. The one that’s on sale.
Oh, that one.Now here’s another leather jacket that I think you’d like.

zip it 保密

But this one is more expensive than the one in the window.
It’s a better jacket than the other one. The leather is smoother.
I’d rather get the one in the window, though. I think one is better for cold weather.


thirtieth 不要漏掉e的发音

m/n/ ŋ 的发音

/ ŋ/
ban na
bang ge


/ l /

1. Dark I 和light L


Alermately,some people make this by pressing the tongue tip up against the bottom of the top front teeth.



2. will的缩略


3. L的连读:LA、LOL


/ r/

1.That’s another story.

I have to run now. I’m late for my train. But I’m really glad I ran into you.

I was born to a poor family.
born to
